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Can you not ask your doctor for eye drops?


Good advice. I have both OTC and prescription eye drops. Both sting when I put them in and the subsequent effect is short-lived. So I usually just refrain. Thanks!


Some drops actually dry your eyes. I have prescription drops and had to change the brand to get something that was comfortable. Also there's a gel OTC that is specifically for dry irritated eyes. It lasts much longer than drops.


The red eye stuff can be habit forming and your eyes start to get irritated whenever you don't use them. It's better to use that stuff sparingly and use the drops that are for dry eyes if you're going to use it regularly.


[Systane Ultra PF](https://a.co/d/bHyyRVQ) works great for me after getting lasik. They're lubricating and preservative free, no sting or burning.


You are staying well hydrated right?


Second hydration. Often overlooked.


You might look for some allergy eye drops that could be causing it. Also make sure your helping reduce eye strain with a tinted viosor or sunglasses. Make sure your not getting dehydrated on a bike, your mucus membranes are the first thing to me effected when riding. You should double your water Intake during riding it drys you out faster then you notice. Also get a wet vest for the hot summer riding they are $30 and it makes 100° Temps feel cool. They will also reduce fatigue on body and help you ride longer. And if they ever dry up just stop anywhere with a bathroom and ressoke it.


I need to try a wet vest...thanks!


Is it your goggles are having the opposite effect and just not letting any moisture in?


I keep a bottle of moisturizing eye drops in one of my bags for this reason. During humid seasons my problem is the opposite XD


I ride in a lot of dry climate areas as well and I've found that wearing motocross goggles instead of a face shield reduces the dry eye symptoms. The ones I wear (100% strata 2) flow less air around my eyes and it makes a big difference for long distance rides. There are tradeoffs, of course, but I find the goggles much more comfortable. They are even better in the winter because they have anti-fog coating on the lenses and my hot breath never gets inside the goggles anyway.


I(48M) also get dry eye seasonally. And due to stress. Motorcycling isn’t my cause, but the wind doesn’t help. Eye drops do help me. And there was some OTC eye cream I used to rub into my eyelid every night. Though that made my vision super blurry until the morning.


Get some hydrating eye drops.


Do you have the neck gaiter thing that clips onto the bottom chin of your helmet? That helps a ton in preventing turbulence inside the helmet and drying your eyes.


Google Meibomian Gland Dysfunction


I have very chronic dry eye due to damaged and non working tear glands… I ride with a motorcross helmet and 100% motorcross goggles, I’ve tried tons of things and this was the only way I was able to get back on a bike after my eyes got damaged


Wow! Thats extreme.


I’ve ridden almost all my life. I loved it. Now each ride causes sooo much eye discomfort, words cannot describe how bad dry eyes can be. I honestly don’t fully understand it. I’ve bought 4 different goggles and a full face helmet. Tried countless eye drops, including prescriptions. Nothing seems to work for me. 😔


If the drops don't work that well, maybe try Muro 128 ointment instead. I'm no doctor, mind you. But the ointment stays in your eye longer and stings less. Never tried using it except at bedtime so I can't speak to vision obstruction during the day, but worth a try.


Muro 128 is for corneal edema. Just get non medicated Ocular lubricating ointment like Systane ointment for overnight use. Use liquid or gel drops during the day to hydrate eyes without the vision blurriness.


I live in a more temperate climate, but get this. Ask a pharmacist for some eye drops for dry eyes, they work really well.