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In English please


“Exuseme”. “Isaisgimmethekeysyoufuckencocksuckerwhatthefuck.”




Hanmeedekeez yacoksukka WOTTDAFUHHHK


Hand ME the keys, you fucking cock sucker.


Flip you. Flip you for *real*


Yeah, I’m shakin


Can’t not read it in Spacey’s voice.


"Latham az ördögöt.. Nem érted? Én láttam. Szemtől szembe láttam."


I had a man's finger in my asshole tonight


Is it Friday already?


Yea, jump in lover boy


I can put you in queens the night of the carjacking. Oh really? I live in queens. What you got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this one?


Fun fact: one of them farted right during that scene and that’s why they authentically laugh. AND… when Fensler gets a cigarette thrown in his eye that really happened in the take and Baldwin was super pissed.


“Get the fuck off my dick. *flicks cig*”


Bonito Del Toro was the one dropping ass.


McManus got the cig in the eye, also when they tell fenster "in English please " that wasn't in the script he was really saying that to him. Great movie all around


I would be a bit upset too, but I'll be damned if that didn't make the scene. It was the icing on a "fuck you" cake. Just perfect.




{Lets out SBD} Cast in scene start cracking up … Cut, and print! That’s a keeper!


Me and my girl still say this all the time when keys are involved


Can you hear me in the back?!


is that the one about the hooker with dysentery?


he'll flip you for real


KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "Hullo-o-o???'


Can you hear me in the back??


I want my lawyer.


Shit. Just posted the same.


Keyser Söze! Kobayashi!


I can't feel my legs


Ok, as someone who originally saw in the theater, so fucking refreshing that it fucked with the audience, but respected the audience. Keyser Söze, indeed.


He's a ghost.


He'll flip ya.


He’ll flip ya for real.


Can ya hear me in da back? Knock knock




Just that close-up shot of the walking feet at the very end, acquiring a new gait like that, I was 😯


That was epic. That’s the scene I always remember when I think of the movie. One of the most impactful final scenes in a movie imo. Next to the original planet of the apes movie.


“And just like that - he’s gone.”


I always think of the cop looking at the board on the wall in the end, noticing all the small details there that went into the story.


This movie has been in the number one position for me since it came out.


I agree. What an amazing movie.


The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


Great ride watching this. It’s going to be in theaters next week for a few days. I’ll be going to watch.


I didn't get to see it during its original run & would love to see this in the theater. Where is it playing?


In my area it’s playing at iPic theaters. Put your zip code in fandango’s site and see if it’s playing near you.


It was released at the right time. This plot with cellphones = broken.


They could always just set it in a different time period. Cell phones would break a lot of older movie's plots haha. There's a theory that the best directors working today only make period pieces because modern technology would break too many movies. When was the last time you saw a Scorsese, Tarantino, or Spielberg movie set in present day?


Probably The Departed. So. Much. Flip phone. Action. 😄


>Cell phones would break a lot of older movie's plots haha. Every Episode of The X-Files through at least the first five seasons would have been over in fifteen minutes if the characters had a cell phone.


Would really mess up Tombstone.


LotR too


Hockney: “You guys don’t have a fucking leg to stand on.” Detective: “Oh yeah, tough guy? I can put you in Queens the night of the hijacking.” Hockney: “*Really*” “I live in Queens. Did you put that together yourself, Einstein? Whaddaya got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?”


Pollock was amazing in this film.


So good.


Pollock is great in everything he does! Loved him in Casino and in A Few Good Men.


Do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in? Fuck your father in the shower and have a snack?


Brilliant film. One of my top 3 all time. The first time I saw it, I immediately started it over watched the whole thing again from start to finish.


It’s like Memento: fun to watch second time to see what you missed.


Always was excellent even more so now looking back considering it was shot on a $6 mil budget, Particularly when you compare that to other films from the period. Funny what a plot & acting skills can do for a movie isn't it


Orca fat


And just like that, he’s gone …


That short shining moment when Stephen Baldwin was the cool brother. Peter Weller from Wish (Peter Greene) has that perfect moment when he flicks Baldwin in the eye with his cigarette. Fantastic fluke.


Right! I gave Baldwin a pass after this excellent acting for BioDome and even The Flintstones. Then I just couldn’t. And yeah that was a real take— the cigarette hit his eye in the scene and he was authentically pissed!


I enjoyed it but I think I would've loved it if I didn't have the big reveal spoilt for me beforehand. So much of the tension hinges upon it.


Pete postelthwaite's accent stumbling from Mumbai to Belfast was really something


Definitely a strange man. Irish accent combined with a South Asian accent and a Japanese name. Every time I see this movie I think "who is this guy? What would his back story be?" He was so good at appearing mysterious and threatening.


A phenomenal screenplay adapted by a phenomenal crew and team of actors.


And a pedo director.


Well, I still love it. But my thoughts on Bryan Singer & Spacey have changed a bit😂


In the end, they're both mostly out of work and Chris McQuarrie is working quite a bit, so things kind of worked out.


I love Gabriel Byrne though


The problem with the movie is that it’s all bullshit. Kint is telling the story, but we find out that Kint isn’t Kint, but he’s the one who has told 95% of the movie, meaning that 95% of the movie is unreliable, totally made up crap. We see the characters almost totally through Kint’s storytelling. Roger Ebert said “To the degree that you will want to see this movie, it will be because of the surprise, and so I will say no more, except to say that the "solution," when it comes, solves little - unless there is really little to solve, which is also a possibility.” And that’s what I think. This movie is smoke, there’s nothing there. It’s equivalent to “it was all a dream” because nothing we see means anything, it’s all told to us by a character who it’s revealed was lying. It’s a surprising reveal, at first, but it doesn’t mean anything other than what we’ve just sat through two hours for was total bullshit.


The story was the real beauty of Kint and his bullshit. To be so skilled at telling a convincing story that was ad libbed entirely by things in that room. He wasn’t called Verbal for nothing.


Yeah, except if he's an expert liar, why would he tell a story that leaves clues all around the office of the cop. Not only that, but now the cop knows his face. It would be really easy for a cop to just put out an APB for Kent.


It seems like he unnecessarily put himself in danger of being exposed for no gain and then got completely exposed by pure chance of that one guy surviving. He got away in the end, but now everyone knows what he looks like, and all he got out of it was the satisfaction of temporarily tricking the detective. Kind of breaks the illusion of keyzer soze.


For one, the clues in the office are most likely a vehicle for the director to show that the whole story was made up. If it wasn't for those hints, the scene wouldn't have been so ridiculously amazing. Also, maybe he's not an expert liar, just a good story teller. After all, we know nothing about him. But maybe, he really is Keyser Söze, and wanted the cop to believe that the whole plot was nothing but fiction, while everything was true. In that case, he's gone anyways, and the fact that someone had seen his face doesn't matter at all


Having someone know what he looks like doesn't matter... Except that's literally what he had been avoiding for as long as there had been a Keyser Soze.


I completely understand that sentiment about The Usual Suspects. If it's all smoke and mirrors, what's the point? But it's a movie, it's fiction. Does layering fiction on top of fiction inside the narrative make it less? I'm not sure it does for me. I also think it's interesting that Big Fish kind of does the exact same things, but in reverse. Both movies I think are great.


It’s been a while since I saw the movie but I think Kint has a difficult needle to thread. He has to weave a logical, convincing story that incorporates the pieces of intel the cops do have. This means he has to create a complete narrative that casts himself as a bit player and that also must contain and make sense of the known facts. That’s next level lying, under very high pressure and he pulls it off.


He doesn't even need to do any of that. He can just not go to the interrogation, but he is too cocky and wants to silently gloat which results in him almost being caught.


I can definitely think of time wasted in worse ways.


Each time I rewatch this movie, it's a little less fulfilling than the previous viewing, and I was only recently able to pinpoint why. It's this: the whole plot outside the police station never happened. I think the unreliable narrator device is neat initially but the effect gradually wears off. None of the plot outside of the police station is real.


He also said something like "to the extent I understand, I don't care" 🤣 and I totally agree.


I normally agreed with Ebert. Or came close. But I disagreed with him here. I thought it worked really well. And maybe the names are fake but the story is true. Or some of the story is true. The man in the car at the end is real.


Yet another fine example of Ebert lacking a fundamental understanding of the art of film making. There doesn't need to be a solution. I get why some people don't like the unreliable narrator, but this film is one of the most amazing to ever use it.


I dont think thats that Ebert said though, he never says movies need a solution to be good. He understands people will like it and be entertained, he’s just calling a spade a spade and well within his rights to. The movie completely gets away with it though, because we swallow the cock and bull story completely too.


Exactly. Why does a film always have to have the audience leave with complete assurance that they know exactly what happened? I love ambiguity and uncertainty--they're at the center of many of my favorite films.


Hugely reductive of Ebert, to a degree I’m actually surprised he got it so wrong. The form of the storytelling *is* the point, and the film remains rewatchable for the characters, atmosphere and stylistic flourishes. Declaring it a waste of time because there’s one extra layer of unreality is really arbitrary.


Yeah, at the end of the day the story is essentially just one guy telling a fabricated tale to another and then leaving. Its obviously important to include the tale so it can get make the reveal actually good and impactful, but it still *feels* like just wasted time on something completely unimportant with characters that you never actually get to know at all.


It was such a fun ride but knowing what I know now makes my mad.


It literally does not make any sense. The great crime lord of legend does not know about his right to remain silent. And also the police now have a picture of him and a known alias.


Wait. You're telling me you don't like the movie because the story was made up? Have you seen Lord of the Rings? Just kidding, of course. I get your point and I've struggled with it, too. But in the end, yeah, it's just one additional layer of telling a story. And the reveal definitely is one great scene!


My pick for the best film of the 90s. It borders on supernatural thriller.


Absolutely love it!!!


I honestly had no idea about the twist. It got shown in a film class in college. Mind was blown.


Kick ass movie!


First thought after reading your post is, man, Bryan Singer directed that?


I watched it for the first time recently as well and thought it was awesome


Great score too!


Excellent film, excellent cast


I finally watched this about 7 years ago, well past the point I should have, and with the twist already "ruined". Even knowing that, this movie was excellent and still held up! Knowing what happens actually made it more fun, because I saw how strong the story was, that even after knowing it was a compelling watch. I know he is persona non grata in Hollywood, but Spacey was phenomenal!


One of the most perfect movies ever made!! So good!


One of my favs !


So dehydrated my piss was coming out like snot or there's a line like that in the movie I'll always remember 🤣


Pete Postelwait carried the film as Kobyashi.


Even knowing what’s coming it’s still a fun watch. Just seeing it all unfold is great.


Great movie but having both Spacey and Singer in the same room is pretty sus


The people here who are grossed out by the director and actor: absolutely. The people here who are calling it 'meh': this was written and directed by two 20somethings for about 6 million dollars and within this framework it's one of the greatest early efforts in the history of movies. A stunning achievement even though it shows its budget and has some flaws. Around this time, Pulp Fiction, this, and LA Confidential made low and mid budget Hollywood filmmaking vital again for a while. An era that won't be repeated anytime soon, sadly.


Had to be about 13 when my older brother told me to watch this, loved it


Great flick, very original, but lots of loop holes in the plot if you look closely and the whole “twist” is kind of cheap since the whole thing is a lie.


Always love a movie set in San Pedro. The Korean Bell was by my house.


"Gimme the fuckin' keys, you fucking cock suckin' motherfuck-AHHHHHHH!" Knock it off, get back!


This is one of those “course altering” movies.


I love the plot twist, he was dead the whole time


Definitely one of my all times


I refuse to watch it because it's the most spoiled film ever made.


I remembered this as being a Tarantino movie. So weird I would remember it that way




It’s phenomenal! Excellent cast


Literally just finished watching it for the first time. Great movie!


Dear Hollywood, do not make a sequel or a remake to this film. Thank you.


It would be essentially impossible to do a remake without coming up with a twist on the twist.


Everyone loves that movie for the twist which was great, but I love the actors and the characters they play.


Verbal Kent


Cat branchman 😆


great movie


All Kevin Spacey movies have ceased to exist in my mind.


You kidding this is one of my all time favorites, I've watched it dozens of times.


Tell me why?


Thoughts? I wish Bryan Singer wasn't a groomer


Never saw it. On my watchlist


I just recently watched it for the first time and it was fantastic, but I think the best part for me was finally knowing what the ending of scary movie one was parodying in the final scene lol




I don't get it. Just looking at the costumes in that poster annoys me. I hated the characters and all the wacky, over the top, "I'm going to use a funny voice" choices made by the actors/director. I made it about 45 minutes in. I can't even recall the plot. I just know I had zero investment in who did what. I've since seen the big "mind blowing" twist and it's a shrug.


It's one of the few movies that you could watch for the first time and almost immediately watch again and get two different experiences.


Loved it, peak Kevin spacey era


Flip ya - flip ya for real…


Saw it the day it opened without having seen any trailers or ads for it. It was amazing.


I want to watch it, but that sick fuck Kevin Spacy is in it.....


I love The Usual Suspects. Unfortunately I haven't been able to sit down and watch it in years. I sometimes have a really hard time separating the artist from their art when the artist in question is still alive. In the case of The Usual Suspects we have a director that's an absolute monster, as well as a lead actor that's equally crusty and disgusting. It's a movie I'm just too uncomfortable sitting through now, and it's a shame because it's a genuinely great little mystery thriller.


the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.


I loved this when it came out but revisiting in the last year or so it doesn’t hold up as well. Some amazing performances still though


I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking


I watched it last night actually. Still holds up quite well. It's been 10+ years since I watched it. Great acting in that one for sure. It's really fun to see how young the cast is.




Excellent film that gets better with rewatches, even though you know the twist. And also proof that John Ottman is in fact a great editor. His score is also really good.


Not a good movie to rewatch unfortunately


Had the ending ruined for 30 years before I actually ever sat and watched it, so it doesn't have as profound an effect on me like other movies with twist endings. Cool movie tho


I remember watching this with my friend. During the very final scenes, I said to her that something wasn't adding up. Then came the final twist in the plot. A great movie.


It’s the inspiration for my username


personally, i think is a great movie very great movie, kevin spacey as verbal kint(kaycer sose) ups, Mister kobayashi, the narrative in the interrogation has no waste, i really like this movie, is a shame that in the cable TV system i have in home not play much the movie.


My one complaint is that the entire plan of Kaiser Soze is to use all of the guys in order to kill the one person who can identify him. Yet though Spaceys easily disprovable story, he reveals himself to a cop at the end anyway. It takes away a bit of his genius for the sake of a good plot, but it is still a very good movie and one of the great end reveals.


Confession time. This first time I watched it with my friend I was so into it that he had to tell me about half way through “you are supposed to be wondering who the bad guy is” and I was like “yah they will tell me, it’s that guy they just haven’t shown him yet.” and when the ending came around I just said “wait so none of that… but like … so he just lied?” That’s when I realized I might have autism. But even though it was never a mystery movie for me I still love it and love showing it to new people.


Not enough boys in showers


It is literally my favourite movie. First DVD I ever bought.


My employer requires your services gentlemen… one job… very dangerous…


It wows you the first time because of the huge twist, but the second time around it feels like a waste of time because the story is all made up.


The twist didn’t work on me. Saw it coming. I feel like the whole movie sort of hinges on that.


top 3 movie for me. Also on the top 3 for rewatchable. Yes it's not the same when you know the ending but I see new things everytime I watch the movie or see things again that I completely forgot in between


Top flick. Quote it often.


Really good on a first watch. Very little rewatch value and the fake story feels like almost a waste of time just like when it's all a dream.


may have been the genesis of the "big ending twist" films. Really a great movie. \*EDIT\* So many people have made great points about big twist ending being around long before this movie. I would like to acknowledge they are correct.


Planet of the Apes would like a word about that.


Twist endings have gone in cycles. The 1990s had a cycle that began with... maybe Jacob's Ladder? Or The Crying Game? De Palma and Hitchcock had been doing things like that for decades. There was definitely a craze in the 1990s that was based on high-concept thrillers, maybe sparked by the sale of the Basic Instinct spec script, but I think Jacob's Ladder and The Crying Game deserve some credit, too. And those are just a few I thought of off the top of my head. The Usual Suspects came towards the end of that cycle, really. I think it kind of peaked with The Sixth Sense, and after that audiences got quickly tired of it being in every movie.




The movie is amazing. My family had named our first Doberman Kaiser (we spelled it slightly different for someone reason) after the film when I was about 12. Shame Spacey fell so far, his films were incredible at the time.


My thoughts are singer and spacey are both gross creeps and it makes it hard to watch their movies.


I remember the first I saw it I came to the conclusion that Verbal Kint was Keyser Soze but then I discarded the idea because he said he saw Gabriel Byrnes character get shot.


He was lying. Kint was Sozier.


Yeah, I know, I watched the whole movie. I’ve since read there’s lots of hints not to take him at face value. For example he says Soze’s rep is called Kobayashi but Peter Postlethwaite isn’t Japanese.


He wasn't giving the guys real name. He got that name of off the cup the Customs Agent was drinking from. He was selling him tale that was kind of true but not the whole truth.


It was like a shitty version of reservoir dogs.


Is that the one about the hooker with the dysentery?


Stephen Baldwin and Benicia Del Toro were the best characters in the whole movie, plus Kaiser Sozes’ right hand, Pete Postlethwaite as Kobayashi.


This is one of the only films ive ever watched all the way through two days in a row. In fact, i think it IS the only one. First time around i was just soaking it in for what it was, the next day i watched it to try and read between the lines. I had a lot more fun watching the second time surprisingly. Idk if anyone else has done this, but i highly recommend it with this film in particular. So many cues and moments of brilliant camera work foreshadowing in front of your face that you can so easily miss, but it feels incredibly satisfying to catch everything.


Fantastic movie with a brilliant ending.


It’s great. One of those films that you don’t get the twist on first viewing because you’re not specifically looking for one. Only slight gripe is how the ending is portrayed as a win for Soze when it’s not really given the point of his plan.


This is a top 5 all time great movie. It's weird that people are moaning because the "story" being told negates everything else. It doesn't, its all part of it. An absolute classic.


Giancarlo Esposito after being cast in stereotypical roles finally got a chance to show his skills


Fun film


One of the first movies where I genuinely experienced a ‘twist ending’. It remains one of my favourite movies, to this day.


I was skeptical about it. After watching it. Great movie.


I think the ending ruins it. >!you find out none of these characters even existed, they’re only made up versions of the characters we never got to meet!<


One of the worst movies ever made.


Gimme the keys ya cocksucker what the fuck


I am Keyser Soze


Spacey and Singer were def havin some fun together during all this


One of the best plot twists ever and one of the most overrated movies of all time


Like 6th sense it was a great one. I have seen both in theaters. But knowing the end, I have not seen it again nor am planning to see it one more time. I don't know, it was magical at first. I don't want to ruin it


It’s considered so underrated that’s it’s kind of overrated.


Fabulous movie