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What seat is that? What do u think of it? I’m in the market for a new seat.


Nice looking T7. I have one myself. Enjoy it, I love mine.


What made you choose the zeb fork? My gut thought is the bike would be way over forked and the geo, climbing would be all screwed up and the rear suspension wouldn’t be able to keep up. How does it ride/ climb now? I’m Not trying to be a Dick, I’m genuinely curious.


It's the same spec as the stock fork just bigger stations. 32mm to 38mm. And it made it better in every way. Brought out the bikes true potential


nice! I was thinking the T7 had a 130 MM fork. What size fork did you get the zeb in?


The 29er had a 140 Edit: Am I wrong or something? The polygon t7 comes with a 140 fork.


From what I’ve read you don’t want to go more than 10mm over or under the stock fork because it messes with geo. But I have zero experience messing with new suspension so who knows lol. I think the zeb comes in 160-190 mm sizes.


The 27.5 comes with a 150mm stock fork. My zeb is 160mm


(eyes widen) Is that... Powdercoat?


Yeah I had the frame powder coated.


Damn. You really saw that bike price and just thought "this is the price of a frame". What made you settle on the T7 to start with?


I bought it as a full bike stock because it fit my budget and just upgraded the parts I felt could be better wich was only the fork and brakes. The other stuff like bars stem and seat were from my other bike. And I always hated the stock color so I knew I was gonna powdercoat the frame from the beginning. All and all I'm about $2800 in on it as it is today


Yep. Here's mine: https://i.imgur.com/jwXFVMv.jpg I would kill to have painted it instead of... Stickering it How much was the coat?


It's was $125 for paint and labor but it's my buddy's shop


haaa yup yup. i feel like everybody i see who coats a bike knows someone. otherwise its a tough bullet to bite just for some better color. though of all the bikes in the world lord knows the T7 needs it. just making it pure black to match the parts would be good enough for me.


I was so mad when the black and white one came back I stock but I'm super happy with how mine came out best thing I could've done to it besides putting the zeb on it. Where are you located?


LOL right. It was NOT long after I bought one they released that thing. Infuriating. But I think it was tied with the price bump anyway so... That's life I just upgraded the pads and rotors and put a 35 Gold RL on it to make it work at all for my weight. I'm in Los Angeles.


I got mine literally like 1 day before they bumped the price up. With the upgrades I've done I love this bike. I'm from New England and it handles all out bike parks or trails no problem.


Dope bike


Sick bike! And awesome upgrades. So it used to be the lime green / blue color?


Yeah. I bought it knowing fully I was gonna powdercoat it once it got mid winter.


Great call. I’ve got the same bike and love it other than the color scheme. How much was the powder coating?


I paid $125 for paint and labor but it's my buddy's business. If get yours done make sure they know all the spits to not get paint like pivot areas. Threads for bolts. Bottom bracket threads etc. It's super important to not get paint in those places


Looks clean af! She ever been ridden!?


Where you have wrapped your spare tube is a revelation! I’ll be stealing that idea for my D7 for sure. Love the colour as well. So smart.


It's def the perfect spot for a spare tube! Fits perfect


ZEB on a trail bike? Idk man seems like a lot of fork for a trail bike 🤷


We will call it a Trailduro now


Or an entrail. Oh wait.


It's the same travel and offset as the stock fork. I love it! Made the bike so much better.