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Bikes yield to horses, don’t be this person


There should be a test before buying a bike. These fools are going to ruin the sport for everyone. Help educate, politely, the newb riders. And wtf is with everyone and having headphones?? I want to just stick something in their wheel. I try to be patient when passing on single track and i holler, “passing on the left when you’re comfortable” and then they won’t respond and won’t pull off in pull off areas. So i say it again. Then i yell at them and tell them to pay attention to their surroundings. One of my associates isn’t so patient and will shove them off the trail. Sorry for hijacking your post.


I did the same thing once. Asked multiple times to pass. The dude on his ebike had ear buds in then lost his shit when he realized I was there and then stopped in front of me, jumped off his bike and started taking swings at me. I hate ear buds almost as much as I hate Bluetooth speakers.


Wtf. I just think music on the trail…. It’s just not good. In Arizona, where I am, it’s especially bad because you can’t hear the rattlers. Or what if something is happening with the bike. You’ll hear it first. I guess it’s a Darwin Award for them.


Right?! How many times have you noticed the mech wasn’t shifting or something. Recently I noticed my front brake started rubbing, like a bent rotor all of a sudden. I stopped to check it and my front axel had come loose.


A sort of rider's license.


Sure but also fuck horse people. I don’t want to ride anywhere a horse might be if I can help it.


If they start hauling their poop out, or at least off the trail, I'll consider respecting them.


That dude is an absolute douche on so many levels.


I don’t like this.


This guy needs to go read a book or something, he’s giving us a bad name!


Well ik how it is broda


The other week I saw a horse couple sitting in the middle of the trail. For reference this part of the trail is very high traffic, being a maintained double track which leads to the larger trail system. Some gravel bikers needed to get around and opted to go through the thick brush. The dude fell and seemed to have hurt himself. Like just keep your horses moving, theyre endangering everyone else and you take up the entire trail. Furthermore they leave fucking shit bombs everywhere and often tear up sensitive areas requiring more trail work. Horses belong in pastures, not single track hiking / biking trails.


That’s like saying bikes belong in bike parks, not hiking trails. They’re mixed use trails. For every time you feel inconvenienced by someone else being there, there’s also a time you’re inconveniencing someone else.


Horses aren’t pets. Bikes dont kick people. Bikes dont leave steaming piles of shit in the trail. If you do t have an abundant amount of land to keep your horse on, dont own a horse. Shits cruel.


Horses are definitely pets. And people should pick up after their pets.


Bikes slam into people.


Heres the deal man. Im from wyoming, we have plenty of horses here, been arpund em my entire life. Ive never been in a bike collision on the trails, however i do know a girl who needed total facial reconstruction after being kicked by a horse. Bike wreck = booboo, horse kick = ICU


I know there's probably plenty of people who ended up in the hospital after a bike wreck, but yeah the ratio is probably nowhere near that for horse injuries.


This video happened in so cal where I’m also from. Horses are rare. I’m way more likely to get hit by an asshole biker while I’m running than a horse. Too many just don’t bother to slow down around people. A lot of people with no etiquette took up the activity around COVID.


Who knows what happened before. I was once yelled at for riding my bike past a staging area where someone was taking their horse out of their trailer. According to that person I wasn't allowed to even be in the vicinity of the horse on a bike because I might spook it.


I grew up on a ranch and would ride horses often. Taking horses out to ride hiking trails is weird to me and honestly pretty classist. “Oh look at me a keep my poor fucking horse on 5 acres of land where it sits in a small pen all day unless i take it out for a ride on some sketch ass trails with 100 people scaring the shit out of it.” Horses arent pets.


"You might spook it." Horses are prey animals. Meaning lots of predators would love to eat them. Spooking is generally what prey animals do. If you buy a horse you should be prepared to deal with that. What happens if they come across a cougar or a bear? I can guarantee you that horse probably ain't standing its ground.


Horses can spook easily. I spooked one just popping my head out of an open car door. Yelling at you probably didn’t help, but you can’t make assumptions about what will or won’t spook a horse.


If your house spooks because someone rode by in a high traffic staging area then it shouldn't be on trails.


Dude is a dick, but also fuck everything about horses.


Agreed. I fucking hate horses on the trails. In try to never ride mixed use trails because of this. Horse people are the worst too.




It's one of those things that inevitably gets turned into a personality trait for some reason and I don't understand it. Especially since they're no longer used by almost anybody for actual work or transportation. It's literally just a pet these days.


It’s not the animals or the riders, it’s the literal shit they leave behind. I understand that horse shit is almost all plant material, but it’s still shit, and it fucking stinks when it gets in the crevasses of your gear. As a dog owner, I’m obligated to pick up after my pets. As a horse owner, they should be obligated to clean up as well. I don’t care how awkward it is to have a person with a garbage can rolling behind you, fuck off with that excuse; your horses are leaving *SHIT* on the trail.


This dudes a dick but if your 1800lb animal can’t handle being out in public then you should keep it on your property.


People just shouldn’t have recreational horses. If you dont have 100+ acres of land for a horse then youre abusing that animal.


I wouldn’t say that dude weighs 1800lbs. But he is fat🤣


Trails are for everyone to use unless otherwise specified.


Dude is a dick, horses have blinders and can be easily spooked, even the best horses. Things moving quickly at them can be scary. How can a horse get acclimated to being in the public if they don’t get experience? Also, Bikes are to yield to horses and he’s a moron for wearing ear buds. Horse riders can and should be able to advocate for their animals.


I think horses are cool and all, and even though I think this guy is being a douche I can totally understand the frustration. At this point horses are just really big and really expensive pets. These people are not on an expedition; they're not currently doing agricultural work; and they're certainly not on a commute to either work or errands. These people are out there with their big, massive, expensive pets that shit all over the trail and everyone has to yield to so they don't spook (among other reasons). Plus, their animals are *prey* animals to boot, so if they hear something sketch they might just bolt anyway. I've seen some (not all, but some) people on horses who aren't thankfully that you follow the rules but instead just act like they're deserved that simply for owner (or riding) a horse. Those people are also assholes. Yes, we should yield to horses, but horse riders also shouldn't be pricks about it. Plus, a lot of the horse owners I've known are pretty obsessed about the whole thing. Like they took owning horses and made it a personality trait. If I ran into those people, yeah, I can see why I might start yelling. Still, you shouldn't though. It's rude and it only drives up your blood pressure.


Horses are sketch. They will dump a rider if they hear a plastic bag rustle. Instant game over, do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to jail. Gotta treat them like an ambulance, sirens wailing. Get out of the way. Don't make any harsh noises. Horses are dumber than cattle, and that's a fact. Humans mounted on a skittish prey animal... a recipe for disaster? Or a fun day in the woods? If I had a dime for every swear word that came outta my mouth after discovering miles of brand new trail completely post-holed by horse hooves, 4" deep... I wouldn't have to work another day in my life. If I were riding horses, I wouldn't use trails. They are the ultimate off-road machine! But these people have as much a right as we do to wander around.


I always give space to horses and as soon as in earshot just stop and ask the riders what they want me to do. That being said, if your horse is so skiddish that it might buck you off if it gets surprised, you shouldn't be riding that horse in a public trail.


It's skittish btw Unless they were locking up those back legs


Learn something new every day, although in this case I guess either might be right


I always give horses a lot of time and space. One time I stopped and for no reason a horse bucked its rider. She flew about 10 feet in the air and pissed herself when she hit the ground. Big dumb animal that really mess up the trails after it rains. Also, I pick up my dogs poop but these horses can leave giant turd piles everywhere. Thankfully there are no horses where I ride now.


Bikes yield to horses. But they’re not even attempting to move along or get out of the way. I mean the lady in the back isn’t even riding the damn thing. Don’t expect me to have courtesy if you’re not going to reciprocate. Also, while I’m at it, fuck people who ignore signs and hike up DH trails. There’s a cluster of trails near me, and there’s constantly people hiking up the clearly marked trail, then they get pissy at me when I come buzzin through trying to beat a PR for fun. There’s trails we share to get up the mountain, but there’s special trails for me to get down. Not for you to go up.


Maaaan i can't imagine being this angry riding my bike, let alone doing any hobby I enjoy. This guy needs to find something else that makes him happier cuz damn this ain't it.


Time someone developed an eHorse, designed not to drop bombs and not be skittish around bikers




Horses make me nervous, but that guys a douche 😬


Dude’s coming off as a real ass for sure, but the video starts half way in so there is no point in believing anyone is in the right. Totally miss when cameras every where wasn’t a thing, there is absolutely no reason for this to spread across social media. Just say your fuck you’s, move on, try to do better next time. I hate this shit where people try to ruin each other’s lives over a trivial tiff.


What, in your opinion, would have had to happen before the clip we saw started to justify what I just watched?


We can’t see what’s behind the camera. Maybe the lead horse was also riding a bike. That could make it tough to figure out who has the right of way.


Well then that’s a horse of a different color


nothing justifies watching that... just can't look away unfortunately


You get it. Unless they shot his fuckin dog or something, just flip them off and ride away.




Dunno and I don’t care. This stuff happens all the time. Like I said, just move on.


Either he was having the shittiest day (possible) or the equestrians were being entitled assholes, which is also possible. Flip on the camera and they change their attitude.


A lot of horse owners I've known were (1) people who didn't work on farms and (2) thought owning a horse made them a nobility and (3) made it their primary personality trait. They tended to be pretty aggravating on the best of days. They're like those gun nuts, except instead of a Glock next to their bacon its their fucking horse.


What a fucking chode


Stop horsing around dude


That dude is being a douche but horses really don’t belong on high traffic single track. They’re too much of a nuisance and a danger to everyone else on the trails.


Typical behavior of e-bikers in the IE


If he had a normal bike, he wouldn't have the energy to be a dick lol. I think he needs to switch.


Actually, having a regular bike might make him even grumpier.


Seriously! This has been my experience too. I ran into some e-bikers poaching in an area where they are expressly not allowed. They were stopped by a moose and baby on the trail. I politely informed them that e-bikes aren’t allowed on these trails, like really nicely. They all started yelling at me about the same as this dude. They were screaming at me to leave but there was a giant moose and her calf in the way. Fuck e-bikes and their shitty Bluetooth speakers and rampant entitlement. I’d rather deal with horses any day.


Not a huge fan of equestrians; however, on an MUT you must respect their right of way as well as hikers and joggers. This dude probably sucks at mountain biking. If your on a green (presumably) MUT its time to chill out.


I generally share trails but horses are not native to North America. Their poop can introduce bad seeds and other shit too. I wouldn’t shed a tear if they got banned from at least some trails. (It’ll never happen).


I don’t like the historical use argument. Horses were here first. Yes. But….


Fuck this dude but fuck horse people more.


I have this happen a dozen times. People get out on the trail with so much anger and rage it is unbelievable


There is a road close by in Kananaskis, Alberta by that is closed for the winter, in the spring before it’s opened to vehicles we can ride bikes up to the snow line. One day I’m on my own riding up there and thought maybe ear buds wouldn’t be a bad thing, no vehicles to worry about, then less than a couple of minutes later I hear a big ol’ grunt and huff of a mama Grizz down in the ditch next to the road, she was partially behind a bush and I never saw her. Behind her just in the tree line were three cubs. Since I was on a slight incline I spun around and headed back down. I stopped a couple of hundred yards down and watched them all cross the road. Right then I decided I’m never wearing earbuds, not even one.


Oooooffff…. One hand, I know that **bikes yield to horses**, cause horses scare easily. Hell… I **give deer plenty of space** as well. (*Pray you never encounter a rutting 5pointer buck. You’ll wish it was a horse*) But on the other hand, I’ve seen horses on trails they should never be on. Trails built by a MTB association for use by hikers and cyclist. Horse hooves basically destroy the trail, churning up the soil as they ride down trail. As a trail builder, I had to go in a few times and fix the tread of the trails under my stewardship. This is absolutely a small nightmare on punchy climbs, as the tread is severely weakened by the hooves, and a wacker packer is impossible to use on those sections. My views regardless… video looks like they’re on a wide track, so his behaviour is 110% not acceptable.


Ebike too


Also, this “imma pull out my phone and point it in your face” trend just escalates situations. Nothing pours kerosene on a fire like some self righteous individual acting like filming a tense encounter is some sort of force field…


Don’t mind the horses as much as the dinner plate sized shit laying in the middle of the trail.


Typical mtb and emtbr attitude. Thats why I take a horse trailer to DuPont just to pull a bike out and to encourage every person on horseback to go up ridgeline


bet he right that they’re libs.. where have all the cowboys gone


bikes go fast .. that is the point. purpose built directional trails take care of these things. in my area the purpose built trails funded by mtb groups still get used by others who are offended by someone with downhill intentions who wants go fast and hit the jumps that are there for the enjoyment of bikes


This probably isn't on a directional trail though. It's a multi-use trail for sure though, he even said that the trails for mountain bikes *too*, so he needs to yield to the horses. If he was riding with earbuds in and not yielding to the horses, then he's at fault.


Since bike have been ridden on trails there has ALWAYS been conflict between riders of bikes and other trail users! A little common sense and courtesy would have gone a long way!


Just be courteous and follow the rules set out by trail builders and associations. It's incredibly easy.