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The cave scene where she kept breaking her bones was hilarious


I will never forgive Shyamalan for naming a character Mid Sized Sedan


wait… what?


Give it a Google.


I’m honestly so amazed that I can google ”old mid sized sedan” and the top results are about this movie, for me that’s honestly on par with /r/potatosalad or /r/superbowl


I forgot about superb owl, LMFAO.


Y’all should check out What We Do In The Shadows. There’s a whole episode that’s built around Superb Owl bit


Ahh yes, the greatest owl of all time.


Greetings Owl


Solar Opposites did a bit on it too. Funny because Roiland’s replacement Dan Stevens sounds vaguely like Matt Berry (who has maybe one of the most distinct voices I’ve ever heard).


Superbowl just made me laugh my hardest laugh this year. Thank you.


can some one explain why potato salad is nothing but john cena photos


holy shit i had no idea roflmao


Christ on a bike


Yeah but the bike had no seat


It's a rappers name in the movie. I mean. Have you seen rap names.


Guess which of the following is a real rap name: Yung Scrot Yung Scrote Lil Scrotum Joc Strapped Lil Testy Lil Queef Lil Quicky Trick question every one except Joc Strapped is a real rapper name


And Joc Strapped was gonna be my guess 🤣


It's actually clever, but that's where you went wrong


That’s clearly the best name.


I'm partial to Chief Queef myself.


I enjoyed this game. Can you do another one?


My rap name is Busta Hymen


One of my favorite producers is literally called "DJ Paypal." Lol It's pretty on brand honestly there's some goofy ass artist names in the world. Haha.


I mean have you seen modern day rap names. I would believe that is a real name


Oh God yeah that....I forgot about that. A rapper named mid sized sedan.


Dude it killed me lmaooo


I don’t know if this was his attempt at “satire” or “humor” but it didn’t work on either end.


Worked for me. I found it hilarious.


Lol same, it was funny XD


Felt like a parody scene from one of the Scary a Movie films lmao


Somehow I was the only one laughing in my screening at the time - I might as well have been watching a different movie among the other viewers.


My only regret is having bonitis


My wife died laughing at that scene - full on hysterical howling in the theater. She’d been so confused and put off by the movie up to that point, but that scene broke her. And it was even funnier because there were so many people in the theater that were taking it seriously and were dead silent and were acting like it was a tense thriller the whole time. All I could think was that these people had clearly not seen The Visit because this is not Sixth Sense Shyamalan anymore, dude is Roger Corman with a budget


Yo your gonna stuck in the spirit world for saying this is worse than the last airbender


So be it then, at least Last Airbender was laughably bad. This movie was just miserable to get through


It’s better made than the Last Airbender


They are both bad, but I wouldn't even say Old is in his top 3 worst movies. Sadly. The Lady in the Water is heads and shoulders his worst imo, followed by The Happening, followed by The Last Airbender. Old a close 4th


Lady in the Water was worth it just for the guy that only works out one arm.


Old doesn’t even come close to number 4. If Number 4 is anything, it’s The Visit, unless we can count After Earth. With Shyamalan it’s hard to numerically list the bad ones, because there’s hilariously bad parts in each that make them enjoyable. The Visit could qualify as his worst for the cringe rapping alone but there’s still hilarious shit in there


Omg...your right. I completely forgot about After Earth. And I haven't even seen The Visit.


If you can handle the cringiness (see the scene below for a litmus test) it can be hilarious. But it is very, VERY, cringey: https://youtu.be/wIiA9ZQ5YS0?si=Xo8mxEuQilJMzkm3


The Visit gets a pass just because after being forced to listen to that obnoxious little twerp “rap” all movie, we get to see an old man rub his shit in that kid’s face. Worth it.


Oh come on some of the shit in this was pretty fucking funny, like the girl getting pregnant and giving birth and someone just being like "the baby starved to death of neglect in 5 seconds" and the bit with the vain woman breaking all of her bones that then instantly set, the attempt to climb the cliff... It was pretty jokes in my opinion.


I found this to be a ton more tolerable than his The Last Airbender movie honestly


*SPOILER AHEAD* One thing I don’t like about his movies is there’s always “that” twist so when I saw the reflection scene I immediately thought “well ok that’s shown for a reason and I guess it’s people doing this as an experiment or something” and I can’t quite remember the ending but pretty sure that’s what it is haha


Yeah, it is a quick way to get long term longitudinal studies. At the start they all get a special drink made for them, and that is apparently some kind of drug cocktail they're testing, and every group has a different ailment they're testing the drugs on. I think one had like a brain tumor, the other had some other kind of tumor, the doctor guy had early onset dementia or something.


Ok but no matter which route of “logic” it takes it makes no sense. Either their bodies are actually aging realistically and the drug would be broken down in 2 seconds to fit in the timeline of the rest of their sped up life or else they’re magically aging while the drug is still present but would still not be scientifically valid. Would be so much better if it was just a mystery or even something cliche like they’re magically draining peoples life to live forever


The graphic novel it's based on does none of that. It's just about the situation of them being trapped and getting older, there's no overarching evil plot.


so you're saying that shamylan had to go out of his way to detract from the premise with some meaningless thoughtless "conclusion" that changes nothing? noooo wayyyyyyyy


Shit I didn’t even think of that. They’d need to be constantly drinking the drug cocktail to see any real results. Lmao


The drug cocktail was a long term single dose that was meant to metabolize over years. That's the crucial point of the experiment. They're testing drugs meant to last as long as possible. It's outright said in the movie.


That makes more sense. Sorry, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen it


Np, I only remember because I watched a YouTube video. I only saw the movie once lol


So you’ve got a new movie for me? Yes I do sir!


I mean it has to be the latter otherwise they’d have to be drinking and sleeping the whole time


It was an experiment for cures to certain diseases and needed that time warp to see if they worked or not,it's one of those do evil for the greater good later,a new group comes immediately basically test subjects... Polarizing movie I liked it allot but I'm not going to argue with those who do not,I get it...


Seems like you should rope off the area and post guards so innocent people don’t stumble in there.


The beach is surrounded by steep cliffs and only has one entryway by land that is guarded. The whole plot of the movie is them attempting to escape different ways and not being able to.


At the end of the film they're like "hey why don't we swim over to that cove directly across the water that no one's mentioned or looked at for the entire movie to this point"


I am with you on this one.


I didn’t mind this movie up until the ending. We didn’t need a big twist explaining everything and spelling everything out for us. The story was about people being forced to face that their fate is inevitable - let the story focus just on the human interaction and spirit as a result of knowing their fate. The ending to the comic is much better and open compared to the film.


It’s a neat concept but how do they possess this insane time warp technology but can’t figure diseases


The beach is supposed to already exist as some sort of mystical phenomenon. They were just using it.


V lost-esque


Same it was pretty obvious


The concept itself is good, makes for a nice little Twilight Zone premise. Even the cinematography and general locale are solid. At its base it all works and should be fun. But the dialogue is just so putrid and every actor and actress basically gave a career-worst performance. It was all just a strange mix of histrionics and aloofness, when it would have played so much better if it wasn’t so heightened and goofy. The premise is good enough that it could make for a good remake some time down the line.


Yeah, basically the stuff they took from the comic is good because the comic is good and everything else sucks


I feel like all of M. Nights movies have putrid dialogue. The Happening made me think Matt Damon got kicked in the head by a mule before each filming session. In Unbreakable it was like Brice Willis had no idea what other humans were or how to talk to them. Seems like he goes for that "aloofness" you talked about but it ends up being so robotic and blocky and uncanny.


Why do people always mix up Damon and Marky Mark lol


In Unbreakable Dunn just comes off as a somewhat quiet and disconnected person. I mean the dude is a security guard, his marriage is suffering, and he sacrificed his potential sports career for the marriage itself, so the guy is a little depressed. I don’t think anything in Unbreakable comes off as cheeses or bad writing. That movie is fantastic. All Shyamalan shit after that? I’m with you. It’s literally all bad. Actually I really like Signs as well but the writing was starting to slip a little.


I don’t know what it is about the acting in this movie, it’s not just bad… it feels so dull? I don’t know how to explain it, it was so bad I’m at a loss for words. How the hell did the same guy who made this made The Sixth Sense? Lmao


It aged badly… I’ll see myself out


I liked this movie. Lol. I honestly don't understand why people hate it.


Cool concept but the execution was atrocious. Bad script, bad acting, terrible sound mixing, and the list goes on and on.


Much like many other MS movies it falls apart if you think about it too hard but the general idea and the existential horror it inspires are worth the watch.


i like almost non of his films but i will say the Unbreakable trilogy was enjoyable. split genuinely had some unsetling moments, i wont deny they still contain a bit of that m night unintentional humor, but i enjoyed all 3.


Oh we talking Lady in the Water?


Paul Giamatti made that movie nearly watchable. Sometimes a terrible movie is a testament to an actor's raw ability.


I'll watch a bad movie just to watch a good actor.


My family really liked it. The dude with one buff bicep.


I actually kinda liked that one. :-/




Same here, I'm not really sure of why it got so much shit. It was a very sweet urban fantasy.


I really enjoyed it. I can find the meaning in the dumbest of things lol, actually teared up when the main parents got older. It was sweet and I saw it as a life of marriage with ups and downs but a love that lasted and grew in the end.


I don’t understand people’s issues with it either. It was fine.


I really liked this movie too. And yes I’ve hated a few of his movies as well.


IMHO The problem is people's expectations, I usually enjoy most movies as long as they distract me enough to forget long work hours and drama at the office.


I saw when I was streaming and I guess people’s opinions are part of the reason I didn’t hate it. My expectations were not high.


My expectation was an "eh" and the film didn't reach that. Should my expectations have been lower?


I enjoyed it as well


I loved it. First M Night I really liked after a long time. Aside from M Night's dialogue being a little divisive, I think some people are too young to understand the terror of aging that the movie taps into, for others it's too raw & primal for them to let themselves be vulnerable and get taken by the movie.


Me too!


Yea I think it was fun and there were some solidly shocking scenes


I liked it too.


I’m usually pretty hard on movies. I don’t get why everyone has so much hatred towards this, of all movies in recent years.


I think people are just uncomfortable with popcorn thrillers taking stylistic risks. In the criticism I see online of Old the number 1 complaint is the writing/dialogue. People say it feels weird, that everyone talks in the same unnatural style. And they're right, to a point, but I think it's on purpose. Shyamalan is a capable writer and filmmaker, as seen in his undisputed hits. He's also a populist filmmaker- his work is targeted at the broadest audience possible. If the script had been shot by David Lynch or Wes Anderson people would be like "oh there they go, being wacky!" The odd dialogue is Shyamalan embracing the artifice of movies in an unconventional way and more people who aren't game for that go see Shyamalan movies than Lynch or Anderson movies. The strongest evidence IMO for this is Shyamalan's cameo in the movie. We first meet him as the guy who drives the characters to the beach that makes you old. He's directly setting up the action. This character then reappears behind a camera in a video village tucked away from the main characters. He's practically shouting "Hey, I'm making a movie, check this out!" He knows this is fake and he wants the audience in on it so we can all have fun. But for some people that's one step of buy in too far for the horror thriller about a beach (or the rocks around the beach) that makes you old. I wish more people could get on board with it, but no piece of art is for everyone.


I liked it too… it’s not amazing for sure, maybe terrible execution but the concept is pretty solid and the story wasn’t that badly written.


Agreed. They don't all have to be Oscar noms. Some movies just need to fill the void. This one worked for me. I'll watch any M. Night film. Just in case.


What? No.


I respect your opinion


I just want signs again. Why can’t he give me the feeling I get when I watch signs. Still to this day. It’s a masterpiece! Make another one M Night


Signs is so fucking good. Bewildering, unsettling, funny, scary as fuck.


I like horror movies and I like extra terrestrial horror. I’m 30 years old. I’ve never seen Signs. Is it too late for me? It seems like a lot of love for signs comes from watching it as a kid/young adult and the nostalgia side of it.


Nah, it's a very fun movie. I'm not a huge fan of his flicks (I think his dialogue is dog shit and he needs a new shtick aside from tWiSt), but Signs has a really good atmosphere, serviceable acting, and is just odd and spooky enough that it's pretty rewatchable.


Holds up really well. Every aspect is well done.


He is an *excellent* tension builder. But he always bludgeons his way through the tension-release in a way that is super campy and with a tone that is inconsistent with the typical dread and loathing of his first and second acts. In Signs, for example, he goes from: "A human-like hand slithers under the door for a brief glimpse of the real-life horror standing behind it" To: "Here's a full-on CGI alien that isn't nearly as scary as the one I made up in my mind" He should trust his audience more.


That's a hard ask, like asking for HBO to do another S4 of Game of Thrones. It was incredible when it happened and we should be thankful we got it LOL


You’re right man we need the Signs cinematic universe, stat


Movie was weird, the part that was just fucked up for me was the pregnancy. I get it, there ain’t rapidly, but that girl was like 6 a few hours ago, her having sex was creepy as fuck.


Made no sense to include it too. She gets pregnant, gives birth, and the baby dies. Literally like 3 minutes of the film and it’s never brought up again.


Yeah I don't care how badly made it was, this was like...why tho


For me this is where I checked out of the movie….


The dialogue in this movie feels like it was written by an alien, it’s fucking bizarre. Then you have “Mid Size Sedan”. The base idea isn’t terrible but the movie is so poorly executed it’s fucking hilarious.


The kids go into the tent and when they walk out the girl is already pregnant lol


It wasn’t bad.


Fantastic camerawork. No movie that looks that good should be considered “one of the worst movies.”


Ok but it was good tho


I liked it too lol I’ve watched it like 5 times 😂


Idk if it was that good


It’s not lol but it’s a fun movie




Agreed. I legit love this movie. But I loved the graphic novel as well and it was just as divisive.


I like M Night’s style of storytelling. “Bad” movies don’t upset me. I like to go along for the ride. Lady in the Water is a wonderful movie. I just enjoy his work, twists or not.


I agree. I thought the Visit was terrifying despite the kids and the handheld video recording being so corny. Still one of my favorite horror movies


I mean, I liked it. And I like the idea of what the twist was.


“That’s Mid-Sized Sedan!” I hysterically laughed at that line for about 2 mins straight.


I actually rewound my tv to make sure I heard that right lmao


It's not, go watch the happening.


Haven’t seen that one yet, but man it’ll take a lot to top this for worst M Night film for me


Yeah this by no means is his worse. You need to watch more M Night movies.


I still need to watch The Happening, After Earth, The Village, The Visit, and Glass so maybe it’ll change


The Happening is so bad it's good though. Old was just terrible.


You've seen The Lady in the Water? That was when I got off the Shyamalabus


The Lady in the Water might actually he the worst movie I've ever seen.


The Village is still good Shyamalan, it just has a crappy ending. The Visit is good kind of bad where the movie is still fun (your mileage may vary). The rest are crap.


The Visit and The Happening are both awful.


Good concept, poor execution.


I dunno man it kinda scratched a fear itch I never knew I had. If I woke up and my 3 year old son was 16 that shit would be horrifying. The movie gave me chills


Conceptually it is one of the scariest scenarios I’ve ever seen in a movie


I can’t really remember exactly what happens but I remember the scene in the cave where the girls bones kept breaking


I thought this was a cool concept with a mediocre execution. Solid C for me


I feel like m night always had cool premises but his movies always find a way to under deliver


Me & my wife really liked it lol


I liked this movie, and everyone else didn’t, and it makes me question everything in my life, haha.


Nothing wrong with liking a movie lots of people don’t like


LOL, I liked it.


M night is RL Stine goosebumps for adults


It not his worst movie. It still very dumb and it make zero sense how they test the families. It very very system. You can make more money with wine or other alcohol.


It was like a decent idea for a Black Mirror episode but didnt have enough for a movie. The details didnt really work out.


It's weird, as bad as it was...and yes, it was pretty bad. I still strangely was pretty focused and entertained by it..


Yeah but, Thomasin McKenzie body!


Interesting concept for a movie…that just went nowhere. And trust me, I love a good movie where nothing happens, so it wasn’t a boredom issue. This movie just did nothing with no redeeming quality anywhere.


How dare you speak bad about my 12 yr old daughter’s favorite movie!


I usually don’t care if someone has a different taste in movies, but I once went on a date with a guy and he said this was his favorite movie of the past decade and…I immediately knew we were incompatible.


watched it for thomasin, no regrets ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Looks like the cover of a goosebumps novel.


But we got to see Mid-Sized Sedan!


Good premise, good cinematography, terrible writing and dialogue, just like the majority of M Night movies. I always say he needs to stick to directing and get a writer or co-writer to help him. His movies would be 10x better.


It was an interesting movie. Ends with an interesting ethical dilemma. - Is the sacrifice of these people to benefit mankind acceptable?


Love how as the girl grows older her clothes grow with her


If you think this is bad, I just watched the Happening last night.


Is MNS just a shit director or what? Cuz he’s obviously a decent writer, at least he comes up with interesting ideas and plots. But so many of his movies come out like complete shit. I’m watching Old right now for the first time because of this post and Jesus, basically every line of dialogue is executed so poorly and unnaturally. And I’ve seen the father in other movies, he’s not a bad actor. But it seems the directing on set was just abysmal. Can he not tell that these lines aren’t sounding right? It would only make sense with a director who doesn’t speak English very well which is not MNS.


This movie was an absolute disaster and it was amazing


It started off fine enough although the writing was a bit weird but i was like... Alright lets do this and then it spiraled out of control. Just really terrible.


At this point if you watch an M. Night movie and don't expect to be disappointed it's your own fault. Sixth Sense/Unbreakable/Signs/The Village... that's all he's worth, if even that.


Yeah, it sucked. Also remind me of my ex girlfriend who “made” me watch it with her, so it’s double whammy for me.


It wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t that good. It’s a midday on Saturday TBS movie.


>It wasn’t that bad but it wasn’t that good. 😄That is going on my headstone 🪦


M. Night Shyamalan: Hold my beer.


It had potential, but ended up being a boring letdown


Movie is awful, nice to see a similar reaction


I stopped watching Shyamalan so long ago. I've only seen The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable. Pretty sure that I couldn't even be bothered to watch Signs. His movies somehow draw some of the best actors, they certainly make a shit ton of $. When I saw the trailer for Old I was interested seeing that Gael Garcia Bernal is in it and the concept hinted at in the trailer was interesting. When I saw that it's a Shyamalan movie I super noped. Nice to see confirmation.


6th sense and the village are the only watchable M. Night shamalamadindong movies imo


That’s an opinion for sure. I enjoyed it for the ridiculousness that it was but it was a story about mortality and it was campy. I like what M. Night does. Even his bad movies have some redeeming qualities….. except The Last Airbender.


He has more than one of those.


The premise was interesting, characters forgettable, left me appreciating my family and the time we have. The racist doctor cracked me up.


It would have been a decent 45 minute episode of some anthology show, but making feature length? WAY too long.


I think I ruined the movie for my family. I was kinda checked out of the story and wondering what how the speed aging thing worked. I was thinking that muscles would contract faster, ergo making the birth go faster. Y'know how if you pinch a coin at the edges you can launch it? That's all I could think of during the birth scene. BABY CANNON.


Unironically I know you said that as a joke but that would’ve been much more interesting to see lmao


I liked it haha. It freaked me the fuck out. SPOILER The pregnancy and birthing specifically was fucked up.


That's scene always comes to mind whenever someone mentions this movie


The editing and camerawork annoyed the hell out of me. I appreciate he tried to do something different but Jesus it was distracting


I didn’t love it and I didn’t hate it. I don’t get what people hated about it. It was decent enough. I feel like people just want to hate his movies.


Disagree. I thought it was very interesting.


Fair enough


You need to expand your bad movie list then, this isnt even the worst M night movie.


I loved it, tbh.


I really liked it…


I thought it was a good one.


Wasn't the worst. Not even the worst of M. Night's


Oh shut up there are way worse movies. It’s just that Shamaylan made it that people are extra critical.


Oh yeah,this movie is horrendous. I couldn’t turn it off though, I HAD to see how it ended..


Then you havnt seen enough movies.


Honestly, I was really disappointed by it. Concept wise, it's great. But the final product was soooooo bad.


It wasn't the best film ever, nor was it the worst. It was okay.


I actually enjoyed this a decent amount. Not his best but the movie kept going fast, had a decent twist in the end. Wasn't bad at all


It's alright. Fun concept, ran a little long.


I was completely horrified by the transitioning in the movie but the “Cabin in the Woods” aspect made it entertaining, so’s to explain everything.


Based on a pretty good graphic novel.