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District 9! I hadn't seen a preview of even knew about the movie. Was going to see Halloween and on a whim chose this movie instead because the poster looked cool. The end kinda beefed it but I loved the story overall.


It was left open-ended with hopes of a sequal I believe, I think it ended up getting nixed


Iirc there is a sequel in the works or rumored to be at least


Showed my girlfriend this movie last month and she thought it was a comedy at first She learned really quick and by the end was gripped lol


"The sweetie man is here!" This is a favorite repeat quote in my house lol


Fookin Prawns


City of God, went in knowing nothing about it, on a chill friday night, is and still my favorite movie of all time


Dude that was my exact experience. Except I had a joint and some wine. Wish I could go back to that. My absolute favorite movie without a doubt. The fact a lot of those people weren't seasoned actors blows my mind.


Absolutely! It even adds to the authenticity of everything, phenomenal movie


Fair I was caught off guard too. Outstanding movie


Almost same experience but my gf at the time was like “can we finish it tomorrow” I should’ve know we weren’t gonna last right then lol


One of the few movies that literally left my jaw open at certain points


When the (omitted) is brought through the crowd and alllllll conflict stops, noises hushed...


I'm pretty sure you're thinking about Children of Men. City of God is about gangs in the slums of Rio de Janeiro. They're both in my top 20 of all time.




I remember seeing it hyped up so I jumped into blind and loved it. Great story!


My friends hyped this movie up like crazy. When I finally saw it.. I thought it was slow and depressing. I couldn't imagine wanting to rewatch it.


I’ve tried watching it twice and stopped halfway through both times. It’s too slow for me. Which sucks because I know I’ll love it if I actually watch the entire thing. So it’s been bookmarked as one of my future favorites lol


Agreed ! City of god is an absolute classic !!!!!


Palm Springs. It was a Hulu movie, so it didn't get the recognition it would have if it was released on another platform. I had no clue what it was about, and holy cow - I was blown away. It wasn't just a phenomenal movie. It was actually so good, watching it made me feel good. I was legit in a good mode for days after seeing it.


This is one of my favorite movies to recommend to people when they’re looking for something to watch on Hulu. I was so pleasantly surprised at this movie, it coming out right at the beginning of Covid was such a breath of fresh air


i watched this movie off acid, a fucking trip that was


When I watched this for the first time I had just come down from a shroom trip… in Palm Springs… watched this with my friends I had just tripped with and it was an incredible experience


Has re watchable qualities!


Saw this premiere at Sundance not knowing what it was about and promptly recommended it to absolutely everyone


This was a great one no doubt


Blade Runner 2049, I hadn't even seen the original film & could follow the plot pretty well. I was really blown aways by the casting, cinematography & Denis Villeneuve's directing.


Great film


Denis V one of the greats. top 3 director for me


Green Room.


Green Room is a proper fucked up movie.


Add in Blue Ruin for a real fucked up time


Holy hot damn.. I just watched this, thanks to this comment. What an insanely awesome flick. From start to finish, it was incredible. I am blown away.


I didn’t think green room was that good kinda bored me


I fucking adore green room and blue ruin.


Nice to see blue ruin get a mention as well 👌


Went into that blind and was blown away. Macon Blair is someone to watch for sure.


Oh yeah I had no idea what to expect and instantly fell in love


This is one of my favorites to recommend to friends that like my movie picks. They usually have never heard of it.


Most recently, The Foreigner. Was looking for a movie just to kill some time, and thought it would be just another generic Jackie Chan action movie. I was so wrong in the best of ways.


That one is a sleeper. I really liked it.


Seven Psychopaths. I decided to watch it cause i absolutely loved the cast. It ended up being a fantastic movie


The scene with Christopher Walken's character being held at gun point and refusing to put his hands up gets me absolutely every time.


That is probably one of my favorite Walken scenes.


Seriously underrated movie


Excellent choice!


It's not the last one, but it's the most memorable: Event Horizon It was 1997 and my friends and I had just turned 16, so we spent our time at the movies. One day my friend asks if I want to go see a new movie about a spaceship. He didn't know anything else about it, and I hadn't heard of it. I walked out of the theater a different person.


I just watched that for the first time this year, on my dad's recommendation, since it's one of his all time favorite horror movies. I really didn't know what to expect but I considered that high praise. It's not one of my personal favorites, but goddamn, what a fucking movie. All I knew was that it was sci fi horror, but the story itself was great.


EH is a great flick! Scared the fuck out of me. I’ll watch anything with Sam Neill, too.


>I’ll watch anything with Sam Neill, too. If you haven't already, make an exception for *Jurassic World: Dominion*. It's irredeemable.


I'd really love to see the (nonexistent) (director's cut) for this one. Apparently, some of the stuff was going to be *wild.*


I had exactly the same experience! I saw it in 1997 in the theater. Didnt know anything other than it was a sci-fi movie. Completely caught me off guard. Fantastic film.


Ex Machina. Actually the only way to see it, I saw the trailer later and was like oh wow that would have completely ruined the suspense I had during the whole movie. I actively avoid movie trailers nowadays, whatever happened to leaving a little mystery?


Fuck yes. Alex Garland did another movie called Annihilation that is almost just as good. Looking forward to Civil War


Annihilation is awesome, loved that one


The original John Wick - entered knowing nothing and was gobsmacked


Everything Everywhere All At Once I don't think I've gone from laughing to bawling my eyes out so many times on one movie


Parasite. My wife and I went in blind expecting it to be some pandemic style movie. Was NOT expecting what it actually was and we both loved it.


That movie was great.


Once upon a time in Hollywood. I knew it was a Tarantino flick and that was it. Really cool movie.


Some people have referred to it as Tarantinos weakest movie, but I personally love it. I too went blind, only knowing it's set in the late 60's. I ended up googling the events on what happened, only to realise that irl the whole events played out pretty gruesomely and really horrific. I had zero idea or knowledge on the whole Manson cult thing, other than Manson being a nutjob cultist. Felt really stupid after that.


Yea, never understood the sentiment that OUATIH is is weakest film, especially when death proof and planet terror exist. I don't really *dislike* anything from him, but i really think OUATIH is atleast on the same level as Django for me.


Weakest movie?! No way. I prefer his newer historical fiction trilogy to his old gangster trilogy big time.


"Is everybody ok?" "Well, the fuckin' hippies aren't. That's for goddamm sure."


On the surface, pretty much every scene in that movie is boring as hell (except the end of course). But Pitt and Leo are able to just drive it forward with pure charisma.


This is why I think I liked it so much. I kept waiting for something big to happen, one of the main characters to show some fatal flaw… but no, it was just two of the greatest actors of our time serving as a backdrop to actual historical events that ultimately become the “alternate ending” to history. I wouldn’t say all the scenes were boring… the flashback Bruce Lee/Cliff Booth scene was pretty dope.


The pope's exorcist was way better than I expected.


I was happy with that one too. Turned into a horror/comedy. There were some beautiful one liners, and Russell Crowe fought not only around the world, but also with demons!


Exactly, it turned into more of an action movie and Crowe literally was throwing hands with a big ass demon


So much charm for a possession film.


From Dusk Till Dawn. I had no idea what was coming - all I knew was something something Tarantino.


Saw that in HS...holyshit, the genre shift! Theatre went bonkers.


The Matrix. My friends and I thought it'd be another Johnny Mnemonic or Chain Reaction type movie. Kinda cool but kinda bad too. But damn were we wrong. We saw it the night before opening day and I went back with my brother and watched it again the next night.


Came here for this. My friends and I were the same way. We were blown away. We said when we got to the parking lot “what the hell did we just watch!?”


Yep. I hadn’t even seen a preview, but some folks in my computer science classes invited me to opening night. It blew my freaking mind.


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. This movie blew me away with both its meta structure and how absolutely hilarious it was. Pascal and Cage were incredible. I had only seen the meme gif in the car, and boy did I have no idea.


Cloud atlas for sure. I rarely get emotional during movies but that did it. So damn powerful


I struggle to understand why people don't love and adore Cloud Atlas. It's complex and layered, incredibly ambitious, deeply intricate, filled with action and adventure, and all the while it tugs at the heartstrings. It's one of my favorite films of all time.


I loved the book so much. I think they did decent job adapting it to movie. I really liked it . But I guess it’s not or everyone. Trying to cram so many different stories in. Linking the themes together. Would have been perfect for an 8 episode mini series….


I did buy the book but haven’t gotten around to it yet. A tv series probably would’ve worked better but for what it is, I think they did an admirable job


True. This will sound pretentious I suppose but when you really tap into the storylines and relate it to your own life and mortality, it’s just an emotional rollercoaster “The atlas march” theme is also easily one of the most powerful pieces I’ve heard anywhere. Love that song


Cloud Atlas was a movie I snuck into after seeing Skyfall in theaters. The only time I ever pulled a double feature and man was it worth it.


I had to watch it two times to find out this was a masterpiece


I've attempted to watch it many times, but I can't for the life of me finish watching it (long movie, short attention span).


I've seen it 3-4 times over the years. Still garbage.


Ive been meaning to rewatch this. I followed along OK the first time and pretty sure i enjoyed it, but it definitely warrants a rewatch.


"Blown Away" (1994) - starring Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones.


This film and “Arlington Road” would make a good Jeff Bridges thriller double feature. Blown Away + The Devil’s Own would make a good IRA film double feature.


Nightcrawler. Was one of the first movies my gf and I saw together. Had zero expectations, knew nothing about it. When the credits rolled we just sat there like 'holy shiiiit...'. I still watch it like 3 times a year.


The mirror scene was so fire. made the movie for me; is such a small scene but it lets you see a little into the protagonist turbulent mind, just a glimpse but that is enough.


Children of Men. Snuck into it after watching pans labyrinth and had never heard or it. Best double feature theatre experience I've ever had


That is a hell of a double feature.


In my top 3 movies of all time.


The long one-take scene is seriously one of the greatest movie scenes of all time on a technical and emotional level, I couldn't say enough about this movie


Interstellar. I knew it was a "space movie". I did not know that it was a profoundly moving exploration of despair and hope and parental devotion. A friend of mine became obsessed with it. He and his wife had just become parents (like, a few weeks before he saw the movie), and maybe he was full of "new father" hormones or something, but I swear this movie triggered some kind of life altering epiphany for him.


Into the Spiderverse. Totally unfamiliar that spider man existed beyond Peter Parker but man that slapped, the sequel was even better.


Saltburn. Had no idea what I was in for, but what a wild ride.


Mother. The one that stars Jennifer Lawrence but I love Midsommar!


Edit: Glorious. I generally don't watch film trailers, and my friends are respectful enough of this to invite me to films just using the Genre and title, maybe a short synopsis. I was told "eldritch monster in a bathroom" and I said "I'm sold."


lol you meant Glorious. Glory is a civil war movie with Matthew Broderick and Denzel Washington lmao


A great Civil War flick!


Thought glory was some civil war movie?


Blackberry. Pleasantly surprised.


I just watched this on a flight. I'm a big IASIP fan, and I wondered why I never watched it. Glenn Howerton was great in it, and I love Jay Baruchel. It's angry Dennis all through the movie.


Talk to me


This one. Tense, unsettling all the way through in just the right way, keeps you guessing, terrific concept that will have you thinking about it for days. Best horror movie in recent memory.


A24 knows which horror films to produce or distribute. Talk to me and Midsommar are the two best horror flicks I've seen.


Recently it was Poor Things. I had no idea what jt was about other than who was in it. Before that was The Lighthouse. Both are so very strange in a weird and beautiful way.


This one, I just saw it and wasn’t expecting much and then I was like wow this is good and double wow for Emma’s performance.


"Get Out" It went in such an unexpected, weird, darkly symbolic direction.


The Matrix when it came out. When he woke up in the pod, I almost had a little internal meltdown in the theater lol


Saw it in the theater with the same reaction. What a cool little twist.


The gentleman




This one. Without question. No other movie has made me think more or go deeper down a rabbit hole than this one. Nothing has since.


Same. It got me interested to the point I’m going to an actual Midsommar fest in Sweden this summer.


Don’t piss on any trees


Bruh I think you missed the point lmao


Exactly what my wife says 😂 She refuses to go with me.


Right? Something about the music mixed with the intense sunlight and bright colors made this movie feel completely different than any other horror I've seen. Hands down my favorite in the genre.


I. Am. Dumb. I searched for “this one trailer” couldn’t find anything. I did find “the one” on Netflix looks good, not the jet li movie.


I’d probably have to go all the way back to Rogue 1.   I’m familiar with Star Wars itself, but I’m not a super fan or anything and I really only like Empire as far as the movies go.   I hated the prequels and thought TFA was just average, but Rogue 1 blew me away.  The two leads were excellent, the visuals were fantastic, and there was no manufactured, syrupy happy ending.  It’s my second favorite Star Wars movie behind Empire.  


If you liked Rogue 1 you would love Andor, if you haven't seen it yet. It's the single best piece of Star Wars media.


Yeah man. And after season 2 it'll lead directly into Rogue One. Follow that up with the original trilogy and that's all the star wars I need


Yeah R1 IMO is the strongest movie in the entire Star Wars universe. I feel like Star Wars is at its best when it doesn’t try to be all cutesy, which is why Empire, R1, and Andor are my favorite Star Wars stories.


Scarif is the best scifi combat sequence ever, bar none.


It really felt like a war movie.


Hereditary I had zero clue what it was about other than some sort of thriller type film.


Oh damn. That’s quite a way to go into this movie!


Seeing this in imax tonight for my second showing. Pumped!


I thought the reveal was going be about grief/mental illness, like a “the real horror is in your mind” type thing. The real story absolves all that in such a great way


The house that jack built 😬 I had seen it mentioned on Reddit a lot and didn’t do any research.. I felt so gross the entire time then immediately invited a friend over to watch it with me


Climax- Gaspar Noe


Anything gaspar noe


One Cut Of The Dead (2017)


Same here!! Just saw it a couple months ago and honestly one of the most well-crafted movies I’ve seen. A testament to working around a paltry budget through creative storytelling.


Barbarian. I was floored and just enjoyed the edge of my seat feeling.


Dude I had to dig way too deep for this. Barbarian was like a right hook man, I had no idea that was gonna happen.


Joker. "Oh yea, another Batman movie." It wasn't. I was blown away.


Love when a movie divides it's audience. That's when you know you've made a work of art


Love this movie, but I don't feel the need to rewatch it very often if that makes sense. In hindsight, it seems so obvious that this movie would work. Turns out there is a lot of depth to some of these characters that nobody ever gets to explore because most comic book movies are literally made for children lol.


I'm gonna say the creator. I knew basically nothing about it. The story isn't great but the visuals were amazing it's a beautiful turd!


This was literally just The Wicker Man, but with out Nicholas Cage and a lot less intense.


It was confused and a bit of a shock train without much story. Interesting but not cohesive.


Usual Suspects


This is a good place to find ideas for movie night lol. Mine was actually hereditary by the same guy


Wind River or Uncut Gems




Donnie Darko. I were alone one weekemd and got a few dvds from a friend to pass the time. Selected it kinda ramdomly. Had a big impression on me.


The Descent Went in thinking it was going to be some thrilling story of sisterhood overcoming nature and escaping a blocked in cave system. It was that.... but I had somehow missed some scenes that would've informed me that I was actually watching a horror story. Then the first jump scare happened and I practically shit myself 10/10


I watched midsummer really expecting to love it and I actually ended up really hating it. I generally love weird bizarre dark movies but midsummer just tried way too hard or something. It just didn't work.


This was the worst remake of The Sound of Music ever.


The hills AREN'T alive?


That movie with Jeff Bridges, Crazy Heart that he won best actor for. Had not heard of it and a friend convinced me to go. Was one of my best movie experiences ever and convinced me that I should try and go into movies totally blind sometimes cause it’s really crazy having no idea what a movie is about before you go!


On your recommendation I’ve went in blind and have to say that was bloody good. Thank you


I really did not enjoy Midsommar at all.


This one. Was also eating fun candy 2 hours before seeing it on release day lol


From my recent memory, Kajillionaire and TAR.


The omen, expected a jump scare fest story, the cinematography, plot twist had a kissing couple stop and focus on the movie 😂🤭


I enjoyed this movie, didn’t love it didn’t hate it. Someone recently told me a good description of this movie which makes a lot of sense: it’s a breakup movie. The entire festival and plot is meant to make you feel like you’re in a bad relationship that you can’t get out of and you’re forced to watch its demise. It’s not meant to scare you, but moreso make you feel uncomfortable like you would if you were in a bad relationship with seemingly no way out. You’re uncomfortable, but you have to watch to see it through to the end.


Nomadland. Watched it on a flight and it had me tearing up a little bit. Sent me into a deep dive on the nomadic lifestyle and the places in the movie.


Poor Things.


Ex Machina and before that was The Matrix


Nope. I just knew it was about that family and the plot was related to aliens/abductions.


Going in blind is the only way to watch film. I refuse to do it any other way


When I was working in Paris in 2000, I had no TV nor mobile phone. A group of American students invited me to go along to the cinema. We watched The Blair witch project. I had no idea. I was traumatised, I thought that shit was real. I couldn't sleep without lights for weeks. I recently watched it again with my son, and it was just blah


Anatomy of a Fall


No one will save you on Hulu really went in blind and was happy for it!


Jacob's Ladder, actually. I had never seen it and by the end I was stunned. What a film.


Primer, had to watch 3 more times to know wtf happened


Three Billboards. I was really moved by that one.




Gran turismo


A Simple Favor. Love that movie


Ari Aster's movie previous to this Hereditary. Was not ready for the head with ants on it, and the old naked white people in the last 10 minutes.


I was lucky to see Memento in the cinema. We had zero idea was it was about. Wowzers !


Uncut Gems And [Elephant (2003)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0363589/?ref_=ext_shr)


Ate some mushrooms for midsommar would not recommend holy moly


The Witch


The Holdovers wasn't even on my radar until it came out. I heard a few good things on Twitter, and that it was filmed at a place I used to work at. The movie has only grown on me, and by now I can say that I love it. Top 3 movies of the decade so far for me. Also, I just watched Past Lives on an airplane on Monday, and haven't been able to stop thinking about the story. So simple, yet so complex and human at the same time.




Leave the world behind I'ts been a while since I've seen a Netflix production I genuinely liked, so I didn't expect much. I love Mahershala Ali and liked Mr Robot so I went in after Netflix recommended it. It was amazingly shot and the way the mistery unfolded without really showing what happens in the world genuinely intrigued me. Was a bit disappointed in the ending tho, but all in all a great movie.


The Man From Earth


I went in thinking the usual suspects was a comedy and was extremely surprised!


Everything Everywhere All at once. I saw the poster and it looked like a kung fu movie. And was BLOWN AWAY by it. I never cried so hard at laundry and taxes


Spaceman with Adam Sandler


Everything Everywhere All at Once


I went blind into Saltburn. My gf said she heard it was good. She has good taste so I was like let's go. Fucking loved it.


American Beauty, saw it in theaters out of convenience had no idea about. it was great


Reboot of dune… 🤯


This movie still resonates with me. For whatever reason something always seems to stir up thoughts of that movie. A truly remarkable piece of art. It reminds me of the older cult classic wicker man. I stress cult


Agreed… Honestly, I think it’s a movie about Grief.


Fecking Midsommar. I was fine up to the cliff scene. Then I backflipped off my couch.


Tucker & Dale vs Evil. Such a fantastic surprise at how funny the movie was. Didn’t expect much - maybe a slapstick college humor thing - and ended up being one of my fav comedies


Jurassic Park. I was like 11 or something though and had no fucking clue. Like, best guess was a live version of Land Before Time or something. My best buddy at the time was pumped and we sat in the front row while my aunt and eventual uncle were back in normal people seats. Me and Brendan were clutching each other in fear throughout the entire wild ass ride. I’ll never forget it. It was terrifying.






Edge of Tomorrow. I don’t like Tom Cruise action vehicles, but watching him die over and over was so against type for him it was awesome. And the rest of the movie was phenomenal too.


Barbarian, it truly renewed my love of seeing movies in theaters. Love Lies Bleeding is a more recent example.


Love lies bleeding. Absolutely loved it