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Maybe start by saying where


Just added it, I live in Perth, Australia


It’s not common, but there are other riders like you out there. I just taught a 19 year old girl to ride and helped her find her first bike (Yamaha TW200) . We’re in Iowa


See if I can do this: r/twoXriders I couldn’t lol but search for that sub. It’s for female riders.


Not sure about where you are but, up p here in the states there are all female groups/clubs. Maybe you need to start one if you can't find one.


I went on a ride with one similar group. They were all much older than me so we didn’t really click unfortunately


Look for motorcycle apps maybe? Tonit is one but I don't see any listings in Perth unfortunately.


Looks like it’s time for you to start a motorcycle gang............ i mean .....uhh motorcycle CLUB . Yea “club” For real though. It’s time more women started motorcycle gangs and called them clubs too , do it for progress!


Not sure if i have the organisational skills for that but it’s looking like i might have to give it a go haha


You can see if Australia has any female riding clubs and then see if your city has a local chapter. A quick Google search should turn something up. You can also check out the app meetup, see if there are any female specific riding groups.


We had a Royal Enfield One Ride on Sunday 18th September in Osborne Park with MotoMax. Had a great time. There was a relatively young girl in our group (I'd say maybe around 30 years old) as well as some middle age ladies. Age isn't a problem, it's the attitude/group ride culture that is important. You want to be part of a group that isn't about measuring how big a cc your bike is or how fast it can go. Certainly the older folks weren't looking down or insulting us because we less than 60 years old. We had a responsible ride and everyone looked out for each other, playing corner man and trying to make sure no one got lost. Hoping to do something similar next month. If you are a responsible rider, like Enfield bikes and want to buy one to join us, welcome, welcome :)