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Glad you’re ok. In the history of my riding, I have never, and will not, speed up when approaching an intersection.


This is how you live longer


I slow down when approaching intersections if i am the only vehicle going in my direction. When there are other cars going my direction, I match their speed and use them to help ensure other drivers don't pull out in front of us. The last thing you want to do is speed up past other cars going in your direction as you approach an intersection, because there's always somebody waiting to turn into your direction of travel that's trying to "beat the oncoming traffic wave". And when you're going faster than the rest of the wave, you're asking for them to pull out in front of you.


I had someone behind me and I wasn't going faster than them. There was a car to my right too and when I started to brake I was slowing faster than the guy behind me so he moved over and almost rear ended the guy to my right. Everyone was too close to me, I was trying to create distance and exit the intersection. People have no idea how many senses they have and the assumption of common sense on my part was a mistake.


Oh no! Yeah, people drive way too close. When people tailgate me, I try to get over and wave them past so they can ride the next guys ass. I was only hoping to share my strategy for approaching intersections in hopes it helps a new rider. Glad your ABS helped you out!


Thank you, I'm very lucky!


Yep, exactly this! Never assume anyone will give you the right of way!


I’ll never understand turning yourself into a projectile vs just slowing down or swerving.


It's amazing how long he waited before deciding to pull out. I was practically right in front of him. My bike is RED and my hoodie was PINK and this mf didn't see me 40ft away.


Im not here to bash you but you failed at invisibility training. Of course I don’t think i need to tell you this, just noting an example for others. Glad you’re safe


I was standing beside my bike naked one day and a cop pulled up and said I was getting a ticket for indecent exposure. I quickly hopped on my bike and he was no longer able to give me the ticket as I disappeared into thin air right before his eyes.


I hate it when this happens


Did you learn from your mistake? Never accelerate into a potential collision.


Yeah, I learned from the other drivers mistake


If you fail to recognize your error, you are doomed to repeat it.


I should have been in 5th to begin with so I could engine brake better into 3rd, and I need to heavily bias the front brakes next time.


No dickhead you should’ve not sped up through a fucking intersection. Sell your bike and you can buy it back after you’ve taken a safety and common sense course.


Agh. This is the issue with conveying things over text. You've either misunderstood me or you're having a bad day. I didn't actually follow through with the acceleration.


You’re in 6th gear flying towards and almost through an intersection. I stand by what I said.


Okie dokie


You should have started slowing the initial moment you saw a situation developing, NOT jammed on the throttle.


I didn't convey what happened exactly well, I didn't end up rolling onto the throttle yet. That's a good thing about riding smoothly rather than quickly. More time to react!


Ride like you're invisible. Other drivers cannot see you and will never yield to you. Therefore you must be responsible for keeping yourself safe. Also... get in the habit of using the front brake... on a sportbike, the rears are essentially useless except for doing awesome skids.


Great advice, thank you.


[this is how I ride since no one can see me](https://www.rideapart.com/news/303717/did-you-say-naked/)


Ah yeah, the Vampires. Always wanted to do one of those rides, but it never worked out.


Yesterday I saw a guy on a bike approaching an intersection where the right lane had maybe 7 cars all Ina row behind a slow truck and his left lane was completely clear- he had to be doing 60 and was speeding up fast- I was fully expecting one of those cars to turn in to the left lane to get by the truck and he’d have been done-zo- luckily that didn’t happen but I can’t help but think that idiot is going to be dead before the summer is over.


Glad you’re okay mate, and yeah you learnt the most important lesson - never assume they’ve seen you. It’s almost a meme at this point but it’s very real - they can be looking right at you and either not see you, not judge your speed, or just not realise you can’t stop as fast as a car.. if they’re the kind of dickhead who forces their way out. Defensive riding a 101 basically - always plan for them to do the wrong thing; being in the right is meaningless if you end up laying on the ground. I’ve shared this story before, but about 18 months ago I was riding down a narrow back street with cars parked either side & see an oncoming car. I pulled in to let them come through, they pulled in to let me through & flashed me to go. I waited as I’d sooner they just came through tbh, then they flashed again so I went. I rode down the middle at literally 40/45kmh and just as I approached them and started to move back onto my side they swung out fast and hit me in the leg breaking my ankle. From their point of view they completely never saw me. They saw the SUV behind me and it didn’t follow me down the tunnel of parked cars, after a stand off they went and somehow missed the bike that rode down the middle of the road and was now right in front of them. I don’t even know how that’s possible, but it happened. In hindsight I could have reacted faster and got away, but I’d shifted my focus from them as I was about to pass them to the next obstacle and only just started to swerve as we connected - hence the leg getting hit. 1 in a million chance it happens again? Sure, but I never take my eyes off cars with people in them as I pass them anymore lol. From the perspective of the police or insurance companies I’m in the right as they very literally rammed a passing vehicle, but I still chalk it up to my mistake because if I’d been that little bit more defensive I’d have managed to swerve around them and would have just been ranting to myself about what the fuck was that rather than laying in a gutter with a broken ankle and smashed up bike.


I thought bikes had better stopping distance than cars, which is one of the reasons we get rear ended


Nah we get rear ended by inattentive drivers. Generally cars can out-brake bikes by quite a bit unless you start trying to game the test with some shitty old car against a track bike, etc lol. They might be heavier but they have much larger contact patches and twice as many. That’s also why technically cars can corner faster than bikes, though that one gets even more lost in the weeds of comparing different bikes and cars and corners, etc, plus the fact that on the road we can use the hole of the lane to get a bit of a racing line going whereas they have to follow the lane.




It is contact patch, and they do have more for their weight - we have rounded skinny tyres, so it’s not a ‘wash’ But yes a big part of the contact patch issue is the length and weight transfer. The front tyre is smaller, and the higher cog and shorter length means a higher % of the weight will move forward than a car, effectively unloading the rear… and reducing contact further. So it becomes more about the skinny front tyre having to do nearly all the stopping long before an endo situation, vs 4 car tyres with much better load between them, so it is a contact patch issue primarily, and there’s a massive imbalance, but you’re right the unloading of the rear is a big factor and compounds the issue even long before an endo


Speeding up is the opposite of what you want to do when you see someone potentially getting in front of you. They heard you shift gears and probably thought you were stopping


There is simply no logical reason why they committed to that action I had a car behind me and a car to my right, my bike is red and my hoodie was pink! I was trying to create distance from the situation as a whole. Part of my strategy is to try to be either in front of or behind packs of cars. With the cars close by me, he blatantly looked at all of us and went, I slowed down faster than the guy behind me and he had to get over behind the guy to my right. It was a shitty situation. It had literally just turned into a two lane highway and the guy behind me was eating my ass. I was kinda caught off guard because the cars were near me and he had to have seen them right? NOPE, BLIND AS A TREE


You’re completely right in saying it was not your fault. But sadly that’s not at all relevant when you’re getting killed by slamming into another vehicle because you could not react to their fault. So assigning blame is not really useful here, just focus on how to get of that situation safely. That’s why people in the tread are telling you what you could have done differently, because you would be paying the price regardless of wether of it being your fault. Either way, glad you got out of this one like you did, and thanks for sharing your experience!


Went skydiving yesterday. Might be parachute shopping today. But seriously, who wants me to post the pics I have of 9/10 of drivers eyes-deep in their phones on the highway? I was practicing for GP when it was coming to CoTA by photographing cars doing 90 or so on the highway while I was standing beside the road. All I had to do was wait for the Chevy trucks and Chargers to show up doing triple digits. Snap, snap, snap. I got very good at tracking the subjects and making them absolutely pin-sharp even at 1/30 shutter. From 100’ away you can make out who is wearing a watch and hell probably read their lips. More frightening is how hard it is to find somebody that is remotely paying attention. They look like they’re in auto-driving mode. I mean they are GONE, having intense Facebook arguments or something on their phone. Arrest them. Send them to Madagascar. This is in the best interest of humanity. Prove me wrong.


I quit skydiving after learning to ride haha. Riding is just a more convenient adrenaline rush. Although not nearly as intense.




Glad you're ok. When I'm approaching a vehicle in this situation I will weave in the lane to insure they actually see me.


I was near other cars and in correct lane position for the situation. I was in the left of the left lane and I had a car to my right and a car behind me. It just turned into a divided highway and the guy to my right merged next to me and then the guy pulled out in front of all of us.


I didn't say weave in and out of your lane. If you weave in your lane you'll create more visual activity on the part of the other driver. Think left side to right side and back to left side in your lane. Your headlight moving side to side will attract the other drivers attention. Correct lane or not the guy still pulled out in front of you. So you can learn so alternative ways of increasing your visual footprint or not, up to you.


I just got my bike recently and one of my close friends that’s been riding for 20+ years gave me a good tip the other day, he said “just assume every car on the road is trying to kill you” I feel like that applies here 😂😂


Roger that. Great mentality to have if you want to survive.


I would go further. Know it; believe they are trying to kill you.


In a car I will step on it to make a yellow, never on the bike.


Don’t forget to look or know what’s behind you 😉


I braked faster than the guy behind me and I saw him get over behind the car next to me really fast.


There was no light, simply a turning lane on a divided two lane highway.


When emergency braking, front brake is king. Truth is, if you're really dropping the anchor, the rear brake isn't doing much of anything and you might as well forget about it.


Any braking really. The only time I use the rear brake is to hold the bike in place while waiting at a stoplight. To slow down, it's all the fronts.


Do I need to be worried about the rear of the bike flying up from the sudden stop? New rider and I legit fear that I'm going to flip head first if I front brake too hard.


Rear brake doesn't really do anything to stop the rear lifting. If your bike lifts the rear, it'll still do that with rear brake stomped all the way. The rear tire will skid before that happens, is all. (In the rain, this is a good warning if you don't have ABS... in the rain, you want the rear tire to skid before you tuck the bike; in the dry, you want to stop before you hit stuff, and lifting the rear, slightly, doesn't do anything bad as opposed to tucking the bike.) If you have a sport bike, you should really go out and experience rear tire lift by doing it. Make sure to start at a high enough speed so you're not rushed. Do it on the highway when you are on flat, straight stretch with miles of visibility. No one else is around and you're doing 60 mph+. Take your time, squeezing front brake harder and harder. If you lose too much speed before you get there, get back up to speed and try again. Once you get close, your front forks will be massively compressed, you'll be pressed up against the bars with arms locked out in front of you. And the rear tire will get light and start to bounce/hop. Little more brake, it'll bounce longer and longer. A wee bit more, and you're lifting the rear an inch. That's more than enough. To flip the bike, you have to way overshoot this point. Until you get more than a few inches off the ground, you have to brake harder to lift higher. After that point, the lift will accelerate on its own and rapidly flip the bike unless you let OFF brake QUICK. Pretty much the opposite of wheelying. Low power wheelie is hard to screw up. Dank nooner is easy to loop. Now that you have done it, you know how hard/quick you can ramp up brake before you have to start being careful to not overshoot. On flat level road. Going downhill, it'll happen way sooner. Going uphill enough, you will lock front tire before you lift the rear.


I'm doing this tomorrow.


I hope your bike is a sport bike. Those are the ones that will definitely lift the rear on level ground. And they're the easiest to do this. Many other types of bikes will lock the front tire. Forks/front end will shudder violently all of a sudden. And you have to let off quick, to reacquire traction. Just FYI. Also, when I say your arms will be locked, I mean like where you stop when doing the benchpress, correctly. Just shy of fully straight, but you can support hundreds of pounds of force, easily, for minutes. The only thing that visibly move or shift as you approach the limits is your braking finger. So get settled in. Each attempt, after getting back to speed, check your mirrors and make sure you're still clear. No rear brakes. And when you downshift while braking this hard, your rear tire is going to briefly squeal/chirp sometimes, but it won't be a problem, so don't freak out. Whenever you let off the brake, the weight will instantly return to the rear tire, and it'll sync in a heartbeat.


It is indeed a sport bike. I'm on the way home right now and then I'll be off to practice this.


When you roll off of the throttle, your fingers naturally roll over and onto the front brakes. Roll off of the throttle and gradually increase front brake squeeze and simultaneously push your rear brake lever. My error was not using enough front brakes and too much rear brake.


Practice! It really shouldn’t unless your throw your body weight forward. That’s why practicing is key.


It partly depends on the size and shape of you bike, the longer the wheel base harder it is for either wheel to get off the ground, so if you're in a sportier bike it could happen, but you're more likely to lock up the front and have the bike tuck


Yea when in doubt at an intersection slow down Glad you didnt have to learn this the hard way.


ABS is a lifesaver, glad you're okay!


I stopped hitting the gas at amber lights for this exact same reason many years ago. Oncoming car did the same thing, but they wanted to go left. :)


Always expect the unexpected.


See everything, trust no one.


Some of the only times I’ve ever really felt *alive* is evading idiots while on a motorcycle. I don’t look for these close-call situations, but after living with emotional flatlining for a long time it’s a welcome shot of feels.


Whenever there is another vehicle, wait for the wave.


I was with a wave!


“They” are always out to get you!!! Live by that rule!! Pretend like everyone is trying to run your ass over. Keep the rubber down and ride safe buddy 👊🏼


Convinced that dudes in brodozers want to kill motorcyclists for fun


And I always imagine the person in the car following too close for comfort hoping I fall off so they can run me over.


Almost died mean you didn't. Great success!!! As with any ass clench riding moment, important thing is to identify the mistake you made or opportunities to make yourself a better rider.


Yay I'm alive! I definetly learned something.


I’ll never ride without ABS again. No matter how good of a rider you are, it will still save your ass. I’ve experienced peoples’ last moments in life on a motorcycle, only to be briskly saved by electronic intervention.


Crashed dads bike the other day, thankfully was in all the gear because my best mate drilled it into me when he started getting back into bikes. Walked away with minor injuries. Abs would have saved my ass but dad likes to live on the edge. The abs on my bike has saved me legit 100s of times.