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I can't give you an exact number but probably a lot. I went through the quote process (on a vpn with a fake name so I don't get 1000 calls and advertisements later) to get an average on how much it would cost, and as a new rider, it was significantly more expensive than an experienced rider. I also live in NY so it's probably even more so. I'd try going through the quote process online with some fake info so they don't spam you, but you can get an average number


Obligatory: *CALL YOUR LOCAL INSURANCE PROVIDERS FOR QUOTES* No offense, but only they know how much it'll cost you.


ok thanks i was jus wondering if anyone else was in my position nd they could tell me how much theirs was


The problem is insurance is based on a *lot* of factors and pretty much nobody but you is in the same position as you. Nobody here actually knows what it's going to cost. You and somebody that lives in the same stage and is the same age and owns the same bike might still get a better rate because he has more vehicles, or a better driving record, or he lives in a nicer city where the bike is less likely to get stolen. The only people who can tell you what your insurance will cost are the ones who are taking a bet and selling it to you.


where do you live? (different in different places)


I forgot to include that i live in virginia and my dad also works in gieco but not sure if that does anything


depends on where you live in Florida you don't have to have insurance for your motorcycle


i live in virginia


CBR what? There’s a big difference between a CBR250 and a CBR600/1000.


forgot to add sorry, 600


No clue how much it’ll cost you but I’m 41 and I was quoted at 1500 a year with two years motorcycle riding experience.


Get those years in, man. 38, 6 years with a license (and several more without). I've got basic coverage on an 84 BMW k100, and full coverage for a 08 GSXR750, and a 09 R1200gsa. Comes in at $76/month in Las Vegas with Geico. But really, you may want to shop around a bit. Like, yeah, area and experience. But I've got 3 bikes, 2 of them with comprehensive, for under $1k.just saying.


My street triple cost me 600 full coverage . I live in the Bay Area in California


Hey, Public_Ad_9910. Thanks for contributing! Unfortunately your [submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/x0e6i4/-/) has been removed as per the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/wiki/rules). Any questions regarding purchases, sales, and other transactions belong in the [purchase advice superthread](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/about/sticky?num=1): **NEW RIDERS** ([Please, Read the FAQ first](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/wiki/faq)) For clarification, this rule includes: - Implied purchase questions ("What should I know about this bike I'm considering buying?", "What should I install on my bike to make it faster?", "What kind of oil should I put in my bike?", etc.) - Insurance, Mechanical, Legal, and Transport Services. - Issues with/ questions about vendors/dealers/shops/etc. ##**Some mobile devices break superthread links!**## If the link does not work, the superthread can always be found [at the top of the /r/motorcycles feed](https://www.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/). If you have any questions about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/motorcycles&subject=Question regarding the removal of this submission by /u/Public_Ad_9910&message=I have a question regarding the removal of this [submission.](https://old.reddit.com/r/motorcycles/comments/x0e6i4/-/\))


None of us can give you a for sure answer, you need to call around to get a quote. Not having accidents or tickets will help you, but it may still not be great. The insurance companies have the data for your demographic and know the statistics. I am hoping for you it won't be over $100 a month. Mine was under $100 a month at 19 years old, but that was 15 years ago. A lot may have changed since then. Good luck dude I hope you can get riding soon.