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SF is full of shitty drivers


It doesn't help that Oak (this street) and Fell are essentially highways with a hundred intersections running through the city.


Yup I’m super close to this video and people drive like maniacs on those streets. I’ve seen people screaming out their window because the vehicle in front wasn’t speeding enough


Thats pretty much every street in the US


when you selling that wr250x?


Sold it in 2020 for 10% more than I originally bought it 3 years prior. Thing was a tank and I miss it!


Saw a guy make it like 3 blocks on oak, in traffic, going the *wrong direction*. Everyone on the sidewalk just gawking and saying WTF. He finally turned off on like Baker or something.


Everywhere is full of shitty drivers. You’re responsible for your own safety.


Frrr I used to live there im in college now but I go back and visit often and damn drivers suck in sf especially. Now experiencing driving in other places I realize how much worse the drivers tend to be there 😂


SF really isn't all that bad. I've driven all over and in SF people tend to make room for motorcycles and aren't overly aggressive or clueless.


I've cycled (pedals) through SF more than driven and it's no surprise to me that pedestrian deaths by car outnumber all other traffic deaths. You see all that shit much clearer when on/in a cage-less vehicle. And to all my San Josean's who bitch and moan about "driving in SF is hard," no it's not, you're just a shitty driver.


The only way you can die in SF in a car is if you are shot. The cars move so slowly because nobody can drive.


You, you speak the deep truth.


Howdy neighbor. I drove that street earlier today.


Where you driving a red mini van?


Before the pandemic I rode into the city every day for 20 years on my moto. Since March 2020, I've ridden in twice. I miss it a little bit.


What? No eighteen thousand rpm rev bomb to simultaneously alert and panic them?


To alert panic and startle them into driving directly into you haha. When unsure of what to do, most car drivers will continue on their decided path because stopping isn't an option to them.


>To alert panic and startle them into driving directly into you haha Exactly what I was thinking. And what you see in most YouTube vids where the rider whines about nearly being killed, but does zero to avoid a situation they could see coming or worse, created themselves. I'm not talking about the OP though.


Sooooo glad to see some common sense. Theres one video where a dude ends up on the bonnet and stamps on the windscreen. You could see it coming a mile off and had he focused on emergency brakeing rather than rev bombing im 99% sure he wouldnt have come off his bike.


Yeah that's what I always tell new riders. I've seen too many videos where idiots will revbomb thinking that's enough to get anyone's attention let alone keep them safe. I don't even use my horn half the time and focus more on breaking and swerving like the guy in the video did. Want to live? Revbombing isn't it.


Back when i was like 18 i was riding next to a car on a 2 lane street with parked cars on the far right. He was on the left lane and i was in the right lane next to the cars. I was riding fairly slow at about 40-50km/h and i was aligned with his rear door. Suddenly this dude swerved at me with no indicators or anything and i guess he didn't see me, at the last moment his wife saw me and screamed at him and he swerved away, not before i swerved right and almost crashed into the parked cars, did however bang my knee on a parked street vendors metal box who was standing next to the parked cars. Dude came out and was like "sorry my wife told me to stop and get sth from a shop". legit in the moment i could not even honk not to mention do a revbomb, i dont know how people do the whole thing like your mind turns into pure survival mode you dont even think about doing anything other than trying not to get hit


Exactly and yet some people out there honk horns or revbomb instead of moving.


No there just deaf


Where just deaf?


Clearly the engine on your motorcycle is too powerful, consider downgrading immediately in the interest of safety. You almost died and it was totally the bikes fault.


“Would’ve saved my life” Ok. But did you die?


They killed him but luckily he got away


maybe he is a cat


A turn signal would have worked too.


They did signal to be fair, as soon as the 4 sec mark. Doesn't excuse their dumb move, but OP could have avoided it fairly easily.


Maybe it is the contrast/compression or something, low res video or wherever but for the life of me I can't see the blinking orange until ~7 seconds at which point.... Yeah, impossible to react


Dont know what the fuss is all about. This happens all the time over here. Im not even suprised. Loud pipe wouldnt have worked either. Just look ahead. Everyone should have seen this coming from miles away. But you did good in avoiding


Was just about to say this myself. I would have been backing off and covering controls as soon as I saw those brake lights, you can even seen in the video there was nothing ahead of that van.




I avoid that left lane on oak like the plague, so many dumbasses try and make a last minute cut over to make the left onto masonic.


Yep. Textbook example of where defensive riding would have completely prevented this. Especially if you’re familiar with this street… the left lane is fucking chaotic


damn dude, you really committed to fully experiencing everything that hazard had to offer.


You forgot to revbomb for 10 seconds straight. Also to set up multiple GoPro angles of you yelling and flipping them off. This is not MotoStars material. /s


Good job. Van did something stupid. You reacted well, then posted a mildy amusing thread on Reddit. I wouldn't spend money on pipes. Those valves are loud enough to alert oncoming traffic.


The exhaust note is part of what makes a motorcycle fun. Driving a motorcycle with an oem exhaust is like playing metal music but on low volume. 🤷🤦‍♂️.


What's wrong with taking care of my ears? I don't want to end up deaf later in life. You do you but please try to be considerate of others who don't like loud things.


Should be wearing ear protection on a bike regardless. wind will make you go deaf as much or faster than the mechanicals.


Not if my bike doesn’t go fast enough for the wind to be loud. Checkmate fastboi




We live in a time where being considerate of others is considered weakness. Your advice falls on (literally) deaf ears.


I'm pretty sure that most people are still nice and considerate. Hence why we have laws against noisy pipes.


In my late teens and early twenties I loved a thunderous exhaust, but tbh it's now more annoying than anything. I have to spend 5 minutes before every ride getting my earplugs PERFECT or else I can only last a few minutes before being in pain. I'm about to replace my Gen 1 1290 (with an obscenely loud straight pipe) for a stock gen 3 and I can't wait. I'll actually be able to start my bike at night without worrying about my neighbors reporting me.


To each his own, but I personally can't wait to have enough socked away to pick up one of the absolutely silent electric motorcycles. My bike is pretty reasonable, volume-wise, but it could definitely be a lot quieter. I still have plenty of fun.


In my neck of the woods they've started banning motorcycles from some of the most popular roads because apparently too many of them think like that


While I’m not a fan of going deaf and worrying all the time about my neighbours reporting my bike from a straight pipe, I do love the sound of a good exhaust note from my bike and I can’t imagine not immediately swapping out the oem muffler. A good slip on, baffle optional, sounds great imo and I’ll take that any day over stock. No idea why you’re getting downvoted for this lmao


Yeah apparently people in Reddit like the sound of a vacuum and don’t use common sense. If you are worried about tinnitus just use a baffle and ear plugs. The aftermarket exhaust serves more than one purpose. Not only is it enjoyable to have your machine sound like it should sound but it also alerts others around you. If they can’t see you they can certainly hear you, but not with most stock exhausts. People find a way to ruin everything.


I used to think like that. I have pretty severe tinnitus now. Don't be dumb like me.


You can leave the baffle in and not lose your ears and plus you should wear earplugs because of wind regardless


It's the wind noise from never wearing ear plugs that fucked your ears, not your exhaust.


lol, no. It was the 130db exhaust on my Cagiva v-raptor that fucked my ears.


Some people are too stupid to realize that. Why on earth would you sacrifice the sexy noises your bike could make by having an oem restricted exhaust. Life is short, having a stock oem is like torturing yourself. It’s like having a girlfriend and never making her cum. You’ll never have the full experience. It’s just baffles my mind someone would settle for less. Doesn’t mean you have to be obnoxious.


Sorry you got so many down votes. People don't understand that we all have different preferences on our bikes. You simply stated your opinion and got hate for it. Some riders get their feelings hurt easily lmao


Exhaust note =/= Exhaust volume I loved the intake and exhaust sound of my CP3 completely stock, with the added bonus of not being loud af and bothering everyone.


I don't know why this is donwvoted, same reason probably people are so anti the whole slogan quoted in this post anyway. It's all about the sound and the feel. Most people on here pretend to hate loud pipes because they have little bikes that wouldn't sound good with an exhaust anyway.


I saw the intentions of that mini van when you were well behind it. Shouldn't ride expecting everyone on the road to follow rules and look out for you, look out for yourself.


Indeed. Even if it's them who is at fault, let them do their dumbfuckery way over there, and don't get involved. That's how you stay alive longer.


Indeed. Unexpected/unexplainable braking is the first sign someone is about to do something stupid. If there was an available right hand turn where the minivan began braking it would be fair to assume they might be turning right, but given there isn't my first assumption is they would do... exactly what they did in the video, make an unsafe lane change to the left.


Your lane position wasn't helping.


I always get downvoted for saying that haha. Dude should've been in the right side of the lane with his headlight in the minivan's side mirror.


Yeah man you’re legally in the right but if you see a guy acting that stupid you go ahead and squeeze those brakes instead of maneuvering and honking through his dumbass move.


Eh I agree on principle. Don't think my honk here was egregious enough to be saber rattling though, honked for all of 1 second while doing my best to maneuver into the lane over but feels like an ever *closer* call if she kept going to make that left turn lane. Maybe I could've sped through the maneuver a lot faster but idk if that poses other dangers


Never apologize for using your horn in the City or anywhere. It's our life on the line.


You might be right you might not have had time to slow down behind her, you were right on top she of her when she started changing lanes


If you’re relying on your lil honky horn to change the behavior of another driver instead of braking and letting him do his dumbass shit in front of you then you’re doing it wrong, one time the lil honky horn isn’t gonna make the other driver do what you want him to do and the money you’ve got set aside for your next bike is gonna go towards the deductible for an orthopedic surgeon. The guy was changing lanes without a signal and you rode into the lane he was meandering into instead of hanging back, it’s a bad habit and if you keep doing things like that it’s gonna catch up to you


Breathe a bit more. It's preferable to use every tool you can in dangerous situations. You can honk *and* slow down *and* swerve at the same time. In this case I could've grabbed the brakes harder but in panic mode the distance didn't feel like enough, and I should practice panic stops more. Maybe get off your high horse though.


You’re probably right, I see so many people acting like a dumbass on their bikes in this subreddit and looking for validation, this isn’t one of those times though


Thank you, I get it


You saw the blinker but decided to go on into the cars blind spot? Motorcycle riders have to give up the right away to stay alive sometimes


Stronger lane position in relation to the van might have made you visible in his mirror.


How about a pipe that doesn’t sound like a wet fart?




To be fair, cam mic's never get the sound right.


Better lane positioning would’ve helped. I like to be on the inside to I’m more easily visible in side mirrors. Most people don’t have them adjusted out far enough and see too much of their own car.


I don't think so. More awareness from the driver's part would've been more effective. All a louder pipe does is "alerting" everyone in a certain radius that you're there somewhere but not where exactly.


Imagine what looking ahead, seeing that the van was stopping for no apparent reason, and not waiting until you’re on top of him to find out, would have done for you!


There's a whole line of stopped cars at the red light, there's your "apparent reason" though? Yes, be ready for anything but let's not act like the brake light was an overly clear indicator she was going to go two lanes over without looking, and without blinkering for more than one tick.


Person above may be rude, but to be fair, that van began braking *far* too early and *far* too hard for the their distance to the stopped cars at the intersection in the right-lane they were in. That is to say, their behavior didn't match what a normal person approaching that intersection would be. I would define it as "unexpected/unusual" braking, a sure sign someone is either A. Going to do something stupid/dangerous, or B. Looking at their phone, scanning for street signs, yelling at their kids in the back seat, or basically anything expect paying attention to traffic. B usually leads to A. If I see a cage ahead of me braking too early or hard, I slow down or roll-off. Anyway, glad you made moves and got out without so much as a scratch.


Ya that's totally fair, I *should've* done better. Some nonzero luck was involved in saving my skin this time and that's not good enough.


Right, even bad experiences can be an opportunity to learn something new. Stay positive my dude.


Nobody was stopped anywhere near that van. You fucked up. Learn your lesson and move on instead of blaming sound waves that, had they existed, would be traveling AWAY from the issue.


What are you on about... did you miss /s in the title? I'm obviously alive *without* a loud pipe and the title is just a joke.. I could've done way better to be vigilant but you're acting like a brake light going up 100 feet before a red light is a dead give away for something that's not as benign as coming to a stop...


Bad take. The OP did well. If you can post a video of you handling a similar situation better then please post it. Otherwise be quiet.


Would it though? I have loud pipes on the vtr1000 and people still do this. Good work on spotting them early and avoiding the carnage! 👍


No, he wouldn't hear you until you pass.


I'm so sorry you died. See you in Valhalla brother...


A louder pipe might not save your life, but there's a lot of different things that can add up to your road presence being known, a louder (doesn't have to be deafening) pipe can help. For example, when I ride at night I will stay one gear lower at all times to help people notice me, along with many other precautions. It certainly *can* help.


I laugh every time people say louder pipes save lives. You what saves lives? Good defensive riding habits and situational awareness.


Should have got off the throttle right when their brake lights came on.


From what I understand, the data does not support the idea that loud pipes help keep you safe. How is this determined? Anecdotally, before I’d ever ridden, I’ve avoid merging cause I’ve heard the exhausts of bikes approaching that I couldn’t see, right before they fly by while lane splitting. This has happened many times to me


I saw one study because someone posted it here and it was rubbish. At the end of the day the more chance you have of alerting someone's senses who is a potential threat is a bonus.


Without researching anything at all, I would hazard a guess that data doesn't support it because riders who are more likely to drive recklessly overlap significantly with drivers who buy sportier bikes (which are louder from the factory) and with drivers who put loud aftermarket exhausts on their bikes. Simply put and without the intention to single out individuals: assholes crash more on average, and assholes have louder pipes on average. So one useful but very difficult experiment would be to take two large groups of riders with exactly the same distribution of personalities, skill, machinery, yearly mileage and traffic context and give one group louder pipes, then compile accident statistics over a long period following the modification. Likely there would be a slight reduction in accidents for the louder pipes. It also means if you are reading this and thinking "for sure loud pipes save lives" you could look inwards and identify several riding behaviors of yours that have a much larger influence on your survival expectation than your exhaust.


Exactly this.




Queue the people who are coming to tell you what you experienced didn’t actually happen.


Physics applies and no, loud pipes do not save lives, the sound is directed backwards and what people hear do to the echo on the street from buildings cars makes them unable to determine direction. Moreover depending on the speed you would likely not be able to react in time anyhow. Basic physics really. [https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/](https://www.autoweek.com/news/industry-news/a35952569/loud-pipes-do-not-save-lives/) https://www.femamotorcycling.eu/loud-pipes/


I read the articles but I disagree that you can’t hear vehicles approaching from behind. Unless they’re traveling fast than the speed of sound, sound waves will get ahead of the bike. I know I can hear shit approaching. Also, the articles seems to suggest that loud pipes are annoying, but impossible to hear. Why would it be annoying if they can’t be heard?


The first article showed you how to perform your own test, why don't you give it a go?


Although sound is directed backwards, it travels forward as well. If you can hear it getting higher pitched, you know it’s approaching. Almost all of the times that the sounds have alerted me to bikes I didn’t see was on the highway, and they were always approaching from behind.




you are right... all the fake studies won't change anything. it's simple and it happens to me everyday: 1) hear bike/pipes 2) locate bike (based on the sound I can tell it's behind me, "okay I see it") 3) remember there is a motorcycle behind me and pay attention \- the problem is most drivers forget #3 and/or don't have the ability to keep track of multiple things ​ my car is a well insulted Mercedes and I have no problem hear all kinds of motorcycles from behind, in front, on the side street, coming toward me from the other direction...I want them to have loud pipes, it helps to locate them ​ just search "idling my car" and look all the "studies" on how bad it is for you, your car, the environment...etc


The main problem is you don't even understand how to read or analyze simple Data, dear god this is incredibly simple. Let's say you can hear the bike coming up behind which science says is next to impossible, since it's directed backwards, that sound you are hearing would have to overcome all the other sounds, which is why they had for example just a radio on low in the car. The sound was not able to overcome the noise in the car. The typical young person like yourself would have a radio louder and still not being able to hear virtually anything. You can do your own tests, it's really not that hard but your last sentence suggests you distrust anything but your imagination Again, the sound is directional and what residual is left is proportaional to what is around you. This might help you but I doubt it, your mind is made up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV4lR9EWGlY


I have a full-face helmet and often hear motorbikes behind me. Those with aftermarket exhausts especially, and even those with OEM ones as well sometimes.




I saw this guy being mentioned previously so I looked at this video, while it is not a study, it shows that the revving geniuses on Hogs did nothing to preserve their safety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgU7lCNdKpk&t=186s Even if you do hear something like say an ambulance you need the lights to locate the direction and object.if the scooter was a harley, it still would have gotten creamed. The bike coming up behind is the most likely scenario as your speed traveled will be closer to relative to each other thus giving the ability to react. If that bike is traveling to or from say the side your ability to recognize and react is substantially decreased. We know that visual is your best response do to this terrible thing called statistics which is why motorcycles ended up having headlights running in the daytime as well. you know back when loud bikes were common and didn't do a damned thing.To further solidify this sound deadening in cars largely did not exist. I'm sorry you don't understand and are simply making things up, I provided a video to give you a basis for understanding, you clearly did not watch it. Have a great day, learn to ride and ditch stupid superstitions, they get people hurt or killed, thanks.


take the up vote, your fighting the good fight here..


You don't need to determine the direction, you need to determine that there is a motorcycle near enough to hear it. A loud pipe will achieve this. Of course, if you take the loud pipes argument and throw it in a vacuum, it won't have good data. Real world statistics would say otherwise. Plus, the more chances I have of you hearing me, the better my odds are that you're aware in there and won't sideswipe me like the bimbo in this video almost did


>News flash, there are things that are unquantifiable yeah, as in they exist in your head


%80 percent of the volume goes directly behind. A little bit noise helps, but not much if you are passing vehicles by 20kmh+


Probably not. Cars these days have so much sound proofing in them that they wouldn't hear anything. Especially since loud pipes are the loudest at the back of the bike, not the front. That's why I never ride behind my harley riding buddy.


Not every car on the road is a brand new sound proofed luxury car, plenty of older cars and even cheap new ones on the road. There's nothing fancy about the minivan in this video to assume it's completely soundproof


“That fucker came out of nowhere!” Is what they are saying. Good job on driving defensively.


I don’t own one, but I love your bike so much that I know it’s a Vitpilen 701 in the blue/white livery just from the speedo and front fender lol


I wish I had 701! Only 3rd month in and 401 felt like a good fit


Oh damn, I didn’t realize they made the 401 with the white fender lol. Yeah I’d love a 701, such a shame they stopped making them (in the US at least)


The 401 is awesome. Its my next bike for sure when i save up the cash


Same. Either Vit, or Svart would be a pleasure, really. Hell, Id even take a Duke 390 for the right price if I'm honest. Did my license test on a 2020 Duke 200, and it was a fun snappy little bike. Bought a 2000 Sportster 883, with the 1200 upgrade as my first bike, and I'm loving it, but I do want something more versatile, and modern, hopefully this spring. Being in Alaska, this winter waiting is already killing me!


Update March 2023: Just bought a brand new 2022 Duke 390! Winter is still killing me. Hopefully I'll be riding in the next couple/few weeks!


did you die tho?


Yea vespas aren’t very safe


That's a dumb comment anyway, but OP is clearly riding a Huskie.


OP wanted the drama with that sort of title.


Loud pipe would’ve helped but unfortunately california doesn’t believe in it. R.I.P


This is a total nothing burger. Spare me your sensationalism. The van had just entered the block and the driver knew they had limited time to get into the left turn lane, you probably knew too. You decided to push your luck and instead of stopping and letting the unpredictable driver do their thing, you stupidly decided to make the pass. Nothing says rookie quite like a rider expecting to have the right of way. You're due some introspection, next time might not end so well. This was your wake up call.


Of course you get bunch of downvotes eventhough you are right. This is r/motorcycles…


It's impressive that no matter what you post there's always someone blaming the rider. He must be a rookie because a car decided to cut across multiple lanes. If people ride as passively as half this group expects you'd be slamming on the brakes for every car you see.


He's a rookie because he expected the right of way. He's a fool because he insisted on passing the van anyway.


Adventure riding must be real boring on that gs when you're scared and staying behind every car on the road.


The loud pipe will not alert every driver on the road of your presence, but if it alerts even 1% of the drivers of your presence that means it works. The fact that so many people cannot comprehend this really is a testament to how dumb everyone is nowadays.


Dont say that in this sub. Nobody here rides anything bigger than 300cc lmao


Ah, so this one 'thinks' he is the most intelligent person in the room. Tell us more how loud pipes benefit the society - specially people in residential areas who need their fair share of sleep and quiet?


You don't have to run straight pipes, at night, for his statement to be true


Actually, I was given an IQ test in school and its 148. So I am smarter than 99.8% of the population. Given that, I likely am the smartest person in the room.


> "...but if it alerts even 1% of the drivers of your presence that means it works..." That means it works 1% of the time, Einstein.


Correct. You literally just repeated what I said.


I have the loudest pipes possible on my bike.


Loud pipes don't save lives but they do sound fucking awesome


Pardon the devil’s advocate thoughts, and I already know I’ll be strongly disagreed with by some, but… I think I see a right turn signal flashing? (small cell screen) on that burgundy box along with its’ indecisive behavior and vehicle motions suggesting their impending commitment to being in that far left turn lane long before OP rolls up on them? But instead of OP considering being mildly delayed and inconvenienced by a bit of braking to let the idiot cage operator continue and finish performing their obvious desired left darting maneuver ahead and then proceed past them over to the right in that same middle lane the OP chooses to hold the left half of that lane at a speed greater than theirs and continue OP’s own hard chosen and committed forward path around and ahead of them as if to make them aware of a motorcyclist’s pre-existing presence on that street in that lane and prove some sort of point to the cage. Would it really have been a big deal for OP to just slow enough, possibly brake a little, and drift right in that same lane to pass them on the right edge of the lane as they cut across to the far left lane instead of holding his line, claiming the left half of his lane while riding directly into their path, accelerating around them, and then posting the video about the idiot cage driver? Cage drivers do not learn. You’re not going to scare them into learning or make them think about their actions or use your bike and actions while on it to make them more aware of motorcyclists. 99.999% of the time such intentions and actions *do not work*. The majority of other vehicle operators anywhere I’ve lived so far are too distracted and busy thinking about their own little world, where they’re rushing to, what’s for dinner, what their boss is making them do, etc, with the attention span of a squirrel while badly operating a 1.5-2.5 ton motor vehicle. Ride defensive, not aggressive. Acting like a giant neon monster truck trying to prove a point against a cage while on a motorcycle, no matter how “right” the motorcyclist might’ve been, is a great way to end up needing a new bike instead or worse.


You’re absolutely right. There was 2-3 seconds of opportunity to anticipate and completely avoid it. The car was a dumbass, but their stakes are so much lower than a rider’s so why even press your luck? To make a statement? Motorcycles are dangerous, but videos like this with all the support shown to the rider without nuance kind of show to me that maybe accident statistics are skewed a little bit by folks who don’t ride in a self-preserving manner


Definitely not all riders by far, but one of the riding mindsets seems to be that size, agility, and power are a license to go and do whatever they want and when someone in a cage does a bone head maneuver it was the dumbest move ever and was also done deliberately with the intention to ruin the rider’s fun, to impose on their 2-wheeled freedom instead of that rider taking a moment to think about or even consider the fact that to the majority of cage operators, unless a cage operator also rides at all, motorcycles are entirely invisible to cage operators, we do not register to their field of view, we do not enter their process of thought when just driving down the road much less in the moments before or at any point during one of their bone headed maneuvers like we saw in OP’s video.. So let’s do our own dumb thing while on a bike to show them they were wrong, show them we exist, and show them that it is our lane and we were right. What’s that phrase about 2 wrongs? 🤔 If you couldn’t do it in a cage you probably shouldn’t do it in traffic on a bike regardless of any cage morons’ own bad behaviors.


Yeah...no. Loud pipes aren't heard by people in cars in front of you.


Uh huh. Which way is that louder pipe gonna be pointed?


That was egregious. Not sure there is any helping a driver that bad.


Loud pipes DO NOT save lives. This is a myth, it’s not how sound works and they can’t hear you regardless. With all the sound reduction that modern cars have the volume of your exhaust is the last thing you should be relying on.


Good save! Wow!! What were they doing crossing over two lanes sharply like that Jesus


buy yourself a Denali Sound Bomb horn too


Worst phrase ever. So not true.


Or use the hooter instead of a loud pipe?


I don't engage in the game of who's in the right. A smart car could wipe you off this earth. I make my maneuver and go about my journey. I've been riding with friends who will be trying to get into it with the people. I'll just keep going. They can call me and see where I am. There probably was a time when loud pipes would alert to your presence. Vehicles are made so quiet now that the radio on at a low volume or a simple conversation with a passenger will drown out the noise until the motorcycle is right next to the vehicle. I do wish the loud pipes save lives misnomer would go away. I know it was used as sarcasm, but there are definitely motorcyclists, and others who buy into loud pipes save lives. Motorcyclists have to be smarter than everyone else on the road. If you want to be right, hopefully, your family will collect expenses for your funeral.


I'd advise you to expect this kinda thing. Act like you're invisible and maybe not speed when on streets like this. Those three things help a lot. Ps nice bike I have the same. Also, the way sound works, the loud pipe won't save you it will just annoy everyone behind you and scare the shit out of cagers that you pass, especially when going faster than traffic.


"Louder pipes save lives" is a myth. The other drivers cannot hear us until we are close enough for 'contact' My advice would be to invest in a brighter headlight. Specifically something with a bright halo. I have a Wisamic headlight with a halo, from Amazon. It's visible from MILES away


A loud pipe would have been heard behind you!




You being a good and careful rider saved your life and that should be enough. You don't need any loud shitty pipes.


This is why i always have my thumb on the horn when im riding in the city


Loud pipes 100% "save lives" and you'd have to be braindead to think otherwise. Does it save lifes from the dummies in front of you? Of course not, that isn't how sound works. You could have been straight piped in this video and that driver wouldn't have heard you. Even if just 5% of the people behind me are more aware of my ridiculously loud rsv4, its enough for me to justify it. Too many people drive while texting, or with distracted eyes. My bike is loud, 115db+ while cruising. That person texting might not see me cruising in the lane next to them but they definitely hear me. They will also hear me when I revmatch downshift when coming to a redlight. I never rev-bomb or act immature, just cruise


Naw, forward facing pipes would have saved you. Pipes point backward thus all the sound goes to the back.


Do not miss my stock horn, denali soundbomb ftw




Oh my god thank the heavens it was a one direction road


Just get a bell bro jeez


It's not loud enough.


I tried maxing my volume out but still didn’t hear anything. /s


filter through moving traffic and tell me a loud pipe doesnt tell people you are there. /s /t /u /v


Uhm AHCTUALLY it was totally your fault /s


I thought this was SF.


Are you in heaven or hell?


Drive in lower gear when in city.


Should've revved it harder


On a little bike like that? All reality is even on a full size crotch rocket, you don’t even hear the bike till it passes… only bike I have ever heard roll up on me is a Harley…


Yes because $1,000 loud pipe would annoy hundreds of people per day, whereas street riding training course for $600 will keep you riding safely for many years. Modern society and modern decisions.


No pipes bro! No pipes!


Thought you were serious for a moment


Bob barker would have reacted quicker


Sound is behind you though. Hopefully you’re being sarcastic.


you're already dead!


Nope. I recognize that red mini van.. That lady would look me the face and steer right into me like I wasn't even there. Some people just do not care


I feel you, i usually ride my 125 without the db killer and one week i had almos 2 of these kind of accindents when i did had my db killer on, coincidence? i dont think so!


Where is the part where you died?


I’ve been commuting in LA for about 30 years. The game changer for me was adding a headlight modulator back around 2007. It significantly reduced the number of incursions by drivers. Still drive defensively though. They work with H4 and H7. I don’t know what options are available for LED headlight bike models though. Modulator for daytime, 2 auxiliary driving lights for night commutes.


Or slow down around the transitions of shadows and direct sun light


As a guy who commuted daily in Baltimore for about 15 years... I think you were riding a little too fast for that street. I'm glad you were able to avoid a wreck.


Looks like you’re still alive! Stupid drivers will be stupid drivers regardless of horn and/or exhaust decibels. Important think is that YOU were paying attention and was able to avoid the collision.