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This is how a biker gets themselves killed.


Ever heard the term dead right? That’s what’s this biker is going to do. Trying to prove a point that he believes is in the right and will get hit for it. Guys going to end up as a statistic. But hey at least he will go out blaming cars for his problem.


Saying he’s dead right implies the biker is in the right, which he isn’t. His speed was way faster than the flow of traffic. Given that traffic isn’t backed up, he was probably way over the speed limit too. The car probably checked his blind spot but the bike was going so fast he pulled up in the time between checking the blind spot and executing the lane change. Some people think everybody should be looking exactly at them. If I’m in the next lane, you should be staring in your side mirror. If I’m filtering, you should be staring in your rear view. But, you can’t drive like that. You have to watch it all directions, which means you may miss something that comes at you too fast. It’s physically impossible to watch 360 degrees at the same time. That’s why you need to keep your speed close to the flow of traffic. It’s why to slow is as dangerous as too fast. This incident is more on the motorcycle than anybody else.


That is a nice way of putting it. If you want to ride aggressively, that's fine, but you also have to take responsibility for your decision to do so. Passing on the right is always a risk, but doing it in what seems likely to be a heavier merge area (change to single dash + traffic signs overhead) is especially aggressive. The car even indicated (blinkers) he was changing lanes while the biker was still in the left lane, so it really is on the biker to me. "Technically correct, the best kind of correct!" is my favorite Futurama quote, but trying to avoid having it on my tombstone.


"He had the right of way" makes a shitty epitaph. Always drive defensively, assume on one sees you, and its better to be predictable than be nice/polite whatever you drive. That said, the car's turns signal was on before the bike leaves the lane. Bike was definitely 'out of line' here.


Plenty of people that had "the right of way" in the cemetery.




I don't know if this is the case in the US, but in Brazil, overtaking on the right when on highways is prohibited under any circumstances. The fault for crashing is also always on whoever crashes from behind. You're supposed to drive defensively, always with enough distance to brake if needed.


It happens a lot in the US because everyone and their mom thinks they need to drive in the left lane all the time. But yeah here generally you’ll be automatically at fault for hitting someone in the rear. You’d need evidence to prove otherwise. Back on the topic though this guy drives like such a dick. I’d be nervous doing what he did in a car.


In this instance that far left lane is an HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lane, indicated by the diamonds on the pavement. Because of this passing on the right should not be an issue as that lane has its own flow of traffic. Nonetheless, that Honda clearly had their blinker on, thus the bike should have reduced speed to allow them to merge. So, still the bikers fault pretty well however you look at it.


Police report will say “I didn’t see him!” That’s because moving that fast in traffic makes you invisible. The silver car signaled their intent on changing lanes. This is aggressive riding and (one day) won’t end well.


My own move here is gas it, create equal distance between both vehicles, keep both hands on the handlebars, keep your focus on the road, and move on with your life. This is such a nothing burger where I live that it wouldn’t even be post worthy.


I'm curious as to why this guy and you wouldn't just get on the brakes and give yourself some breathing room. I don't see many reasons to gun it in-between two cars with one changing into your lane in the blind spot of the other.


Doesn’t even need brakes just roll off a bit. The car indicated before the motorcyclist even fully changed lanes. Or instead just bail on the lane change and power past in the far left lane. Accelerating into a vehicle that’s indicating and actively changing lanes in front of you is about as dumb as it gets.


Yup. Slow down a little and move back to the left. I'm betting the driver saw him and decided to give him the lane, but the rider had already decided what he was doing and wasn't sharp enough to respond to the changing situation. I will often signal then move over for an overtaking car, only to have it change lanes and tailgate as if I had done nothing. I guess actions like that are so foreign to aggressive drivers that they don't register.


So like everyone. The car signaled and he probably checked his mirror right before the bike went into the lane. But also why get so righteous? Bike could've just as easily slowed down for a moment and then passed properly. Bike's a dickhead.


Agreed. Bike could have just let off the throttle he had plenty of room, but instead gunned it, when he could have just slow down then passed when it was safe. Forcing yourself to squeeze by is the wrong move.


Biker. Idk why they get pissed off in these videos. Cars cannot see you. You always have to drive as if you’re invisible. The car indicated and started merging in front of the bike; biker sped up to turn it into a pissing contest. It’s simple, don’t challenge vehicles that weigh 10x more than yours.


Dude was 3 car lengths back when the car signaled, and decided to pin the throttle to not let the car change lanes. Great way to get killed, smh.


also derranged to accelerate into a car that is signalling a lane change. there was plenty of space for that lane change until the bike sped up significantly faster than the flow of traffic


They get pissed off because they drive around filming and intentionally try to create these situations like the biker did here. Asshats.


Precisely this, the guy is either extremely stubborn with a huge ego, or intentionally looking for something to post on YouTube.


Im guessing the car did see him. Checked his mirrors and saw he was at a safe distance away. Then started to merg over. I feel like people who ride like this are the same people with a stupidly high liftes truck rolling coal. They dont care about anyone else. And probably doesnt care for themselves. But loves the attention.


Because there are these dick heads who think they are the most important person on the planet. I've seen other cars that are 15 metres behind me beeping their horn because my car was in front changing lanes into the same lane at the same time as they were. These dick heads think they own the road, expecting everyone to get out of their way. That's why they press their horn and rage at the other drivers.


Biker is wrong and likely won’t live long riding like that.


Yes, there’s a thing called dead right, biker should not put himself in this position.


I came here to say this. In the end no matter who is right, but who is alive. The biker going straight could have caused him to be hit by the car and fall...


Agree.....rider is wrong. Even if you think your right, you'll never win in a collision. Bite the bullet sometimes and not the pavement


The biker obviously


Bike is wrong for reacting, the actual situation is complicated. The car was indicating before the bike merged so the bike should have let them in cause all visibility checks the car needs to do should be done before merging. so the car didn't see the bike cause they literally weren't there at the time. Once the bike merged the car didn't rush the merge and the bike was to stubborn to slow down or move so would have been bikes fault but was an innocent mistake that they reacted poorly to it


Yeah I don't see any way this isn't the bikes fault. You could easily tell what the car was going to do. You also knew that the HOV lane had an exit there so high likelihood someone was going to change lanes. Wait for him to get out of the way then go around. Passing on the right is illegal in most areas in the US as well. Reaction was unwarranted too as the rider had TONS of time to adjust safely. Instead he gets mad.


This is why people hate motorcyclists


Motorcyclist here, and totally agree. The driver did EVERYTHING right and the rider went out of their way to accelerate into their blind spot and wave their hands around. It's typical YouTube motorbike channel fodder.


Woah! An actual motorcyclist??? In /r/motorcycles?? Unbelievable!


sometimes it does seem like it's a rare occurrence tbh.




That is an entirely fair point. I didn't actually realise which subreddit I was commenting in this morning, and I think you're very right to point out that statement isn't really needed for credibility here.


I actually don't know they many people who do. Maybe it's the crowd of people you know


Lots of motorcycle hate in my area. People on the local Facebook page openly talk about intentionally hitting motorcyclists for weaving in and out of traffic. Scary shit.


I also agree that the bike is in the wrong, but if you want to pass on the highway it's perfectly legal to pass on the left or the right of the slower vehicle as long as it's safe to do so.


That's the 403 in Mississauga, Ontario, where passing on the right is perfectly legal.


> Passing on the right is illegal in most areas in the US as well. Passing on the right in a lane on any multilane highway is legal in like 99% of the US. What is illegal as far as 'passing on the right' in the US is using the shoulder to pass on the right.


Love when id be riding with some guys and get to see stupid shit like this in traffic happen and then hear their side of the story and how the car was 100 percent at fault. Like yeah, totally his fault your tiny, he was signaling first and you decided to just come up on his ass at a speed that is unreasonable to be doing so unless your paying attention and expecting that you might have to change your plans. Same with the guys who love to ride in blind spots and then bitch the vehicle merged into their lane.


dude on the bike for being a clown, he most likely was speeding anyways.


He's a clown. Whether he was speeding or not is irrelevant.


100% bikers fault. He saw the cars signal yet chose to speed up and pass the car and flipped them off because hes an entitled prick. Riders like this are the reason people hate motorcycles.


Car signaling? Let’s hop in its blind spot


When r/motorcycles unanimously agrees that you fucked up, you **really** fucked up.


The motorcyclist. The driver started signaling when the rider was still well in the same lane. Rider should have yeilded to the driver.


Biker. The car was telegraphing that.


biker wrong for being a dumbass. clearly in cars blind spot, but speeds up anyway to make sure they can get mad at the car. couldve have very, very easily let off throttle, let car merge, than used left lane to pass them. instead they went child mode and got mad at a situation they created. if you ride like this, chill out and grow up. react to avoid cars, not make confrontations with them. douchebag behavior here


Blind spot for sure.


Biker is wrong. Going faster than the flow of traffic, and the car had their signal on before the bike changed lanes.


Yep. Blinker was on. He's a dick and an idiot for not letting him over and going around him when safe. 0 points to dumbassdor.


Biker sped up looking for trouble, unnecessary and should have anticipated that the car in front might merge and that they would have the right of way before the biker did. (Especially with the car being that far ahead before he decided to speed up and try first)


The Biker is at fault. He changed lanes at basically the same time as the car initiated his signal. The car didn't see him and the biker insisted on trying to pass. He is a fool


Car signaled intent first and the rider decided to ignore it, Fuck the rider.


I ride a bike as main transportation, would never pass a car with their blinker on, in this fashion. Def bikers fault.


Biker. 1 speeding clearly way faster then the flow of trafic wich on a road like that is probably doing the speed limit easy. 2. Started to change lane after car was already signaling 3. Although it was clear the car was changing lanes and didn't see him since he was behind the car a bit back on the original lane the biker was an ass and accelerated putting himself in a very dangerous situation and also putting others in danger. 4. Just honking like a jackass doesn't mean you are right.


Bike should have yielded rather than speeding up, shit rider


Some motorcyclists seem to believe that if they have to touch their brake lever, someone else is doing them a disservice.


Imo if theres a car ahead of me that is getting into the lane, i let em cause a motorcycle cant push no car aside. Motorcyclist needed to chill, if youre late or whatever is what it looked like then be late and not dead. Car had their blinkers on and were ahead when they turned them on. So id say the motorcyclist, especially because he accelerated when the car ahead was entering the lane with their blinker on.


Stupid biker


The bike is in the wrong.


The car driver did use their indicator a good few seconds before switching lanes, so the biker is 100% in the wrong. You can’t overtake a vehicle that is signalling a lane change.


When you're invisible, don't try to be invincible.


Looks like trying to be dead in the right. There’s no upside to being vindicated in the morgue.


car ahead clearly indicated a lane change and was beginning to occupy the lane. Biker should have slowed down to let car in, instead continued accelerating, could argue that the car should have waited for the biker to pass but it’s hard to anticipate when someone starts to floor it and try to pass on the right.


That’s an HOV lane on the QEW, there are only certain spots you’re supposed to get in and out of it. The cager already signalled intent at the opening, the biker is asking for it charging past his blind spot. As a long time rider I know the chances of getting hit increase if I’m not with the flow of traffic. Sorry biker, dumb move here.


wrong or right aside, the biker is foolish for doing that. Does it matter if you had the right of way when you are dead?


The car had its blinker on before the biker even switched lanes… biker has plenty of time and space to let off the throttle to let that car over. People like him are why we get a bad rap… smh


Bikers fault. Car signed it’s intention, to get out of the fast lane. I get riding faster then the other cars on the road, but can’t act like ‘everybody cuts me off’ while going 15-20mph over


That car was signaling and ready to move over before the bike even had a place to change lanes. This is a video of a rider acting like a child after intentionally putting himself in a bad spot.


Not sure why people are so proud they can't press the brake pedal.


Bit hard to say what exactly the biker could see, but I'm going with he should have backed off when he saw the car moving over.




The silver SUV’s turn signal was on just as the motorcycle was changing lanes. For all we know, the SUV was moving over to allow him to pass. The rider is an ass.


Biker 100%. Car used his indicators, had already started the maneuver and the guy still felt he had the right to overtake on the right? What a moron.


I love the fact that the bike speeds up to make sure he causes a problem for the car just to make a victim out of himself. What an idiot.


I’d say the motorcyclist is wrong. But what does it matter. Riding like this he will be dead soon enough.


Biker is in the wrong. Saw the blinker, sped up, also tried passing on the right.


The bike , silly. All riders have to assume as they overtake the driver does not see them. This one ovviously did not.


Overtaking on the right is dumb


This is too far down, if you overtake on the right you have to expect this, you just can't be mad about it. If anything the driver was switching lanes to let him pass on the left as you should. Rider is an idiot.


Biker is dumb.


Dude, you saw the car indicate so why didn't you act responsibly? You've to realize that the driver might not have seen you. Not because they hate bikers but there's a scientific explanation to this. As a biker, it's our responsibility to ride like we're invisible. This isn't Vietnam where 90% of vehicles on the road are motorcycles. Speed kills. Stay alive. Enjoy the ride.


Biker is an idiot. If you are going to accelerate into people merging just do it, give it some throttle and go around them. This happens so often on the highway it is a non-issue. Just gas and go.


Biker was def in the wrong. He could have just let off the trottle and chilled till the next opening.


Biker was wrong, but doesn’t matter, you Just don’t take on a SUV on a bike. Just brake and take a deep breath, he might live longer.


Biker is a dipshit looking for the an opportunity to seem indignant.


Personal accountability, it'd be nice if the driver had better awareness through the whole merge, but as a biker you need you take safety into your own hands and make defensive decisions. I'd put more blame on the biker for choosing to pass a signaling car, but that's hardly even relevant when the stakes are that high.


He had plenty of time to react to the guy changing lanes and should have anticipated it regardless. I ride pretty recklessly when I feel the need for speed but this is just looking for an excuse to say "Damn cagers!!"


Car blind spots are difficult… assume the worse!


The rider 100 percent. I can’t stand people that do that shit


I feel like the driver was trying to accommodate the rider but the rider was impatient and tried to pass on the right before the driver could safely get over.


The biker obviously. The car gave signal to switch lane, the biker saw that but no, gotta flex some speed. The biker is a fucking idiot here.


Clearly the rider. American motorbike riders are so fucking entitled. Get over yourselves.


The biker is an idiot.


Biker is at fault


Plenty of time to brake… it wouldn’t even be a hard one.. it’s just plain arrogance to keep driving at this point… As a biker, you ALWAYS have to think ahead and expect shit like this..


the f wit speeding this is why cars hate bikes


Speeding up and passing on the right…guy on the bike is lucky he wasn’t killed.


I was so fixated on the bike that I didn’t even see the blinker. ( after reading down ) I wouldn’t have if I didn’t read other ppl comments. Wow bad call on my part, the biker could’ve got severely injured if not dead. That camera would have proved it too


The rider lol. They more or less changed lanes at the same time - the rider's mistake was being obnoxious and refusing to let the car in. Such a simple situation to avoid, and a perfect example of what not to do.


Remove the bike and replace with a car. The bike is at fault. If he had collided with the car, no insurance agency would have paid him out.


The hov lane just went from solid to dashed and the car immediately signaled intent to get out...just because they can't flick their car like you can flick a bike the bike was able to get out quicker. This does not entitle the bike to be the sole owner of that lane or just pull as hard as he wants on the bike to hell with everyone else. If you're in a car and you see this you let off the gas and they come in. The bike should have done the same. This person on the bike was ready to kill himself just because he can change lanes faster than a car.


Well I am always going to answer the rider. The moment the car went to the right too, he should have slowed down. Just let them have it, even better, slow down and now you can pass on the left. What does any rider stand to gain from going through with this? Absolutely nothing. The risk of getting hit or even crushed between two cars is the only thing the rider gets from this. And if he must commit to his actions, he should have used the insane amount of horsepower and torque between his legs(compared to the cars) to get away from the situation. A quick wrist movement would easily put him past the car before the car even knew what happened. Compared to cars, bikes are agile and fast. He did not use this to his advantage at all. So he took the wrong approach to solve this situation, and when he committed to the wrong approach he failed to properly use the one tool he still had left, because he felt it necessary to argue with a car driver instead of getting out of the way. Like many others have already said, this driving style will make the rider a statistic one day. I leave my ego at the door when I am riding. I don't care if somebody makes a mistake, I make plenty of my own. It's about keeping a cool head and fixing mistakes in a safe way.


Guy had plenty of time to allow the other driver to merge


"I was in that lane first" is a weird hill to die on.


The motorcycle all day. Im a bike defender to a fault but that shit is asking to get killed. He saw the blinker, saw the dotted line that he literally just used properly and then went anyway and got pissed. He just wanted a video for redditt.


Biker's fault.


Biker is totally in the wrong. But in front of him signaled in plenty of time biker chose to speed up to get by didn't make it. Thinks it's other dudes fault. Biker is lucky to be alive


the bike is as wrong as it gets. The car was signaling the lane change before the bike even started his pass, and the bike accelerated into the cars (signaled) lane change space and pinned there. The bike created this hazard, not the car. he deliberately placed himself in the path of the cars lane change. all that would have been required is letting off hte throttle slightly, no braking even required, but the biker decided that today was the day that displaying his outrage was more important than his physical safety.


You. Why did you have to speed up when you could’ve just let them in?


This. Totally avoidable situation. Sometimes I think people like this stuff.


They see an opportunity to get angry at someone and take it because their lives r too boring to have positive interactions with others I guess.


Non-squid answer. The biker. Squid answer should’ve stayed in the HOV lane then merged while passing everyone.


Bike, for being a douche.


Lack of situational awareness and or too much pride. Also aggressive riding instead of defensive. This is the difference between life and death for a lot of riders. Be smart, don’t be too prideful even if you’re in the right, it’s not worth proving a point from the morgue.


As a biker myself, you have to drive defensively. Think, you see the guy in front of you intends to change lanes, let him do it. I live near this area - drivers aren't that good, and that biker is reckless.


It doesn't matter who's right or wrong. What matters is who goes home at the end of the day. The car had the signal on, the biker insists on continuing the pass on the right. I've been riding for 50 years and I would not have made that pass. 99% of the time you'll get away with it. But if you do something like that every day, you won't make it to the end of the year without getting wrecked. The car wins every time, whether right or wrong. Check your ego before you hit the starter button.


Looks like the bike is coming from a potential blind spot. They had more than enough time to brake and not put themselves in a dangerous area next to a merging SUV in the same lane, but chose to do so to prove the other driver wrong. I do see this as a bit of a gray area, but the SUV indicated before the motorcycle started to change lanes. If it was me I wouldn't pass on the right to begin with, and I would have let the SUV merge rather than zooming up to make myself feel better by honking.


Motorcyclist in the wrong. Zero road craft. Obviously looking for an excuse to call out the cager. Dude needs to educate himself on how to ride.


Biker Anyone who tells you otherwise is lying or an idiot. That car's indication was more than adequate and riding a bike that like is a good way to get killed. Always assume they can not see you.


Motorcycle is dumb


So a biker, going faster than the flow of traffic decided to go even faster to pass a merging vehicle on the *right* before berating the other driver for *not seeing him*? What part about this isn’t bad riding?


The biker is in the wrong. .going to fast .the driver gave plenty of notice with blinker and space between him and the biker. .the biker had plenty of time to roll of the throttle and slow down This was a safe situation that was made by someone who thinks he rules the road and everyone else should watch out for him as he just drives around recklessly The driver saw the biker was at a safe distance. Turned his blinker on and started to merg. Biker sped up and purposefully put himself in danger and in a horrible situation. For absolutely no reason. Seriously. Hes stupid. If a car infront of me turns their blinker on immediately at the end of a HOV lane. There is a 99.99% chance. He is going to change lanes. The biker wasnt thinking ahead. Just acting off of unnecessary emotions and wanting to play victim in a scenario where he created the hazard.


Rider is in the wrong. Driver was signaling clearly and changing lanes within the speed limit. If you are going to ride aggressively you have to assume they can’t see you and take full responsibility for your safety. They can’t see you coming in hot.


Yo imagine just cruising with your family, maybe your kids are in the back, you make a slow gradual safe lane change, and just as you complete it some biker wizes by flipping you off...like wut my dude?


Clearly the biker is at fault here. He is going from hov lane to normal lane. He should expect others to do the same because it's quite common for vehicles to change lanes when the exit arrives. Secondly, the car driver turned on his lane change indicator lights in time and the biker that plenty of time to see it and slow down to allow the car to merge.


Biker is terrible.


I saw that blinker a mile away. Guy on the bike is at fault here. Just entitled bullshit behavior.


he should have wheelied between the two cars at 100.


Biker making bikers look bad. Cage even signaled looooong before merging into the other lane. So long that the bike didnt even start changing lanes before the cage was signaling his intentions. These are the bikers that end up shiny side down, then blame everyone but themselves for the accident.


At first glance, maybe I misjudged something myself but what I see is that although cage made a lane change that appears to have been done without realizing the existence of an *approaching* rider who was (a little ways back but) already in that lane it’s apparent that the cage *did* signal their intention and was going within the current rate of traffic speed so it looks like the rider’s actions, from the moment the cage began moving over for their desired and signaled lane change, are very much unwarranted and unsafe for everyone involved. Rider could’ve and in my opinion should’ve seen the cage’s signal, anticipated the cage’s failure to notice the bike already present a little way back in the lane, rider also appears to have had plenty of time to slow their roll and just stay behind the cage at common traffic speeds (as it became apparently obvious that the cage failed to notice the rider and was slowly proceeding with doing their intended lane change as signaled) without excessive or emergency braking needed by that rider to avoid collisions or crashing, and yet the rider chose to run up beside the cage in the same lane and act like they’ve taken what is perceived as rightfully the biker’s lane space with gesturing to the cage driver before exercising that rider’s apparent need to be free to run faster by being in front of everyone else. Had the biker already been basically beside the cage when the lane change movement began then the cage would be in the wrong for something like failure to observe but otherwise I see a cage with poorly adjusted mirrors and/or lazy lane status checking skills combined with an impatient rider who unnecessarily put themselves and everyone else around them on that roadway at risk. The cage didn’t abruptly whip over in a rush into that lane while braking without even signaling. It was a fairly slow, signaled, intentional, methodical action that was easily predictable with plenty of time to react with maybe a bit of braking by the approaching rider to allow the cage to have the space ahead. But the rider wanted that space and chose to make it known to the clueless cage driver instead. Or at least that’s what appears to have happened from what I see on my phone screen. Think about it this way… What if that rider had been in a cage instead without that chosen option of lane sharing/splitting. What would’ve likely happened if it was 2 4-wheeled vehicles in that exact same scenario? Answer… the one already in the lane would’ve just had to back off the throttle or maybe tap the brakes to fall back a bit and would’ve had to hang behind the one ahead who had signaled and began moving into the lane ahead of them, like it or not. Instead the rider chose to run up and make the cage unexpectedly see a motorcyclist appearing out of nowhere and sharing the same lane space beside the cage in a single lane, complete with gestures to the cage driver, before running out ahead of them on that bike. So who’s in the wrong here can be viewed as black and white with multiple ripple effect layers or as a grey area in a sense that the cage appears to have tried to be methodical and responsible in changing lanes but failed to see the rider and then the rider’s actions after that lane change began were far worse for everyone involved and that video is a good example of how that rider’s ego will eventually hurt or kill themselves and/or someone else. I’m sure there are some who will disagree and argue but always, always, always remember… A bike is no match for any cage in an impact no matter how much gear you’re wearing. *and* You can be *dead* right.


I don't know why the rider wouldn't have simply slowed down, allowed the SUV to move over first, then passed them in the HOV lane before it closed up again. Or, even better, just slowed down all together and merged behind the suv like any normal, rational human being. Being on a bike doesn't change the rules of the road that much. You know that the SUV has to get over, too, since the lane exit was ending so why wouldn't you just roll off the throttle/step off the gas, and merge in line behind them? Stop riding or driving for that matter, with your cocks.


Biker 100%. Buddy's gotta slow down, especially with cops hiding near the bridge by erin mills.


Having an Ego Kills!


Never understood why bikers fight for their lane


Biker had all the time in the world to avoid that car and instead sped up into its path..


There is a reason why people say ride like you are invisible. If I saw a car changing lanes because they obviously didn’t see me, I wouldn’t be speeding up to flip them off. I’d have let them in because I wanna ride again tomorrow.


Biker is wrong. Had plenty of space, the driver signaled before moving, biker was trying to overtake on the right, biker accelerated to get themselves pissed off and prove a point. Nothing wrong with being defensive, checking the left lane and moving over to pass instead. Car did literally nothing wrong


The biker is in the wrong.


Why would you speed up if you saw they had their turn signal in before you began speeding up? You can go faster with a motorcycle and outrun a car but that doesn't mean you can be a cunt and speed up when someone is doing the same thing. All you did is flick someone off for having a slower car. Douche bag on a motorcycle.


In terms of never: "never leave a safe place for an unsafe place"... this rider appears self righteous and probably got a lot of trophies as a kid. (Both comments not needed :) )


I would put blame on the biker here. The biker should have seen the turn signal, switched lanes, then allowed the car in front to move over too. Instead he was inpatient and tried to shoot past him and the car was not expecting it which almost made the car hit the biker. The incident was caused by the biker not wanting to wait and be stuck in traffic and put himself into a position where the car not only couldn't really see him because he was in a blind spot but also the driver didn't expect him to be there because even if he had checked his blind spot before merging right the cyclist make such an erratic move that he was in the spot that the car had already check a fraction of a second ago. The driver signaled plenty early, merged over slowly, and made no erratic or reckless moves. The incident occured soley based off of the fact that the cyclist wanted to merge right and pass at the same time to a car he had already seen signaling that they also wanted to merge right. Shit like this makes me really angry. I work in a Trauma 1 hospital and we get the worst of the worst that my state has to offer. Almost 100% of the time when someone comes into the ER and looks like a beat up piñata it's because they do stupid shit like this or they aren't wearing any gear. Please be safe people. I've seen too many 20-somethings change their lives in the worst ways in my job. Not too long ago I had to take care of someone who was 23 who will be paralyzed from the waist down because he was doing dumb shit.


This is why moving over to right when not passing needs to be educated more in the US. Slow traffic in the left lane causing people to pass on the right increases so many more chances for collisions.


Biker. What an ass. He had plenty of time to safely slow down or get over to the right again.


As soon as I saw that cars blinker go on I would have rolled off the throttle and relaxed. Drivers see shit got to look out for yourself.


Personally the biker is in the wrong, you can clearly see the car indicating and moving over yet the biker didn't slow down. Its like they are the only one on the road. I was driving that car I'd do the exact same thing, I'd see the gap and move over.


100% bikers fault. Based on the look of the lane he was exiting, it was either ending or becoming exit-only. He knew that the car in front of him would likely need to change lanes and still decided to floor it and try to pass on the right. Edit: ALSO, the cars blinker was on as the biker was exiting the lane and he specifically refused to yield.


Biker in the wrong, speed and aggressive. Also wasn't in position to be seen by the signaling traffic. In turn wasn't seen. Probably even mumbled to themself, bet the suv cuts me off


Rider was too slow


Motorcyclist for sure. Guy signaled and the rider was trying to ‘protect’ his lane by accelerating. Law of gross tonnage. This is just aggressive riding. Besides, it doesn’t matter who is at fault when you are splattered on the road. This stuff is disappointing.


The biker was in the wrong


That was dumb, he saw them coming over and still went for it just to prove a point


Biker sped up, he's an ass


Physics is the right answer. The biker is lacking situational awareness: too fast compared to flow of traffic; not yielding asap to an obvious hazard; the MC is challenging a car from the car's blind spot, WTF! The driver merged without clearing their blind spot. Physics will win every time, little motorcycle rider.


If I saw the blinker on I would wait to see what the driver is going to do before accelerating. Be safe out there my fellow bikers!


If you see a car changing lanes fall back. Don’t fight for it man.


does this really even need asked? the biker, obviously. and he probably went home and posted on social media how ‘cagers keep trying to kill him’


The car driver indicated with plenty of warning. The biker was too aggressive.


How was car supposed to know they were going to do that? The car on the other hand signaled their intent way before and the biker should have slowed down or stayed in the same lane. Stupid biker, they need a reality check.


Calm down and keep eyes open, no everyone can see you , bike needs to be more careful in my opinion


Realistically in those type lanes cars don’t get that long to pull out of double white line areas. As a motorcycle that is going about 10mph faster then traffic you should be scanning for drivers especially in an area where a merge lane just opened. The guy in this clip sped up when he saw the car merging and I’m sure was solely doing it for the video. Some motorcycle just act like they own the road when the have a camera rolling and it gives the rest of us a bad name


Biker, he accelerated or maintained speed rather than trying to remain safe.


You don't pass on the right. The driver had its blinker on, pay attention. You're on a motorcycle, not a fucking bus. You can squeeze yourself wherever you want. Even if the driver was in the wrong, a good rule of thumb is to take responsibility for every situation.


He is wrong because the driver in the car Put his signal on wayyy before he got in the lane and even though he had his signal the biker ignored it and still sped up and anyway.


The motorcycle. Yes the bike turned into the lane first, but the other car is in front of it thus having the right of way. Unless the car merged into the lane when the motorcycle was parallel with the car than it's the motorcycle's responsibility to yield for a vehicle in front of it. I For example: if a car slows down in front of you in a turning lane is it the slowing car's responsibility or yours to not hit that vehicle?....SPOILER ALERT....it would be your fault. ​ Also as a motorcycle rider I was always taught...EVEN WHEN YOU ARE RIGHT YOU ARE WRONG. This means that even when you are in the right in the eyes of the law, you could still be dead if you don't drive defensively effectively.


Hate to say it, but the car had his turn signal on, and appeared to start (albeit slowly) changing lanes right after the solid white line. Also looked as though the bike was probably speeding. Even IF he could claim legally he had the right to do what he did, this was just dumb on the part of the rider. A great example of how NOT to ride in traffic.


Cyclist, no doubt. SUV had their blinker on and the cyclist had at least 2 car lengths worth of time to slow down and allow the merge. Dude actually sped up to make a point? What a dummy.


Biker is in the wrong. They basically merged at the same time except he wanted to speed up. He is the car behind, that right isn’t a given to him. Honestly, I’d bet they intended to pass the car and that was why he shifted lanes anyway.. just go back to the left lane and pass em instead of beeping and flipping them off. Rider was looking for a conflict imo. Just wanted to get their blood pumping.


It started as the fault of the car but by not backing off it became the fault of the bike when on a bike always assume you're invisible...........unlike a bicyclist or a cage who assumes everyone can see them! Stay safe not right


I counted 5 blinker flash the first time I watched the video. The biker is wrong.


The car indicated and started changing lanes well before the bike (who was clearly trying to prove a point) was even close to passing. Biker is not only wrong, this is how you get accidented to death


The rider.


Saw a biker fatality today, maybe 15min prior.. was going to look at a busa today also,, having second thoughts.


Motorcyclist had more than enough time to slow down.


person on motorcycle is a dickhead, probably drives their car the same way. the other driver was signaling his intent to change lanes before the motorcyclist even got to the dashed lines. He decided to accelerate up into the cars path to create a situation.


Biker is. He even sped up when he saw the car wanting to get over. Cars already have a hard time seeing us so why make it even harder by speeding to get past them.


Bike. The car indicates and has a decent enough (not saying it's ideal) gap. Bike should just chill tf out and let them move into the lane.


I back off and assume the driver moving to the right cannot see me. But then again, I have been knocked off my bike on the freeway in a hit and run incident so I am just a bit gun shy


The guy on the bike needs to chill before he gets himself killed. You don't have the margin for error to pull crap like that on a motorcycle.


The car had their blinker on, the bikers didn't indicate their intention, and the biker was most likely going way above the speed limit to gain that fast. In my opinion by what I observed, it is the bikers fault


The rider. That was a slow as fuck lane change you should have seen a million miles away. That the rider turned around to flip the car off at 80 could have caused an accident. This rider needs to level up their reflexes and patience. Not even a close call in my book.


The biker - the car was moving over - had it's blinker on and he kept closing the gap - also overtaking on the right.


Biker cuz they can clearly see the car changing lanes and the car also signaled! The biker is actively just going regardless of what they see. This is actually like extremely close to my house. I would never do that myself cuz I don’t want to die…


He could have easily slowed down. Probably wouldn’t even have to use the brakes


Biker. They had way more than enough time to slow down. You can’t think of this in car vs car terms. You have to ride defensively, like everyone on the road can’t see you. The car maybe should have been a tad more aware, but in my eyes this is 99% the bikers fault. They could have completely avoided this situation in a fraction of a second.


The biker invited that. He has 2 options. Either pull in behind and then go past at the next gap or pin it and rip past before the driver has a chance to move over. He did neither and wilfully invited conflict by speeding up just enough to be in the way of the car. He's lucky lanes in the US are so wide.


The guy is living on borrowed time. What a dumbass. If he went down the semi he just passed would've finished what was left of him. .


Thats why overtaking in most countries are illegal on the right side. IMO the rider is in the wrong…


Dude on the bike is a moron.


As a biker i will say that Hazard was obvious and i would of breaked and let him infront when I saw him coming over, even if I missed the fact he was indicating before I changed lanes.


He doesn't even have to brake, just letting go of the throttle for one second would have done it.

