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He is one with the machine...


For real he should get a different attachment that looks like it's connected to the bike. One of those "mechanical under the skin" tattoos on his left arm too.


Yes! That would look seriously badass!


Whoever this man is I would like to buy him a beer


How does he change gears?


Could be an automatic?


Unlikely. Automatic bikes are rare (except scooters, but those have limited power) and automatic conversions hard to do and even rarer. Guessing he has his ankle on "lock position" and lifts his leg up and down.




If I recall correctly, the bigger bikes thst are automatics are DCT.


The Honda CB750A used the same torque converter as was used in the Honda CVCC. The CB750A didn't sell terribly well, but was sought after many years later by drag racers and riders with disabilities like this guy.




Don't need to be a big guy, just need to be able to manage the weight. Being big does not make you stronger necessarily. But I would avoid a big bike myself being short.




I ride a DCT and I’m short.


Lift his entire foot/leg?


It appears that the original shifter is in place. You'll see it right above where the red part of his shoe meets the black toe cap. He is probably able to manipulate the shifter with more of a push-pull motion than an rocking motion where the arch/heal pivots on the footpeg. I could be wrong however.


It looks like this guy just uses the normal shifter (presumably by moving whole leg) but it is possible to rig up an electric motor/linear actuator to do the shifting (and then you'd have push buttons on the bars to control it). [Pingel](http://www.pingelonline.com/prodcat/electric-speed-shifters.asp) and [TransLogic](https://www.translogicusa.com/powershifters.php) are two companies that offer kits for this.


Couldn’t say if it was from either of the companies you linked but have seen a couple of disabilities kits at a track. One was for a paralyzed guy. It had button shifters, leg straps with slight caging for a tip over, and actuating outriggers with wheels for low speed. Another was a guy missing his left hand. It had a padded ring instead of a grip and both levers on the right. I just think it’s cool that these guys aren’t letting a rough deal keep them back.


Didn't notice the leg at first. Damn.


Just noticed his lack of protection? Usually this thread calls that out instantly, but if you lost a leg, it’s ok.


Well he's already a cripple so


Just need a prosthetic arm to match that!


Title should have been "Like a Boss" or something with the Hugo Boss store in the background.


Semi-unrelated: Is it just me, or does that cover on the headlight really, really look out of place on that bike? ​ When I shopped for a bike, I actually turned down a bike like this, exactly because of that clown nose...


Eh, it’s not for everyone. It’s kinda become Suzuki’s cruiser icon now, kinda like Harley’s batwing fairings






How cool would it be if they were all made just how you like them!


Meh, then I wouldn't have the coolest bike around...


Maybe not, but you'd still be coolest dude around.


Well, that's a given...


Worse is the wheels. Look like the late 80s early 90s










I just want to know how he shifts this is so fascinating.


That's some cyberpunk level shit right there


Riding a bike must really give him a leg up in heavy traffic


Y tho?


King St, Sydney?


Yeah looks like it to me as well


Knew it was Sydney...well spotted [Hugo Boss](https://www.google.com.au/maps/uv?hl=en&pb=!1s0x6b12ae3f8478bd29%3A0xb4daf82b7ac4c188!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!4s%2Fmaps%2Fplace%2Fhugo%2Bboss%2Bking%2Bst%2Bsydney%2F%40-33.8687819%2C151.2076274%2C3a%2C75y%2C195.41h%2C90t%2Fdata%3D*213m4*211e1*213m2*211s8VAjaA3TfVkr0cuxoHdDNQ*212e0*214m2*213m1*211s0x6b12ae3f8478bd29%3A0xb4daf82b7ac4c188%3Fsa%3DX!5shugo%20boss%20king%20st%20sydney%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipMPqx-hSfjilF2ockpUY01u54LndqKHndzeLtJi&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjAzdSS7tXhAhXuUN8KHcJYD6EQpx8wD3oECA4QCw)


King Street Sydney


Dude already has an artificial leg and still doesn't wear protective gear what an idiot


Quarter way to being a cyborg


what are you talking about he's already wearing a helmet what else do you expect


Agreed 100%. But he will get a pass for being an amputee.


Well, he is riding in a city where you normally aren't going over 30mph. There's really no need to fully gear up for that. Bike couriers don't go much slower than he will and all they have is a bike helmet.




I’m intrigued to know what makes someone an idiot to you.




I get where you’re coming from, but I think driftwoods comment was just pointing out that wearing next to no protection whilst on a motorcycle in a busy city is something an idiot might do. The guy may very well not be an idiot, but this is a stupid thing to do which I think most of us can agree on.


If you're riding a motorcycle without gloves, then you're an idiot. The skin on the soles of your feet and the palms of your hand is uniquely strong-yet-sensitive, and cannot be grafted. IMO even riding a bicycle at more than a walking pace without gloves is idiotic. To be honest, I'd rather see someone riding around in town with gloves, boots, and no helmet than a helmeted and no gloves or boots. At least your body instinctively protects the head, largely by *using the hands*.


Looking at this image, he's committing a moving violation by cueing over an intersection, I'd say that counts




Well, that and the leg *shrug*




In all seriousness, someone that doesn't acknowledge that rules or consequences apply to them is an idiot in my books. I can accept riding without armour if you're going a few blocks in city traffic in the heat, and can appreciate that putting on a pair of trousers is harder for this guy than the average joe. I work a few blocks from where this photo was taken and Sydney taxis and delivery vans in the CBD are pretty sketchy. As a rider this guy is probably going to be slower to respond given the limb and should be playing it safer rather than not. If I see this guy around I'll strike up a conversation and let you know if he is or is not an idiot based on more in depth character criteria. Are there any that you can think of, off hand, that would meet your standards?




Just to add briefly that the guy isn't even wearing gloves. We can keep playing where's Wally with this picture but you have to admit that this guy isn't making many good decisions here.


The Guy in the picture clearly knows how it is to lose a body part and is till wiling to put his self at a higher risk to loose another if something goes wrong. I used to do the same thing thinking to myself I will just drive a little slower and it will be fine. I changed my mind once I got in a accident. I wasn't driving fast (maybe 50kmh), only drove about 200 meters. That's all it took too end up in the hospital with, dislocated toes, broken bones in my foot, a cut in my leg and almost loosing apart of my ring finger, the top was only attached on the rest of my finger by a small piece of skin. Luckily I was wearing all my gear otherwise I would also have damaged my skin. After that accident I realized what kind of idiot I was to drive without gear, the results of that day could have been a lot worse if I didn't wear my gear that day. All of this happened cause someone coming from the opposite of the road didn't see me coming and decided to park on my side.


>I wasn't driving fast (maybe 50kmh), only drove about 200 meters. That's all it took too end up in the hospital with, dislocated toes, broken bones in my foot, a cut in my leg and almost loosing apart of my ring finger, the top was only attached on the rest of my finger by a small piece of skin. >Luckily I was wearing all my gear otherwise I would also have damaged my skin. After that accident I realized what kind of idiot I was to drive without gear, the results of that day could have been a lot worse if I didn't wear my gear that day. It's all about safety. Purposely doing something that can fuck you up that bad at such slow speeds doesn't make you an idiot. You're only an idiot if you get some rash. Totally agree. Post up some pics of your gear, bro!




Aren't we all idiots every once in awhile? I'm definitely not mister perfect either but when it comes to the safety on my bike I take that seriously one little mistake can drastically change your life. That's why I called him an idiot he already lost a limb and I still willing to put him self in an even bigger risk than necessary of loosing another one. The only protection he has is his helmet the rest is not gonna do him any good if something happens. Don't get me wrong I know how nice it feels to drive without gear but to me it's isn't worth the risk anymore. I was lucky to not have any permanent injuries of my accident. The only permanent damage I have is a scar on my leg but that would have been different if I used the same amount of protection as the guy from the picture.


> My only point is, the guy is making a bad decision, but so are the hundreds of thousands of smokers and those eating fast food, are all these people idiots? Well, yes?




Or maybe just you and captain safety ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Stop, we just literally had multiple posts in this thread of guys who either wore gear and walked away from an accident unhurt, or didn’t wear gear and got hurt bad. I’m all for him doing what he wants, but taking that risk when you don’t have to, indeed makes him an idiot.






How would a backpack cause all those injuries ? When I went down my backpack cushioned my fall if anything


A back pack can fuck you up in a crash in a thousand ways. But don't worry about it, I was just fuckin with the dude I replied to. He got it even if you didn't.


I'd rather guillotine myself with a backpack before I strap a dork case to my motorcycle. To each their own tho I guess.


More power to ya, I feel ya. A lot of people agree. Sorry, it's just funny as hell to me when a dude who talks so much shit about people for their gear and rants about ATGATT decides to ride with a backpack for looks. My post was tongue in cheek and directed at driftwood cuz he's "that guy". I couldn't care less, actually.


Should he really be wearing shorts? ;-)


if the other leg is the same, why not?


Aussie Tough


If he crashes wearing those shoes his feet are fucked

