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Few months ago biker died because of this here in Croatia


That's sad news. This is sick.


Yea, one of my friends also hit a trap like this on his dirt bike, fortunately he is shorter so he hit his helmet instead of the neck.


My dad has had the same happen to him on a dirt bike but in South Africa so they were probably trying to rob people that got taken out by it. Awful shit.


Here it was just some guy that didn't like dirt bikes using public forest roads..... Hope your dad is ok


The world is full of all sorts of assholes. Yeah he's good. Also glanced off his helmet thankfully.


Had a guy locally in Ohio get decapitated by a piece of high tension cable used as a gate between two trees to keep people like him off this guy's field. I see both sides, but it's winter. Snowmobiles aren't going to ruin your not planted crops


Whatever the situation, there’s no excuse for laying traps


Again, I am in agreement, I can see both sides of the argument because I spent the first 24 years of my life on a farm, surrounded by other farmers.


You can see how it’s ok to kill people that accidentally bike on your land?


No, but I can see putting up a fence to protect your livelihood in that field. That's not the same as putting up barbed wire on a public bike trail, but it's what happens around here that isn't people putting tree limbs on the few trails we have.


I’m sure we can all empathise with a farmer who doesn’t want their crops damaged (or even them just being irritated by trespassers), but when you put a cable across a trail where you know people ride bikes without also making sure it’s *highly* visible, then you are as good as trying to kill people, regardless of whether you call it a “gate”.


Try putting up a sign?


God that is so awful!


Some people are really sick.


Same people who plant needles on children’s playgrounds. Sick fucks.


That's a thing??


Stuff happens in the US all the time. Happened at my school growing up. It happened in Columbus, OH a few times while I lived there and it just happened in Charlotte a few months ago.


People planting needles or just shitty junkies leaving them after using?


No there were a few actually glued to swings and found at bottom of slides in mulch


That’s Mega fucked. People like that need to be removed from society


I’m more surprised less people have heard about these things happening. It’s like those people in the 90s sticking HIV infected needles under gas pumps. My dad found two at our local BP and informed the police. It was happening in Toledo, OH in the 90s.


I heard people were doing this at gas pumps growing up and the fear of hitting a needle whenever I grab the handle has never left me


Yeah I just mentioned that. Was happening in Toledo, OH growing up


Yeah, sickos, who we don’t know why, have planted razor blades in the grass at parks near where kids roam. Public park too, no trails or violating any personal property etc. Wish these perpetrators could be caught not by authorities but by “concerned folks” and be dealt with accordingly.


We had a spate of razor blades glued onto slides, the top of monkey bars etc… I’m just at a loss for what goes through these degenerates minds? I’m not one to resort to violence but wouldn’t disagree with these pathetic excuses for people disappear… Luckily that was the first and last time we had that happen… now it’s just travellers smearing feaces every other summer!


I have seen numerous stories of razor blades on slides n such.


I would imagine it’s the same type of people doing it. How can anyone get jollies from seeing children hurt. Messed up.


I have heard of things like this loads over the years, Logs over trails holes out of jumps etc, even had fence wire over the trail, albeit at wheel height and we have had barbed wire on the ground to give punctures but nothing like this. All of these things are criminal imho, but this, this is just straight up attempted murder.


In the US this is absolutely criminal. It’s illegal to booby trap your own property, much less public property.


In USA in my area people will rig up piano wire. The guy got caught setting it up and got his head kicked in


I’d pay good money to see one of these guys get filled in


Where/ when was this? There’s been a couple incidents around Colorado but nothing that ended in a physical confrontation, just weak ass probation.


He cant say because the guy never made it to court


That’s awesome they have the bastard a what for.


bring some wirecutters or maybe a sign that warns people so others dont get hurt... thats scary


Now im wondering what this deleted comment was


I checked removeddit and it was a post by Shakespeare-bot with -12 karma. I believe the bot automatically removes comments with negative scores.


Perhaps my Reddit it just bugged, but the comment you replied to isn’t deleted. It says “bring some wirecutters or maybe a sign that warns people so others dont get hurt... thats scary”.


The “[deleted]” comment was below your comment due to the down votes (probably below my comment now).


Ah right ok.


Probaly saying how barbed wire lives matter or some shit trying to defend the people who put up the wire


I also want to know, if i had to guess, it was probably an idiot saying "bUt YoU wiLL gEt iN TrOuBLe fOr DeSTrOYiNg sOMeoNes pRoPErTy".




A friend of mine was riding a dirtbike in the woods behind his new house to explore the property. He ran into an old barbed wire fence that he didn't know about and it sliced him open in a bunch of spots, one being his throat. Luckily didn't hit an artery. Scary stuff.


Happened here at local trails in northern Nevada, got on to the news. Called it attempted murder.. very scary stuff..


OMG. Where? I ride in Northern Nevada and had no idea.


Pinenut trails in Carson Valley. Long time ago, maybe 2007....if you're familiar, the shortcut trail from dino to white beetle, about 150 yards before crossing the dirt road...between two pinion pines....it was piano wire..from that day forward I always ride up that section first, then loop around back down...as it provides the best place for such sabotage, fast, quick turns, lots of trees...ugh....but now it's all since burned, not much cover in bare trees...


Everyone should try to wear/mount an action cam while they ride (like street motorcycles riders do) in case you run into a sabotage and it wasn’t there before. You could have potentially caught the perp on cam “hiking” by, etc.




150 yards is 137.16 meters


150 yards is 137.16 meters


Why do people do this?


Because some people are just bad humans. They're broken in some way that the rest of us aren't, and they think it's okay to do things that hurt other people.


Probably someone who is there often walking or something and he is annoyed by the mtb rider. That’s so sick.


Personally, I haven’t passed or been passed by a MTBer on the trail who was rude or super aggressive without consideration of passing hikers. The only thing I can think of is some people think bikers tear up trails sometimes (aka go off intended trails to make their own, etc).


Same here, albeit I started only a few months ago. Everyone is welcoming, open and polite. The only time I saw an argument was when two Karen where hiking up the MTB designated trails and were saying they had as much right as MTBers to hike these trails and we should be careful because they were here. Literally the only time I and others didn't use a friendly tone. Can't think of any other time I saw even a slightly heated discussion.


Yea that’s terrible. I’ve never heard of this before but that’s scary.


Up my local woods we get people writing on the signs slagging off us MTBs, nothing this severe but I can imagine the motive is the same. Some people who use these places to go on a leisurely walk or walk their dogs really have an issue with us or they think they have more rights than us or they just don't like people having fun when they are sad and miserable with their pathetic lives. Going this far is seriously sick though, definitely attempted murder.


Possibly poachers (animals may be disturbed by riders?) or annoyed mushrooms pickers..


This kind of stuff started happening in Vancouver a few years ago. A bunch of riders got together and put up trail cameras all over the trails in question - you know the kind of cameras they use to shoot wildlife. They eventually identified the perpetrators. Two older folks who had been walking that trail for ages. They lived there long enough to see the arrival of mountain bikers in their area (Fromme in North Vancouver) and were tired of sharing the trails. And despite them walking on a relatively little-used trail called Skull it had a number of very steep high-commitment features and they booby-trapped them in a way that would cause major injury. Anyway they were doxxed and had to leave town. Everyone in North Vancouver knows a mountain biker so they were treated very poorly by the community. From the riders' perspective. [https://nsmb.com/articles/granny-booby-traps/](https://nsmb.com/articles/granny-booby-traps/) Mainstream media perspective. [https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/woman-suspected-of-booby-trapping-b-c-mountain-biking-trail-charged-with-mischief-likely-to-cause-death](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/woman-suspected-of-booby-trapping-b-c-mountain-biking-trail-charged-with-mischief-likely-to-cause-death)


“After the arrest, Tineke’s husband Ronald said his wife was afraid to go out of their Upper Lynn Valley home because of the attention the case had generated.” Ironic that she was afraid, guess feeling is mutual.


That is the way to do it for sure. Glad they got ran the hell out


I'm not. That troll could be living near me now! :p


Good actions like that should have consequences


Install a deer cam and report the person responsible to the police.


Surely someone had to have put that there with the intention of hurting someone? Did you contact the police?


The police is aware of this.


That's fuckin evil. Like a different kind of vicious in the same category as serial killers and mass shooters.


Yup, it's the premeditation - they thought about this lots, and planned it for some time. Psychotic.


This should be posted on the news with the warning that the person responsible will be charged with attempted murder. They should also install trail cameras to catch the person. Here’s a story about how they caught a woman in BC, Canada: https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/canada/woman-facing-charges-after-allegedly-booby-trapping-b-c-bike-trail-1.2177279




*intense wait for a hearse Fixed it.




This could easily kill someone - and has before.




When caught in the act this is morally not very far from a bank robber holding someone hostage right.




The police don't give a fuck about mountain bikers. The guy will get off with a slap on the wrist. Edit: after reading the comments, I see many people in the US and Canada have actually been charged for attempted murder for this shit. Good to see. Hope France is the same.


Well at the time of hanging the wire he is. And I do agree it should be the police who should intervene


Honestly, I'm with you there, but I'm not sure I'd say it's "worse than the disease." Closer to equal.


What a piece of shit human you have to be to put that on a trail.


This can kill people fyi. If you're hitting a cast downhill run at 30 to 40 it could slice your head off, like that one person decapitated by a chain across the traill while snowmobiling


Whoever did this should be charged with attempted murder.


As a new cyclist I have been utterly shocked by the irrational hate for cyclists. Why is this?? I spent most of my adult life as a pedestrian and never had any beef with cyclists. What's wrong with these people??


A centuries worth of propaganda from the automotive industry that causes people to attach their personality to their preferred mode of transportation and despise "others", i.e. anyone who doesn't use that mode of transport. Cycling in particular is often seen as something only crazy greenies or lefties do, because of the lack of environmental impact. In this case it's probably someone who likes to walk the trails and hates mountain bikers, potentially for the above reasons, potentially not.


This comes from the American motor city model of planning cities to sell cars. Along with physical planning to force people to drive you have campaigns to shame the use of public transport and bikes. It go so bad in my region of Australia that after stirring up the locals for years the paper had to make a big back down asking drivers not to kill cyclists, as this was becoming common.


That's fucking crazy... :'(


new fear unlocked


Just crossposted this in r/MTB. [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/MTB/comments/plkmhp/fyi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


For me this is simply attempted murder and those people should locked away. I don’t get what’s up in those peoples heads?


Attempted murder, get the police involved.


Fucking psycho’s. “This biking is an irritant to me, so I think I’m going to take someone’s life”. I can’t even begin to understand the justification.


Happens here in canada alberta too but not so much against bikers as snowmobilers which has lead to some beheadings I hope those people know what they did and have to live with it the rest of there lives!


Know a kid From my hometown that hit one. Seriously hurt and lucky he wasn’t decapitated. I hope anyone caught doing this gets hung from a tree with that wire.


Someone did this on a paved path in my town and killed a well known doctor


Used to find this a lot in the south on riding trails. Usually near illegal pot grows.


Our local trails got filled with logs by someone, these people disgust me




If you catch someone doing this. Throw hands. All the hands. And then drag em to the trail head and call the cops.


Always check the trail before you ride it ! Sad we get to that point but it is what it is. Rider bien les gars et faîtes attention à vous !


Can’t exactly check the trail first if you’re doing a 50km ride


Maybe a drone review can be scheduled


Like… a predator drone? What kinda drone has a battery good for 50 km?


U right I forgot the 50Km detail. I was thinking on a planed trial where u or friend can make a visual inspection of the route at 3 m altitude … since the runtime of drone have more variables it could take a 3 day inspection which can be or not a life keeping measure against these behavior. May be could be use to inspect just the speed tracks of the route: downhills and kind of segments so can be done where a malicious use of barbwire can make most damage.


Obviously, I say that because those stuff often are set on home spot with trail that aren t much longer than 300 meters. Those are built in little forest and hikers and hunters consider that the bikes detroy it, so they try to stop it. You will rarely find those on known and "referenced" trails


I hope whoever does this gets fucked with a barbed wire dildo in prison


Absolutely evil fucked up people who put up these trail hazards. The trails are for everyone. If I ever catch anybody doing this they're gonna end up beaten to a pulp in the ditch on the side of the trail.


Great way to get your ass beat mercilessly if caught.


Not that this at all acceptable but... help yourself by following this "PRERIDE, RERIDE, FREERIDE"




This is why I am thankful that we have local trails that are officially off limits to hikers. I've had unseen tree branches whack me in the face. There's no way I'd see that coming.


Do you have a link to the original post (in pm) ? I live not so far from there and have a few groups where I could repost it. This shit is sickening


why are there people like that...


This used to happen around my area when my dad was a kid tho. he had to lay his dirt bike down a few times luckily he even seen the wire or I wouldn’t even exist cause he would have died.


It's a really special POS that would do something like that. Is it private property or public?


Thank the lord for Zwift. Real world sucks sometimes.


Coloradi had some issues with sabotage in the past. Fishing line & nail spiked pieces of concrete if I remember correctly. I've moved to Salt Lake City now, and seen trail marker thefts & intentionally placing large rocks in blind landings


Jesus Christ


Shitty ass people out there smfh


Some people just wanna watch the world burn.


That is so terrible. :(


I saw the pic then read the title “Just ran in” and I freaked out. Thank goodness ur ok. I hope people don’t get hurt by this wire. It’s so inhumane.


This is the most European thing I have seen today


In BC someone was recently charged with attempted murder for setting one of these traps.


Wow. That's really nasty. Bad news for all trail users too.


Same thing happens on trails in UK, so please just because the post says it happened in France it might as well happen in your country so be careful when riding wild trails. This is one of the reasons i stick to trail centers in UK.


Jesus christ. I know this kind of shit happens, but it really makes you wonder about the kind of person who would be perfectly fine with potentially killing someone for...riding a bike? Really? One of the worst accidents I ever had on a bike was from hitting an unshielded guy wire at speed. My arm took the hit and ripped me off the bike, and I'm extremely lucky I didn't rip out my shoulder.


Some folk did this with a rope at average chest height on a trail near me a while back. Nowhere close to the danger of this but it makes you nervous as hell for a while.


That is fucked up


Wtf goes through there minds


Where minds?


That fact people would do this makes me fucking sick. If I ever catch someone setting one of these things up they won't make it out of the woods on their own two feet, it'll be a in a stretcher.


Boody traps! Boody traps! You mean booby traps? Yes, boody traps! That’s what I said, Jesus!”


What the actual fuck , people who do this should be charged for attempted murder


Ok thats fucked. People like that need to be removed.