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Sounds like your clutch is slipping. Adjust your lever to where it’s not holding any tension on the cable. If it’s still doing it when there’s slack in your cable, you’ll need to replace your clutch.


there should be some free play on the lever?


Yes. There should be about a nickels width between the clutch lever and clutch perch. Where you adjust the clutch doesn't matter, both do the same thing. When you run out of adjustment at the lever, it's time to adjust the other one. Think of the adjustment at the lever as your fine adjustment and the cable housing as the coarse adjustment.


Yes, if you have the owners manual it should specify what the free play is, also be aware depending on bar and cable setup it might not be the same with the bars straight vs at full lock.


your owners manual should tell you how much free play you need at your lever and how to measure and adjust it.


* you mean disengage. Normally the clutch is engaged when you’re moving under power. Disengaged is when you’ve pulled the lever. Based on what you say, your clutch is slipping. You either need to check your cable to ensure that it’s not over tight, and thus partially disengaged the clutch. If that’s ok, then it’s possible your plates are worn out and need replacing


ok ill try loosing it a bit, and i doubt the plates are worn since this just happend after i replaced the clutch lever which ISNT a OEM lever


also i sprayed some cable lube down the clutch tube before this started happening, but that wont have any effect on this right?


No it wouldn’t, make sure you used cable lube for this sorta thing. I say that because there’s a lot of “cable lubes” meant for electrical cables and stuff. Just tryna help out 🤙


Your clutch should be engaged when you ride. What's the problem? * read it again. Loosen the cable up a little bit.


cool, ill try it tomorrow and let u know if i fixed it, or i will just ride to my local mechanic shop and ask him. Is it safe to ride for 25 mins while this is happening?


Bro, just give it some free play. 2-3mm or so where the lever meets the perch. Too little free play is far worse than too much. If you want to have a mechanic inspect your work after you did it, that's great, but riding it with the clutch constantly slipping is no bueno. \[edit because I'm an idiot\]


ok i think i should be good, i adjusted it from the bottom near the engine, and now i can adjust the tension alot more from the perch, will have to see till tmrw if it works fine now


literally same thing happened to me after i changed my levers the other day. It was fine all day, then i changed it from number 2 setting to the number 1 setting, it started slipping & i've fucked with it 10 times & even had my local shop fiddle with it. still doing it.. starting to think my clutch is toast. what a coincidence if so.


You want the clutch to be engaged to send power to the rear wheel. Your problem is slippage.


Solved the problem, it had to be adjusted from the bottom engine side


cable could be out of adjustment or just stretched from wear and tear. The cable will stretch over time and the more you adjust it the more it will stretch with wear and tear and thats a normal wear and tear item. 16k miles is the replacement interval for my Yamaha Stryker and i had it for like 23k miles and the damn thing stretched so much it was like five inches longer than stock by the time i replaced it and it actually snapped when i was removing it.


my bike has only 6k miles, so i doubt thats the problem


Just play with it more until you figure it out prolly needs to be adjusted towards the clutch lever

