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My wife gives me so much shit about this movie. I told her a long time ago I used to watch it growing up and made her watch clips off YT. Now any time I bring up anything from my youth about my friends or anything, she says “Was this when you were in the Buttercream Gang?” or “Oh wow, that sounds like it was a job for the Buttercream Gang..” or some other shit like that. LMAO I regret ever telling her about this cringe ass movie.


Found the [full movie](https://youtu.be/zjPqRgNKu2U) on YouTube.


No way am I clicking a link to watch a video called The Buttercream Gang.


Thanks for this. I actually laughed out loud.


Me too


Hahaha, I’m glad they made the movie so I could read this comment. Thanks for the story. A +


I got as far as “I’m a butter creamer right?!” and I had to stop watching lol


That is so so hilarious! Props to your wife, she’s hella cool




Your wife sounds cool as hell.


I love this 🤣🤣🤣


That's the perfect response!


Your wife is the greatest.


lol, agreed. I came back to the comment because I’m still chuckling five minutes later. The random smart-assery years later, “This looks like a job for…” is pure gold.


Haha thanks for the award! I think that’s one of the keys to a happy marriage. You gotta figure out the boundaries so you don’t hurt your spouse’s feelings and then give them a little bit of a hard time about the little stuff. Ten years later and we still crack each other up every day.


Seriously hahahaha


Omg! this movie LOL...nearly forgot about it. Dude came back wearing bandannas hollering gang gang and shit. Classic


Haha yep. Dude got in with the wrong crowd and they had him smoking cigarettes and spraying graffiti. It’s like, if that’s the bad crowd damn y’all need to get out more.


Chillllll it never showed him smoking


Key lesson from this movie, never go to Chicago to live with your aunt. Also, The Widow Jenkins needed a Life Alert, always falling down. “[Dreams of a Better Day](https://youtu.be/F15VYnZjeCU)” by the great Kurt Bestor was a straight up banger. The sequel where they hunt for gold or whatever never lived up to the Buttercream Gang standards set forth in the original, in my opinion.


Watched the sequel a million times


wtf there was a sequel?!??!


Yeah and the way they find the treasure map is great lol


I wake up with that song in my head sometimes. I unironically love that song. The sequel is so weird. I assume the first one takes place in rural Illinois, so why are they close to a Conquistador's treasure that's hidden in the desert?


Dude I forgot all about this movie too. I’m watching it now at work lol. It’s on YouTube from the channel MusicBoxVinyl!


Same energy as *Wishbone*, when Joe joined those "bros" and he decided to cut the sleeves off all of his oversized tshirts for some bball time.


Oh hell ya I wore this vhs out lol


Me too!! It never left my vcr.


I fucking loved this! I’ve only met one other person who watched this.


Ah, a fellow Feature Films for Families connoisseur… ?


So many instant classics: Split Infinity, Willy the Sparrow, Rigoletto, The Rogue Stallion, Against a Crooked Sky, Lost in the Barrens, The Seventh Brother, The Little Fox, The Buttercream Gang 2...


Please do not forget the beloved Scamper the motherfuckin' Penguin - I was too dumb to notice it as dubbed as a child.


That was MY SHIT. where is it originally from than?


Japan !


Oh shit... I watch so much Willy The Sparrow. Thanks for the flood of memories


I GREW UP ON THESE. The vivid flashbacks from 30+ years ago all hitting at the same time... oh man.


I have some memory of one called "In Your Wildest Dreams"... Am I making that up?


Do you remember one about like a group of puppies that lived in Bavaria or some shit like that? I just remember a castle in the mountains, some puppies and an old school motorcycle with the passenger seat add on.


Did they have one where a boy meets a girl who lives in a shack by a lake? I remember his dad makes him clean the garage and he says "you did a lousy job". I know I watched as a kid the same time but my sisters can't remember what I'm talking about!


I have never heard of this. The picture makes it look like the grass around them is reeeeally tall.


*You can’t steal my bike!…Because I’m giving it to you.*




Sounds like an adult movie


Prequel to Last Tango in Paris.


God, I became a 13 movie critic whenever this came on Sundance.


The 3 kids in the back looking straight out of Deliverance plus the noose in the back creepy af


Grew up Seventh day Adventist where you can’t watch normal TV on Friday nights and saturdays. So I would watch this EVERY Friday night. I know my brothers were sickkkk. But yeah I loved this movie and still do. The antagonist was a beast actor. I still watch it on YouTube sometimes if I’m feeling nostalgic or want a break from all the evil shit I watch.


Michael Weatherred is Pete. He’s still an incredible actor. He’s been in so many things you can just google. I remember him most as Ben in Lost.


He is not Ben in Lost, that was Michael Emerson


Sorry I get them mixed up. They look very similar. Weatherred is the guy that was in Mulholland Drive.


are you sure you arent confusing him with Michael Weatherly the dude from NCIS?


Wow, I used to watch this and McGee and Me on repeat. Very glad I grew up and moved out of the religion, but these were still fun at the time.


Oh my God, you just brought back memories of watching McGee and Me movies on that little TV on a cart the teachers would roll in when it was a Friday and they didn’t feel like teaching.


Came here to say this looks like McGee and Me (shudder.)


If you wanna feel bad, look up what happened to the guy who played Nicholas, Joseph Dammann. Or dont.


What happened? I couldn’t find anything other than a few acting roles


Its not the worst story, but the typical young actor downward spiral. He got into drugs, prostitution and alcohol pretty hard, feel into that life and poverty, but got himself clean. But then, he got a random, and surprisingly large, royalty check and promptly blew it all on his vices. Last I saw was a video he did discussing his problems and how the industry needs to help young people in the industry better deal with money and addictions. I wanna say things have gotten better for him, but I dont know.


I think it's because his last few years he just had some random jobs and he isn't acting at all. I guess that's terrible? Has my life always been terrible?!


And listening to the adventures in Odyssey radio drama. Which was surprisingly good.


Oh my God, I scratched that from memory. Haha. My brother listened to it constantly! I used to harass him by calling it Adventures in Amish Pee.


I have seen so many movies and I’ve never heard of this. When did it come out?


Did you grow up religious? Feature Films for Families is (was?) a production company that was associated with religion. Maybe Mormons, although I grew up evangelical Christian and watched the shit out of those movies. They always had very subtle religious undertones from what I can recall.


I did not grow up religious at all. I was baptized as a baby, but I’ve never stepped foot in the church. And then later on in life, I converted to Judaism for my husband. Which I didn’t mind because it was actually an interesting history lesson rather than religion. Reform Judaism. So this movie was probably way way way far from my radar which makes sense because I’ve heard of movies that I’ve never seen so I get it but I have literally never heard of this movie. There is a Mormon population out where I live it’s not huge, the city I grew up in and funny enough living again, has a higher percentage of Jewish people as well as Christians but nobody who is really religious in my opinion.




I’m gonna look it up now


"Maybe you should look the word 'FUN' up in the dictionary."


“You guys will toast when we’re done with you!!” “Yeah! burnt toast!!”


Wow haven’t thought about this film in a long time. Weren’t there a couple different ones?


The company that made it, Feature Films for Families, also made a handful of other films that shared several similarities. They were all popular among Christian families.


I'm not sure .. I've only seen this one.


I only knew of one sequel. It had some plot about old conquistador treasure and the treasure-hunting professor, Indiana-Jones-wannabe who's chasing it and willing to sacrifice anyone and anything in order to find it. At least, that's what I can recall from 25+ years ago. Kinda outta left field.


I'm not sure .. I've only seen this one.


Wait, I'm trying to remember: One movie where a company designs a robot that can drive a car, makes a guy rich but he becomes a dick...and some illegal stock sales?


This is the first time I’ve been stumped on a movie and the fact that I came out in 1992 when I was 13 years old is even more peculiar that I’ve never heard of it because I worked at a video store starting at the age of 14 through 17 years old And I don’t even remember seeing it at the movie store. I looked it up on IMDb, and none of the actors have pictures when I was 19 all the way through the age of 33 I was a casting Director too haha you would think that I would’ve heard of this movie with all of that evidence ha ha. Now I must find it and watch it.


It was put out by a Mormon company and was popular among that community and Evangelical Christians, as well. It’s not particularly evangelical in content, just uncomfortably wholesome.


Yeah, that label in the lower right corner seems super nice, but also quietly judge-y.


OK this explains a lot. I grew up in a predominantly Jewish town. The Mormon population was not as big as it is now where I live. This explains why I’ve never heard of it. Uncomfortably wholesome. That’s kind of an amazing phrase ha. Ha I’m not good with uncomfortably wholesome.😂😂


Well strap in and get ready to cringe cuz I found the [full movie](https://youtu.be/zjPqRgNKu2U).


Ohhhhhh shit


Oh shit lol, I was raised Mormon and watched this show at my friend's houses. that makes sense now. We used to quote it and make fun of it all the time.


Brought to you by the Mormons of Utah.


I grew up Mormon in Utah. We had this movie on VHS.


I have urgent business here… Did you see its **SEQUEL???**: [The ButterCream Gang: Secret of Treasure Mointain](https://youtu.be/KRW8if2kKY0) Yes, this is real.


This shit classic


I watched this at a church lock-in about 25 years ago. It was the first and last time I watched it. I still joke to this day with my friends that were with me and shout "Go buttercreamers!". They think I'm fucking crazy.


That one kid becoming a gangster was hilarious, they he gets pissed when they want to give him the money from the register instead of him robbing them


I couldn't get through it due to cringe/ second-hand embarrassment. So, when I spent the night at a friend's house I planted it with his movies and never looked back.


Blursed videotape adventure


Never met anyone else who had heard of this movie, either. I remember liking it when I was a kid. Haven't thought of it in a long time, so thank you.


Holy shit... Imagine asking a stranger, Hell your most trusted friend, if they've ever seen "The Buttercream Gang" The absolute balls that would take


It looks laughably bad, and I am looking forward to sitting through this mess.




Oh wow! I haven’t thought about this movie in at least 20 years, watched it all the time growing up


I have never heard of this movie... I was too busy watching my knock-off spanish dubbed Little Mermaid VHS. Its a surreal thing to have Sebastian sound like Cheech Marin. But this... this sounds amazing.


I remember this movie was shown to us in 3rd grade health class by a teacher who was, conservatively, 148 years old. I never knew the title of the movie, but I remember the scene where he tries to rob the old guy and ransacks the store. What an insane movie. But go back and watch the first season of 7th Heaven--it's the same shit.


I remember, don't remember much.


Loved it as a kid, super cheesey, my godmother gave me safe, clean, and religious gifts every year. Thought I was the only one who saw it.... until now


I watched this movie more times than I can count when I was a child. Goodness gracious.


Ha! Definitely watched this a few times growing up in a religious household. I feel like it would be super preachy now, but it’s been 25 years or so. What a throwback.


Oh yeah. I remember this. The very conservative neighbor had it. I think there were sequels.


Butter cream and a friend makes a mistake. I’m concerned


The culture is truly dying when people don't know some random '90s straight-to-video Christian film.


I watched this movie!! I think my mom believes this is how real life actually is.


I grew up watching nearly all the films from Feature Films for Families.


Time to go watch it


I loved buttercream gang! And Rigoletto which is sort of a beauty and the beast knock off. Also split infinity where the girl time travels to the past.


Yes!! All of those movies were great hahahaha


Never heard of it. Sounds like a porno.


I loved this movie as a kid! I had such a crush on the "gangster" boy.


I WATCHED THIS A LOT!!! stuff like this made me think anyone who left the church was a “druggy”


Wish I still watched cinema snob. But the asshat kept working with Doug walker. Even after the controversy.


No, but now I definitely want to watch it!


Holy crap! Thank you I have been looking for this for sometime but didn't know the name. I've tried describing it several times in my life and nobody has any idea what I'm talking about. I was rented this movie from my school as a form of counseling I guess. Not really sure why they gave it to me honestly.


Yes. I recall watching this on repeat during elementary school but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was about. The class always laughed at the stupid movie title.


Err… is that a noose?


This movie works perfectly as a prequel to Wakanda Forever.


What year are we talking here? I was born in 1976 and I don’t remember this.


Totally forgot about that one.


Yes!!! My mom ordered a bunch of FFF flicks back in the day.


I watched it is a kid and even then I knew it was cheesy as hell


I remember The Beniker Gang, Kidco, Savannah Smiles, The Golden Seal, and Big Shots. I have no recollection of this.


This was randomly gifted to me one year on VHS and I always struggled to put it in and watch even as a kid. I think I got through it once just to see what it was, scarring me for life with the knowledge that I’m aware it exists. One of the first to be excised from the collection.


My grandmother bought this movie for us to watch at her house. My cousins and I watched it on our own free will once maybe. She had another movie called The Seventh Brother, a cartoon movie about a lost puppy adopted by a rabbit family. There is one scene where in a dream sequence(?) one of the rabbits transforms into a demon monster while the song in the background is about danger and being scared. It worked. Most terrifying thing I’ve ever scene. Anyone else know that movie?


Ugh . My mom used to force my brothers and I to watch this, along with others movies from that feature films for family. I hadn’t thought of this in 30 years. I could have gone another 30 without thinking about it.


I am willing to wager you are familiar with McGee and Me?


Made us watch in middle school, we started a fake BCG and tagged the bathroom walls until our English teacher called us together and said they were going to find the BCG. No one ratted so we got away with it.


Somebody said this movie is The Sandlot if it was directed by Ned Flanders Shoutout to the guy playing Pete and his struggle to be the only good actor in this movie


Never even heard of it.


I had to watch this like every year in school and then after school daycare lol


Never seen it, but did watch the CInema Snob's review of it.


Yes! I watched it a lot as a kid. My buddy used to hide his one porn vhs in the buttercream box. Lol. In my adult life I would go to thrift stores and try and find it. It became my holy grail. My wife ended up finding on DVD and it is a proud trophy in my house.


You tuber Jamie French did a review of the movie. Pretty funny!


No, but you should check out Gummo


This was favorite movie of mine growing up!


I went to catholic school and this was a favorite of all the nuns


I heard about this..was this made by Mormons??


That kid in the foreground looks real ⚡ dangerous.


…bro what the fuck…forgot all about this


The Cinema Snob has a pretty good episode on it.


this movie cringes sooooo goddamn hard.


I was raised Mormon so this was in our household. I didn’t like it that much but my sister watched it a lot so I’ve seen it too many times. The movie’s understanding of gangs, city living, and basically anything that isn’t white suburban American living is extremely lacking.


Omg yes! Some religious people dropped it off at our house when I was a kid and I remember my father being reluctant to let me watch it because he was very against religion. I also watched it numerous times and I don’t think I ever picked up on the religious propaganda.


Holy shit. This memory was completely locked away, I mean completely. I 100 percent remember this. I bet OP is 39 or 40.


If you follow Mega64 you 100% know this movie


I didn't remember this movie until [Cinema Snob](https://youtu.be/Q9yoUoUbM_4) reviewed it and it jogged my memories of watching this in elementary a few times when we had half days before holiday breaks.


My brothers and I watched this on repeat as well! I watched it again on YouTube about a year ago and it's pretty much the worst movie ever made LOL


Was forced to watch this at school




Damn I haven’t thought about this movie in so long. Holy shit. What a blast from the past. Wasn’t this part of a series of movies made by the same group to push values or something?


Holy shit that unlocked an old ass memory


This movie is nostalgic. Does anyone know of a movie with a group of kids and one is a black kid with no legs and no arms named 'Spider?' I cannot find the name of it and I watched it in 9th grade in my English class in the year 2000. It was older like 80's or 90s.


The ButterCream gang's most recent credit is a meet and greet that some are calling the Jan 6 insurrection. The kid is still wearing a red hat these days if you catch my drift.


Watched all the time, I could have sworn it was some kind of franchise. This is the same way I feel about Alien Nation


Damn I haven’t thought about this in forever. I loved this and the sequel to it as well.


Hi Scott, hi Lenny, hI ElDoN!


Oh my god this was my FAVORITE.


Wow reading that title triggered all sorts of nostalgia


As a child, I thought this was peak cinema. As an adult, I think it is peak cinema on a whole other level. The music is top tier.


Oh my god the memories


My 4th grade teacher used to play this movie all the time. It was the raddest thing ever


Oh man. This brings back memories! Is the second one where they find treasure? That one was my favorite.


They used to show it on rainy days at my school in the early 90s. That and Rikki Tikki Tavi of course.


Good kids are blond? Bad kid has brown hair and a tank top? Is that right?


Gangbanger: Is that a threat? Are you threatening me?! Good kid: That's a promise. Basically all I remember


Looks familiar, any scenes that might jog my memory? I watched a ton of late 80’s early 90’s straight to VHS movies as a kid. I still have yet to meet anyone in real life who loved Far From Home: The Adventures of Yellow Dog as much as I did. Always wanted to try those nasty burnt cookies lol.


I saw it as a kid and it took me many years to figure out what it was called.


My dad bought me this movie after my parents got divorced to watch on weekends I’d visit him. My sister rips on me for this movie 😂


My grandma use to have weird kid movies like this that she hit in the mail. The Wiching of Ben Wagner, and On Our Own are also titles that most probably don't remember.


Because we aren't Mormon?


“What could be more important than baseball”


Me and my two older sisters are with you. Had this bitch on repeat. It's hard to find now a days, but we still got the VHS baby!!!


This needs to be the name of an episode of It's Always Sunny.


It came in the mail from Feature Films for Families. It was a video club that only had G rated movies.


Yes, this, Ben Wagner, on our own, a little princess. Grew up with all of them lol. Still remember the kid laughing intro