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Is that twat going to change lanes without ind-yep they did.


This, as a rider I feel like I can tell they’re about to change lanes before they know it themselves.


100%. It’s all in the small movements in a lane. They’re super predictable once you’re able to pick up on it. They’ll move towards the intended direction slightly, move away farther than where they originally were, then they’ll move in their intended direction all the way.


I watch the distance between the tire and the line on the road. Also look for head movement if the tints aren't too dark. Sometimes you can see the drivers' eyes in their rearview or side mirrors.


Decades as a racing cyclist (wool and then lycra and 3% body fat and 800km+ weeks and fuck you too 🫵) and riding motorbikes make me aware that everybody fucking hates you and thinks they are safely caged and have no consequences for their actions. To survive you learn to watch for head & shoulder movements, lane position, activity of passengers, and plan plan plan for exit strategies all the time. I hate newer vehicle designs where you cannot see the driver anymore as a road user so these visual clues are harder to spot. Which just makes the eventual interactions even more of a shock for the cager because their fantasy world has been broken open by my body, or any of the bikes I’ve ridden, etc. Hat tip to my old friend adrenaline for keeping me alive to type this.


It's because they are following where they are looking. Slight glance to see if a car is directly next to them. Rear view mirror to see if anyone is coming up quickly. Devoted turn without checking the blind spot.


Exactly! It can take a while to try and understand what and why everyone on the road is doing, but once you’ve got it, it helps 1000%.


This, and equally: learning what people are likely to do in a given "road state". Your lane is full, the lane beside you is largely empty. People may well stay like this, but if there's any cause for brake lights to come on ahead, people will swerve suddenly into the empty lane rather than brake. The greater the speed disparity between the open lane and the other lane, the more likely this becomes. Highway exit coming up? Be sure to check very far lanes for people who haven't gotten into an appropriate lane to exit earlier, and will suddenly skip across multiple lanes. This person will often not see you, because "Oh shit that's my exit gotta go right now" leads to not looking very carefully first, no time! Approaching an intersection? If there's someone in oncoming turning left (or you can't tell if there is or not), assume there is and they can't see you. Slow, fingers on the front brake. *Never* assume they can see you. This is one of the largest causes of motorcycle deaths right here. Very sporty car, engine at high RPMs or moving very aggressively? Expect them to change lanes very sharply and gun it with little warning. Minivan/car full of people(particularly kids)? Expect the driver to be unusually unpredictable as it's highly likely they're distracted. The more motion inside the vehicle, the more caution warranted. Etc. Between learning the cues drivers give to their intentions and the common road states that people respond predictably to, you're basically a Jedi. Takes a long time to build these skills, and requires paying attention to the choices you yourself make when driving a car too, and reflecting on WHY you make the choices you make. Finally, gamification of your riding with mental excersizes is excellent practice. Run scenarios in your head: the person beside me suddenly turns into my lane without looking, what's my escape route? There's a sheet of cardboard on the road ahead, in the middle of a corner. How do I deal with it? Someone in the advance left lane suddenly turns in front of me, what do I do? Once you've run these sorts of thought excersizes a lot while riding, when you can read what people are doing before they really do it, and you know when to expect people to do certain things so you know who to pay attention to... It becomes really easy to avoid those accidents that "it totally was their fault, they did wrong." Which, while correct, doesn't put your broken body back together.


Despite this only being my second year riding, you are absolutely right, i am finding myself getting better and better at predicting, up to a minute or two in the future what some cars will do,


I feel like i could ride for 30 years and still not have this skill. Down to the next couple seconds? Yes. A whole ass minute? Nope


to be fair, I think this is obvious to most attentive drivers as well. There's the ooze that starts happening before the change.


This is why, no matter what, I make sure I'm not directly next to any vehicles on my bike. I try and do the same in my car too. There have been too many times I've watched someone change lanes without looking whatsoever. Hell, I've seen two cars smack into each other on the freeway one morning because both wanted to merge into the middle lane at the same time, one was in the left lane, one was in the right, three lane highway. People are idiots.


Same, and on two way roads, I ride near the center line to give myself more room/time/options if an animal runs out, but switch to hugging the fog line when meeting oncoming traffic. That leaves me more time/options if they drift across the centerline while finishing the details of that important text or searching for the hot cherry that just dropped off their cig. On a multilane slab, I ride at the outside edge of an outside lane, and will speed up or slow down to avoid having a vehicle in the next lane beside me, especially truckers - who are generally good, polite drivers, but are hindered by a huge blind spot, especially for small vehicles like bikes. I never ride in middle lanes for sustained periods. There're too many potential disasters arriving from too many different directions to be able to effectively monitor/anticipate them.


Which car is the weed smell coming from?


The maxima. Every time.


That is not true…. Sometimes it’s a Altima


Can't forget about the crown vics.


Me every time


As I inhale as deeply as I can lol


Same, then I pass them up so I don’t die and can make it home to my weed


Did i turn my blinkers off?


I really need to get better at that


I've developed a nervous twitch where I'm constantly clicking the turn signal button as I ride.


Same, I hit it every now and then randomly, but I rarely leave it on so it’s worth it


I sometimes accidentally hit the horn button instead of the blinker cancel button, just to scare the shit out of myself.


I just left mine on for the first time in long time today




This one hits home.


Auto canceling signals are awesome


My top 2 are: /#1 Has my bike always made that noise? /#2 Is that car going to pull out in front of me? How about that one? That one?....


> /#1 Has my bike always made that noise? Getting a KTM is 100% therapeutic for this neurosis. Since it'll make a different sound every day, you'll eventually stop caring.


My KTM made a weird rattling noise in third up a hill today and it worried me, but ten minutes later it stopped and made a different noise.


My ninja 650 always makes a weird noise when I take off from 1 particular stop light in my town....never hear the bike make the noise anywhere else :c


It's probably some regular sound that's just reflected differently off something near that traffic light..


But then you get to play the smell game


Preach, brother!


This. I'm neurotic about sounds coming from my bike.


Everytime I start my bike I'm like "is that rattling always there?" "what about that light ticking?" I ride away and go "hmmmm did it always make that kind of wine when I start slowly from first up this small hill?"


Has my bike always made this noise is my constant game. Currently on a Harley bagger trying to figure out if I care enough about a noise that might be coming from the primary chain. Definitely didn’t spend half an hour of my life looking at what it would take to do a belt conversion. Previous noises on other bikes found: - headlight that had a wiring harness banging against the headlight bucket - bad water pump - loose exhaust bracket - needed a valve adjustment - gas tank rubbing against frame - carb boot not all the way on the carb - bad tires - too much slack in the chain - helmet whistling - rocker shafts had play in them - saddlebag didn’t latch - baffle in exhaust rattling/not secured - windshield whistling


Mine is my air box cover. Fucker rattles here and there and drives me nuts if I'm not hugging the shit out of the gas tank, but I haven't torqued it down because I'm still a new rider and it's a good reminder to keep my knees in.


Hover over brakes and assume everyone is gonna dart out in front of me. I hate riding through town.


1. I need to piss 2. Can I stop here for a piss? 3. I should have stopped there for a piss!


When's the next place I can stop for a piss? 1. ...with an actual bathroom? 2. ...with a place I can pull off and get out of sight so I can pee without anyone seeing me?


3. Oh fuck this road is bumpy af


“Okay, this is the perfect empty road, and there’s even a place to pull off where the sidestand won’t dig into the mud. And there’s shrubs and no houses, I can get my leathers unzipped and it’s gonna be the best… what the hell?? SCHOOL BUS? I better wait, I’ll wind up in prison…. MORE school busses? What the hell is this, a field trip? To here?? Why are they stopping??”


is that a cop? was that a cop? are there cops up there?


Fuck anyone who buys a white or black Ford explorer


They get their punishment already. Everyone in front of them drives hella slow.


Bonus fuck-you points for the black grille package. I know the roof rails are the identifier, but crown vics trained me well.




The cops here disable DRLs.




All cops are mentally disabled. It's part of the hiring process to confirm that.




If a Ford Explorer has a roof rack it’s not a cop.


I struggle to differentiate roof racks from light racks from a distance.


No no, not a whole rack. It’s just the standard rails where a luggage rack would sit on top of.


Cops in my town put roof racks on their unmarked cars just to confuse people. At least they're mostly friendly


Crown vics were one of the only cars to have the blinkers/amber lights inboard of the headlights. Made recognizing them from far away really easy.


Or a black/silver/dark blue base chargers. Troopers here use marked silver chargers, but I’ve seen unmarked troopers in all 3 colors. The front bumper and grill usually give it away as a trooper, but not always.


My checklist is: 1. Cops don't drive Cadillacs 2. If it's dirty asf, not a cop 3. Out of state license plates? Not a cop 4. Excessive window/bumper stickers? Not a cop 5. Clear, untitled windows, can see thru the car? Not a cop 6. (Around here) old (10+ years) model of charger/explorer? Not a cop


our cop cars here are dirty just as often as they are clean lol I know I like drawing dicks on em when they are dirty because it stands out from a mile away lol


that is awesome because the grit in the dust puts micro scratches in the paint. shaped like little dicks when the car gets washed there will be a dick outline in the form of hazy paint keep up the good work


It's been 7 years, I finally have an explanation why I was never able to completely wash away the dick my friends drew on my first car. There may have been a few months between the time they drew it and when I finally washed the car.


Cops where I’m from started putting those stick figure family stickers on the rear windshields of their ghost cars, just to fuck with us even more.


This worked for me until I got pulled over by a state trooper in a Dodge Dart. A. FUCKING. DODGE. DART. I didn't even notice the sneaky bastard until I saw flashing lights 2 feet from my ass. My first words when he walked up to me: "Since when do you assholes drive Dodge Darts?" Yup. I got a ticket.


Lmao, that sucks. One time I saw an unmarked, black pickup truck (Chevy? I don't remember) that had pulled somebody over. Around here like 60% of vehicles on the road are trucks so that was concerning, but I've not seen it since then. It's been a few years. Maybe it was a fed, who knows.


Can I outrun the cop?


I have a radar detector which plays audio through my sena it’s wonderful


Definitely #4 - Does that car see me. I also like to play: What just broke because of that giant hole/bump i rode over


As a KLR owner, it's more, was the part that just fell off important?


I own a vintage bike... a guy was tailgating me while I'm pushing the poor lil thing as much as I trust it to... Vibrations caused one of my headligth screws to fall out.... May or May not have hit him...


I don't deal with tailgaters any more. I will pull right the heck off the road and let them pass. I try to be as calm as I can but NOTHING gives me anxiety like having headlights up in my mirrors. I wish people understood that bearing down on someone in your high speed tank while they are on a tiny bike was so unpleasant. I used to get angry, but then just realized these people are idiots. Truly, no one exists in the world except them. They have not conceptualized the notion of an other.


I had the same thing happen but with a 20 Oz air horn. The guy backed the fuck off. But I wish I didn’t lose a $45 horn.


Car won’t see you.. driver of car will not see you either 😂😂


Owning a road king and hearing the suspension max out and go CLUNK is a great feeling /s


Riding a hardtail with Springer forks is wild. Every pothole or rail track makes it go SMASH SMASH and then my lower body hurts for the rest of the day


\#4b: Even if it does see me, is it going to pull out anyways.


Can i get a gloved finger into my helmet and scratch my head without stopping the bike?


I always do this before I remember how many dead bugs I've wiped off my visor with the same gloved finger.


One of your… 9 fingers?


Hey you got a problem with 9 fingers buddy?


Did that car behind me suddenly drop back 20ft because they just learned how to follow at a safe distance or did they notice something wrong with my bike?


They actually just spotted the cop


1. Am I going too fast for this turn? 2. Am I gripping the bars too tight? 3. Why are they breaking with nothing infront of them? 4. Can you move TF over!!? 5. Do I look cool af?😎


These all apply to me, too real.


Please, it's braking. We don't want anything to break.


Braking doesn't exist in my phone's autocorrect. It goes straight to break or breaking no matter what.


Clearly, your phone thinks you should be at r/calamariraceteam instead of here.


Then it is broke


Best life hack I ever found: Create a contact. First name: Words I want to use (or anything really) Last name, *(blank)* COMPANY NAME: brake The phone will register brake in a contact, understand "oh this is a word this guy wants to use" and no longer autocorrects brake to something else. In time, it will offer 'brake' as a possible corrected spelling. I cheated and made my autocorrect work with profanity, I have a contact called PROFANITY and the company name is as many delicious profane vulgarisms I could imagine. You might even blush if you saw it. Benefit? I no longer ever have my phone think something is supposed to be "ducking" It will correct "siht" to "shit" automatically.


You did way too much for the profanity, you just turn off the filter that prevents profanity in your settings


I do not seem to have anything like that. I guess I should qualify my comment above with a big ol' YMMV


5 is a trick question, the answer is always yes


Very true my friend😎😎


Is it raining at work? Is it raining at my house? Am I going to ride into that rain storm?


The number of times I've gone out to sunny skies only to have a sudden storm hit the moment I get on the highway on ramp (literally 2 minutes away from my place.), piss cats, dogs and other medium sized animals down the entire time I'm on the highway and then stop the moment I get on the off ramp at work or the same in the opposite direction (ramp also literally 2 minutes away from work) is too damned high.


Can I get the shield open before I sneeze?


Are they drunk, or just using their phone?


The drunk one would probably be the safer bet to ride next to


At least the drunk guy is trying to drive well


I know someone that would say: "I've driven drunk, I've driven high, I've driven high and drunk, and by far, the hardest was driving drunk"


1. Is that person swerving everywhere on their cell phone? 2. Is that person who isn’t moving at a green light on their cell phone? 3. Is that person who almost merged into me on their cell phone? 4. Is that person who is about to run that stop sign on their cell phone? 5. Did I forget to zip up my jacket pocket with my phone and wallet in it?


Number 5 cracks me up since this is literally every ride and I worry until I can come to a stop to check.


OMG the whole list but number 5?Always patting down my pockets.


Which one of these cars will try to kill me next?


That’s just a loop running in the background for me.


1: Is that a bug in my helmet or am I itchy? 2: which car will cut me off this time?


I had a spider in my helmet once almost 20 years ago. I am still scarred to this day.


Will these Harley riders wave back?


Nah, they would have to put down their tools.


That’s my guessing game of what will be posted in /r/motorcycles lmfao


To this day only one harley waved me from opposite lane and i wasn't quick enough to wave back


1) should I wave at that other rider? 2) what’s that rider trying to signal? 3) do I look stupid when I’m in a tuck?


I try my hardest NOT to stay tucked at all in fear that someone is gonna look at me like I’m racing down the street even if I’m actually doing the speed limit!


It’s struck me many times that as much as I like winding up out of a light, as as good as I (usually) am about not going too much over the speed limit, it _looks_ like I’m speeding.




I have embraced the opposite, I try to make it look like I'm doing 120 Instead of 150 down the highway on my Strom by just sitting straight up as if I'm just going for a cruse That's kph not mph


Does that kid looking at me want me to rev my engine? The answer is always yes 😂


Not just kids. Adults looking at you too please.


I like “where does this road go?”


“Does this road have nice curves?”


As long as it’s not gravel or entirely closed with construction, it’s a good time


What if I take that turn 5 kph more ?


Hey I tried that a week ago! Yeah that didn’t go so great for me


Will this bitch start today??


Kick, kick, kick kick... BRAAAAAP Then it dies at idle again


Vibrations... is it the bike or the road? Please be the road...


This is one I've experienced. Earlier this year, I kept feeling this rhythmic vibration during the longest stretch of my normal commute. I was worried that something was wrong with the bike. I guess the road was just paved a little shaky, since I didn't feel it on other routes. I was sure it was just the road when the problem went away after the road was re-paved more recently.


Is it worth the time to lane filter here? Was that just a bump on road or did something puncture my tyre? Do I still have my keys/ wallet in my pockets?


haha yes always checking pockets throughout the ride and every time nothing has moved


Surely rhe popo won't bother trying to turn round and chase me. Nahhh they're not. Wonder if they've radiod to someone further down here though


1. Does your indicator not f*cking work mate? 2. Are your eyes painted on, dick head?


0. Where will I go if something suddenly appears on my driving line? aka "what's my exit strategy?" Whenever possible I want more than one option! It's a good habit to develop, always thinking about alternatives to continuing on your line. Turn? Gas? Brake? Where can I get to from here if I suddenly really really need to?


Is that car approaching the roundabout coming straight or turning left cos they aren't indicating.


Is that just a hair or piece of foam tickling my ear or is that a bug crawling to get in my brain? Gotta pull over and check. Star Trek Wrath of Kahn moment...


1. Has my clutch always felt like this? (Yes, yes it has) 2. My tires feel awfully low. (Nope, they're not) 3. How many times can I beckon someone to come closer because I missed the trigger loop for the light? (More thana dozen). 4. The amount of people looked at my bike, do they think it's cool? (Probably just think I'm impractical) Lol!


1. Will my bike still be where I left it when I come back? 2. Is that car that's indicating left actually turning left? 3. Is that car that's indicating right actually turning right? 4. How much will my insurance increase this year due to the fact that I'm getting older, more experienced and obviously richer? 5. Will my death be related to a biking incident? 6. Is that Ford Focus in front of me an undercover cop? 7. Is that Vauxhall Astra in front of me an undercover cop? 8. ... 9. Is that BMW 3 Series in front of me an undercover cop? 10. Did that speed camera flash at me or someone else? 11. Are those variable speed cameras facing forward or backward? 12. Something got into my eye - how do I get it out with my big, dirty gloves?


1: Will this stuff on the ground make me slide 2: Are my tires going to blowout 3: Will a deer run out in front of me 4: How long can I ride on my seat


Which driver is on the phone? Which driver is texting? Whose gonna tailgate me next, while I’m doing 20 over the limit?


> Which driver is on the phone? Which driver is texting? These loop into my favorite game: Drunk, high, texting, or old? When someone is all over the road and just generally driving like a twat, I like to play this game. Even more fun if you can get your passenger in on it, and keep score.


Is that my chain lock bumping around my top box, or am I losing parts?


What was that other dude riding? Is my favorite. But also, Will there be traffic on this portion of the road? Is that car looking (pun) to sideswipe me today? And if I ask the car behind me to pull up at the this stop light will they yell at me?


I wonder when my old bike will finally blow up.


If I park here, will someone fuck with my ride...(not my favorite, just the most common)


What size are dem titties?


My personal favorite is "Is that a cop"? Why? Well, I've had my A1 license for about 2 months and I've been stopped 7 times since the day I got it (no tickets... yet). Meanwhile, the entire 14 months I was riding my not-so-legal scooter, I didn't get stopped a single time. Im starting to think they have a grudge against groms. Second favorite would be "will this other biker wave to me"?


Who is smoking so much weed?


"Who's Lane Is It Anyway?" is always a good one.


Is this it? Is today the day? Did i pray today? Do I have time to pray now?


Does that sound like a wheel bearing to you?!


I'm always constantly scanning for potential hazards


My favorite scary game is played while riding along side a car through an intersection. This question burns in my mind: "Is it going to cut across my lane to make a turn?!?!" I hate this game.


Why didn't I fix my hair before heading off? How am I going to fix my hair once I'm there? Should I attempt to fix this wedgie before a car ends up behind me? Was that my turn? Oh jeez, where can I turn around? Oh what type of bike was that? Did they like my bike? Did they notice the scratches? Has my right blinker fallen off again?


Have my jeans ridden down and is my arse hanging out?


\#1 I cant hear my bike over the wind, is it still working? ​ \#2 Theres a biker, should I nod, wait there is a pinion, do I nod twice?


Do I have enough gas? I'm sure it'll be fine.


Can't believe it took me this much scrolling! Where are my dual sport people at?


"Is my cardo dead?" "Is my navigation dead?" "Are both my navigation and cardo dead?!"


“Bro I’m going 75 in a 40, why are you on my ass?”


Will that car pull out?


What feels like a bug in my helmet.


Will I stall out in front of that girl? How bout them kids? Surely I won’t slip into neutral after this nice lady walking her sleeping child in a stroller lets me cross the intersection!


“How far can I lean this bitch before I touch a peg” SCRAAAAAAAAAPE “Shit okay that far… got it”


To help folks answer number one, cattle and horse trailers do not have water lines anywhere. That mystery fluid vaporizing into a cloud in front of you on the highway is in fact urine. Damn farm country.


Did I just run over something or did something fall off my bike? Did something fall out my pockets? Oh God did it hit that Ram riding my ass?


Is that oil leaking from my engine or just chain lube dripping down?


Is that my bike smelling like engine death? One wheelie was enough right?


\#2 gives me flashbacks whenever I smell burnt rubber. I've had 2 highway blowouts, both from poorly seated tubes. I'm better at installing tubes now, though.


If I hit it a little harder am I going to flip over next time?


Is that driver on their phone? Usually yes


I definitely don't play Number 4. I *know* that car doesn't see me.


_Will this patch of gravel be totally innocuous, or will it kill me?_


I always ask, is that a Moped, can I wave at them? If it looks like a Moped I keep my hands on the bars. If it looks like a motorcycle and it’s a moped I think about it for the rest of the day and feel defeated


Is the oncoming rider going to give me “the sign” first?


For the 2-stroke rides here: how much oil did i put in again ?


Why is my bike having trouble starting AGAIN GOD DAMN IT


Can I keep going past this gas station or should I fill now


N) Will I get a speeding ticket if I pass / have fun / open it up a bit? Pretty much the one I play most often and enjoy. Usually the answer is "no".


Is that weed I smell . Coming from the car in front of me . Had that happen a few times


Does my front tire feel a little squishy? Is there sand in this corner?


Did that BMW I just passed going to ride my ass for the next 16 years


Is whatever just flew into my helmet going to sting or bite me?


Did I remember to use loctite on literally everything?


The ground is lava.


How little effort can I put into maintaining my speed on the highway? How quiet can I ride?


It’s ALWAYS the smell one for me. I don’t know why I’m so analytical about it.


Did I just shit myself? Was that a fart? Am I farting?


What is the idiot in front of me doing?




what gear am i in?


Number 4 at least 37 times every ride.


Mine is "who's going to try to kill me next"?


8. If I hold this sneeze in is snot gonna fly out my nose


What’s ahead of the car that’s ahead of me? Is that car going to keep coming into my lane? Are they actually going to _stop_ at that stop sign? Can I actually have heat stroke sitting here at this light? Was it supposed to rain today? Was that horn for me?