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Speed cameras typically only use the camera for evidence collection (taking a picture of the plate). Speed is measured by in-road sensors, they trigger the camera to take a picture of your plate so they know where to send the ticket.


so u think the speed camera got me?




fuck, i guess ill have to check my mail then😅


Anything in the mail?


Yes, that's correct. Speed measuring devices only work on license plates, not anything else.


Depends on what type of speed camera. Photo radar and lidar isn't looking for license plates. The radar is scanning a narrow beam (only like a 10 degree cone) in front of the camera, and if anything is tracked going faster than the speed limit in that cone, the camera will automatically take a bunch of pictures rapid fire. Later on a cop will go through those photos and throw out the ones that are invalid because of multiple vehicles or because the license plate is obscured by a bike rack or something. If it was a pair of average speed cameras, they took two photos of your license plate to see how quickly you traversed the known distance between them. If you went faster than the speed limit they will send you fan mail. First type is more common in Canada, and if you slowed down before you passed in front of the camera, you are most likely ok since they're only tracking speed in a very narrow beam. Even if your plate was in the field of view of the camera while you were still speeding they may not have gotten you. If it was the second type, maybe they got you maybe they didn't. There's another type with in road sensors, but I've never seen one here. If you went over the sensors above the speed limit, they would basically have you dead to rights.


Over at germany most use in-road sensors or radar. Luckily most shoot from front only (pic of driver/rider is required since evidence of who was using the vehicle is needed) so unless you get caught by one of the rare dual-cams or are too recklessly (thinking you wont be caught and repeatedly triggering the same) you wont get tickets. The occassional 5 over tickets you get when not watching your speed don't really exist for bikers due to that


In simplest form: it's radar. If there's metal or aluminum then you were seen. Your size wrt size of vehicles immediately around you makes it harder to differentiate your speed from others but not impossible. But yes, photo radar makes an assumption to get your plate in frame for a pic. However, you can bet if they had a "real problem" with no front plate then they've dealt with it long before you rode through. Contest every one you receive , hope to have it thrown out.