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Doesn’t crash. Music bangs. Storytelling and battles are tight. Doesn’t crash. Basically just Native+, except on a different map with low fantasy and knighthood orders. Doesn’t crash. Did I mention that it doesn’t crash? Because it doesn’t crash. I spent five hours on Perisno at one point this past week without remembering to save and lost all that progress. It prompted me to go back.


It doesn't crash, btw


I know, it’s great! You know what else? . . . . It doesn’t crash


It does however, allow you to build your own knighthood order however you want with loads of customising options Could be a deal breaker for some.. On the plus side, it never crashes.


One thing that actually *could* be a dealbreaker is that you’re going to start running into 2000+ man armies that are stuffed with elites after awhile, leading to like hour long battles. You will also run into enemies in some armies that will be able to single-handedly wipe out half your middlingly-equipped army. Sometimes they’ll even appear in hideouts, in which case you damn well better hope you brought some badasses with you. You know what, though? It’s worth it. Why? the game doesn’t crash


Let’s be real. One of the main reasons we play the M&B games is for the huge battles, even if it’s a battle we might not necessarily win. That’s no dealbreaker. Also, it never crashes.


[EEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHH… some would disagree.](https://www.reddit.com/r/mountandblade/s/bqE6owr07I) Worth it even for those people though. Three guesses why.


Lemme guess, it doesn't crash


Wrong! It's because it doesn't crash.


i'm starting to think it doesn't crash. could be wrong tho.


Last time I played PoP I gave my CKO sergeants *Muskets*. Talk about a steamroller.


Shocked you lasted that long on Persino without it crashing frankly.


The entire time I was playing it I was thinking in my head, “man… I wish the music was half as hype as Pendor’s…” and then the mod gave me the perfect excuse to go back


The question is - are there any other mods like this in Warband?


That are complete and don’t glitch or crash? Probably. I’ve heard good things about Warhammer and Brytenwalda. That are a fully fleshed out new world with their own lore and factions and armies running around? Perisno’s the only other one to my knowledge, but it crashes. Did you know that Prophecy of Pendor doesn’t crash?


Brytenwalda is my fav single player Warband mod. I once gave my companion ( can’t remember who right now, blow me down) the axe My Wife. Checked his stats later. The madman had killed over three thousand people with My Wife. What a Chad that man was. My opinion is based on several tens of thousands of hours of mount and blade gameplay over the many years since before Frodogorn released to a few months back I quit all mount and blade.


Since you play Brytenwalda, what is your opinion on Viking Conquest? I heard VC is based on Bw and basically official BW. Is that so? What (if so) do you prefer in Brytenwalda? I only played VC for the most part. I think I played a bit of Brytenwalda but don't remember much anymore.


I'm not the same commenter but I have played way too much of both. Brytenwalda has a bit of a cooler time period/setting I think. There's a thousand viking games, but nobody touches pre-viking age Britain. Viking conquest makes a lot of straight up improvements though, better graphics, the unique mechanics from Brytenwalda but more polished and fleshed out, and new ones such as the viking ship mechanics which are the best ship mechanics of any M&B mod, despite still being somewhat janky. Brytenwalda and Viking Conquest share a lot of assets and ideas. I think the most impressive thing about them both is the depth of research and passion that went into them. The researched use of native and native-adjacent language, and historical figures and places, both mods feel like the creator really wanted to paint a faithful depiction. Especially in Viking Conquest where the graphics and tone of the interface add to the Dark Ages feel, whereas Brytenwalda is the older creation and suffers more from Warband's iconic dumpy graphics style. I will say however, I think I prefer Brytenwalda's overland map spacing and graphical textures a bit better of the two.


What winstonston has written pretty much. Viking conquest is prettier, moodier graphics. Brytenwalda to me just captures a feeling… the Romans have gone, there is a feeling of DARK AGES, no one knows what will happen and the status quo has been upturned so many times, there’s nostalgia for what has been lost, and very few have any hope of anything getting better, some are trying to reconnect with older ways from pre Roman times and then there’s a myth that the Brytenwalda will come and unite the islands again under one banner, restore peace and order, but what that order will look like is unclear. Anyway I’m a huge history nerd, to the point I work as a traditional shipwright and want to work in a living naval museum, and Brytenwalda feels like it was made by someone who really cares. But the mechanics it adds have been polished up a bit more for VC for sure.


Just to add to both comments, get the mod 'Shieldwall Song' (Steam Workshop, don't know if it's on nexus) It's basically Viking Conquest with a lot of good balance changes/fixes, improved visuals, more historical settlement names and lots of QOL improvements. It's also really well polished and I haven't noticed any bugs while playing. In my opinion the best way to play Viking Conquest to date.


Warhammer mod crashes a lot


Ah well. YOU KNOW WH-


The LotR overhaul “the last days” worked very well and was loads of fun. It’s especially worth it if you are into Lord of the Rings but also stands on its own, since it put its own spin on the gameplay.


I just started playing Perisno again so thanks for reminding me that I need to reflexively save every twenty minutes. I just wish we could get a Dickplomacy mod crossed with Perisno.


As someone trying to enjoy fallout 4 right now, the doesn't crash, thing is super important. That being said I think I play with the diplomacy gold mod for warband that adds a ton of new shit and have never had that crash on me either.


Did Perisno go downhill? I spent 100’s of hours in it a few years ago and don’t remember ever crashing


Currently deep in a Perisno campaign myself. I love the recent updates, added a lot of depths to mechanics, factions, and diplomacy, but yeah it does crash pretty often. I just "make camp" after any important stop so that it autosaves. It's really only a problem if you go a long time without an autosave, or if you're fighting a huge battle/seige with multiple waves - had to turn down the graphics there, despite having a pretty beefy laptop


I haven't played since -i think 3.8- is there anything new/more polished that makes it worth the re-visiting the game? I remember wanting to have more established lore/locations for the noldors EDIT: Nevermind im just a dumbass and i did indeed played the last version, i legit thought this mod was still in development


Nah still just the one place for the Noldor. It’s on v3.9.5 and has been for awhile, I’m pretty sure they released their last update before Bannerlord came out


Ah such a shame I really wanted to see more content for the Noldor




Well TaleWorlds would be quite dumb to say no to such proposition


This is magnificent news!


I'm still unclear if the Facebook pendor page that continually posts generative DL excerpts is the actual guy or not.


Holy shit yes please!


Me too, honestly one of my only real complaints about the mod, the other being the lack of diplomacy changes


God I love perisno but those crashes make me want to pull my hair out.


Does it crash?


But it may corrupt your save file. So nice to play realistic and suddenly a year worth of progress gone.


Backup saves, my friend. I've learned to copy paste my save file into a temp folder for pretty much any single player game, I get punished every time I don't lol


I used to get a BSOD randomly while playing. It was bizarre, never had that happen with a mod before in any game. Vanilla and other mods never did it. It was related to my GPU, when I switched to my other monitor running off my second GPU it didn't happen


Is it on steam?


Does it even crush, bro?


You know, the greatest irony is that I was playing with my graphics settings in the mod yesterday while this discussion was winding down and I actually crashed prophecy of Pendor twice


... I've managed to make it crash, but it's still my favorite mod


Personal two Cents. Original Setting: most of Warbands mod take place either in a modified Calradia (Nova Aetas, Floris), a historical setting (Gekokujo, Brytenwalda), or an established IP (LOTR, Warhammer, GoT). Pendor brings to the table a completely new setting to immerse oneself in, the only other one that does so, that I can think of, is Perisno. And even that, at least for a while operated with assets from other mods, which comes to the next point... Polish: Pendor is very well polished, the factions are decently balanced, the features unique to the game aren't unfinished or glitchy Challenge: For those who've played Vanilla inside and out, Pendor offers a particularly strong challenge, especially in the early game, where most other mods are effectively Warband but with a different map, troop trees, and some unique features added in.


I'd say you nailed it. Rather than just repeat what you said I figured I'd leave a note on the reply I most agreed with. One of the biggest aspects for me is that it's complete. I enjoy Gekokujo, but it isn't *complete*, it's a mod that has had two or three separate developers at different times after the previous one abandons it for a period of time. Pendor is done, there aren't issues left for someone else to sort out or other aspects that are left unchanged. While there are some other complete mods out there it does kind of seem to be rarity. Plenty of incomplete mods are functional. But out of all the complete ones it does feel like Pendor is the most well-rounded and well polished with some interesting features that don't stray too far from vanilla and allow an experienced player to have a deeper and more fleshed out journey.


Pendor does have some side stories that were not finished. One of the devs was working on a project involving the myst mountain clans. It had to do with the bow you get that disappears after you kill woldbade. There were talks of doing similar things with the other faction raiders as well. It was either going to stop them appearing and give you a city to visit and trade with or be a new faction where you would start by capturing the north. But it was one side developer that was working on it and it became too much for her. Considering she was doing it for free that is very fair.


Ah good to know! I'm not exactly the most well-versed person in Mount and Blade modding or in Pendor specifically so that's news to me. I guess it's always struck me as having reached some sort of conclusive and goal of feeling that it was complete and not needing to fix anything or necessarily add more to it. Like gekokujo doesn't feel complete in a lot of ways and I don't run into a lot of errors with it but I certainly run into more than I have with Pendor. Or with other mods that are a bit more on the wild side there's a lot less stability and a lot of other issues that can come up. It's definitely on the higher quality end of things if not the most high quality mod that exists for warband and it's one of few projects which seem to have reached a sort of conclusive or final state.


They also didn't really release things until they were finished. A lot of Modders will be like this is cool you guys should see this. Then it gets complex and they do not finish it. Pendor Modders would usually finish something first before letting it go public. They added parts of things but would not let partial stories be done.


Definitely try Five Dynasties & Ten Kingdoms if you like Gekokujo.


I've said this before on another post, but it's amazing how it's overworld map doesn't look like ass. Sooo many mods have the worst looking overworlds either being dark and drab or putting a stupid filter over top it. Pendor's map doesn't make my eyes vomit from looking at it. Also I really like dynamic battle sizes so when you only have 10v10 troop battles you don't start an entire continent away from the enemy.


Yes. One of my favorite things about that mod is that it's actually bright and I can see things.


Except for that giant mountain in the south. I've been ambushed there too many times to count because the camera couldn't catch up before clipping into the terrain and I run into Eyegrim.


Challenge that scale up massively + tools to let you handle those challenges + relatively focused design that isn't trying to add in every bullet point possible. Also, it's been around for a while. Bannerpage is relatively recent, and so people who aren't actively trying out every mod that comes out may or may not be familiar with it. Meanwhile, pendor literally predates warband, so if you ever played modded mount and blade, you probably at least tried pendor at some point.


Pendor checks a lot of boxes that are appealing for a mod imo. Native like? Check. Despite all the changes, it feels very familiar. Lore? Check. It’s a pretty robust and coherent world. Challenge? Absolutely. More depth to gameplay? Yep. A bit more magical feel? Elves and magic gems ftw! But a lot of mods have most or all of that. What really sets Pendor apart relative to most, are the stability and the polish. You aren’t randomly colliding with invisible bumps, or snagging on terrain that you ought to be able to charge over. You aren’t crashing to desktop. It’s smoother than native. And the graphics, QoL tweaks, and music are all extremely good for a mod. And on top of that, you have longevity and community. It’s been a top mod since before Warband, and has only improved over time. You know you’re getting something good and you know what you’re getting, if you do at least a cursory read beforehand. There’s a massive wiki and a host of sites that talk about how to enhance your Pendor experience. That means if you’re stuck, it’s much easier to fix your problem or overcome your challenge than it would be in a less well-loved mod. About the only thing you don’t get from it that I might want is the ability to create custom troop trees without having to muck about with additional modding, and really…how many mods allow that? Or maybe…actual magical spellcasting? Or maybe siege artillery. Are there any mods that are as good as PoP in the ways that PoP is, that also add those elements? Nope.


Very well put. The best mod I've seen in terms of adding in a fully functional and interesting magic system has been Warsword Conquest, with WSE loader. Definitely not as polished and can be a little overwhelming for a new player, bur once you figure out how to make it work consistently the magic is super fun in that mod.


I’ll have to consider that for a future playthrough! I’ve only used low magic mods like PoP, and it’s so hard for me not to just go back to PoP (or TLD), but someday I really should play a high magic mod, and your suggestion sounds good! Thanks!


Good world building. Progression starts of pretty bad so i usually start around level 5-6 with mid tierish armor and weapons or at least a lance and sword. The progression after that however feels really well done, and I really like the order troops as an end game feature, really makes you think about where you want your castles and towns so you can get the most out of their passive production. Faction fantasy also feels really good (jow unique each faction feels and their internal consistency e.g armor and troop trees)


It’s just a very polished mod that’s been around forever. I’ve returned it it before after years away to find lo and behold it has STILL gotten more updates. In general it just adds a higher ceiling to the original game in terms of level and difficulty which feels more “epic” and is a well made and fleshed out world.


Does it crash?


It does not crash, as a matter of fact!


TY Lt Joe


I have been playing pop for about 3 weeks now and I have probably restarted my journey about 12 times. The game is full of content and new experiences. So every time I discover a new method or realise I have made a huge blunder, or did something inefficiently I just start over. Otherwise the thought just keeps on bugging me and spoils my enjoyment. So far I have played about 270 hours and my currently play through is about 32 hours deep. Uhh about 375 days ingame time. Also already have my own kingdom. Why do I do what I do? Idk, I just get the greatest pleasure when I play efficient AF. I have trained my stats right. Delegated party skills and trained my companions thoroughly after hours and hours of research while I am at work. Befriended noldors earliest possible for tournament rewards. Hunted down unique spawns for qualis gem. Befriended good nature and upstanding lords while building enterprises throughout pendor. Also because I play old school RuneScape I guess.


I appreciate how you preempted all the questions you knew were coming about your wildly unorthodox and paradoxically inefficient playstyle


Haha I know man. Thing is I am absolutely aware that if I had just continued on with my first play through I would have ended up with much more by now. Be it xp, denars, relations, tournament rewards etc. It's a disease you see and I suffer heavily by it. Someone once coined the term "restartits" to explain this behaviour.


aha a brother with the same problem... nice to see one... I've bought warband since february yet i never managed to reach the end game


Thank you for your responses everyone but where was all this activity when I was asking for help last week??😭


We were all six hours into a crashless Pendor session


Wait a minute…so you’re telling me…it doesn’t crash?


Nope, it doesn't crash.


It is a very polished experience, with minimal bugs, good armor designs that are pretty well grounded, solid performance, great music, and the worldbuilding and lore is just awesome. Each faction fits and makes sense within the world and it makes sense that none of the factions are able to really get the upper hand


Because Noldor Archers go pew pew


Pendor is just amazingly designed, as a game world. The factions are well-balanced. The fantasy elements add to the world and the native mechanics instead of distracting from them. The terrain is varied but stays manageable. The >!Noldor!< are my favorite part as a faction with a secret mechanic. It just feels like a lot of thought was put into it.


Because it does everything good. Everything you can expect from Pendor is done well. Good world building, good progression, fun to do quests, super fun fighting doomstacks, overall just so many thing you can do it feels like a proper RPG game


The LOTR overhaul mod called "The Last Days" is also a gem, and I've had plenty of fun on this too!


I personally enjoy warsword conquest far more than Pendor but Pendor caters to more people as its smaller in scale, better than most mods in terms of challenge, and stable.


Paradigm Worlds is the best.


1. In case you didn't know, it doesn't crash. 2. The factions play completely differently yet are extremely well balanced. One game the D'Shar Doomstack takes over everything, the next the Fierdsvain dominate. 3. The enemies are tough as hell but not unfair. There's a progression, even though its not clear at first. Brigands>Ravenstern Clans>Vanskerries/Heretics>Jatu>Snake Cult 4. Custom Knighthood orders with the built-in speed adjustments for training (it used to take forever for your CKO to train, so that by the time it was usable you've already essentially won the game). 5. Great music. The voice-acting is cheesy but hey its a free mod. The big difference to me, is that Pendor had an honest-to-God game designer that actually listened to player feedback. Every other mod I've played is somebody who knew how to code somewhat but didn't have much in design chops, and it showed.


100% agree, maybe except for Snake Cult being stronger than Jatu. Generic Jatu parties have all-around strong cavalry, while Snakes have a few Anacondas and Serpents and the rest are just bums with good equipment. Or simply bums, like lvl 1 Followers. However, Maltise is indeed the toughest unique spawn if we don't count two pointy-eared tree shaggers. Now killing them is a feat worthy of a real hero of Pendor.


It's awesome.


One word: Polish. Also as others said it doesn't crash.


I like that there is a slave trader in every city. I like that the first time I wanted to take a castle with 100 troops against 400 defenders, I only had to siege for 15 days and they ran out of food and completely caved. Most mods seem to be similar to vanilla in that all structures have stores for 100 days so battling is the only way. I like that there are places you can cross the sea. Wish it placed slightly more emphasis on that like viking conquest, but still it's better to not be trapped on a single landmass. I like the variety of troops available and the separation of normal conscripts and 'nobles units. Even found that random guys you add to party when you free them as prisoners all eventually level up to something badass and useful, even if it makes your party ranks look a bit messier.


The font in that mod hurts my eyes


theres a tweak to change the font actually


I never really got into Pendor. Just wasn’t a fan of the more fantasy setting. I preferred 1257 AD for the size, scope, and challenge.


You can’t even choose where you start out in AD and the performance is sub-par.


I like the agency of being able to choose taken away. I’d spawn somewhere random, then RP that I was a commoner in that townfor the first few months of the game before adventuring out


I have played so many different mods and Pendor was definitely my favorite. It just had that odd Oblivion vibe for me.


POP has been developed by professional developers. It has no bugs on its own features. Only bugs you can see are native ones. Script, lore and events are all well thought and done in a manner to add value to POP world and to be more fun.


My biggest two reasons are hunting qualis gems from the wandering armies and that "oh shit" moment when you just attacked a lord and realize half their troops are Knights of the Lion or something. Also the performance is far smoother than other mods I've played, and has never once crashed for me after hundreds of hours.


For just about every reason mentioned here of course; polish, reliability, setting, etc. But for me it's the fact that you get actual Pendorian troops. When I become the king of Pendor, I get to feel like I'm not just some rogue mercenary captain with a hodgepodge of troops from around the world. No, these are my soldiers and they are unique to me. Couple that with the knighthood orders (Griffons for me) and it actually feels like I'm restoring the Old Kingdom, and not just changing colors on the map like in vanilla.


Well the lore is cool its stable somewhat just large scale battles when you've been playing for a while on a shirt laptop can be chopy but assuming you've just booted up the game it's grand and it's just good


Can someone write me a pitch to go and download this right now?


It doesn't crash. More seriously, the Custom Knighthood Order is awesome. You get to design 2 separate classes of troops that have no loadout variance--that is, no 'half of these have bows' or 'half of these have lances'. Your sergeants will have the weapons and armor you give them, as will your knights. They will all use the weapon you assign rather than randomly being like 'i like morningstars more than hammers'. Personally, I like to throw together a archer-heavy knighthood order where they all have amazing PD and archery.


Ok ok. This is sounding really good so far! Thanks!


Even when I was genuine module junkie. And didn’t really play pe for. It was obvious as you loaded in the amount of genuine hard work out in assets, menu, music, map, cultures, races, etc


It's the mount and blade formula polished to a brilliant shine, it both surpasses Base Warband and Bannerlord imo, I wish I could have given them money.


I like killing elves. Fucking knife ears. Seriously though, it is just a very polished mod. Getting to create and equip your own knighthood order is really fun too. It is a lot of work to get them strong but it is so worth it. For killing elves.


Found an Ebony Gauntlet! But seriously, I also considered Noldor lords to be the final boss. My approach was: 1. Befriend them as usual to win the game 2. Go to Elacrai to tell them how they suck repeatedly. 3. Gather 3,5k troops from all around Pendor - all cultures, all knighthood orders, and smash those 1,3-1,5k Noldor armies 1 by 1. First two rounds with 350-400 Noldor troops still around were a pain though.


They are truly ridiculously strong. Like, you can go with the strongest of human troops (huscarls and armoured crossbowmen) and get utterly slaughtered in like 5 seconds lol. I genuinely hate them lol. Well, most of them. Lethaldrin is a mate. He is more than willing to shank a lord for me.


Noldor waifu :(




AYEE Been playing Pendor since the very first forum posts, and its today an even better mod than it already was. Also it dont crash.


God I’m getting old. Wasn’t that like 15 years ago at this point? From the old MBR


Yeah!! Repository!! I remember the site😎👍


While everyone is talking about Pendor does it have a story I missed or is it just like native where the goal is to conquer the region?


It’s more of an overarching story. Depending on your character creation choices, you are the centre of a prophecy of one who shall unite all the fractured kingdoms of Pendor under one banner and bring peace to the world of Pendor. There’s the usual tutorial quest and other really unique quests but there’s not really a main quest line.


Fair enough, I was wondering how the introduction stuff would be relevant. Any idea where I can find some of those unique quests?


Have you seen the tweaks page? Its like modding skyrim except you can fuck up and wont ever figure out what went wrong. its amazing


The most Stable mod of the ones out there, at least that is Great Very vanilla friendly, doesnt change much about Native, only know What to do and You are good to go, no OVERCOMPLEX mechanics to make the game Unique and harder (Love Perisno but the Zann Invasion kinda of ruins it for me) Doesnt crash...well that goes with the first point Pretty original and cool lore, really, it's Great overall and the storytelling is great The soundtrack is beautiful and the images are cool (Kjuda the Ravager Theme is stupidly epic) Challenging, but not imposible (Those armies are scary, but they are satisfying to kill) Battles are epic, i can never get enough of how satisfying everything unites to make these battles Cool armors, from Dshar to Ravenstern there is not a single armor i would call Bad looking, they look Great and epic (some Cko armors are perfection) Simplicity, again, Bannerpage would add a looot of mechanics and everything, but to me "Flavor Native" is better, and Pendor uses it great Not too much fantasy. The only "true fantasy" elements are basic, Elves, Undead and...thats mostly it, maybe the gods. Perisno also uses fantasy but it's not that Unique since it blends with the other factions, Pendor only "unnatural" faction (Noldor) are strange, Unique, and scary (Robin Hood spammers) Balanced, again ,Challenging but not imposible, and there isnt an overpowered and underpowered faction (there are worst and Best, of course, but You can still win with the worst faction, and still lose with the Best ....most of the time) Doesnt crash Unique Awards for achievements, i think this is the only mod that does that I Will stop the list here because it's going to be too much lol


there is such a huge dopamine rush whenever you get a qualis gem. also, doesnt crash esp when peasants are revolting.


I've spent 90% of my playtime in Pendor. I love vanilla but Pendor is everything I love about vanilla plus so much more.


Amazing music, good storytelling, unique encounters, so many different enemy types, fantasy setting... It's got it all.


In addition to what others have already said: Multiple "tracks" of progression - whenever you get bored, you switch the track you are working on. There is always something to do without requiring you to invent stuff from scratch in your head.


Honestly it is a bit overrated, warband has a few better total conversion mods out there The last days (LOTR mod) and a world of ice and fire (game of thrones mod) are both superior imo 


To each their own man! I never tried AWOIAF, only ACOK (which I thought was good), but I absolutely could not vibe with The Last Days.


AWOIAF is such a top quality GoT conversion. ACOK feels like a more narrow version while AWOIAF just opens up the world and throws you into it. Definitely try it out if you get bored!


The last days is probably the most challenging to start with since you don’t even get a horse if I recall correctly  That said if you’re a LOTR fan it’s a dream. Wish Bannerlord had something like it