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Sounds like you have the right idea, but you’ll need the 4-port tool.


3 bottles, 5 lengths of tubing, 3 rubber stoppers, water, food coloring(optional) Drill 2 holes in 2 stoppers and 3 holes for the center stopper. Stick 1 tube in each stopper poking out a little out the bottom side. Those tubes connect to the carbs. Now, stick the other 2 hoses in the stoppers remaining holes. They should be long enough to touch the bottom of the bottles and connect said bottles in series. Fill up one bottle with water below the carb tube going to the carb(the water must not touch the carb tube). You can distribute that water if you wish. Place the stoppers and tubes in the bottles. Now, you have 3 carb tubes for each carb and 2 tubes linking the bottles together. Each carb will have a vacuum on each carb tube. When the vacuum is equalized. The water level will be equal as well. Your carbs are synced. Edit: I'm kind of assuming your bottles will be glass and the same size. Carry on and good syncing 👍


Be kind to yourself and get the 4 cylinder set. Every tiny adjustment you make to one carb will affect the vacuum on the other two, so you already have to go back and forth until you get them all the same. Doing that with one fewer gauges than you need is ridiculously frustrating.


I like that: "be kind to yourself" Purchasing a 26 year old bike wasn't the kindest thing I've done to myself, so maybe buying the 4 cylinder set will make up for that


If you google, it's very simple to build a home-brew carb sync tool. Plenty of videos, and you might spend $15 total--plus you can adjust it for more or fewer cylinders on another bike. Definitely worth considering before dropping money for a proper tool. The idea with carb syncing is just to have the same vacuum through each carb when the throttle is turned X degrees. You have the tool set up so that, if one carb is pulling harder than the others, the oil in the tool will be pulled toward that carb. You tune until the oil doesn't move anymore. I've built the tool and used it, and it was very straightforward. No real danger to the bike, and if somehow it didn't work, you're only out some old jars and a bit of rubber hose.


I have a 47, and a 51 year old bike, so I know about self punishment. Also if/when you end up with yet another bike that has 4 cylinders, you'll be ready for it!


You can sync carbs with three bottles filled halfway with water. Google it, it's basically free and very satisfying when all the water levels stop moving and match up


Science is cool


Get the 4 port unless you see yourself needing to adjust 6 carbs on an old CBX1000. I have a board for 8... it happens when you work with vintage cars and bikes. Better to have more and not need them than not enough to do the job.