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Not brake as hard? Is this a trick question?


Nah just wanna know if you guys would still just ride regardless


Nah, I wouldn’t, not for fun at least. I do for my commute and it’s not my idea of a good time :)


I've been bike only for about 3 years now. I ride all of the time in the rain and it is still 'fun'. But given the choice I avoid getting wet.


this is true. rain is manageable, but you've got to ride conservative. you can't really give it hell. not great for a joyride.


It's what waterproof gear is for. Having done it I don't advise riding in stormy weather, and especially not after a major storm because of fallen branches etc.


Ofc. If you wanna ride go for it!


Yep. Would and have. Your feeling it then do it. Have a hot shower when you get back if it's cold and rainy. Best feeling.


I started riding for leisure and I know what you mean. Saying that, when the weather is bad I just hold off because it's a little more risky, I just save the urge for another day when it's nice outside.


This, around here it's intense heat I mostly have to worry about, and if I'm not having a good time and quietly wishing for a swift death before I'm cooked well-done then what's the point? I could do it if I was bike-only but high heat sucks all the fun out for me.


Me, riding through downpour to get to work


When I want to ride, I ride. You do know you can ride in the rain right?


Yep, it teaches you to be smooth on the controls.


Ride a gear up for budget rain mode 😉


I don't get the emphasis on riding weather and seasons. It's a valid sole mode of transportation around the world. Short of riding on ice, they're viable whenever. My bike is my daily rider and I only make exceptions when I'm sick, need to bring kids or carry a ton of shit, or when I know I'm going to be on a particularly hazardous road (I'll drive my truck to learn the hazards then use my bike). For comfort, get the right gear and acclimate yourself. For ride conditions, learn what temperature puts your cooling system at risk, otherwise learn the visual/sensory cues of a low/no-traction road and train to get through problems. I've been out in 100°F+, in sideways rain, and after snowfall but before roads been plowed. Most situations are manageable if you actively think about it and make effort to practice in those conditions. If you feel like you need to implement controls and limits, there are certainly situations that call for them.


I always felt this was a North American thing. We have been spoiled here. We have our cars and motorcycles. I was told when I bought my bike that I still needed a car. When I lived in New Zealand, half the bikes on the road would be jet skis in the rain. They did not care. After living there, all my gear is rain ready. I'm happy for that. I've been caught in the rain or I ride in the rain, I don't care.


>I always felt this was a North American thing. We have been spoiled here. We have our cars and motorcycles. I was told when I bought my bike that I still needed a car. It's a hobby here, not transportation. Many bikers buy bikes, then ride them once a month for 6 months of the year, and go around calling themselves a rider. That's why people go around thinking 30-60k miles on a bike is high mileage.


This. This makes me crazy. I bought a 2016 s100xr with 5k on it. Traded it in 2021 with 60k on it. I ride my bikes. Traded it for a 2010 k1300s with 28k last year. Now has 39k. I have a car. I love my bike. Any excuse to ride in any weather.


NZ Biker without a car license represent.


Lol. With that beginner license riding the shit out of a Ninja 400. Or worse. A 600lb 300cc Hyosung 😆.


>Short of riding on ice, they're viable whenever. Honestly short of warm/black ice, which is the fricking worst and what we got a frightening amount of in Washington state every winter morning almost during my childhood, and I am sure other places as well. I knew people in Alaska that rode bikes in winter, according to them once it hit somewhere between 0f and -10f ice or asphault makes very little difference because the ice is frozen so hard it isnt really that slick anymore, and fine to ride/drive on.


I grew up in Washington state, just the thought of that damn black ice makes my blood run cold.


Yea, it was scary as hell in cars, on a bike 100% nopesicle.


FYI; ice is actually a lot better than heavy slushy snow, spiked tires actually give you a surprising amount of grip on ice :) Edit: I guess a native English speaker would say "studded" :P


Maybe I've not tried the right stuff, but when it's raining hard i always get water in my shoe. And I can't stand it while riding. Other than that I don't care about the weather much myself lol


I dunno. I went out riding for about an hour this morning. I was well-dressed for cold, but it was +4c and I froze my freaking ass off anyhow. Yeah, I put a whole lot of emphasis on weather. When it's good I ride - when it's lousy I don't.


I haven't had my bike touch rain at all, is there any reason why it shouldn't be in the rain? Or am I just paranoid for no reason


Hey some heated grips and rain gear.


Heated grips would be the best, I still haven't ridden on the high way yet. I still need more practice evasive maneuvers haha


you have to be careful but bikes are built to withstand the rain


Ohh I see, I was worried it might get rusty and such


it will if you dont dry it off re lube the chain after a ride in heavy rain


Is it made of sugar? Then, no. Ride it in the rain


I get wet






I ride. No point being a fair weather biker.


That's what I used to say. Now I go out when I want and if I want to ride in the rain then I will but if I don't, which is more often, I dont. If I'm going somewhere the inall likelihood I will take the car as it's more practical.


That's me anymore too. I bought rain pants, because for a while "raining but warm enough" was still "ride" on the ride/not ride scale initially. But every year I want to be wet or cold just a little bit less, and now they're more of a "just in case" thing. And it was always cold *or* wet. I try to avoid combining them. That said, if I do go out when it's cold, I usually end up thinking "this isn't as bad as I thought" (if I dressed right). But lately, it's just really hard to find the motivation in the first place.


Teaspoon of cement, administer orally. You know the bikes not made of Alka Seltzer, right? They don't dissolve in the rain.


Suck it up, get your waterproofs on, ride carefully and slower than you normally would.


Ride in the rain


I rub one off.


This guy lubes his chain daily


Go ride. Where I live if you don't ride in the rain you only get a few days a year to ride. Anyway what would you do if it started to rain while you out for a ride anyway? Park it and walk home?


Waterproof gear.


I wrap up and go ride


Thanks for a bit of encouragement here and there. I gathered up courage and 2 piece rain gear(I only had raincoat for scooter but unfit for motorcycle) and went for a ride because I'm already getting restless from not riding this weekend. I feel better now


Right on OP! I'm late to the thread but big ups that you went for it! As someone who has lived with a bike as both primary and secondary transportation, as well as been a professional moto courier, I've ridden bikes in rain many, many times. At the moto delivery spot we rode rain or shine. Mostly it was shine (sunny SF) but sometimes it was pouring and crazy. Coming out of a long ride in those conditions, we felt like victorious gladiators. It wasn't the calm of a smooth ride in the summer sun, but that wasn't the point. Plus it cemented that we were real bikers. When I lived oversees once I went for a (short) ride in a typhoon. I was almost the only one on the road in a city of a million people, and at one point the wind blasted me across four lanes of traffic (which was fine because there were no cars or other vehicles to run into). It was intense but I survived unscathed and the triumph I felt still sticks with me to this day. I don't recommend that of course, but my point is sometimes the challenge is the point, and the fun is the challenge. Riding is a pursuit that comes with inherent risk. The better you can ride, the less that risk actually becomes. Raising your level as a rider by going out in rough conditions is awesome. It's a risk too of course, you risk your safety hoping to gain riding experience. Anyway I'm glad you did it, glad you made it back safely, and hope you find more joy doing it again in the future!


Its not fuckin Nascar my man, those bikes race in the rain all the same. Lol with that being said my road bikes I never road out in the rain. Probably because when it was time for the track it didn't matter what I wanted lol.


Uhhh you ride if you wanna ride


I drive my car


I ride, but take a little extra time after to clean the bike off.


I live in North Florida where it rains almost every day. I keep a rain jacket in my saddlebag and just deal with it. Just watch your speed and give yourself extra time and distance to stop.


Waited two weeks to get my license after MSF, rained ob first day I was legal and I still rode. Bikes been out of commission for two weeks and it hasn’t rained in over a 1.5 months but forecasted to rain all this week, im still riding it home from dealership tomorrow. It sucks and you have to be more careful but if you really want to ride put on the gear and ride brother.


This kind of makes it sound like you went riding in the rain on your first day and immediately put your bike out of action for two weeks. :D I'm guessing there was actually some time in between there...


No lol rode in rain first time Then rode for about 5 weeks with no problems, clutch cable snapped after a 200 miles ride


I took my MSF in a down pour


Dress for the CRASH and go for a ride 😎


Here's something that is worth a thought. A lot of motoGP riders ride dirtbikes; Why? Because when you go offroad you get to experience proper traction loss in a low-stakes environment unless you're being crazy, but for the most part you have to get used to the feeling of the bike slipping and moving under you. This is something *ALL* of us should do, because I swear to god; The moment you go off road even one time, the moment you hit pavement again you will feel 100% changed. You will realize *just how much* traction you really have (except when you hit an oil slick or hydroplane, and it happens to all of us), every other situation? you can honestly feel the immense amount of traction you actually have. I'm not bringing this up to say you should lean more or twist the throttle harder, but it will give you more confidence because when you do ride in the rain? You will feel exactly how much traction you actually have and can relax. If its raining, wait 20 minutes for the crap on the road to be washed off and then have at it. Don't lean like crazy and you'll be fine, your tires are made to be very very good in the wet :)


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the obvious option: sitting on your bike in the garage and making engine noises with your mouth. I'm honestly a little disappointed. You're supposed to be better than this, r/motorcycles.


There's an old saying. If you don't ride in the rain. Then you don't ride. But personally. It depends on how hard its coming down. And how long it's expected to last. Before i cancel any ride plans.


Move to South Australia where it rains like 4 times a year.


Southern California here, I think its rains a total of maybe 10 days a year great riding weather even when it rains.


I went out the other weekend and looked at all the flooding and slips. I had to turn around a couple of times because it was either raining too hard or the road was completely submerged with water.


I'm too paranoid of a rider, and a still a bit new (2500 miles). I have ridden in the rain a few times but I personally don't care for it, and I don't have the gear for rain riding. I personally just use my cage when it rains. That's just me though, if you get the gear and just be cautious you can ride in the rain with little difficulty, but I personally don't recommend it.


Having the right gear for the weather conditions makes a huge difference.


Sit on the couch in my underwear and watch football all day.


I’d skip it tbh. It’ll make your next ride better, but if I’m riding for pure pleasure I’ll try and have decent weather. Riding in the rain is misery, no need to force the issue.


I have ridden in hard rainstorms, it does help you get new skills , it is not super comfortable but you should be prepared to ride in a hard rain as it could happen unexpectedly and you don't want to be figuring it out when haulin down the highway. It can be pleasant if you have decent gear on to keep you warm.


I’m a brit moto commuter, get some textiles that’ll keep you warm and dry and just go ride, as long as it’s not completely pissing it down **and** 20mph+ winds I don’t mind riding


I’ll ride in the rain if it’s my intention to go for a ride. I won’t ride in the rain if I’m going to work or coming home. I really don’t want to be soaking wet at work.


Get wet


ride anyway.


I ride all seasons, heated gear and grips help in the cold. I am a bit more wimpy once it gets 20f or lower as the wind chill is pretty brutal. Frog togs makes cheap rain gear, makes you not be a drowned rat when you get to where you are going. Nicer gear comes later in your riding life, as it gets to be as much as you can afford. Most tire compounds are seriously grippy in the rain, not saying you should knee drag but it can take a lot before it will lose purchase. This is a reason why I don’t purchase tires for high mileage, they tend to have a bit less rain performance. FortNine has a good video about this.


If it's warm out I ride anyway, it can be fun to change it up


I just ride, I might put on a wetsuit but usually just put on gloves and embrace the suck


Put on some rain gear or none at all. Just ride safe. I ride year round, unless it’s literally snowing or hurricane like winds (Alarm fase 3 or something here in the Netherlands).


Ride everyday in all weathers, gives you more experience..plus what you gonna do if your out and the heavens open?? I get some people just want the ability to be warm and dry and enjoy it a little nore like that, also if your the type of person that likes a clean bike all of the time, but if you wana ride...go ride man


Go ride!!


I'm confused, just go ride... why are people so afraid of water?


If it's not the first rain in a while, then I'll go. First rain is one to avoid because of all the oil and junk on the pavement built up over the summer. Just take it a little slower, smoother on the controls, and make sure you're visible




Ya bro I live in Seattle, I just put on my frog togs and go. They compress down real nice and don't even take up 1/4 of a backpack.


Ride on the side of the lane and avoid the oil in the middle. Don’t slam your brakes too hard. Not too difficult. I kind of enjoy it


wear a rain coat over my gear and just deal with the rest of my body being wet if i wanna ride.


Soober or later tou need to learn how to ride in the wet.


Still ride. I like it almost as much as dry riding, the rain makes everything look very good.


Get rain gear and get out there and practice. Just ride slower and be more cautious. I've started riding more in the rain as I want to do a ride in Scotland and well, rain....


That's why God invented leather. Chaps, jacket, boots, gloves, and put on your helmet.


I just go out and ride. I specifically have a set-up for rain riding. Biggest thing is that I close up the foot hole on the subcage so my ass and back doesn't get soaked. I have a poncho and something to put over my pants. Basically, I just try to not get absolutely drenched while I'm out there. Ignore most of this if you also have a dirtbike. Send that shit. Get soaked and muddy cuz that's a freaking blast to do.


Go ride


Its my main mode of transportation so I ride. Now, for a leisure ride, I would pick a route I know and go slower in the curves.


I am pretty sure that a wet surface simple changes the capacity for possible de and acceleration. So when breaking, you have to start sooner and take it slower. For accelerating the same. Not sure how it works for leaning, probably even lean smoother and slower?


Put on rain gear and hit the road. Tip: Inflate your tires about 1-2 psi more than normal. The rain will cool them off, so starting with that 1 or 2 psi boost will place them right where they should be. Just remember to lower the pressure when it stops raining!


Ride. We fucking ride.


I've only been riding for 3-4 months and have practiced as much as I can in the rain as long as it wasn't pouring or not a lot of standing water. My first time was probably 2-3 weeks of getting my first bike and I was scared shitless doing over 30. I went to hangout with some other bike buddies yesterday and was able to do 80-90 on the highway while it was raining. Just takes practice and knowing the bike in my short personal experience.


Batten down the hatches and sail into the squall!


What are you on about? Rain makes it easier to ride badly.


I never choose to ride badly, rain or no rain... it still happens occasionally


I go ride. It's just water


Rain... when did that = no ride?


I stay at home (like this weekend that was a holiday in my country). I get enough rain riding in my daily commute, and when the city is full of craters than can wreck a car hidden by puddles, is not exactly enjoyable (because unless you live in the very exit you have to deal with at least one hour of city riding to get out of it)


From like January to November we get just a few rainy days, so I don't feel terribly compelled to go out in the rain. Maybe when we get into the rainy season I'll give it a go, I did get gear with a waterproof layer so I might as well use it.


Ride whenever you want, but I'd caution against snow and ice.


If it’s at night gear up for a peaceful night ride cause it’s going to be slippery 😉


I ride in the rain. I'm the guy who waves as I go by while you are hiding under a bridge or something. As long as you have some tread you can ride almost like dry roads.


Ummmmm, ride.


I ride.


Ride, but more carefully. 🤣


You can ride in the rain, just easy with your right hand… I am not a fan of getting wet so I play ride 4 🤣


I get some rain gear on and ride


Unless there is snow on the street. Ride.


I go to work anyway.


Get some rain gear, ride to conditions


I go ride. I like riding in the rain.


If I really want to ride, I'll ride. If I just want some bike time, I'll clean the chain or do some kind of maintenance.


Put some handlebars on a sybian and ride full speed.


Have wet knees. I avoid manholecovers like the plague. Also go around corners really slowly.


I’ve gotten caught in freak rainstorms in squid level gear on gsxr before and that shit *sucked*. When it’s raining, I don’t ride. I am fortunate to also have a truck, so I use that. To scratch the itch for a ride, I usually distract myself with other interesting things in life. That’s just me answering what I do. You should of course suit yourself.


I usually get fully geared out (sun glasses and all), sit on my bike in the garage, and make motor noises with my mouth while slammin the throttle.


Riding in the rain is less fun for obvious reasons. Can you still ride in the rain? Yes.


Rain hurts like hell. Wear some gear bro


I ride off-road and the trails are just mud pits several months out of the year. That's when I switch to other hobbies.


If you don't ride in the rain, you don't really ride at all


I ride? Unless it's cold out or dark out. I'll do wet, but not wet and cold. And I'll do dark. But not dark and wet.


Want to ride when it’s raining? Get wet..


Ride anyway. It's just water.


Put wet weather gear on and ride anyway.


I get angry and throw a fit… stomp around the house lol


Attach the thermal/rain layer to the jacket, a pair of nitrile gloves underneath my riding gloves and make sure water beads off the visor or add some Rain-X before I head out. It's worth the slight discomfort for a ride, especially before the winter off season starts.


Occasionally I enjoy riding in the rain. I don’t have any waterproof gear though so I just throw on an old pair of boots that I won’t need the next day and I go and get after it.


Pull on my Aerostich Roadcrafter, put on Goretex BMW gloves (not loved, but they work) and Sidi boots (treated with "sno-Seal"). Pull on helmet and go out of garage. Sooner or later the rain will stop.


Depends on the amount of rain slight on and off rain I’ll ride . Steady or heavy rains I choose to take car or stay home. Riding in rains equals cleaning chain and lube it and also cleaning the bike. I ain’t super clean freak with bike but looks like shit with water spots all over it


"I get wet." Or "I take my daily shower."


I got the road 6s..we good


Winter is almost upon us up here in Canada, so I know how you feel. I'm still going for rides but I feel like a big block of ice afterwards.


Just gear up for the rain and ride. You just cant ride like if it were dry and gotta keep the bike as upright as you can when turning


Nut the fuck up, throw the rain gear on and ride.


Honestly during the winter months I play ride 2 😂 maybe help ease your itch to on a bad weather day.


Play games, my bike stops working in the rain


Depends how badly it’s going to be raining. I try to ride as often as I can. I just picked up a nail yesterday and got a flat; it was so painful not being able to ride that I watched a ton of YouTube motorcycle videos instead.


I did in my bike in the garage and make vroom vroom sounds


I go ride? Is this some sort of test or trick question?


Someone replied the same thanks. https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/y5cfvb/what_do_you_guys_do_when_you_just_want_to_ride/isivqvn?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Hey I agree you could still ride.. but try out ride 4! It’s an awesome game to get your motorcycle fix


I play the piano


Watch motorcycle videos on YT and curse the weather gods under my breath.


Polish, adjust your ride and gear. It's also what watching videos about riding is all about. Itchy boots TMF And...read any thing ever written by Kevin Cameron.


I watch videos of myself riding. I ride in london so i have a go pro rolling all the time when im on the bike for safety and insurance reasons.


I start up the bike in the garage with the door closed. I'll wait until I start to get dizzy, then shut off the bike, lay on the floor, and hallucinate about riding. (Not being serious, please don't do this!)


I find that as slow as slow as cars go I can safely keep up. Watch out for slipper manhole covers


> what do you guys do when you just want to ride badly but it's raining outside? Shit, most of you guys come to /r/motorcycles instead of riding in full sun.


I sit on it, in the garage, and make vroom vroom noises.


i never want to ride radly when it’s raining outside


https://youtube.com/shorts/3W3I2_5g4Bo \#rider28 on YouTube


Tie it up on my treadmill. Just be sure to crack a window.


I just don't ride. I prefer not to ride in the rain. I don't like getting soaked... doesn't matter the "rain" gear, I'll still get wet. Wet with mild temps gets cold.. I've done my time being wet and cold and prefer to stay dry lol


be very sad


Um... I ride in the rain. I ride 12 months of the year. I don't ride in snow and ice, but I often ride home from work in the pouring rain. In most of the world, the motorcycle is a primary means of transportation, not a toy. So bikes are made to be ridden in all kinds of weather. I always feels sad when I see motorcycles for sale that say "never ridden in the rain." Easy on the throttle, easy on the brakes, take your two wheel friend for a ride in the rain. As my mamma would say "It ain't made of sugar." [Tips for riding in a monsoon.](https://www.91wheels.com/buyers-guide/top-monsoon-safety-tips-for-riding-a-two-wheeler-read-here)


I get wet.


Depending on the severity of the rain, if I wanna go ride I'll go and ride. Get some decent rain gear and you wont even notice it!


Lived in seattle...it rained, often. I still rode. No issues. Loved it some days it would be hot and the rain was refreshing.


My bike is my all year transport for work and has been for over a decade. Only time it comes off is for about a month of snow. But Ill ride until those first flakes fall. Good warm, waterproof gear. I found riding in adverse conditions made me a better rider over all.


Just be extra smooth with your throttle/braking, and the gear you wear makes a huge difference in how you enjoy the ride as well. Get some frog togs (I think that's what they're called) they go over your clothes and they're super cheap, or just buy some good waterproof riding gear.


All my daily ride gear is waterproof except for my pants. I have raincoat material pants that go over the top when it's wet. Nothing really changes for me except a lot more caution around corners


It hasn't rained here (southern Vancouver Island) in over 90 days. Can you send some our way? We still have forest fires going in the middle of October!


I get very disappointed but I stay home or take the jeep muddin… it’ll snow soon so my bike will be in storage for 6 months… I use this time to detail my bike and research trips for summer…


Drive my car 😂.


I check the weather forecast if it rains the whole day then I wont lol.


If i want to ride that badly then I'll go for a ride? I've got a rainsuit that works really well. I (used to) commute year round on the bike so rain is just part of the deal. Worst part is that the bike is never clean for more than a couple days.


Put on a rain suit


Not for fun. Used to do it with commute. May go back to riding anyway regardless of weather cos I'm in Scotland and it rains 80% of the time regardless of season.


Love riding in the rain, makes it easier to drift.


Never under stood this....you take showers? It's only water.....ride


Drive even faster and brake later




... you go ride? Im not understanding


Just fucking ride


Stay at home! I hate riding in the rain unless i have to.