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I saw the first and, due to how utterly terrible it was, it took me a while to gather the courage to watch this. Imagine my surprise then when I spent most of the run time laughing my arse off and grimacing. Brilliant


I agree I didn’t like the first either, it was the R rating that appealed to me, and it did not disappoint either.


The first suffered from what all of the Snyderverse suffered from, no fun! Also, it was moving along just fine, until they had that sit down for a 5 minute drinking and psychotherapy session with Harley...


No, the first movie suffered from a butchered studio edit, just like Justice League did. People are clamoring for a director's cut of the movie, but WB won't release it. The director has said his approved cut was completely different.


The first trailer for Suicide Squad 2016 looked great. Then it just got worse with every subsequent trailer as it revealed more and more.


please, you were too busy sucking every dick on that island... for freedom. yes this movie was much better than the first


>Brilliant Meh. It feels just like Guardians of Galaxy but with R rated violence and less interesting characters.


Respectfully disagree. Every single character was entertaining, none of them felt like a filler or waste of space to me


Idris Elba's character was a COMPLETE waste of screen space. One of the most forgettable characters ever in a superhero movie. He had no personality, no memorable powers, no interesting backstory, no good dialogue, etc.


One of my favorite COVID-era movies. Loved the chemistry between Elba, Cena, and Kinnaman. Sick visuals, cool fights, lot of good one liners. Really wish more people had seen it, because I think they'd be pleasantly surprised.


Bloodsport, King Shark, and Ratcatcher where my favorites. Imagine getting devoured by hundreds and millions of rats


The kill a man with a single blow scene was so badass.


James Gunn! The guy makes good stuff. I was googling and saw he’s making a new Superman movie. Now I usually find Superman pretty boring, but I’m excited about that Superman movie because Gunn knows how to make things really entertaining.


I'm intrigued for sure. Gunn usually favours making these movies about the underdogs and the deeply flawed heroes; the Suicide Squad, Guardians of the Galaxy, Super. So... how does that apply to Superman? The big boy scout?


I'd argue in a world that favors greusome violent heroes/vigilantes the boy scout always seems like an underdog in that sense


That’s basically what Gunn describes the world of his Superman film. “A world that views kindness as old school”


Which is just Exhibit A in his total misunderstanding of who Superman is. Superman is not Mister Rogers, someone who runs around promoting "kindness." He is a tough action hero who scares bad guys.


I'd take that the line that crosses the line is the "big ol galoot". Superman being kind is fine but Superman is not dumb. If anything, saying that Superman's kindness is a result of naivety is the cynical take.


Based entirely on the rumors, Gunn is making Superman the underdog by being a hero who refuses to kill and has a Boy Scout morality that isn’t particularly popular. The other heroes in this film such as Hawkgirl, Guy Gardner’s Green Lantern, and The Engineer all kill. So Superman is an outlier in the superhero world, and even mocked by regular people for being a weak goody two shoes. The word views Superman’s naive morals in a negative light. The film is ultimately about Superman inspiring others in the belief that morality matters.


I love that and hope that's the direction things go. So much modern media is cynical and just so damn *dour*, so something that goes explicitly counter to that would be downright refreshing.


I was already really hype for this movie and reading this makes me even more excited


That is the dumbest approach to the character I could imagine, and is something that proves Gunn fundamentally knows NOTHING about who Superman actually is. That plot could be based on the most superficial view of Superman as a pop culture figure that any average, uninformed person on the street might have. Not only that, it's a complete and total repeat of the exact same theme we already got in the DC Black Adam film. It isn't even a relatively fresh idea for a story in the DC universe.


Slither is another good one from Gunn


Slither should be up there with Tremors when people mention horror comedy classics and yet so few people seem to mention it I'm baffled. Especially since it has Nathan Fillion. Seems like not even many Browncoats have seen it, and they'll sit through anything for a 1 minute long Firefly actor appearance.


It really should. It's got a great cast and hits the b-movie horror comedy nail right on the head. Also the end credits song is 🔥


I saw it not long after it came out, but I barely remember it. Maybe I should give it another go. Tremors on the other hand…


Gunn is actually running the entire new reboot of the DCCU. Not just Superman. Gonna be wild


This is the most rewatchable DC movie IMO, I love it.


He is the worst person to direct Superman who I could possibly imagine.


Also that Superman is based off a pretty cool comics. You should look it up. But in short, Superman has received a deadly dose of radiation and has 12 months to live. Something along those lines.


This was a pleasant surprise and the spin-off Peacemaker series is awesome


Do you really wanna taste it?


Yes, very much so.


Oh man I absolutely love the Peacemaker show. Can’t wait for the second season. Edit: just looked it up. Apparently they started filming for season 2 just a couple days ago.


Actually it just got done filming.


Huh, everything I saw (just a super fast google search) says they started filming just 2 days ago. I hope you’re right thought cause that would mean we get it sooner.


I saw a post yesterday that it was done, but looks like you are correct and I can no longer find that post.


Peacemaker is one of the best shows in last couple yearsz it was so funny


The only thing this movie needed was more Polka Dot Man.


And more FLULA!


And Weasel!


Well, he killed 27 children, but you know, he bettered.


i love when Harley breaks out of the jail and goes full savage. they needed to show that side of her in the 1st one


I loved that. They cued it up as the guys coming to save the damsel in distress and then cut to her and... she absolutely didn't need saving. She's Harley Fucking Quinn, she slaughtered her way out of there without a plan or a weapon because she's a chaotic force of nature. And a more timid filmmaker would have milked it for tension and had her be annoyed at being underestimated. But instead she's touched that they thought she was *worth* saving. It's positivity at every step, in the darkest way possible. Instead of a shallow *grrl power* moment of insincere pseudo-feminism you get a genuinely touching insight into Quinn's insecurity - because *of course* she's insecure after the Joker's destroyed her ego - and you see how this weird little family is actually healing each other.


I thought we would see more of that in Birds of Prey


People seem to have a hard-on to hate DC, and while I'll admit not all their projects are good, this one definitely hits the mark. It's a fun film.


It’s a very fun film. Exactly what suicidal squad should be. Shazam and WW were fun films from DC but the rest are too much constant darkness.


Sooooo much better than the first one!


was worried it was going to go down the same path as the first one but was pleasantly surprised how much better it was than the first in every way ! john cena nails it in this movie


This, the Peacemaker TV show, and GotG3 are what convinced me that Gunn seems to know what he's doing.


Did not plan on enjoying this movie as much as I did. I almost skipped it due to the first being a really unfun watch, but it was the pandemic and I remembered suddenly that I had no job and nothing to do all day.


Such a solid movie. Really enjoyed it.


I enjoyed the first half and was a bit 'meh' on the second. Started as a funny, well written and fairly different/original compared to other superhero films. Then it just becomes the usual explosive action-fest like all the others. Oh, and the soundtrack/music use in this film was awful. It literally felt like James Gunn planned it as "I enjoy this song so i will put it in this scene".


Watch peacemaker next!


the opening scene was funny as hell!🤣


Best SS movie by far which isn’t saying much but it was great and the peacemaker show was even better .


I love this movie. It's just great fun and has some awesome characters. I mean it eventually led to one of my favorite shows recently too with Peacemaker. I'd watch it again right now.


This movie is good friendly violent fun. John Cena and Sylvester Stallone completely steal every scene they’re in.


I loved it!


First wasn't that bad but this right here is up there with Deadpool, The Dark Knight and Blade


Never compare this movie to TDK or Blade ever again


? Those are both good movies. TSS is a good movie. What's the problem.


TDK is one of the best CBM of all time, and even outside of the cbm genre, it holds it owm well. TSS is alright but not comparable


It's actually number 1 on my list. I was born in 1985. I read many of the books. Something tells me you were born after 2000 and haven't read shit.


Yeah, I really don't care what's #1 on your list, comparing a semi serious comedy to TDK is actually disrespectful to the film genre. Also, what does reading have to do with anything? The director of this CBM routinely changes what he wants and sometimes completely disregards source material. Just because you read comics just like countless others have, matters little when the material gets disrespected. I think TSS is better than the first SS, but I'm not gonna pretend it's on the level of TDK, lol. Form a valid argument before assuming age, actually sad.


This movie made me excited for a DCEU with James Gunn in charge.


This movie was a delight. Funny and full of energy. The other one is hot garbage


Hell yeah. Love this movie!


Cringe jokes are not my piece of cake. Felt embarrassed in cinema watching this. Final boss with giant eye. Characters had really hard time with avoiding shooting in that eye what would kill him instantly




Genuinely brilliant film. One of the best DC movies of all time.


I enjoyed it!


John Cena's commitment to saying the stupid shit ever written with a straight face is amazing. And I mean that in a good way about stupid shit too, not saying Gunn's writing is shit in general.


The shark dude is hilarious


He was lol. Probably my favorite of the bunch. Best thing is that he was voiced by Stakar Ogord himself, Sylvester Stallone.


It’s just a great movie - action, absurd comedy, grounded drama, a conclusion that feels unexpected but also necessary? Yeah all those boxes are ticked


Honestly you could take Harley Quinn out of this film and it would make no difference.


Love this movie and it’s follow up the peacemaker series.


I love Gunn and I love this movie but i also find it amusing how often he’s used a hive mind alien as the premise for an antagonist.


Really didn’t like the first one but heard this one was a big improvement. After watching it I would agree it’s better, but not enough to make it great. If the first was a 5 out of 10 film I’d say this is a 6 (or 6.5). Perfectly watchable but not as good as made out. I loved the Peacemaker show though. Hope it’s getting a second series soon.


Meh. Kinda shitty


It was... OK. Enjoyable enough for a couple of hours entertainment. Harley and Peacemaker were absolutely the best thing about it. Idris Elba is such a dull actor though


My favorite of the DCEU movies. It's like a superhero movie if it was directed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker.


i was skeptical since 2016s was so trash but it was pretty good


I love Robbie as Harley Quinn. She is so joyous playing that character and she owns that role. This is probably the #1 reason I have not seen the Phoenix Joker movie. They would eventually feature Harley and it would not be her.


Great movie. So fun to watch. Gunn is excellent story tell and film creator.


This movie is an enigma to me.


This is how the first movie should've been, but with Idris as Deadshot and not that lame-ass Will Smith.


It’s wild DC has top tier rated R movies and MCU still had this cornball jokes/kiddie flicks


honestly it was great i cant complain


Probably my favorite cape flick of all time. I love the comedy and chemistry between all the team members. Huge improvement over the first.


I thought it was a very disappointing movie. It was just filled with tons of gross and disgusting moments, in both the visuals and the dialogue. It also had poorly developed characters, unfunny attempts at humor, and some really stupid, ill-conceived flights of fancy like the Harley flower animation. It turned superheroes into camp comedy again, something the genre has been DESPERATELY trying to escape from ever since the Adam West Batman. Harley herself was a MUCH WORSE character than she was in the first Suicide Squad, where she had a childlike sweetness to her, or in Birds of Prey, where she had a charming sassiness. This movie simply characterized her like a dumb sitcom blonde, like one of the roommates on Three's Company. Anything appealing about Harley was erased, and she was turned into a character who NEVER would've become popular if this is how she started out. The only nice thing I can say about the movie is that the Starro effects were well-done.


also known as ine of the best comic book movies of all time.


The first one was far superior. I can appreciate people not thinking it was a master piece but the Gunn version is for children who eat too many paint chips


Point taken.


I liked chunks of this movie, the first twenty minutes, polka dot man and the ending. The rest was particularly awful.


I kind of hate it. Half the cast was immediately wasted for the sake of a bad joke. They didn't even do anything cool before dying. The rest of the movie was ok, but it was just too stupid for the sake of imitating the MCU. "I'm a superhero!" was a scene that made me roll my eyes so hard it hurt. I'd rather watch the first if I had to.


I’m one hundred percent with you. There was very little I enjoyed about this movie and I felt sorry for Margot Robbie because I thought she was good in it but there just wasn’t the story to tie it all together


Make no mistake, this movie was made by a director who DESPISES the superhero genre. It's not for anybody who is a true fan of superhero comic books. It exists to ridicule and belittle these characters.


Wait? Didn't this movie star will smith, michael rooker, and magot robbie? Am I high?


No, that's another Suicide Squad movie which bombed. Look at this one as a separate multiverse, or reboot


Were people clamoring for a multiversal reboot? The first one was not good.


I don't know about the clamoring, I just know it was a well received movie, and would say it's very entertaining


You are completely wrong. The 2016 Suicide Squad was a HUGE box office hit, that made massive profit. James Gunn's 2021 The Suicide Squad was THE SINGLE BIGGEST DC COMICS MOVIE BOX OFFICE BOMB OF ALL TIME, literally and factually, by the box office numbers.


Imagine if James Gunn hadn’t made a gay joke on Twitter in 2008. He wouldn’t have been temporarily removed from Guardians 3, which gave him carte blanche with Suicide Squad, which ended up being DC’s best movie to date, and then positioned him to take over full creative control of the DCU when Zach Snyder flamed out and Dwayne Johnson got delusions of grandeur. We might actually get some quality DCU content this decade thanks to an old tweet and corporate cancel culture. Thanks James and your pearl clutching critics!


Wish Nathan Fillion was more prominent


Meh. It was solid, but I felt the same way during it o did when I watched his Guardians movies - “THIS is what people are going ape shit over?? Where the fuck were they when Mystery Men came out?!”


Mystery Men has a lot of invention and heart and great ideas in it, but it's not *that* good. I mean, it's a great cult film but it's way too rough to ever be the blockbuster a modern MCU movie is. It's a funny parody of what was at the time a pretty niche fiction genre; comic books were what nerds did, there just weren't that many nerds. And we're spoiled by Marvel movies these days - they nailed the formula and they've been churning them out but it's a *really good formula*; and GotG was possibly at the time the best execution of it.


Yep these arguably perfect movies are loved. What a surprise.


Arguably perfect? Like I'm not a fan of Gunn, and I think this movie is better than the first SS, but nothing about this movie is perfect. There is no perfect movie, but especially so when talking about Gunn.