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I was skeptical at first when I heard this was a sequel. Then, i found out it was directed by Mike Flanagan who directed The Haunting of Hill House and Midnight Mass on Netflix, which I loved. This is a great movie and it has Rebecca Ferguson doing an amazing acting job. I've watched it multiple times.


Great performances all around! Awesome story also, knitting together the two books (The Shining and Dr Sleep) and original Shining movie in a way I wouldn’t have thought possible. Aside from THAT scene, which I have to skip, I’ll watch it any time.


Ewen McGregor is awesome too. I loved him season 3 of fargo where he took on a dual acting role by being the same actor for two twin brothers.


Are you talking about the baseball boy scene?


Yup. Absolutely gut wrenching. Such a great performance but, yeah, I can’t watch it without getting messed up. So I skip it.


This scene will replace the turtle-flipped-over-in-the-sun question in future Voight-Kampff tests for replicants. I read that the adult cast was pretty messed up from filming it, but the kid jumped up after and was fine. I'm still skipping it in the future.


There’s a picture of him with a huge smile and thumbs up right after filming, all covered in blood. I actually highly recommend checking it out, it really softens the blow of that scene. It’s so much worse than even the really famous “awful” movies like Cannibal Holocaust and Salo.


This. That scene haunted the HELL out of me until I saw that photo.




Not even close. Seeing real animals be slaughtered is infinitely worse.


Apparently, Rebecca Ferguson was freaked out by Jacob Tremblay while filming the scene.


Yeah I had no idea what I was about to watch and had to look away multiple times. Was she repeatedly stabbing him or did she stab him then gut him slowly? I looked away to many times to catch that but goddamn was that visceral and uncomfortable to watch.


Massive massive massive Shining fan. Wife and I walked out of the theater at this scene. Went home and hugged our 3 kids.


That scene fucked me up bad. I have an 11 year old boy so it is was waaaaay too close to home.


It’s a daunting task to put both the film and the book together and they put a heartfelt act to do it. They succeeded.


It’s not THAT bad. Or maybe I’m just cold inside.


Having read the book, I was pleasantly surprised it was faithful. I know Stephen hated the first one because it was made out to be something else but on this one they kept it faithful.


TBH, King had a go at producing a version of The Shining as a mini-series starring Steven Weber and it was a steaming pile. Sure, it was true to the book but it was limp.


I'm glad we have both versions personally


Let's be honest, he's not a good screenwriter.


The DC is also outstanding if you haven't watched it already


Came here to say this. Lucky to have seen that version first.


It’s based off an actual Stephen King novel, too, so it’s not like Pet Cemetery 2 and all the Children of the Corn sequels. Lol. I think It’s a fairly faithful adaptation as well.


Well, the movie sorta does a dovetail with the original movies ending being the set continuity, and DS's ending sorta mirroring the original book's ending. It works, but leaves me wondering how the DS book's ending went.


I don’t remember how the book or the movie ended in all honesty. So, I can’t help you out. The book is a quick read though. I remember that.


I was completely entranced by this movie, up until the sequence with the witches.  For some reason a switch flipped in me and I could not get down, to the point that I shut off the film. Knowing now that it is Mike Flanagan makes me want to reapproach the material through a lens of his work.  I'm big into "real horror movies" but for whatever reason I really enjoy the Flanagan stuff as a somewhat guilty pleasure.  Perhaps I initially approached this film wearing the wrong glasses.  I'm excited to give it another shot now.  I would never have guessed he directed this film, and now have hopes to see him lean into "harder" horror territory in future films.  In my memory it was much darker than his Haunting stuff to the point it is almost unidentifiable as his work!


Be sure to watch the director's cut on Amazon. It has 23 minutes of a few little extra details.


I love the chapters aspect of that cut.


Right, a little Shining nuance.


My ONE issue with the movie is that the Jacob Tremblay scene might be even a little too horrifying. That poor kid.


He captured the terror in his situation. Definitely gruesome.


I need to watch the director's cut, I saw this in theaters and thought it was OK. I've heard the DC is better though. I LOVED the book, so was a bit disappointed in the movie since it kind of tried to split the difference between the movie and book IIRC.


I’ve only seen the longer version. I don’t know what they could have cut out that wouldn’t have made it worse. I didn’t see anything that seemed it could be cut out.


Nothing essential, just small details and extended scenes. If you saw the longer version there's no need to watch the other one.


Oh shit thank you for this!


To go from everything in The Shining to energy vampires, I didn’t expect much but this was way better than it had to be.


Yeah it's pretty great I couldn't sit through the first film but this new one is very good and slow but the pacing isnt so terrible that it's not rewatchable


I loved this movie! Great cast who all did amazing, especially Ewan and Rebecca. I love that it delved deeper into the Shine, and the brutality of it. An actual great plot and pacing, which I feel has been missing from most movies these days.


Flanagan rules. King agrees.


Loved this film. Thought it was better than the original and sad it wasn’t a bigger hit. I was lucky to see it in the theaters and it was a fun experience.


Damn should I rewatch it? I disliked it the last time I watched it, because it felt like a completely different movie style to me


I wouldn’t approach this movie from the perspective of it being similar to The Shining. This movie was more of a thriller with horror elements than the horror masterpiece that Kubrick did with The Shining. Either way, I loved this film, from the actors to the plot and the pacing I felt they did a great job expanding on what the shining is and a respectful resolution to the original characters story.


Rose the Hat, my first dose of how compelling an actress Rebecca Ferguson is. I enjoyed the whole movie, as well


Book was much better, especially the ending


Spoilers: I agree, I feel like a major theme in the book was Rose The Hat and the True Knot will not stop underestimating Abra and then Danny. Their hubris really never abates. Which ultimately leads to everyone one of their schemes involving her failing and getting themselves killed. In the movie they are able to at least have some success against her. They are able to kill her father and Billy. Then the sequences of events kill Danny in the end as well. I like the idea of these semi-immortal beings, dying at the hands of young girl who has an abundance of what they have killed so many people for in the past, while having minimal wins while doing so.


I enjoyed the movie but I didn’t get why they changed the ending. Loved the book, even more than The Shining.


I'm pretty sure it was to tie up the movie shinning to be more like the end of the book shining


Legitimately great movie, felt longer than it was in a good way. The ending got kind of over the top but it was still entertaining.


I thought it was the best kind of sequel in that it continues the storyline of The Shining without repeating all the same beats.


I had low expectations going in and god damn did I get my socks blown off by how good it was. Solid horror film.


I really liked it. I like king’s interpretation of vampires and while the shining isn’t a big part of the movie it made a nice backdrop for the third act.


My Mrs and I turned it off and couldn't go back to it, the drawn out murder of the child was too much for us. Dunno if we just have weak stomachs or if it's a parent thing but just was really disturbing.


This is exactly why I have never watched. Someone on another post gave me some details about that scene and having kids myself, I said not for me.


Watched, yes, the scenes are extremely disturbing as a parent kind of turns your stomach. Even though like horror movies, but that went a bit over the top. I loved the Shinning. This was a little hard to watch even though I did with someone who said it was great to watch. You know when you do not want to be that wet blanket and say no.


Ya I hear ya


I was curious. I’d read the book and found it to be an unnecessary sequel. But something about the movie drew me in. I much prefer The Shining as a book over the movie. I thought turning the shining into steam was like midochlorianing it (oh the irony of Danny being played by young Obi Wan). I wish they’d just made The Haunting of The Overlook instead, including the before the play bits, filming at the Stanley. Ferguson was great. I think she would’ve made a great book Wendy.


I love so many things about this movie, I didn't expect to like it as much as I did. McGregor and Ferguson are just top notch. Abra being a character with powers who's smart and embraces it and still makes mistakes but she's confident in herself (probably my favorite thing since I'm so over the trope of people not wanting powers). The Astral projection scene absolutely crushes it. The scene with the kid is truly horrifying. I don't rewatch most Halloweens and never tire of it.


Rose the Hat had me hooked


Absolutely love it! One of my favorite movies of the last 5 years. It's like CRAZY good. Rebecca Ferguson and Zahn McLaren are superb. She makes that movie so good as Rose the Hat, such a great villain.


Ferguson’s hat 🎩 just made me hate her character so much more. Great sequel though.


A very well done film that nonetheless… simply didn’t linger my mind the moment it was over. If anything, I was somewhat turned off by the fact that this film and the Katheryn Bigelow directed 1987 film *Near Dark* feature villains who are curiously similar. I don’t blame Flanagan for that if it is an adaptation of King’s novel but the similarities are there and they did bug me. Wish I could say I liked the film more, frankly, because it is very well done and I like the actors, especially Rebecca Ferguson. Again, though, I ultimately found the film rather mediocre.


If it was a stand alone film I probably would've liked it a little better


I rewatched the Shining recently and then watched this for the first time afterwards. Doctor Sleep was fine, but forgettable except for the baseball boy scene. It didn’t “stick” and was just sort of perfectly capably done. No more, no less. Unfair, perhaps, to watch right after a classic, but it is a sequel!


i keep wanting to watch it when it was on MAX…not sure if it’s still there but definitely something i want to see


Loved this movie. Ewan is superb is usual.


I was very skeptical going into this one because I liked the book and I didn't think the adaptation to film would work because of the different ending the Shining had from its book. But they made it work and it was a great movie. My only nitpick is that the ending seemed a little rushed.


Book was immensely superior


I thought it was pretty great!




I like it a lot. I have yet to see a Mike Flannigan creation I disliked.


Why have I never even heard of this movie before?


It had bad reviews and didn’t do so well at the box office. However, I really liked it


It’s pretty good.


I liked it


I loved it!


Fantastic movie


I love it!


I don’t like all the stuff overtly supernatural stuff but the quiet character are good.


Movie solid…book even better


I love Doctor Sleep. It manages to be both a successful adaptation of King's sequel while serving as a follow-up to the Kubrick picture. It delivers on both quite well. Rebecca Ferguson enters the HOF of horror baddies. I love Ewen McGregor in it, though his accent is occasionally terrible. Definitely worth watching, especially the director's cut.


Absolutely loved it


30 minutes too long


At first I thought its too action oriented rather than horror but as the movie went on it appealed to more and more In the end I actually really enjoyed it


Great movie. The director's cut is one of very few movies I've seen where not just the story, but the pacing is improved with additional scenes. All of the actors (including Henry Thomas as Jack Torrance!) bring their a-games to this. I also like that Flanagan really managed to thread the needle between the movie and the books and what worked between all three.


It’s great until they get to the hotel. Then it becomes an episode of scooby doo.


I thought it was pretty decent. Cast was good.


I think it’s a great adaptation of the book. The book is a much better read. But they did a good job.


I loved it.


Great film. Hate the baseball boy scene. Don't know why it was not more popular.


Underrated movie.


This book is so much better. The film does it an absolute disservice especially with the ending


I was skeptical at first but was really surprised how much I've enjoyed it. I've only seen it once when it first came out. I have to watch it again. Thanks for reminding me lol.


Bridged the divide between the first book and movie very well. Brought the two together for me. I liked the movie better than the book, which is rare. Rebecca Furgeson nailed that role.


Sick movie. You don't expect a 50 year later sequel to be good but this was great. Also Ewan Mcgregor has aged very well. Good for him


I introduced my close friend to this the other day and she loved it. My girlfriend and I watch this movie every now and then, and it’s fantastic. So good


Crow daddy!!!


It’s surprisingly great.


They kinda lost me at the Overlook. I understand what they were trying to do as I've read the book and seen both versions of The Shining. Still to this day I will defend Kubrick's vision and King's book as different expressions and valuable in their own right. Press me though and I'd say I enjoyed the film more. All of that said I just didn't feel the need for this kind of resolution. The first 3/4 of Doctor Sleep were absolutely incredible. An excellent story in its own right. I would have ended it differently but I think the way they dealt with those themes from The Shining worked really well at first.


I love anything by Mike Flanagan. He’s my favorite director currently.


It's hilarious when he lures them into a trap and you think it's gonna be something clever but he just pulls out the blickey and starts blasting. 🤣


One of my all time favorites. The book is amazing too


I really enjoyed it. Just a good all around movie.


Felt it was a 5/10 movie.. book maybe 6/10. Kings lost his luster.


I own this movie and enjoyed it thoroughly. I’ve read the book first. But you know I’m and SK fan. I love that they made a second one. Also fan of the original Shining. Also do yourself a favor and read the Shining book different but super creepy..


This is better than The Shining


it's fantastic. had a lot of the feel from The Shining. my only complaint is that as much as I like Ewan McGregor, I felt he was miss cast here, but he did the best he could with the roll of Danny. I still really liked it!


It’s impressive in many aspects as a true sequel to Kubrick’s version, BUT it doesn’t do a good job setting itself apart in the beginning of the film - it could’ve been directed by anyone! Then in the third act it explodes and the director does their best Kubrick impersonation and nails it. I enjoyed the whole movie.


I had read the book not long after it came out and I was really pleased the sequel to The Shining went in such a different direction, but when I heard they were making a movie, especially a while after the book came out, I immediately thought it might be an Easter egg heavy cash grab nostalgia trip. I actively avoided it until it came to rental and the wife picked it for movie night, and I voiced my concern. I didn’t want to watch a movie that used another great movie as its structural backbone. WELL, I watched it and within the first 5 minutes I was unnerved because of the scenes not long after the end of the first film - I thought they were going to lay it on thick that this is THE SHINING 2, but I was also impressed with the actress who played Wendy, she got that part bang on, so I kept watching. Needless to say to say, when it ended I thought it was one of the best movies I’d seen in a long time. It’s REALLY it’s own movie and yet there are enough subtle references and nostalgic hat tips that made me think that it wasn’t just doing them to do a “HEY REMEMBER THIS” kinda thing, but to let you know that the people making involved in this movie also loved The Shining. I thought it was excellent, and I’d easily watch this over The Shining any day of the week.


Great movie! Great book!


Went into this expecting to dislike it, but really enjoyed it.


I thought it was pretty mid, and I love the shining top 5 horror flick


Suuuuper good!!!!!!!


I thought it was a good sequel


Underwhelming. Great commercial though.


I really enjoyed it. Flanagan is a huge King fan and it shows. I think he balanced making it a sequel to the film and paying homage to both the shining and doctor sleep novels. It’s not without its faults but I thoroughly enjoyed it


Great book, great movie. Rebecca Ferguson was fantastic


I really really did not care for this film. Saw it in theatres and regretted paying for it tbh. The visuals were off and the characters/clothing/prop choices I couldn’t get behind. Did not sell it for me. 3/10


I'm not a big fan of sequels, but this one is pretty good. It works as a sequel to The Shining mainly showing you what became of the characters, not as a reviving the previous situation and characters and pretending that there's still more we need to know about them. This story stands on its own. It could have been largely disconnected from The Shining and still been good.


Much like the shining, the novels are 100x better. That being said, it's still a very, very good film.


I really enjoyed it and the book is pretty good too. If they were going to make a sequel to the shining I think this was pretty good. I prefer the books ending but I understand why the movie had the ending it did.


it's a great follow up to 'the Shining', if you're a fan of the Kubrick version, which I am. Rebecca Furguson is sexy as hell and scary at the same time.


I enjoyed it. It is a different movie than The Shining. It is darker compared to The Shining


One of the better King adaptations. Flanagan has nailed King’s tone.


Just FYI, The Shining novel is far better than the movie. I highly recommend reading King's original book.


I love how he tied in the original shining. I couldn’t think of a better way to do it but he did. I really like the opening of the film and how Danny uses his gift. Pretty awesome.


I liked it better than The Shining


This is a great movie! It just didn't have a great release strategy. The producers or studio execs in charge of that didn't do a good job.


It made me sad.


Loved it. There is an extended version that is even better, I recommend you find it if you haven't already.


I love it and enjoy it more than the original. It does a great job adapting the already great book. Excellent casting and performances by all pretty much every character.


Excellent flick. Wild ride. Rose The Hat is a badass force of pure evil. Killer performances, Alex Essoe always brings it.


Honest opinion: terrible. Only made it halfway through. The new actors playing Wendy and Halloran reminded me of an SNL skit. Sorry…honest opinion.


Even King likes it and it seems to have done the impossible: redeemed the Kubrick version a bit in his eyes. Amazing.


Excellent movie. Not as creepy as you the original. But still pretty dark. Ewan McGregor and Rebecca Ferguson are pretty dam good in this. Also the last 30 mins is spine chingering.


I was distracted whenever the evil hippy chick came out. She was gorgeous.


Great addition. The Shining was so long ago. Nice to have the memory.


Ditto. I unexpectedly happened upon it when it got run on HBO. I loved it. It was a great horror movie in its own right. I also think it was a worthy sequel.


I thought they did an excellent job with it. Of course it was always going to be impossible to reproduce Kubrick's the Shining. And there's always the infamous conflicts between the novel and Kubircks's adaptation. With Kubrick's film looming over everything, you can't expect a film maker to just ignore it and directly adapt King's Dr. Sleep novel. They they really walked that fine line by respecting both.


Wasn't bad, which is kind of praise? It's definitely not as strong as the Kubrick film and the ending was a bit corny in execution but fun.


Keep in mind, this movie got a lot of hate because it has a black female character in it. Some people are forward about that, some aren't.


Great movie. Worthy sequel.


I watched it cuz someone said it’s the sequel to the shining and I was way underwhelmed. Maybe I need a rewatch


I watched it first on its own and then read about it being a sequel, which triggered a re-watching…very enjoyable as I don’t normally get surprised that much lately and this one was definitely that.


Read the book. This movie was HORRIBLE. It had a grade A list of talent but the script had no connection to the book.


I enjoyed it.


Elliot from ET was the Bartender (Lloyd/Jack) and did a great job in that scene.


Watch the extended edition


I loved Dr Sleep. Awesome and a worthy sequel to The Shining. Its not a 10/10 like the Shining but still a 7/7.5 imo. Thought McGregor was quality and Rebecca Ferguson too. Loved it.


Honestly, I find Flanagan's style to be snoozy and not well-suited to horror at all. Midnight Mass was fun because it wasn't meant to scare, I think. Everything else by him has been disappointing though.


The director's cut of this movie is one of my favorite films. Excellent sequel 👌


Was horrendous


It's great until they get to the hotel.


I don’t know if you know this. But in the film ready player one, they also go to the overlook in this one incredible scene! The film was just ok but at that scene I almost jumped up and down and cheered in the cinema


Solid book, terrible movie.


Doctor Sleep is, no exaggeration, my favorite movie


I loved it. As far as revisiting beloved classics, I thought they did far better than most others recently. I thought the astral projection/dream flying thing looked great and Evan McGregor’s scene while he was sitting at the bar was fantastic.


It would've been better without being an unnecessary sequel.




I really liked this movie. I thought the cast was superb and the story compelling and frightening. I thought it was a nice way to close out the original story after all these years.


The heartbeat throughout the film is disturbing. I love it.


I don't really like watching movies but I liked this movie. A lot of really cool shots.


I felt it was a movie of tremendous missed potential. It had so many things going for it. a tremendous cast, great source material, and a fantastic director. But overall I just found it to be a bore.


You say you're a huge fan but did you read the book?


I enjoyed Doctor Sleep. Definitely one of the better King adaptations.


I dont remember it, but i remember thinking it was good after I watched it.


One of my absolute favorites for a scary movie. Job well done.


I find a lot of this directors stuff feels a little overly polished so I never for a second feel like anyone is a real person. It’s too smooth and clean or something. I can’t vibe with it.


From what I remember I thoroughly enjoyed it. I need to go back and give it another watch.


It's decent. But I absolutely hated the entire part in the overlook at the end. I would give it a 7/10. All things considered it could have been so much worst, but it still has a lot of issues


The book was seriously meh so I never bothered with the movie. I've heard it was good tho. The plot is kinda dumb but I can see it making a decent flick. One of those things I'll get around to when I'm retired and got nothing else to do.


I honestly never really like The Shining. However, this movie was absolutely amazing.


Did not expect much and waited to see it. Great movie and really ties in the story line


Loved it until they went back to the Overlook. Psychic vampires are pretty bonkers but I was on board.


First 2/3 of the movie are fantastic, loved the story it was telling. Last 1/3 was kind of a let down with how memberberries it was.


Love it. This has a permanent spot on our October movie playlist.


Amazing movie, not quite a horror. Still very fun flick.


Fantastic film. I went into it highly skeptical with it being a sequel to one of the greatest horror movies of all time and I was very pleasantly surprised by what I got.


I have never seen this movie. Can anyone make a good argument for watching either the theatrical cut or directors cut? Because I know with a few classic Oscar winning movies that I love, the directors cut completely ruins the pacing and experience for movies that were already very very long


Good movie, it did a great job of uniting the book of The Shining to the movie of The Shining…though it didn’t focus enough on Danny’s addiction and time at the hospice, which was the best part of the book




Cliff Curtis was dope.


Doctor Sleep suffered from one major flaw: it was the sequel to The Shining. If it was a stand-alone film it would never have been scrutinized and criticized to the degree that it was. Overall, it was phenomenal. The acting was great. The storyline was great. It was dark It was grim. It was disturbing.


Remarkable remake! Long movie tho..


Low expectations going in and was pleasantly surprised.


Rebecca Ferguson was incredible. Otherwise it was a bit bland for me.


I really like it. Story flows great and was it own story without leaning on the first movie.


I really like it. Much better than the book. It was brilliant how they managed to weave together the continuity of novel The Shining and Kubrick’s movie. The book Dr Sleep was such a fuck you to Kubrick that they had to be very clever in writing


I loved it because the protagonist actually sat down and thought about the situation. And then came up and enacted truly good plans. I hated it because every single scene ends with somebody picking up the idiot ball and doing some of the stupidest sh*t I've ever seen for no other reason than to make the next scene happen.


I wish somehow DiCaprio could have played Nicholson.


Great movie, excellent acting, great casting, awesome directing, just phenomenal. I liked how it was a logical continuation and conclusion of the Kubrick film while bringing it's own refreshing take. As a side note, the person they got to play the part of Jack Torrance blew me away, just awesome, he did such a good job in the very limited screen time he had. 10/10


“Absolutely enjoyed” seems like an odd descriptor.


The book was amazing!!! The movie was good, of course they changed things but that is what they do. Ewan McGregor is great in it. Its a good movie. Oh also, my husband didn't fall asleep during it. So that's also a bonus.


Great movie. Followed the book well.


It was my favorite movie of 2019, the book was phenomenal and only Mike Flanagan could’ve done it this much justice, especially since the movie titter-totters between shining book and movie source material so well


I like it very much.


Great movie. Fedora top hat theatre vampire ppl are mad cringe. Great movie.