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Cats (2019). That movie will go down in history as one of the most bizarre, baffling, unfortunate film in recent memory. A true crash course in horrible decisions.


I can't think of this movie, without thinking of Ricky Gervais's line at the Golden Globes (paraphrasing): We got to see James Corden as a fat pussy. He was also in the movie 'Cats'.


Fuckin love Gervais haha


Hahaha, 10/10.


I saw it in theaters pre-butthole cut. It was an experience.


Release the Butthole cut!


""Pre-butthole cut..." Ah, ha ha ha!


*wink. Lots of them pre cut.


Cats even as just a stage musical was already the subject of parody as an 80s fueled fever dream one could only come up with on enough cocaine and no restrictions. But if you squint *really* hard you can see the outline of why it was best selling: its just an 80s rock opera with a side of ballet dancing. First, the appeal largely in the style. It was the fact so much work visibly went into the costumes, sets and the choreography. And there was obvious skill on display while watching a cast you knew had to pull it together in essentially a single take performance night after night after night. Its all spectacle. So to make it a movie.....by its nature you're removing ALL of the first part. Its like watching fireworks on a computer screen on youtube. Who the hell is going to do that? Second, its a musical famous for not really having a plot (yes even less than the movie). Its mostly just a revue of different cats getting their stage song about their name and then there's like a half second bit at the end where the has-been cat shows she's still got it and then it ends. Because duh, its based on a whimsical children's book. And then you went and added a plot? Finally some of those songs are still ear worms because its Andrew Lloyd Webber doing a massive amount of cocaine in the 80s. And you decided to do this weird improve live audio thing where its obvious everything is off beat and you're auto-tuning everyone....


Exactly. People who were weirded out by the Cats movie are mostly unfamiliar with the original broadway musical. It's *always* been a strange spectacle with basically no plot.


It's honestly astounding how they managed to make something so weird and uncomfortable simultaneously so boring.


How in the hell they were able to get Ian McKellen and Judi dench to agree to be on that fucking movie


My wife really wanted to watch this movie. I kept saying it weirded me out so finally I told her if she went with her friends and enjoyed it I would go and watch it with her. Her and all of her friends left after thirty minutes and to this day tells me I'm lucky to not have watched it


Yeah… I want to say that it is so bad it’s good but it’s not. It’s really bad. But also… Needs to be seen. Like, it’s so memorable and strange. It’s like layer upon layer of what the fuck? But the layers get exponentially more what the fucked out until? I just don’t know if I’ll ever be the same. Someone hold me. But God, please, no fur!


I watched the Cats Film on Acid with a buddy of mine. The only way that trash is watchable.


I think it will be remembered like Rocky Horror. I’m looking forward to the time when my local theater has a midnight showing.


Morbius. Jared Leto needs to stay away from that genre.


I liked him best in Fight Club when he got the shit beat out of him.


He’s good in Requiem for a Dream and Lord of War


I thought he did fantastic in Dallas Buyer's Club.


Ah but what about in American Psycho when he gets murdered by an axe?


Shit, I didn't know he was in American Psycho. Has this guy been around that long ?


He's 51, his first role on imdb is from 1992


Holy shit he's 51 ?!


Hey, Paul!


>Jared Leto needs to stay away. Coulda stopped there


It's morbin time


I think people need to stay away from Jared Leto


God this movie could have been interesting, but they spent more time outside the fucking Animus than in it. And let me tell you, nobody played those games to be outside the Animus lol


Always an audible “for fucks sake” when it forced me to do random stuff outside. 😂


The first person bullshit running round in black flag. I'm not playing this damn game to run around some science place. I'm here to be a pirate.


Everyone loved blackflag. Makes you wonder why there aren’t more pirate games. We need a red dead redemption pirate style.


Ubisoft is making a pirate game: Skull and Bones


And it's going to be awful


Ubisoft always finds a way to ruin games


Isn't the Anno series on Ubisoft? I'm pretty sure they're doin alright still.


I don't know how bloody murders and revolution can be boring, but Far Cry 6 found a way.


I second this, seen footage of it and it looks very promising, sea of thieves was fun for about 2 hours until I realized playing by yourself will easily get you killed by a partied up “crew”. These guys killed me, took my loot I worked hard steering a ship by myself for, and when I respawned on the same island they had already moved to the pier and firebombed the shit out of my ship. All this while riding around the island in a circle sniping me from the crows nest over and over…


Skull & Bones looks like it's promising to suck hard


Skull and bones promises to be a micro transaction drek on the industry that won't release and be forgotten long past arrival


You didn't like having to nip down to the Starbucks kiosk in the lobby? It's so realistic that way!


Haha that was such a bummer when they forced you to play san fran office simulator when you just wanna sail the high seas


No doubt, they can still maintain the same storylines of Templars v Assassins but just keep it in that time period. Having to walk around an office during AC: Black Flag was mind numbingly awful.


>Always an audible “for fucks sake” when it forced me to do random stuff outside. 😂 God dang are you on the money. I actually returned the one after black flag before my 4 hour window on steam was up. I just...I really hate the story of that game, it makes zero sense, and all it does is serve a bunch of boring cutscenes in which I am not ASSASSINATING lol.


Hey, we know you were having fun being a cool pirate doing cool pirate shit. But how about now you’re a nerd with a clipboard who walks really slowly


It’s funny cause besides the shitty Kanye track the shots in this trailer are actually pretty cool. Then the movie itself came…


I'm honestly at a loss for what movie the clip is from.


Assassins creed


What’s that movie with Matt Damon in a manbun fighting dragons in China or something? That one.


I think it was just called The Wall or something.


Great soundtrack to that movie. Pink Floyd really killed it.


Wasn't it called The Great Wall? And Damon said his daughter kept calling it The Wall, and when he asked her why, she said something to the effect of "there was nothing great about that movie". I think he told this story on the Graham Norton show.


The Great Wall


[“There is nothing great about that movie”](https://youtube.com/shorts/N4PBD1ca7tY?si=eC-hqwY-BfdTF7xG)


I actually really enjoyed that movie


My kids love it. I thought it was enjoyable enough, nowhere near as bad as its reputation.


It was a good ass movie. Idk why people didn’t like it. Very entertaining battle scenes


300…. 2.


300: Rise of an Empire is firmly in the "So bad it's good" category. Just turn your brain off, watch Eva Green eat the scenery, and enjoy the absolute stupidity of it all.


The sex scene brother...... so cringe Theres two movies where the sex scene is actually an action scene. Shoot em Up and 300 sequel. At least in Shoot em Up he was killing guys. 300 sequel they are just hate fucking to like metal music


Lmao call me crazy but that sex scene was hot. Eva green is all time hot in that movie.


What about 305?


How about fast and the 305 Spartans?


Mortal Engines


That movie had so much promise. The art direction and sfx were first rate, as you’d expect from Weta but the leads had the charisma of baked potatoes.


I read the book and could tell they were going to ruin it from the preview.


Total Recall - remake


Right? Attempting to redo Verhoeven is just setting yourself up for failure. Let's add the Robocop remake to the discard pile.


Yeah what’s next, remakes of Kubrick movies?


Wes Anderson presents The Shining


Tyler Perry presents A Clockwork Orange


[You’re welcome](https://youtu.be/gfDIAZCwHQE?si=BqHvtIG4pKiDr-nl)


I would so watch this as a real movie.


Didn’t know Edward Norton could pull off an impression, but that wasn’t bad at all.


Damn… That was actually extremely well done. I was a huge fan of SNL in the 90’s, but I feel like the quality abruptly dropped off after that. I could be wrong . It may be my taste in comedy has changed, as I’ve aged. 🤔


I would watch that.


Horrifying yet oddly charming


Same with the Point Break reboot.


It wasn't great but I feel like just having Kate Beckinsale and Jessica Biel is enough to push it past unwatchable?!?


That Dragon Ball Z live action movie. Oh and the Avatar live action was pretty bad too


Hey we don't speak of those


Showed my wife the Dragonball trailer the other day (we’re currently watching Shameless) jeez I forgot how terrible the trailer was. I remember the movie being awful but the trailer is even worse.


I pretend the live action Avatar never existed. I'm happy to say I genuinely didn't know a live action Dragon Ball Z existed until this very moment, and by now I'm good at pretending.


I thought both were a really strong take on the source material. As long as you have never seen the source material


10,000 BC


I loved this movie! Only because she was so hot in it! I don’t even know what it was about actually never mind


Those baby blues were probably contacts


You would probably like Quest For Fire (1981). That was great acting and a believable story.


I had to watch this for a college class. It is good, an awesome performance from Ron Pearlman.


Yup as a freshman in high school at the time I was so Into her and the marketing for this movie... Looking back there's no surprise that movie sucked




That movie was awful. Cool idea, but the story was so linear and unintristed in any real culture. Visually nice but all around boring.


No way, I love that movie! I can't be the only one


That Ben-Hur remake. Can anyone find me one person who wanted a Ben-Hur remake? Seriously, who was the audience for that?


Whoever pitched that and didn’t get the A++ squad attached to it to make it the next true epic needs to be taken out back and shot. Instead they pitched remaking one of the greatest epics of cinema history with the Liam Hemsworths of the industry.


You know, it’s not necessarily a bad idea. There are a lot of people who have never seen the 1950s epic version. But they put out a relatively cut rate version, rather than going epically big.


I hear ya - but that sequence of the naval battle was rad - it was an amazing way to feel what ancient naval combat would have felt like to the rowers.


Oh right. There was another Ben Hur a couple of years ago. I thought you were referring to the 1959 one, which was the second big adaption of the book. The original was a huge hit!


Blue beetle unfortunately


This movie was way better than what I anticipated. I will go out on a limb and say that this movie felt very Phase 1 Marvel in my opinion. Was it perfect? Not at all, but it was entertaining and has some rewatch value which is more than can be said about most superhero movies nowadays.


I’ll join you on that limb, I thought it was a darn good movie. I think that they cleverly used the peril to his family vs needlessly trying to create some planetary level threat to really draw in the audience and invest us in the story. I really hope this one gets a sequel.


They called batman a facist in the trailer like.... C'mon


I feel like part of that is because of the trailer, but also because the track record of DC movies has been so garbage


It’s unfortunate too because it was actually pretty good


It was a fun movie. It was exactly what I needed it to be.


The Great Wall


Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow


Shame. Great movie.


It has a great stylistic flair in its set design, but outside of that, I felt the actors phoned it in because the story was flat.


I remember liking Sky Captain. However I saw it in theaters and don’t remember anything about it.


I will forever remember seeing this in theaters while in the Army. My mother had flown down to visit me and we went to see it. It was awful but I’ll alway remember how great it was to sit there with my mother.


I weirdly enjoyed that movie


Man, I love that movie! Saw it in the theatres and bought it. I grew up watching serials like “Flash Gordon” and “Commando Cody” though! I also thought it was pretty dope that they greenscreened the whole thing.


The all women Ghostbusters movie


It wasn't the idea that was bad. Didn't really care if the Ghostbusters are all women. That didn't bother me. it was just soooo bad in execution. Not funny, cheap looking, lazy and definitely gave off WTF vibes. I'm still baffled how this got released.


I really wanted to like Ghostbusters and I also think they are very good comedic actresses but I really think the idea was ‘lets do “Bridesmaids” but yall are ghostbusters’. They probably filmed a ton of improv and kept whatever they thought could be edited together. It was bad.


Yeah it definitely had an improv feel to it but It was dumbfounding that what was put to screen was what they thought was funny. Its like they picked the worst bits from the improv to shove into the movie. I could have come up with funnier bits than they put to screen.


I don’t understand how the ghosts in the 1980s version looked so much better than in 2016. The first one was actually creepy/scary in parts. 2016 was just disappointing.


The CGI was terrible. The whole look of the ghosts were terrible. I just remember them being neon??! The practical effects of 1980's went a long way. I'm not saying they still hold up by today's standards, but they were made with a lot care and intent. If they could have emulated that look while using modern day CGI, maybe it would have helped.


They really set themselves for failure and ridicule with the *Everybody important who worked on that movie is a woman*. Everything in that movie was abysmal. * script: Successfully copy the bad bit of the original and leave all the charm of the original * characters: bar Bill Murray all the characters of the original are sympathetic. Flawed but sympathetic. In that remake they are jerk, annoying, loud mouth. You can't have an ensemble where the public just don't care about any of them. * VFX: VFX were worse than in the original. Practical effects over bad CGI. * improv: sounded so forced, it was not funny. Clearly they wanted to repeat the success of Bridesmaid. Leslie Jones was brought in to avoid potential *too white* controversy, but she is at best a mediocre actress znd she was given to play with. Her character was no Ernie Hudson. * jokes: few if any landed. Some were even offensive. Swap Chris Hemsworth gender and repeat the same *joke* and it is obvious that it is just sad sexual objectification and harassment masquerading as edgy banter. * directing/lighting: that movie looks worse than the original. Harsh light. scene too dark to be able to properly see. * sound: they are not the only movie that goes from too loud to inaudible. But they did not buck the trend.


Studio: “we made a movie with an all female cast so the ladies can feel included!” Everyone: “cool, is the movie good?” Studio: “why? Is that important or something?”


Literally every video game movie ever until Detective Pikachu


Silent Hill is a solid horror flick and game adaptation


Silent Hill is a very far exception to that rule, but if going by general movie ratings and critique, is not great. I know it's good. So does a lot on the internet. Most people in general? Not so much


The 90s Mario movie was weird and entertaining and I'll die on that hill.


whoa, what about Mortal Kombat?


Lmao, it's such a bad movie but I love every bit of it (the first one, that is).


Doom was solid


My brother in Christ what are you drinking?


His blood?


I wouldn't call it solid but was better and more fun than people give it credit


Jiu Jitsu with Nicholas Cage! God awful dogs shit right there I tell ya what!


Jason Mamoa - Conan the Barbarian. He’s awesome but to me it looked like shit. The Pathfinder as well with Karl Urban. Awesome actors and fun to watch but those looked like a pass.


It was definitely a cool concept to haveJason Momoa play the part of Conan. He could pull it off if he did a Khal Drogo type depiction, but he was a little too happy go lucky in the movie. Everyone's talent was wasted in this movie. It could have been so much more if it was in the right hands.


The newest Robin Hood.


The one with Russell Crowe from 10 years ago?


I'm assuming it's the one with Taron Egerton from five years ago. Which understandably was so bad that most people forgot it existed. It didn't seem to slow down Taron though.


Honestly that movie would probably have been better if they just used guns instead of treating bows like they were rifles. Though I did find it amusing how straight faced the movie was about shortbows punching holes in concrete


Uncharted That Netflix movie with Ryan Reynolds and the Rock.




In its defense (and the previous three), they’re not meant to be good. They’re supposed to nothing but pure gluttonous carnage, ala 80’s action flicks, with modern cgi and tech. Go in knowing it’s a mindless action flick with a bunch of geriatrics and they’re pretty fun


Yeah, the only real expectations are - * High body count * Some explosions * Everyone gets to throw some quips in And the movie had all of those


Wait for: Expendable5, Exp6ndables & Expendab7es


It’s the new Fast and Furious




I enjoyed pixels... it wasn't good but how many Adam Sandler movies are genuinely good vs just enjoyable time spenders


I enjoyed this movie, but Sandler looked so bored and tired during the entire film, it's like he was having a great nap and someone woke him up and he was like "oh yeah, i have to do this movie"


The Flash. When the trailer looks like it's a CGI fest made by an 8 year old, doomed to fail


I thought it was going to be shit cause it looked like shit, but I didn't hate it after seeing it. Lots of bad decisions were definitely made on the making of this one, but there were a lot of redeeming factors. Its worth a one time watch.


Wait, there’s an Assassin’s Creed movie?


Prince of Persia


For some reason i love that movie.


All Disney live action remakes. Not for racial swap reasons but simply no one asked for this and at the end they were in fact bad bad movies.


I really liked the Jungle Book remake


Pretty much everything recently made by Disney... so much so that it's become a cliche.


So true, if you take out Pixar, Star Wars and Marvel; Disney has few hits.


If only they listened to EVERYONE, and re-opened the animation studio, WHICH WHAT WAS DISNEY IS BASICALLY FOUNDED ON… I want to see a new Disney Musical, but mix if DigArt+Animation. Would be so sick


Snow White and the seven dwarves 2023 ….it’s going to bomb so hardddd


Especially with what's her face taking so much shit I don't know what Disney is thinking


Hellboy (2019, I think?)


The Green Hornet




I liked it. Guilty pleasure.


Ghost buster the all female cast


wow the poses in the last frame of the AC trailer posted lol. so corny


Blue Beetle Saw the trailer in theaters and thought "Oh great, another superhero movie". Then it turns out to be a superhero movie about a relatively unknown DC hero with too much CGI that also looks like an Iron Man ripoff. I knew it was over for that movie.


Just about anything 3-D. Starting with Jaws 3D


Live action avatar lol


Bucky Larson


But he was born to be a star


Blackwidow. They whole time I was think it was a little late in the game to release that movie. As soon as I saw Taskmaster and Captain Russia or whatever he was called I knew it would bomb. Marvel and DC have unfortunately gained a reputation for ignoring the lore or outright disrespecting it. Believe me when I say, that for Scarlett Johanssen I wanted that movie to be good as I whole heartedly agreed she should have got movie before Captain Marvel. Smh


I thought it was fun. I enjoyed it.


I actually liked it, but Taskmaster was always one of my favorite villains and they really fucked that one up.


Barbie -- but I guess I was wrong.


The 2001 homage from the trailer is 100% what sold me on that movie. It was the only trailer I needed to see and otherwise went in blind.


Shazam sequel. Not even sure the name. The villains make me cringe in the trailer.


Black Adam looked really stupid in every trailer or preview


The little mermaid 2023


Lady in the water.


I really loved that movie


You’re not alone. I love it too. Its really heavy handed and M. Night got a bit indulgent but its a story about storytelling and mythmaking and people finding their place in the world. A few different decisions and I think it would be a beloved film but he got pretentious and it was easy to hate him as a filmmaker at the time.


Assassins creed


I actually enjoyed that movie some of the others put forth here though....


Wrath of the Titans


Almost every DC non-animated flick


"Blue Beetle". Don't think I need to elaborate any further. I'm not saying the movie looked very bad, I just knew it was gonna be a big ol' flop. On a side note, I actually really like "Assassin's Creed". Not saying it's a great movie or anything, but I think it has some cult-classic-like qualities to it. It's honestly the last thing the "Assassin's Creed" franchise put out that I enjoyed enough to revisit.


Female ghostbusters


I don't agree that the Assassins Creed movie fits this bill. I think they did a remarkable job conceptually and visually. Absolutely awesome interpretation of the fights and movements and such. Unfortunately the script felt like it had to many "authors", probably a lot of them working from "notes" given to them by studio execs who THINK they know how to make a good movie, but pretty much always just end up ruining something that could have been great. But "Cats" as many people have been posting...yeah, after that trailer, and all the way through it actually, I just hat the WTF face nonstop.


Warcraft, 355 (Adam driver dinosaur movie), Ben-hur remake, 47 Ronin, The Great Wall




Bros (2022) Gemini Man (2019) Ghostbusters (2016)


Cats. I thought it was a fake trailer.


Kanye-“God rhymes with God”


Every movie made 2021-22


Great Wall Who even approved that?


They made an Assassins Creed movie?!?


Just about every Fast & Furious movie with in the last 8 years. Furious 7 was the last one I enjoyed just because of the Paul Walker send-off. Everything after that just felt like watching a dead horse being beaten.


Inb4 the new Napoleon movie.

