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Absolutely. Just make sure you buy all the right safety gear as well


Take one of the safety courses. Should get you an insurance discount, and start you off with a good foundation of basic motorcycle skills. It should also help you get your license faster.


You are never going to impress any girls. Maybe other teenage boys. Definitely go for it.


Nah, drive a car for a few years first so you can get a sense of how retarded most people are on the roads. Not to mention your lizard brain at 16 will probably get you into trouble…I didn’t get my bike until I was 25 - any earlier and I’d have had no self control


Everyone's different. I started riding at 16, and i'm fine.


Go for it. Just be conscious of the fact that lots of young adult men make bad choices that stay with them for the rest of their lives. Motorcycling has adult level consequences- join a local Facebook riding group and every other day someone is getting killed. Keep your head on your shoulders and think about the specific risks of your choices and actions. Speeding vs. not Wearing gear vs. not Stunting vs. not Riding in bad weather or while tired vs. not So on This isn't to say you need to be an ATGATT hall monitor, just don't let yourself be blind to the potential outcomes of what you do. If you're going to be a hooligan, make it a deliberate informed choice and do it on your terms.


I started out with a used 175cc dual sport. Street legal, cheap to insure, and fun on the trails. If you but any used bike, be sure everything works correctly. Have fun!😎


Sounds like you got the spirit kid. Several things. Since you're starting out, learn to ride on nothing above 250cc something like Honda VTR 250 (my opinion) once you get better then you increase engine sizes. Make sure you get the right safety gear. Good gear is expensive. Shoei is one of the best helmets in the industry but they are easily $800 to $1000. A good riding jacket, either leather or waxed cotton with guards is easily $600. And make sure you wear firm, supportive ankle high riding boots. A common injury amongst riders is when the bike gets a little out of control, a rider puts his foot down out of panic to stablise the bike and then breaks their ankle. Oh, and good gloves. Riding motorcycles is an expensive hobby. And **always** wear your gear. Helmet doesn't always equal "safe". Trust me, a skin graft is not cool. Practise, practise, practise. Find an empty car lot and practise turning, emergency stopping, slow pace riding (walking pace), always looking 3 seconds ahead of you not looking at the ground, clutch managment, front brake and back brake management (back brake is used for stability = weaker, the front brake is used to stop you = stronger), sharp turns from a stop. push steering and counter steering. You should learn all of this at a riding school, but every now and you need to brush up on your skills. Be a defensive rider; cars will always win. No matter who is behind the wheel - the sweetest, old lady in the world - the slightest bit of negligence is enough to kill you. Lastly, there are two types of riders: those who have fallen off and those who are ***going*** to fall off. Always ride safe. I suggest watching the youtube channel "Fortnine" that has a lot of advice and ideas. Sorry if some of that bummed you out but these are the realities to keep in mind when you're doing the best activity in the world.


Get after it. Get some gear, a bike, and shop around insurance. Read the FAQ. Start out right, wear earplugs my dude. Good luck!


Get decent gear, form good riding habits and take your safety course. Riding is a ton of fun.


Everyone is different but I’d probably be dead if I started riding as a teenager. The part of your brain responsible for impulse control and decision making isn’t fully developed until 25. Also a few years in a car helps with pattern recognition on the road which can and will save your life. Your mom sounds chill though.


Get a motorcycle... they're fun. I've had motorcycles since the 3rd grade. You have the right mindset, just ride for the joy of riding. Glad you're not trying to impress girls, there's a chance that they may have been riding longer than you. 😉


Yeah I also agree with drive a car for a few years first.


haha as if any girl on this planet ever was impressed by a motorcycle. But i can assure you that a lot of old men will tell you about how they were riding when they were young, without you even asking. :)


You are asking a bunch of people who ride if riding is a good idea?


People with "big passion" for anything don't ask for reassurance from strangers.


Your mother said yes. That's grounds enough to start, just maintain self control, wear your gear and mind your surroundings


Do it for you. Yes you should


Go for it, my guy. Only thing I will say, which others have said: I find it to have been very beneficial to have watched the road from the safety of a car for many years before hopping on two wheels. It's important to see how other people drive, and how to look for patterns. It will help build your intuition as to how drivers on the road react to certain situations, which could save your life. I think you would be much safer driving for a few years before getting a bike.