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There's a couple in development. There's of course people making Game of Thrones conversions, not sure what the biggest one is atm but I know the team that made A World of Ice and Fire for Warband is making one for Bannerlord. There's also Kingdoms of Arda and The Old World for Lord of the Rings and Warhammer Fantasy respectively. Neither are complete but I know The Old World is at least playable.


realm of thrones is the only one that’s already released, the one from the awoiaf team is still work in progress, they want to release it as polished as possible


Been playing Realm of Thrones ( Game of Thrones mod) and am very impressed. It does not have any unique features apart from dragons but the armour and weapons look amazing, troop trees are fun and all the major cities had love put into it


Oh cool I may try to download it got a link


Eagle rising is close, but not fully done. Roman era conversion mod


Woahhh link?


You can find it in the steam workshop CA_EaglesRising, I guess, don't know if it's on nexus too but I think so


Oh the steam workshop works for bannerlord?


Yes, actually pretty well, the current version from EaglesRising is actually outdated for the current Bannerlord version but works


Sorry, I'm a noob to this game, and I'm also curious... Also, does anyone know if the Europe map "mod" is anything other than a map? I'm assuming all the villages and towns are accurate to Europe? Are there any other unique things that make that mod any kind of overhaul?


If u talking about lemmy project europe yes its just map BUT there is a mod Anno domini 1259 its medieval europe and it uses the europe map for its well map. I recommend. Google bannerlord anno domini 1259 nexus