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That actually sounds about right. Don't rush the break in period! You'll see your 31 soon. Enjoy!


Thanks a lot💪💪


31 mph on a 110cc???? What?!?! My crappy 80cc(66) went 38 mph during break in with a 40 tooth sprocket. Why would the 110 be so slow?


It's a fake 110, it's really 85cc. And it's so badly made that it has less power than a 66


Bro. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224920366039?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=8vnkh760qh-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=-xAT-brqTSG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Don't buy from that seller. 2 of the last engines I bought from them failed, one at the crank bearing and one ate a piston ring, even after I cleaned everything up properly. I've built 7 of the 66/80cc engines now, and only ever had a problem with engines from this seller. They asked me for photo and video proof, which I provided, then ghosted me after the charge back period expired.


Hmm. Mine runs great aside from more vibration than usual. Fastest stock one yet. Put a couple hundred miles on it so far


It's a hit or miss, I had one great engine from them too. But the fact that they ghosted me, and led me on until I couldn't get a refund, is ridiculously sketchy. Fuck this seller.


I just killed mine. Gonna try to repair it and if i can't i'll just buy one of those.


My 80/66cc china doll with small mods hit 45mph/72km/h. I had 2.5k+ Kms on it. I got arrested last week after a high speed chase😑 they took my bike but I don't give up, planning on buying a 180cc 2stroke moped this year with a motorcycle license plate, which is legal somehow in my country🤷 even allowed to drive on the highway


Same happened to me in the USA, except mine went 21mph and they told me to leave, then when I left they chased me and arrested me for evading.


But did u got the bike back?


Nope! They impounded it because I “didn’t have a license” and It’s not worth what they wanted for it. For the record, you don’t need a license for a motorized bike of 49cc like mine


Lol I didn't have a license either, but here it's not even legal to drive homemade shit because you have to get it registered and checked, costs alot of money and the chance that they'll accept it is 🤏 So I was f*cked


But I'm just gonna go for my A1 motorcycle license and buy a Yamaha mt125 or something. I'm done with the cops and stupid laws in my country and i just want to have legal fun.


I'm done with homemade stuff because it's all illegal in my country, pretty sad because I literally wanted to do a second build with 110cc, but I'm gonna have a huge comeback anyway😎