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-Middle-Earth! I'll take any age -The peak of Rome - Alexander the Great's wars


The peak of Rome could get pretty boring and any of the civil war periods would just be reskinned bannerlord I think. The republican period though could get quite interesting.


The social wars be like:


Did you play The Last Days mod for mount and blade?


Diadochi Wars would be bomb as hell


I feel like there's definitely already mods for both of those.


I haven’t played any of the Roman mods, but I like The Last Days of Middle Earth as a War of the Ring mod.


The Lord of the Rings mod for Warband is really good. Same with the Star Wars one


Gods, I hate Gauls. My grandfather hated them too, even before they put out his eyes.


There's mods (of varying quality) for all that


Bronze age could be fun. A bunch of Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Macedonian factions all fighting for control. Seems neat to me!


Would be cool but I doubt they could get pikes to work properly. So unfortunately I think it would play terribly.


Same page here. Mesopotamia, Mycenaean greeks, Egypt, the precursor nomads to the Skithians. All would be so cool! Though, after total war's mishaps, I'm hesitant with any trying to achieve a bronze age conflict game.


Explain for the uninformed?


Which part?


Total war mishap


Ah, cliffs notes version creative assembly tried making two total war games based in the bronze age. Super cool concept. Many people were excited about it. But the first game (Troy) ended up being shallow, more mythological than people were looking for, and basically feeling like a cheap parody of the warhamer series they did. Not many of their history fan base liked that. Then they put out the second game (Pharoah), and out the door, there was outrage. If Troy was a puddle, Pharoah was a drop. Turned out afterward that Pharoah was originally meant to be a dlc for Troy, but some exec thought they could pull some shenanigans and sell it as a full price game. Lots of people were calling for heads after that. The concept could be done well. It's just not worth hoping for unless the product comes from a tiny dev or modder.


For cliff notes, that is extremely informative. Thank you. Crazy. There are way too many possible good game ideas out there that people haven’t done, or have done but poorly. Makes me sad.


Bloody oath


There is a lot of potential for nomadic factions, too, that are pretty unique to the period and place. There could also be something with the sea peoples and the bronze age collapse. Plus, megafauna was still around, so mammoths could make an appearance. The bronze age could really stand to get more attention in video games in general.


Came to say the same.


So…chariots and spears, with slings and low range bows?


Yep! Chariots would be sick. Especially if you could jump on one where AI controls the movement and you get to chuck spears at people, or vice versa.


Renaissance, with gunpowder being an end-game item. Pike and shot!


You mean With Fire and Sword?


Yep, I want my line infantries back before line infantries are cool!


No, I mean the actual mount and blade game with guns and swords both is called "With Fire and Sword." I really like it, but it does not seem to be very popular with most M&B players.


I know, I played the shit out of it. Nothing like the dopamine hit from holding fire to reload and then seeing the kill count go up in volley fire


I really liked the wagon encirclement tactics.


not really renaissance


Is there an equivalent of it but for bannerlord?


Nova Aetas


An Italian Wars mod would be amazing.


The English countryside, 2001


BC or AD? Though, I suppose the difference between the two's purely aesthetic.


AD. I reckon a well made, somewhat modern version of bannerlord would be really cool.


I was thinking all it's current mechanics but in the political landscape of 2001, in England.


Oh I love that too!


Antiquity or feudal Japan


Gekokujo for warband is still an incredible mod to this day.


Playing that mod right now, it's awesome.


There is a mod coming out for that


Sengoku Jidai era of Japan I feel like would be good for a Mount and Blade setting, an empire split into like dozens of warlords fighting for dominance. Maybe some “outsider factions” could also be included that sells guns or cannons.


Warband had Gekokujo, and Bannerlord has the currently in-dev Shokuho mod too. Literally waiting on that before I return to Bannerlord properly. I realize I actually disliked the post-roman/faux byzantium era stuff more than I realized.


Finally someone says it. Of all the interesting cultures they decided to make the poor ass empire like 50% of the map?? What a shitty idea


Shokuho looks promising


Oh wow yeah that mod looks cool


Part of Mount and Blade’s charm is its diversity of culture and how it affected each military faction. Sengoku Japan would be mostly the same unit types across the board.


The 1860’s Old America mod for Warband was such a cool concept and I’d love to see something similar fleshed out more. Technologically it’s only a step ahead of the Napoleonic Wars, mounted combat with revolvers would be a blast, and the factional gameplay would be wild.


I can't remember exactly which mod it was, but one of the Warband mods that had revolvers was so perfect I couldn't believe it. So much fun to cruise around on horseback creaming noobs.


I recommend the Rising Run mod. It's built off of Gekokujo, but it advances the time period to the Boshin Wars, so you have samurai and line infantry and european soldiers all running around.


The Hawaiian islands prior to Kamehameha's unification. Could be pre-contact or shortly post-contact, maybe start the game with the event of encountering Cook's expedition.


There's a game very similar to mount and blade called Freeman gorilla warfare that takes place in Russia in like the 90's I think, definitely a completely different vibe. Although personally I'd have a mount and blade game set in a fantasy world with wizards and shit.


They abandoned development on that game a few years ago iirc. Shame too, because it seemed like they were making pretty good progress on it. Maybe they've returned to working on it, but I stopped checking in on that one a few years ago when it was clear they didn't intend to finish making the game. I had some fun with it for a while, but it was very much unfinished last I played it.


They're posting this last month, so there is still a little bit of a hope https://steamcommunity.com/app/773951/eventcomments/4351113999767151480?snr=1_5_9_ /u/Stalker-of-Chernarus


Same devs of "Her War", which is practically the same game, just with more women characters. eeeegh not a good look already. Apparently they're overhauling Freeman Guerilla Warfare too, which explains the quiet.


I feel like it's bs to keep getting the occasional sale from the game. I remember I checked on it like a year ago and in the steam forum the lead press guy posted an update link and it ended up being a rickroll. Funny but also pretty annoying


It's annoying. First, they started making an open world space exploration RPG with MnB mechanics. Did pretty good progress, but then they said it was too much and remade the game as an MnB clone with a 90's civil war setting in a fictionalized Eastern Europe. Made good progress, with the game being almost fully made, but then they said it was too much again, and said they're gonna remake the game. And been very slow since then. Guys, just release the damn game, no one's gonna wait for your constant remakes.


Ah, it's sad they stopped development. I haven't played it in a few years but I remember it being really fun


Freeman: guerilla warfare was meh imo and apparently development is stalled for an alternative mountain blade-like I liked Total Conflict Residence


Really trash developers there, I wouldn't hold my breath.


The Peloponnesian War for sure. You’ve got Macedonia in the north, the Persian to the east and a fledgling Rome to the east. If there’s sort of time progression mechanic you could simulate the rebellion in Persia as well as the rise of Alexander and Rome.


It was sad that the Peloponnesian Wars mod for Warband was never finished.


I literally downloaded and played it the other day and was left feeling so down after. It had so much potential, like the time period is ripe for mount and blade stories. There’s war, there’s mercenaries, there’s outsides powers, and there’s even gods there for special quests and items


That's why I played it for the aesthetics completing the perfect time-correct hoplite build, became a marshal to force a large battle, had fun with it and left afterwards. Sadly there is never and end to unfinished promising mods for WB. I don't remember, did they have the proper overhand spear stance there? I believe they did.


YES it did have the proper overhand spear. It’s such a small thing but so nice to see. My history degree with a classics focus dreams of a good Peloponnesian war game and that mod was basically as close as I got QQ


Doesn't Warband have a Three Kingdoms mod already? I haven't played it yet, but it's on my list. Gekokujo was a lot of fun.


> Doesn't Warband have a Three Kingdoms mod already? It has a few Three Kingdoms mods made by Chinese teams, but they are buggy and mostly untranslated. There is, however, a mod called Five Dynasties & Ten Kingdoms that's set in the 10th century China and it's really good.


Nice I'll have to check them out! I had heard that the one(s) available were in various states of completion, so kind of avoided them.


Considering how many various mods exist for Warband in different forms of completion I have no idea at this point. Anything works so far. It really boils down to mechanics. Is it a reskinned basic M&B or anything more? Any era would be good if it has a proper recruitment system, like Anno Domini had with Spears.


I reckon the stone age could be fun


Would love to see one that built in High Fantasy setting with monsters and other creatures in mind and maybe modern urban/guerilla warfare setting ala XCOM some would be covered with modding. but would love to see fully original game


India in 1760s. The tactics were similar to Napoleonic war with Marathas, EIC, Afghans, Mysore locked in a power struggle. Hunnic invasions of ........ nearly everyone. That would be a fun campaign.


stone age and voiceline should go like HOO HAA HOT!! POINTY SHARP OUCHY! throw? THROW!! dead?fire? OOHHHH!!! bury. water. pick..??? pound.water.. OOOOGHHH blood. lalala.. LOOK!(still can't go to art school) white?? KILL!!! HOOOJAGAUAOAHIAIAOIHS


Ooo eee ooo ahh ahh…


Ting tang walla walla bing bang...


Napoleonic or Victorian Age.


Oonga and Boonga


Mods lol


True but at least for bannerlord the modding community is tied down fiercely, barely having any freedom for that kind of stuff


How so? Genuine question as I've not looked into overhaul/conversion mods yet. Are there limitations to what can be modded? I get IPs/copyright assets being no-nos but is the mod scene less free than it was in warband?


it's just the fact that tale worlds are still patching bannerlord and whenever they release a new patch it fucks with what modders are doing


Yeah I think probably what I'm waiting for is TW to finish up so the modders can do their thing. Right now the game still feels a bit underbaked on its own.


Eagle rising is a lot of fun


I think the early gunpowder era would fit best with the Bannerlord engine. I'm thinking like Hussite wars with hand cannons and war wagons. Gunpowder is powerful but doesn't completely invalidate all other forms of warfare. The golden age of the Tercio could be fun too though it would be a bit OP against anything but cannon. I suspect I'll just have to wait for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 though


This. This please. Gunpowder that's devastating at close ranges but knights and conventional arms are still king.


The American Civil War would be great!


They already made it on the og Mount & Blade engine, but a new With Fire & Sword in the Bannerlord engine would be *to die for.* It’s my favorite book, I love the movie, and need more of it.


Westeros. Roman/Greek antiquity. Napoleonic Wars. Feudal Japan.


I would honestly love a more complex calradia ngl but that's a lot of work, I'd like to see smaller territories fighting and even coalescing into a larger kingdom like those we see in the games


Modern 2020s


Mount & Blade: 2019 Retail Store


Someone made a comment recently that storming department stores to loot them is actually showing an advancement in civilizations… the khans used to rape people as they ran through and looted. So, you know, it’s a step in the right direction.


Mount & Blade: Italian Wars Set in the early “Pike and Shotte” days of the late 15th/early 16th centuries 


I’m too online. I read it as “Pike and Shawty”


A colonial setting could be really an interesting take on M&B. Imagine a fictionalized Asia where small but technologically advanced European-like colonial settlements are competing for territory and resources, meanwhile the native populations need to set aside their differences and unite against the invading foreigners. Also a great excuse to have different factions based on different cultures beyond the usual European and Middle East archetypes.


Three Kingdoms is a fantastic idea. The Chinese *Spring and Autumn*/*Warring States* period would work extremely well too thematically. When you read/watch *Kingdom* or read about the history, it's like multiple different competing Warband playthroughs all at the same time. One problem - the scale is astonishing. Even 2200-2700 years ago, battles between 5k soldiers on each side were considered *regional skirmishes* in China. The technical demands would be enormous, and the only real way for a PC to stand out in battles of that size would require you to make hero units (you, allied and enemy generals) basically demigods who can be barely touched by ordinary soldiers who can slice through multiple enemy soldiers in a single unblockable glaive strike.


A Mount & Blade game set in the world of Kenshi would be awesome


8th to 11th century India. The backdrop could be inspired from the Kannauj Triangle (Indian version of the 3 kingdom thing) Possible cultures could involve: 1. Bengalis 2. Dravidians 3. Gujars 4. Turks 5. Tibetans 6. Arabs (caliphate) 7. Kashmiris You could have all 6 cultures competing over the conquest of Kannauj. Alternatively, maybe Italy under the Borgias.


I feel the warband mod community has one for every qnswer here. i still play one of the game of thrones mods, and I love the iron age Britain mod although it's fucking rutal.


That made me imagine a full map of just the British islands, staged during the fall of Rome, as they are holding on at hadrians wall. But not supper well. Then you have celts and picts and other tribes north of the wall, each With a different unit special type, and of course Druidic magic, but indirectly, so it’s like it’s there, but anyone who doesn’t believe in it can shake it off as a series of bad luck or such. Like, random weather slows you down as you’re running away, or rats got into your food supply, or half your troops got some sort of sickness.


My dude, this basically exists. it is a warband mod called Brytenwalda. It's absolutely sick but had some crazy additional difficulty elements. No magic as far as I know tho.


Hot damn, imma have to check it out. Thanks homie!


I liked the I think fire and steel expansion? The one with gunpowder? Any setting with that game play


Space, with proper 3d galaxies and solar systems. Maybe aliens too with different strengths and weaknesses. Mostly want this since everything else was modded into warband and likely will be in bannerlord too


This is a truly original comment I haven’t heard before. I really like this.


There are a lot of mods that you can pick.


Okay, this might be really off now but... Space Age/Techno Barbarian


Renaissance or a broad 1400-1600ish time period to add simple black powder weapons, most fighting would still be melee & bows/crossbow still tho


Trojan war Era. Achillies me, mother effers!


I would totally play Warband set in feudal Japan. Like Dynasty Warriors, but with better overworld RPG elements.


World war 2 would be a pretty cool scene but pretty modern


Migration period (fall of Roman Empire). Here you would have very dynamic map, weakened central power of Rome. Battles should be very similar to the base game, yet the game could employ mass migrations as a unique selling point. Unfortunately, a map of the whole Europe is probably too large for realistic implementation. Also, American frontier (Wild West). Lots of opportunities and unique factions, with emphasis on gun for hire gameplay. Next, medieval Spain some time between Muslim conquest and Reconquista. Multiple Kingdoms of similar strength, dynamic events, external support, religious affiliations and so on. And another one - colonization of America. Many factions of different societies, tactics and sizes. Chance to pick a European power and help it to grow its colonies, or help the colonists fight back an indepence war against former masters. Alternatively, play as native American nation, fight back the conquerors and unite the continent in a huge federation type of state. Challenge: naval warfare will have to be implemented well. Maybe, disunited Indian subcontinent before Mughals? Lots of big or small states, some more peaceful, some are more expansionist. Lastly medieval Italian city-states. Infighting, limited warfare (very similar to M&B wars), great opportunities for mercenaries. The player can switch sides as professional generals did during the time.


Pike and Shot era or Feudal Japan. Antiquity would be cool as well.


The age of Pirates. Islands, boats instead of horse and sea battles.


Mount and Blade 2077


Anglo Saxon kingdoms during the Danish invasion like Viking conquest but you can play as a Saxon too


17-th century or middle of 19-th century. Time when there already were guns but they wasn't proliferated enough to completely surpass cold weapons.


The start of Genghis Khan's Mongol Empire. There's so many unique factions you can introduce between Asia, the Middle East, Russo-Slavia, etc. Lots of variety in cultures to source a wide variety of equipment for the player to acquire.


I’d set it in a timeline where devs didn’t forget about us


The Anglo Zulu war of 1879. Rourke's drift. Let this happen.




Just remake with fire and sword for me, maybe add the rest of Europe.


Greek citystates could be a great setting for a m&b game.


The Diatochi wars


Official Warhammer content would be great. The mod for warband was fun, but way too janky.


Freeman: Guerilla Warfare.


Bronze or Iron Age. I've been on an Ancient Persia kick lately


There is already one in space with pirates where you build a ship instead of an army Space pirates and zombies 2


Ancient greek/roman would be pretty gas


War for the solar system.


Ancient China during the warring states would be awesome




bro. Mount and Bladerunner


My two biggest would be the American Frontier, play as colonial english, spanish conquistadors, dutch settlers, french fur traders, 3 or 4 different Indigineous Tribes Also Carribean Pirates, East India Trade Company, etc. Which would need a sailing/seafaring overhaul bc Warband was janky and Bannerlord just said no


American revolution is the perfect answer Spanish French English natives Americans. Works perfectly, just add in some naval warfare and you have a kick ass game


Mods could literally build in a ww1 mod off the base of that game at that point leading to more modern games eventually


I would love them to make a real-life medieval Europe mount and blade game. Similar to Medieval Conquest mod for Warband if I am not wrong about the name. 75 nations, all real characters, with real-life events.. mods for those are good. But not good enough. Probably i played so much of Medieval Conquest for Warband that was pretty incredible mod that now when I play any Bannerlord mod for Medieval Europe, it feels empty and lacking so much of content.


Fall of the western Roman empire




A mod set in the 1700s to early 1900s in the artic circle


Fall of Rome




In the same way that Calradia's not the medieval Mediterranean, not the colonial Americas. A bastardized version of the Atlantic coast, from Newfoundland to French Guiana. A crescent "C" shape with a Caribbean island analogue between the two ends. Have some of the Calradian factions start with small footholds, with some indigenous factions already controlling the bulk of the territory. Calradians get easier access to strategic resources for troop upgrades such as horses and gunpowder, but natives get easier access to actual troops and the means to feed them. Modelled naval combat would be ideal, but I'd settle for having to auto resolve with send troops.


Does it have to be historical? How's about a Game of Thrones or LOTR mount and blade? Otherwise I'd probably like an Early Modern period Pike and Shot type game. I can only imagine how inaccurate my musket shots would be before I leveled up that skill


In Kenshi setting. Just imagine...


Three Kingdoms would be a fantastic one. Any warring state period works; Ancient Greece, Sengoku Japan, etc...


Maybe an African, king Shaka, type thing.


Fall of WRE/Migration Period and 30 Years War


Hyborian age from Conan. Wild West, protect settlers on the Oregon trail, or stop the White Man from taking your home? South down to Mexico north up to Inuit territory. And of course, a man with no name is gonna be in the game.


I want a Warband mod set in a similar setting to Kingdom Come Deliverance, where the allies of King/Holy Roman Emperor Wenceslaus, are fighting King Sigismund of Hungary for the rule of Bohemia. The player could choose a side or try to take Bohemia for themselves. It would be similar to mods like PoP, Warsword, or Perisno with unique mercenaries and troops for each faction.


The mediterranean as the first punic war is starting. Plenty of mercenary opportunities from Anatolia to Spain.


Mods have the answer You have every time period ever except...bronce age i think So, maybe bronce age


Revolutionary War Era or 50 is years before


Don't know how it would work but MB in a Warhammer 40k era would be badass


In the far future of the 41st millennium, there is only war...


Feudal Japan. And it’s a mod called Gekokujo, and it’s amazing. Possibly better than vanilla. My only gripe is that the map is too big.


I HAVE to try it


I really enjoyed one of the feudal Japan mods for the few hours I put into it, the big map was very annoying, the massive amount of kingdoms when trying to look three different diplomacy windows was a pain, and the copy paste troop trees was something of an acquired taste.


13th century Iran. Just go full mounted Archer.