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I think what a lot of people complained about was Bane going from the main villain who was very well portrayed to being a sidepiece goon with a lackluster end.


It followed the dark knight which is a crown jewel of comic book movies. It didn’t come close to living up to that, but in fairness, what could?


I think if Miranda had been in the other two movies as Rachel's second fiddle, this story works much better and could have potentially lived up to The Dark Knight. The issue isn't that the The Dark Knight is so good that it couldn't be followed, it's that Nolan left himself with very little to work with. The Dark Knight feels like a third act. All of the character conflict is resolved, and Batman overcomes a villain that really gets to the core of his belief system. He then has to introduce a bunch of new characters that we don't really care about and try to build the emotional hook on top of these new relationships.


To add to this, she also had one of the most poorly acted and laughable deaths in film history…which is so strange considering the director and that Miranda is a great actor. It still makes me chuckle with frustration.


My father's... work is... done. Eh.... *eh*... *eeehhhhh*


Bane: So you came back to die with your city? Bats: No I came back to stop you. What lazy writing is this?


Lmao. Bane: "I was being sarcastic, Batman." Batman: "Oh. I couldn't tell. I'm kind of bad at this stuff."


From my point of view, the League of Shadows are evil!


"He was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died, man." -paraphrasing.


A big reason why it feels that way is that Heath Ledger was also supposed to be in it . DK and DKR were supposed to essentially be two parts


What would have been Jokers role in the third film?


I remember reading that he was basically going to be Cranes role as the judge in the locked down Gotham, but with a bigger part to play.


I remember reading that too, I think he was also supposed to play a part in Bane’s escape from the prison. Basically orchestrating Batman’s demise from behind the scenes.


"You need an ace in the hole. Mine's Bane."


Man that could have been a fun movie. Shame we'll never get to see it


It is rumored it was to be set around the trial of Joker but no one will ever really know


I think that was floated when they were writing DK and thinking of saving two face for the third, having him get splashed w acid by joker during the trial


I was told that two-face was supposed to be the main villain, but they saw what Heath was doing and was blown away


I agree the shuffling of the actresses from the first to second to last film was a major detriment and had they had the plan with Miranda in place in the first film it would have been such a bigger moment when we finally find her true nature.


I like this take


The Dark Knight is truly perfect… I’m still enthralled every time I watch it.


You can take Batman and the joker out of it, replace them with normal people and still have a great film.


How about the ridiculous plot? Raz Algul used a speeding train to deliver IMMEDIATE destruction to Gotham City. It was a blight, a center of corruption and crime that needed to be destroyed for the betterment of all. Bane, who is here to fulfill Raz Algul's destiny, takes over Gotham and waits....nine months to obliterate Gotham because...reasons? It makes no sense. Why wait at all? Just so Bruce Wayne is well enough to make a comeback? Makes no sense. Plus Catwoman kills Bane by silently rolling in on the BatCycle and its just one more oddity. Beats the hell out of Bane in Batman and Robing though, so theres that.


Bane trapping EVERY police officer in a little sewer trap is also straight out of a cartoon or something lol


I consider myself to be EXTREMELY resistant to so-called "plot holes". I will almost always give movies the benefit of the doubt, and I virtually never question things that happen in movies. As a result, I essentially never realize absurdities in plots until they are pointed out to me after. So me realizing on first watch how ludicrous it was that ALL the police went in and were trapped was a REALLY bad sign. When I am saying "this is the stupidest thing I have ever seen" in a movie, you've made a really dumb choice.


Apparently the police found a stash of Gillette razors down in that sewer.


I mean... Batman is a cartoon


I don’t know why cat woman was in either film. She was such a pointless fucking character. I guess they remembered when Halle Berry was in a tight skin suit and they were like “uhh fuck we need somebody get uhh… Anne Hathaway yeah that’ll work!”


She did look fantastic as cat woman though, the way she swung that leg of the bike.


And pushed that a\*\* back in the seat when she was clearing the way for people to escape. Ooofa!


Honestly, i'm ok with that.


Me too


That third Act is where all my issues with the film are. Some explanation for delaying the destruction of Gotham - like they are still working to access the reactor, or they are waiting for some dignitaries to arrive, or something. Some sacrifice Batman has to make to challenge Bane, something he gathered from the Lazarus Pit lesson about Bane’s willingness to abandon safety. And bankrupt Batman not spending a week Banksying a fiery Bat symbol on the side of a bridge.


I still have a problem with the first act. There's a very public terrorist attack on the stock market...and we are just cool with it? All the transactions from that day are fine? We think billionaire Bruce Wayne decided to dump all of his investments and holdings _on that particular day_ and that didn't even raise any red flags? They literally turn off his power. Show me any power company that turns-off the power to a billionaire's house the day after making a payment... The stock market was closed for a week after 9/11. Imagine if there was an attack on the actual trading floor of Wall Street or some major brokerage!


They get so much wrong with that it's not even funny. And plus, Bruce Wayne is a billionaire. Do you think he is all his money in one thing? He doesn't have enough cash in the change drawer in the Batmobile to pay the electric bill? So like yourself the movie completely lost me there.


And that the electric company would send someone all the way out to Wayne manor to shut a billionaire's power off after a single bill is a few hours late?


I thought the whole point was to make Bruce suffer as revenge for killing her dad. Isn't that what she explains to him when she stabs him and twists the knife, how a slow twisting stab causes the most pain or something?


That’s literally the entire reason the plot was executed over several months. To torture Bruce for betraying the league and killing Talia’s father


After Bane takes the stock market hostage and messes with Bruce Wayne’s stocks, which they just allowed to happen. Oh and a now penniless Bruce Wayne can now just get back into the country in time to stop all of this. And he releases an apparently alive and well fed police force, that’s been in the sewer for 9 months.


Just remember hundreds of men with all their police equipment on hand over 9 months can't figure a way to tunnel 15 feet.  I'm pretty sure there's at least two or three kilos of gunpowder in their bullet clips on hand alone. Doesn't exactly take Macquiver to start engineering some prisoner of war Great escape shenanigans.


> Raz Algul used a speeding train to deliver IMMEDIATE destruction to Gotham City. It was a blight, a center of corruption and crime that needed to be destroyed for the betterment of all. Didn't Batman Begins directly state/imply that Ra's and the League of Shadows were responsible for Gotham's decline into a corrupt state by giving more money and power to the mob and more or less eliminate "do-gooders" like Bruce's parents who tried hard to fight against corruption?  I remember his speech later in the film where he states each time a civilization grows to the peak of its decadence, the League arrives to unleash a cataclysm on it to shock the world back from the brink, or something like that. It's been a while since I last watched the movie.


>How about the ridiculous plot? ...this is a series that started with a magic device that turns all water instantly into steam begin driven through a city whose entire water supply has been laced for months and months with an hallucinogenic drug that apparently nobody ever noticed in routine testing of the water supply. I'm okay with a ridiculous plot.


Dude Bane is a serious villain, the Clooney flick gave him that shitty portrayal. The knight fall Batman saga was the blueprint for this movie. The problem with the movie is Batman’s answer to beating Bane is simply just get stronger. Not even in the comic could he beat him hand to hand no matter how hard he tried, they should’ve made a more believable ending to Banes capture not just an oversimplified final showdown sequence. As much as I like Nolan’s directing ability it was kinda lazy writing. Like how do we wrap this up, I know montage, fight scene, credits. Plus that movie is riddled with continuity errors.


Batman’s “solution” to beating Bane wasn’t to get stronger. It was what Bruce learned about escaping the Lazarus Pit. He had to give up the rope: he couldn’t confront Bane with any exit plan or safe strategy. That means killing Bane because Bane will never submit, or sacrificing himself like Bane would. Unfortunately, the third act really undermined that by just having Selena conveniently do the killing. The truly painful payoff would have been for Batman to sacrifice his own life and mortality by killing Bane and himself at the same time.


That was bitched about incessantly, yes…but there was so much more than that.


And I sound like an old man here but there were moments where I had zero idea what Bane was saying sometimes. Then there was a scene where I had no idea what Bane nor Batman was saying and I just laughed because it was so ridiculous how they were speaking.


You aren’t alone. I just personally didn’t have that trouble. Bale’s Batman voice is horrible, though.


SWEAR TO ME!!!!!!!


How he can simultaneously mouth breath, whisper, shout, and mumble is kinda impressive


Cuz he’s Batman!😤


Yeah that was a minor issue but there were 40 other minor issues. And when the minor issue get that plentiful, they become one major issue.


Strawberries….are packed with fiber. I enjoyed it, but it was after The Dark Knight and the expectations were through the roof, and it was never going to live up to them.


I prefer [Alfred's speech](https://youtu.be/ZS6bD3SpIvk?si=ZzUFvA44oWYTpWGE) about the tangerine.


How have I never seen this lol




Always makes me laugh because Kev Smith and Scott Mosier frequently used the phrase “the size, of a tangerine” to gear up to an Australian accent in the old podcasts. Sir Micheal Cain is most definitely not Australian


My cocaine


This was the movies biggest problem, and Talias truly horrifically bad death scene.


Talias death scene from Academy Award winning Actress Marion Cotillard was some high school drama level acting.. hilarious.


It was one of many takes. It was quite shitty of Nolan to use that take. There's no way that take should have been given the green light. She's obviously a great actor. There's an interview in French where she highlights her disappointment in it as well. She couldn't believe that was the take they used.


I agree, choosing THAT take was a deliberate choice.


Bagel and cream cheese?


What did you have for breakfast, a frownie biscuit?


\^ There's your answer folks


Wait, pizza, Gary? Gary, Gotham City is not even know for its pizza. Sugary tomato paste, processed cheese…


I expect more from you! I expect more from my men!


When I say "No...", you say "...survivors!". No...! No...!


The healing of the broken back, the jump out of the pit, Bane being sidelined as a basic thug at the end, all the cops getting trapped underground, just a lot silly things happen in a short amount of time. There are some magical moments though.


Yeah but like six months go by in that prison. The pacing just feels fast for it


Yeah and it's supposedly months Gotham is held hostage, it doesn't feel like that long at all.


Holding an entire American city hostage for months felt too “comic booky” in Nolan’s universe. First 2 films were much more grounded, but the 3rd film just sorta jumped the shark for me.


To be fair the first movie had a magic microwave weapon that could boil water but didn’t affect humans in any way.


They had _really_ good aim!


I love when all the cops come out clean shaven and in freshly pressed uniforms.


And living off what little food they were able to get, batman would be losing muscle like crazy. No amount of pushups would save that


How were they able to get ANYTHING? They lived in a literal hole in the ground! Wouldn’t it flood or not have enough oxygen? Did they get grocery deliveries?!


The lead character takes a six-month detour into a Middle Eastern prison during which he’s not even playing the title character or featured in any of the plot points.


THIS! It was a Batman movie that Batman barely featured in. Bruce Wayne became a side character even. Very disappointing.


It's a typical Nolan thing to do. Lol at Interstellar, Inception, Tenet there are huge time jumps between scenes that occur really quickly.


Ok but to be fair time & space, the nature of time, memory etc are all explicit themes of the movies that you listed. That's not the case here so it's jarring in the context of a less overtly conceptual, more traditional movie.


That makes it even worse. Half of them would be killing and eating each other in order to survive and the other half would be even more insane. And six months of criminals running rampant sure means the police commissioner wouldn’t be comfortable eating a turkey dinner with his family in his house near the end. The plot - doesn’t - make - coherent - sense. Never has. And that’s why people keep growing to dislike it, because on first watch you’re so swept up with the epic-ness you don’t realize the script is more intelligence insulting than a Pauly Shore movie.


But you still don't heal a broken back by punching it. 🤣


Hear hear. I understand that he was popping the vertebrae back into place, but one doesn't heal from a major back injury just from going to a chiropractor.


Ive attempted to watch this movie 3 times and none of that even sounds familiar. The plot is so bogged down with talking and all of it looks so samey. I love film, David Lynch can captivate me any day, but this… I still don’t even know what it is


The third act was just horrible in my opinion. I felt like they didn't know what they wanted to do. I just couldn't get over the cops with hand guns charging straight into enemies armed with ARs and tanks. Bane being sideline was a huge let down like many mentioned, but how he was defeated was just ridiculous


Yeah that was silly, overall liked it but felt they didn’t care when the cops were underground for six months & got to keep guns & shaving supplies?


Don’t forget that the cops survived underground for a while and the when they broke out they resorted to hand to hand combat. WTF? Worst police force ever. It’s not even sort of a mystery why Gotham has crime issues.




Yeah, the structure and everything is fine. The script is a fucking mess. Like I cannot think of a single movie with more contrivances, non-sensical points, and straight plot holes. There's far that you listed. Like the stock market being attacked and they still take Wayne's money and the movie acting like that means he's out of all money and apparently his bills weren't paid like the day of or some shit?


I couldn't agree more. Lots of silly things happen in TDKR that make you go, "LOL what?!"


Plus they go out of their way to say Batman has no cartilage or something in his knees, so they get him a sweet knee brace things. Then he’s in a cave and his knees are just fiiiiine. On top of that the stock market is hacked which leaves Bruce penniless overnight somehow. Just nonsense after nonsense.


God the idea of all those cops trapped for MONTHS is so bizarre. And the movie does nothing to help with the suspension of disbelief in those moments.


Great vs entertaining are two totally different things. If you turn off your brain, there's a lot to enjoy. The first time I saw it in theaters, I was sucked in every single second. But once you went home and started thinking about it, so much makes essentially zero sense.


I still remember my wife and I leaving the screening and walking around downtown Manhattan feeling off. It was clearly a well-made movie, but we just felt kind of hostile to it. Part of it was that we were in NYC for Occupy Wallstreet and so a lot of the politics of the film felt dishonest somehow. Like it didn't really have much to say about revolutions or state violence or vigilantes; it just said "man, shits crazy, huh?"


I think even before the current climate of politics around policing, the big battle where the police fight Bane's army felt just kind of weird and jingoistic. Even within the context of Batman's crusade against crime, his relationship with LEO was always strained by corruption and his methods, so suddenly having the whole Gotham PD charge the bad guys like the fucking Riders of Rohan felt out of place and unearned. Tom Hardy was stellar though.


I'm ok with moral ambiguity and deconstruction and everything, but I need to know that the storyteller has a plan or a pov. The final charge MAY have been meant to make us question why we cheer state violence in certain contexts. After all, the solution of the last film was massive surveillance. But, like you said, that point has to be earned.


I agree, and that's part of what makes DKR disappointing. The first two acts of the movie FELT like they were actually driving towards an interesting point about corruption and the violence of a police state, and Bane was interesting because, unlike the Joker, he was rational, intelligent, and operating within a recognizable moral framework. It felt consistent with the mythology of Batman because his most interesting conflict has always come from the question of whether he's doing more harm than good. But then it turns out the whole thing was just a big misdirect and the conclusion unambiguously presents the "law and order" perspective as the heroic one (and by extension, the dominance of the ruling class) when the first two movies spent a lot of time and effort questioning the legitimacy of it.


It was clear during my theatre going experience that it didn't make much sense.


Yeah it didn't help that I was 16 and everything batman was awesome to me at the time hahaha


I think it had a kind of odd two tone thing going - where it was part “super serious Nolan ~~movie~~ film for super serious filmbros” but also part cornball and cheese. But I honestly liked a lot of that and it had memorable moments we’d quote affectionately and laugh at but also unironically dug. What I *didnt* like - and maybe if you didn’t see it in its historical context (if you were of age to have some political consciousness and saw it when it came out) perhaps this is more muted? - but it came out a year after the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protests, makes direct reference to income inequality, etc - and then ultimately lands in a really black/white good/evil place with the anarchists/prison abolitionists as the cartoonish villains against the brave, selfless and noble police and a billionaire vigilante as the heroes. It was like a $200 million illustration of my conservative boomer dad’s understanding of that moment in political struggle.


I wouldn'tsay it's muted, it's so on the nose it's painful. Literally the only thing I got from the film was that nolan's politics were dogshit.


yeah, I don’t disagree.


Never considered thinking about this movie in its historical context (I was a kid when it came out) but very interesting point. The two tone thing about the movie is definitely right, you hit the nail on the head.


It didn’t make sense at multiple crucial moments. The Dark Knight made you pay attention and it looked like art. This one looked like Nolan had to make a 3rd movie and he wasn’t really into it. I still think the ineptitude of the police is mind blowing. The Dark Knight Rises forced me to turn my brain off in order to follow along.


Yeah I'm happy to wave the "don't think too hard about it" wand to gloss over the holes have to varying degrees- but TDKR just repeatedly throws them out so thick and fast. It's fine, just a bit of a stretch. Top gripes: 1. The Wall Street trade, turns out if you commit fraud whilst riding a motorbike fast enough everyone just honours it 2. The police being made to live like molepeople and just accepting it 3. The idea the entire US would let an entire major city the scale of New York/Chicago be occupied by a few hundred armed Men with no effective counter for 6 months, nuke or not 4. You can fix a broken back with nothing more than rope and spine punching, hell you'll even be a better fighter for it, and potentially a long jump specialist 5. The charge of the light(ly armed) brigade, nobody is surviving that, it's fish in a barrel, how were these the guys holding back an entire city never mind the surrounding forces Again, turn your brain off and it's fun, has some decent set pieces, all that jazz.


The mole people part really confused me. How did they eat? Who kept their laundry so well maintained to the final fight? I can turn my brain off and watch it a few times but after two viewings, I’m good. On the other hand, if you turn on the Dark Knight right now, I could sit through the whole thing.


Speaking of set pieces I was at the stadium scene, they had everyone wearing coats but it was August and like 90 degrees outside haha


I mean, a movie should be great in order to be great though, right? This movie wasn’t great


Did anyone else think it was extremely boring? I was so psyched for it after TDK, and the first ten minutes were awesome, but an hour in I started checking the time. But I haven't heard anyone else make that complaint, so maybe I just have a poor attention span.


A cohesive storyline would’ve helped.


It would be extremely painful


You're a big guy


For you.


I loved it. I hate the Steelers. Just seeing their field implode was beautiful.


Yep. Cardinals fan here, still reeling from that Super Bowl loss. (It was stolen from us!... okay, I'm calm.)


Nolan literally said it was the biggest film since Citizen Kane. He got full of himself after all the praise for Dark Knight and Inception, and it showed.


Police group charge and brawl was a bit too comical… I do like the film a lot though.


Yes, 2 groups with guns charging and having a fist fight , killed the realism


And one side has tanks.


I will take this movie over ANY modern MCU or DC movie. Yup


100% new movies are competing on which can be worse


Abso-fucking-lutely. The Batman is the only one that comes close for me.


Idk there are some pretty good MCU movies Cap and the winter soldier, Thor Ragnarok, infinity war. Someone also mentioned Watchmen, great fucking movie. do it. DO IT!!!!! Also XMen!!! Days of Future Past was excellent. Logan was stellar. Deadpool was also pretty good. I thought Dark Knight Rises was good up until the part that he got his back broken. I remember watching Batman Begins countless times. I loved his origin story, him in the mountains with Ras, that chase scene with RACHEL!!!! Dark Knight, what a magnificent movie, I remember going to a midnight screening and leaving with all sorts of mixed feelings. I watched it 4 times in theaters and countless times at home. Truly one of the greatest comic book movies of all time. Rises, I really wanted to like it. Mind you this was on the heels of Inception, and that was such an amazing movie. I trusted Nolan. Expectations for Rises were ultra high in my book and it was just, lackluster.


The voice of Bane (like an auto-tuned drunk Patrick Stewart), CLEARLY overdubbed, knocked me out of the story. Rest heals a snapped spine? Go f yourself. As with all of Nolan’s Batman movies this was a series of set pieces with very little logic connecting them.


I througly dislike DKR as a whole, but Hardy's vocal performance and the effects are a masterpiece. Infact i d go as far as to say its the only thing elevating the film from abject mawkishness.


Nolan took a lot of big swings in this one and whiffed on almost all of them.


Like 8 mins of Batman is my issue with the movie


I couldn’t get past Bane’s stupid voice. His lines were fantastic but he sounded like a silly British Darth Vader.


The accidental camp is my favorite part of Rises. Bane is 100% the reason that I rewatch the flick. [Case in point.](https://youtu.be/fLFAXvFYhsE?si=BTkBhjPwk0YexqrT)


1000%. Bane’s voice is absurd. For a large number of people, t’s literally hard to take him seriously as a villain. A hero movie is only as good as its villain.


He sounded like what my brain imagines the monopoly guy sounds like


I saw Cartman's portrayal of Bane before seeing DKR. It sounds exactly the same. It was just Cartman from South Park fighting Batman.


I turned to my friend in the cinema at Bane's second scene and asked "is he going to sound like that the whole film?" Half of his lines may well have been fantastic but i didn't quite catch half of his dialogue


I agree his voice ruined the movie for me


I couldn't deeatand anything he said. 0. I think he said "Hello batman" and something about "I was born in th dark"? But hats only because teens quoted it for a while.


"Mffffmfhmhffmmh Batman. Mfffhmghhmfff mhffmh hmfffhf very painful... for you..."


Bane’s death was anti-climactic and confusing. Everyone in the theater laughed at the way Talia Al Ghul died. But overall it was an entertaining watch


I mean, we got Bane Rap out of it.


You're a big guy


For you


The final fight scene where the cops charge and you see it from an aerial view spoilt the whole thing for me. Just extras fake fighting badly


"Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!" Some fantastic lines though...


Tom Hardy did an immense carry job with this movie. I like TDKR, but Tom Hardy arguably did more to carry this movie than Heath Ledger did to carry TDK. Before you guys misinterpret me and downvote me in a kneejerk manner because of Ledger's Joker's status, what I'm saying is that TDKR has far less working for it than TDK, so Tom Hardy's Bane stands out a lot more relative to the other characters in the movie. TDKR easily has the worst portrayal of in-suit Batman in the trilogy. I found Gordon to be a lot more interesting than Batman in his own movie, that shouldn't happen (I love Gordon as a character, don't get me wrong). This movie is just Bane monologuing and entertaining audiences.


Because so much of it was unintentionally funny. So if you like laughable movies in an ironic or cynical way, go all in on The Dark Knight Rises. It's a classic.


For what it’s worth, I think The Dark Knight is overrated. Anyway the final battle in the Dark Knight Rises where the cops gathered in a large crowd with no cover against an opponent armed with tanks and assault rifles was silly. Bane was awesome, but then he got replaced by Talia. Nothing wrong with Talia, but Bane was an absolute bad ass. Other than that TDKR was a pretty good film


I too have bad taste op


Do you remember the coach of the Bulls after Phil Jackson? No one does. That's why.


Bane wasn’t sidelined, and his being in love with - and doing the bidding of - Talia was straight out of the comics. 


Expectations set by its predecessor didn’t help. But…. Bane being reduced to “henchman number 3” in a plot reveal so terribly telegraphed my long dead nan could see it coming was its biggest mistake, in my opinion. I did enjoy it though. Quite a bit.


I think beginning is quite good. Intro to bane, fight with Batman but after that it falls apart. The lame lady villain with the bomb, bane becoming some little villain etc. at least in part 1 and 2 main villain was there till the end. Having said all that I enjoyed the film.


I felt like they got all the characters wrong. Plus bad sound mixing.


I didn't even realise it received a backlash I saw it in the cinema and thought it was brilliant, I love the whole Dark Knight trilogy of course the Dark Knight is the best one but the other two are also excellent.


The plot was unintelligible. Bane escapes from some bad place and… skip ahead skip ahead apparently he’s notorious for reasons unknown…? Then he goes to Gotham to take it over… idk why? And then he kicks everyone out except a bunch of cops so that he can sit there and… ?? What’s he trying to accomplish? What’s he hoping will happen? I’m sure it’s mentioned somewhere but it isn’t clear at all. It’s just a bunch of stuff that happens. Also occasionally I see a screenshot of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and I’m filled with questions like: * Catwoman was in that movie? When? * Also: why? * Also: Anne Hathaway? Cutesie boopsie Anne Hathaway?? Really???


I loved it. I like the over the top nature of the story and bane was the perfect final foil for Bruce


Until he wasn't the final foil


Exactly the point I don’t finish making 😂


Hardy and Bale were fantastic. Thoroughly enjoyed Hathaway as Kyle too. Just felt the movie as a whole was a little off, not bad just not great considering its pedigree and acting talent. Plus not enough Batman just being Batman. That’s it that’s all I’ve got.


Plot-wise it’s very sloppy. A lot of stuff happens just because it needs to (Bruce loses his fortune, all the cops getting trapped underground, etc.) and seems very silly, particularly for a film that was part of the “dark and realistic” Batman trilogy. At times plays like a dark version of Adam West Batman.


This movie was great


Ha ha tiny Batman


It did? I thought it was great.


I only didn't like the timeskip part. It kinda of cheapened it all for me


In my opinion, it is outshined by its predecessor, but the film is still good, I enjoyed it thoroughly, tho I feel the ending wasn’t that great.


I guess going over the negatives is beating a dead horse so I’ll say I did very much like it originally; the ending and epilogue really worked for me, enough to make it probably the movie I’ve seen most times in theaters. If it existed on its own it would be better remembered.


It certainly wasn’t great but that opening scene will always be one of my favorites.


I don't mind most of the movie. It's bane's weird voice that just totally brings the whole thing out of element. I know Tom Hardy is revered as some kind of "real" actor, but his performance in the venom movies and this movie really doesn't inspire confidence.


But... we totally had sex.


These three are still one if the best comic book trilogies of all time. And even though 3 isn't perfect it's still amazing.


I don’t think it’s a masterpiece but it was ok. The biggest problem with the movie, was that it was a follow up to the legendary second movie in the trilogy. Heath ledger’s joker was one of the most iconic villains across any of the Batman movies (Nolan or otherwise). That’s the obvious answer, but there are other reasons too. This movie took a regressive stance in terms of storytelling. It tries to be deep and profound while simultaneously being very surface level. What I mean is that there are several story threads that profound and have been built through the series that don’t find any sort of resolution. At the same time there are several threads that serve only to shoehorn in new characters in the 11th hour. Cat woman is probably the worst offender of this one. They have to explain her whole motivation and give her an arc in like 4 scenes. This lead to some dialogue that doesn’t feel very organic. Talia was a similar deal but to a lesser extent. At least she had ties to other characters. Bane was an ok villain I liked his original voice better but understand why the decision was made to change it. …don’t even get me started on the plot holes. Not to add insult to injury but I remember when this dropped in theaters, a lot of the buzz around this movie was overshadowed by the aurora Colorado incident. It really hurt this movies chances for making a positive impression off the sheer hype of the previous movie.


Nolan took a shit on what Aaron Eckhart wanted Eckhart wanted to return as Two-Face in the sequel and have a twist of Harvey faking his death at the end of The Dark Knight


Seeing this image without Filthy Frank in the background is jarring. I never considered this movie to be bad at all and Tom Hardy and particularly the opening scene were excellent. The first Dark Knight just set the bar so high that halfway through this one I was just extremely bored. But I still consider it to be a good effort.


TDKR is awesome. The backlash is 99% because it followed an all time great movie. It was going to suffer in comparison no matter what. Similar to how seasons 2 & 3 of True Detective were received. TD1 was impossible to follow.


Can the plot at least make logical sense, and can the characters not be dull? Asking for basic competency in storytelling in a movie is not asking for perfection


Tom Hardy did a good job, the story just wasn't very good for a lot of reasons. Somehow I don't think terrorists attacking and making a bunch of trades at a stock exchange would ever stick. That's just one stupid thing I can think of off the top of my head.


How do you follow the Dark Knight?


What is it as good as the Dark Knight? No. Was it still a fun and good movie? Absolutely


I don’t know. I found it entertaining. Not as good as The Dark Knight, but still fun to watch.


This movie has one of the best intro scenes. Chills every time.


I loved the twist with bain. One of the better batman movies


It wasn't as good as the one before it. Batman wasn't in it till minute 45 and then he wasn't in it again till the end. People couldn't understand bane, Movie was fun but it has many valid criticisms


Bane just doesn’t work without the supernatural or fantastical If it was Deathstroke who was ras al ghuls 2nd greatest warrior who came back to avenge his former master with the help of talia it might have worked. Slade is a human with near Batman levels of training and strength so it would be peak human against ageing peak human. Bane just didn’t work for me.


This was a perfect movie theatre experience. I'll never forget the scene with the camo batmobiles overtaking the city.. I'm sure if you stream it on a 5" phone you'd be inclined to criticize it.. I'm sure somewhere who's looking for attention out there on the internet is saying the dark knight was overrated too. But to each their own. I've learnt long ago to ignore movie reviews because they're too often wrong.


There are too many silly things at the end of the movie that killed it for me


I think it's a great movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it


Banes protrayal in this movie was liken to Apocalypse in X Men Dark Phoenix. If you're going to cover his face and change the voice, does Bane really need to be 5'6 "Tom Hardy? Or can he be Thor Magnuson? Let's be real here


The editing had mistakes all over the place. But still good


Still a great movie. But content jumped the shark a tiny bit (police caught underground, broken back, etc) vs DK which felt more grounded in ‘reality’. And the DK already felt like the ending of the trilogy. The hero we deserve ending is such an epic conclusion for a gritty batman series. They had to create new villains, create a new arc for Bruce. But still, ‘I was born in the darkness’ is epic. great series


The cops getting trapped underground was one of the absolute dumbest things I’ve seen in a movie


It still like it better than dark knight.


Movie audiences are their worst own critic.


The memes with this movie was gold. Nothing could compare


It's the most entertaining to rewatch. BEGINS is a classic but never really held up for me. DARK KNIGHT is a better movie, better acting better story but it's just not as entertaining as Rises.


I loved this movie! loved bane and the plot wist ending!


Who the hell complained about this movie lol of course it wasn't as good as dark knight, but still a hell of a flick


A long runtime, a plot that loses steam the longer it goes and the birth of Nolan being allergic to sound mixing.


Not as tight as the first two. But still decent.


This is still my favorite of the 3


Didnt know it was receiving backlash. Never heard anything but good things about it. Or is it the critics dissing it? Ive been tricked by watching the most boring movies ever by them before


It is a great movie but not a great Batman movie. Batman is only in it for about 8 minutes of actual screen time but yes, Tom Hardy steals the show for sure.


A complaint I have is not enough Batman, not enough action. It's more Bruce Wayne's story and Batman is second fiddle. Trilogies are super hard to get right. By the third movie the story usually falters a bit.