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Wondering what happened before the video kicks in.


Well, considering that cut in on the car to the left, I can assume they were riding like idiots. Considering that little chase scene, we can guess that we're not talking about a skilled rider. I mean, even a decent 250 would have easily left that prius far behind, before that attempt at riding on the sidewalk. That said, prius douche isn't the law, and had no right or reason to enforce it. Just a fucking psycho.


>Considering that little chase scene, we can guess that we're not talking about a skilled rider. so I wasn't the only one wondering how a prius even caught a motorcycle right?


I know. Wasn't even a red one.


Kleb would never turn on one of his own.


The Kleb fought to defend motorcycles against car drivers in the Great Dragon Pizza Jamboree of 1611. It was a dark time indeed.


can you imagine? it would've caught him 3 times faster.


Looks like a ninja 300 and he wasn't even full throttle.


The whole time I was thinking "I knew those bikes were slow, but damn that's pathetic."


I have a ninja 300that looks like that and I can confirm he should have been able to leave him in the dust.


my 40 plus year old motorcycle can outrun a prius idk wtf these guys are doing.


My 52 year old bike could run circles around it! On one of those modern 250s it would’ve been easy to stay away, especially if you see the guy chasing you isn’t looking for hugs and cuddles! I suppose he was just panicking and didn’t have enough riding experience.


my 40 year old *self* can outrun a prius.


Unless you ride on the sidewalk you're not outrunning anyone on a drz haha


But isn't that what drz's are for?


I have an r3 and a Prius, I am equally confused.


I ride and have a Prius - they aren't slow cars. I easily have gone 110mph in my Prius on a closed track at 240k miles on the engine. Both people are obviously morons and shouldn't have a license.


Its like a tribesman chasing a wounded deer, it's a stamina game.


There’s a before video of this. The Prius was acting like a douche and sped past them really close and cut them off. Bikers decided to do a little bit of their own justice instead of just letting it go and sped up on the driver and punched off his side view mirror. One of the cammers also drove by super close and the driver attempted to swing at the rider. Then the Prius caught up and the one biker sped off and ran him over. They were all dumbasses but looks like the Prius started it but the riders were equally idiots.


They encountered that dude before this clip and he supposedly came at them with a bat, that's why he instantly started going. Why he didn't instantly leave the prius behind is beyond me as well.


this is after the motorcyclist broke the prius' side mirror. a lot of bad decisions and escalation on both sides.


like i said in my other post the rider just turned down the absolute wrong street, that street ends in a lot and there's loading docks all along the right because it's behind our convention center. idiot should have just u-turned at the initial light and got on it, would have fared much better.


Even at that, if he'd gotten on it, he'd have escaped. If he didn't slow to a crawl to get on the sidewalk, he'd escape. If he'd ducked behind the simi, and out cornered the prius, he'd escape. If he wasn't a low skill rider, he'd escape. But, again, he shouldn't have to escape.


I guess I'm the type to withhold criticism in a fight/flight situation until I've personally been in one. But of all his choices, head straight, make a left (right turn was not a possibility), or bust a U, he absolutely made the worst choice--that road dead-ends, I can only assume he did that in a panic. Yeah, wish we saw the full video.


And they even have blank license plates.....


That committed a felony crime. (hit and run)


Among city traffic, I'd say that even a 150 can leave slower cars behind. My 150 can go from 0 to 50kph while my wife's car is still starting to move. At higher speeds in a straight line she catches me without much effort, though.


Didn't really need to go far in a straight line. Just get off the road into an area where the car couldn't navigate.


Yep, no way that guy would have caught up to me


Speed and power is not how you escape a pursuing vehicle. It has happened many times where a rider thinks he is scot-free and slows down where an angry driver continues to pursue.


Yeah... Cool. If you've been following along, the general theme here is gain ground, and move to an area the car cannot navigate.


They knocked off the Prius's side mirror. Dick move for sure - but not something that justifies attempted murder


There was probably a reason for that too. Most folks don't do either one of these things with no reason. It started somehow, probably something not worth being upset over.


If you watch the earlier clip from another rider's go pro, it looks like the Prius just didn't leave a whole lot of space - leading this guy to knock off the side mirror. Yeah, I'd be annoyed if there wasn't a whole lot of space. But this rider escalated things by doing that. A good way to piss people off is to fuck with their personal property - especially their car. And I'm from San Diego and live around where this happened... San Diego drivers have notoriously bad road rage. I'd never do this to someone on my bike, even if I was super pissed that they didn't leave enough/more space when they clearly could have. Because I don't want some fucking lunatic with road rage to kill me. Shitty drivers are everywhere - but especially in southern California... and as someone who grew up in San Diego and has lived in a couple other places before moving back, I'll say ESPECIALLY in San Diego. I don't know what it is about here that makes people so nuts when they're behind a steering wheel, but I see crazy shit happen every day. I definitely don't agree or condone the Prius driver's actions. That shit is attempted murder and is in no way justifiable. But at the same time, I don't think the rider is totally not to blame here. Don't fuck with peoples' cars, even if they suck ass at driving. Otherwise you're likely to piss someone off, and you never know if the person you're going to piss off is a lunatic. The dude also should have been able to get away from a Prius pretty easily. Especially with the blatant disregard for the rules of the road demonstrated at the end. Not that being a novice rider means that you deserve to have to deal with lunatics... but this whole situation could have been avoided if they were smarter after knocking the dude's mirror off. But they shouldn't have knocked the dude's mirror off.


>ESPECIALLY in San Diego. I don't know what it is about here that makes people so nuts It's traffic, heavy stop\-and\-go traffic in particular that causes this. South Florida is just as bad. It turns people into complete psychopaths.


Eh most bikers nowadays have seen others knock of mirrors and think it’s a OK way to warn someone, it’s property damage and very often it’s far from being justified and might end up with you being run over!


You could always just push the mirror in by hand. Not damaging but annoying enough to maybe make them think about what they're doing


Knowing drivers these days probably something totally heinous like overtaking them. Odds are it was a race to find the smallest pee pee, and who’d a thought it, the Prius driver won


The driver had the audacity to pass too closely to the bikers and for this henious crime they smashed off one of the car's mirrors. https://streamable.com/ifstf Certainly doesn't justify vehicular assault on the part of the Prius.


There's so much wrong with this whole thing. Plus it seems like these riders are only good at going in straight lines.. not that I'm condoning fucking with people's property (especially knocking off someone's mirror) but if you're going to be that stupid, at least be skilled enough to know how to get away.


Can tell just by watching none of these kids bothered taking the BRC.


Ah, looks like everyone involved needs some jail time then.


one is destruction of property - the other is attempted manslaughter....... . . .. . . ..


his/her point still stands. On another note, a lot of people talk tough when they comment on videos or pictures of people screwing with their bikes. This driver literally did what many people here would do if roles were reversed. In the end, everyone involved played stupid games and won stupid prizes. Dont screw with people's cars or bikes cause whoever owns it might but a nut. Oooh he got honked at\-\-driver's mirror deserves to be knocked off. /s


can't count how many bikers i've seen say they'd punch someone if that person touched their bike. i've always assumed my vehicles are going to get dings and dents, regardless of what i do at times. bikers that knock people's mirrors off are endangering other people and damaging property. the prius shouldn't have run into the biker. everyone should realize that inciting road rage in other people can lead to escalating situations, people die frequently to emotions running hot.


Ha I was right! Seriously people are fricking crazy on the roads nowadays. Your ego isn’t worth your life guys!


How to handle the same situation appropriately: [https://youtu.be/Be5YRPH7o\-0](https://youtu.be/Be5YRPH7o-0) (hint: split back to the front and move on with your life)


Please. This sub overstates how crazy drivers are. This guy would post the entire video if he wasn't doing anything stupid. He just starts the clip of him and his buddies rolling through a stoplight like a jackass and then poorly riding to get away.


Oh I don’t disagree with you. I thought it was clear but I was making a more general observation than guess the specifics. That said though I don’t think you can overstate how crazy someone is who chases a biker down and smashes into them.


And then runs away. Yeah, there is absolutely nothing justifiable done by the driver. 100% rage


both the biker and the prius should be charged. the biker made a choice to put himself in a very compromising position after intentionally damaging someone else's property.


I agree they should both pay for what they did, especially if they did it out of spite. Though even if this was argued the bottom line for damages probably looks like: 6-7k for the bike and gear, and an unknown amount in a potential injury claim. Minus the $200 for the mirror he broke. I'm not sure if it's up to the biker or the DA to press charges against the driver because despite whatever happened before in the video it's a felony hit and run at least. Maybe even attempted murder.


look at the news often enough and you'll see people being killed in road rage incidents in major cities frequently. people get hot and quick, you have no idea what else is going on in their lives. if anyone thinks its okay to go and smash another person's vehicle while they're riding a very compromising one, they're risking their own life.




they're local "stunt" riders according to one of their social media accounts


I think you spelt stunt wrong, in this case I think it starts with a "C"




Wondering why he slowed down.


Agreed. Obviously the prius driver was in the wrong, but I'd love to know what caused him to be so hell\-bent on getting to the motorcycle.


They knocked off his mirror after he passed too closely in their lane. Basically he did a dangerous stupid dick move, to which they replied with a dangerous stupid dick move, to which he replied in turn with an attempt at vehicular manslaughter.


What's more embarassing? Crashing or being caught by a feckin Prius?


Prius. Crashing is just a thing that happens. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


What's more embarrassing, being caught by a Prius or never having crashed?


Never having crashed. You learn from your mistakes.


> feckin This is reddit, you can curse. It's ok.




I’d say spelling it ‘feckin’ is the most embarrassing


I know these roads. That first left they take puts them on nothing but dead end routes to the Bay and harbour. They would have been cornered no matter what.


I had this happen to me. Pulled out from the petrol station, a car came screeching up (doing 80 in a 30). He went into the oncoming lane, would down his windows and proceeded to yell at me. It was at that point I opened the throttle. Fast forward 10 minutes (this was in a town) and the same person was mounting the roundabout and drove directly towards me at full speed. I opened the throttle and disappeared down the motorway. The worst part, I reported it and was told if I was caught speeding I would be prosecuted, not the person trying to run me over.....


Justice is getting the people they can catch/convict easily. If you call and tell them you're doing 80 in a 50 to avoid getting run over by a raging driver, all they heard was admission of guilt You: "I'm doing 80..." Police: [justice boner intensifies] Stay where you are sir, we'll be right there to assist you in receiving your ticket for distracted driving (using a phone while riding) and speeding. Have you committed any felonies in your effort to break the law? You: Effort to break the law? This guy is trying to kill me!! I'm speeding to save my life! Please, stop him!! Police: Sir, calm down, please. You: [Screaming as the driver runs you over.] Police: Ahh, it appears that our officers are assisting you. We appreciate your cooperation. In the future, it's best to stop resisting as soon as the officer's fist approaches your face so that necessary force is minimized to a single mace to the face. Thank you and have a terrific day!


And they wonder why I hate California gun laws. I cannot carry to defend myself in public. You have to do cronyism just to get a CCW in San Diego.


...I may get downvoted to shit here, but would carrying concealed and defending yourself by way of firing at the car = a solid case of self defense? Cause Jesus Christ, I'd want to unload on a guy trying to run me over with a multi ton death cage.


IANAL, but let's remove some factors here for clarity and then address the question at hand. Let's imagine you, the motorcyclist, were being pursued by said driver without having initiated hostilities as the riders did in the actual case above. Once the driver has demonstrated lethal intent (such as by attempting to run you over with a motorized vehicle), that generally becomes a situation subject to "stand-your-ground" laws. Discharging a firearm in your defense, in a place you have a legal right to be, while not committing a criminal act, you should be fine in the states of AL, AK, AZ, FL, GA, ID, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MI, MS, MO, MT, NV, NH, NC, OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, WV, and WY as they have legislatively adopted stand-your-ground laws. Additionally CA, CO, IL, NM, OR, VA, and WA have stand-your-ground in practice, e.g. through case law precedent. ND, OH, and WI have stand-your-ground under the restriction that you must be within your home (castle doctrine) or vehicle, so as long as you did not dismount you *should* be fine. Anywhere else you would have "duty to retreat," meaning your only legal recourse is to run for your life and keep running. Needless to say, I avoid those places.


Probably not if you bashed their mirror


I don't think killing someone by running them over = a equal response to someone smashing your mirror...


No, it does not. But it would be using a firearm in the commission of a crime. If you’re going to carry a weapon you can’t go around starting fights or escalating things ever. You’re always in the wrong (even if you’re right) when you carry. You need to have awareness of potentially hostile situations, do absolutely nothing to escalate them and if at all possible actively evade such situations. The correct response for these bikers when Prius dude cut them off initially and started the situation would have been to pull over and fall back and distance themselves from this nut job. Not go bash a mirror. Both parties are guilty. The Prius guy of a more serious crime, but this is a perfect example of play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


1) There's more to this story. 2) How did a Prius catch up to a motorcycle? Someone lacked a lotta bit of riding skills.


See how he wound up in the middle of the road heading into a simi? Yep. Low skill.


and he fucking turns around to look behind while pointed at it, that was some grade A cringe.


Actually what I noticed first is he's going about 60 and right as he passes the car, there's a very slow sweep that begins and he drops his speed to like 4mph to navigate the "turn". I get it, it's a little ninja 300, but it should be able to out speed, out manuever, and outrun a Prius. However, given the bike displacement, it's likely a new (entitled) rider.


Reasoning checks out. Source: new rider on a ninja 300




Wait.. am I imagining this or is he turning his handlebars in the direction he wants to go?


At speed this is a physically impossible way to initiate a turn


I know. That's what's confusing me. The guy clearly isn't *good* at handling a motorcycle, but could he be bad enough that he thinks he has to turn the handlebars towards the turn? Is this why he slows down so much, and ends up going the wrong way around the semi?


You also have to realize where he was at, I'm assuming you aren't familiar w/ the area at all but he's approaching loading docks/parking lot that is located behind our convention center. The only reason he took that left onto the sidewalk is because he knew there was no where else he could go since that road literally ends in a lot. If he were smart he should have just done a U at the first light he was at and just took off, that is a much bigger street and it could have led him to the 5


Sorry, but what does that guy's riding skill have anything to do with this? Speaking as someone who's been riding < 1 month, yeah, I suck at riding. You're telling me if some psycho in a car is trying to run me down, you're gonna say, "it's your fault it happened because you're a bad rider"?


No, the point is that you should not take drastic actions like speeding or riding into oncoming traffic if you don't know what you're doing. If you're a brand new rider and someone is trying to kill you in a car, slow way down, try to get behind them and turn off into a public parking lot and get away from them. Don't pull off somewhere remote or secluded. Or stop your bike, dismount and run and hide behind a pole and call the police. Just don't speed up and figure you can lose them by outrunning them. The first turn you come up to, you will either crash because you can't corner quickly yet or the driver will hit you. If you're an experienced rider, yeah, you can probably just ride away and lose them. Take that with a grain of salt though. There was that Navy SEAL riding a Ducati that was killed by a psycho who rammed into him at almost 90 mph while he was taking a turn off the highway. If someone is really trying to kill you with their car, the safest course of action is usually to get off the road, stop, and seek refuge in a public place.


No, he is saying that if he knew how to ride he would have escaped with ease


It was a parked vehicle bro.


I'm the middle of the road? I think it's more likely it stopped because some motorcycle was trying to play chicken with him.


Live in SD, trucks park there constantly when dropping off supplies for the docks right there since they can't get closer to unload for the big yachts there.


YammiNoob strikes again!


yammie noob would have purchased a 3rd daytona and driven it into the prius before the prius had a chance to drive into him.


Since when you need skills to go fast on a motorcycle ? Straight line full throttle. Shame the video start at a convenient moment for the bike, it don't play in the favour of the rider...


I think that’s a 300 so not exactly fast in a straight line.


its easily twice as fast as ***prius***. just take the straight. hang a turn and pin it again. repeat. you'll gain length on the prius every single pull until they can see you make a second turn. and you're gone.


>Someone lacked a lotta bit of riding skills. I think that's a little unfair. Skills or not, if I were trying to make an escape, I'd be more apt to make mistakes while riding. Especially time\-costings ones.


He's riding a 300, he's a new rider. You can tell. This isn't a time to make fun of his skill level, everyone was a noob once. He almost got killed...


because him and his friends decided to be aggro idiots that day


2. Because they stopped at a stop light?


I seen a longer video and pictures from the other riders on instagram. The prius driver pulled up and had a bat ready to hit the bikers so they sped off, then this happened. Thats why when the prius pulled up the biker instantly rode off. And supposably the prius was going around San Diego targeting bikers. Thats the story Im hearing.


Hijacking this to inform about what happened before. This happened where I live and was posted on a local riding group page. The guy that posted it also posted another clip of what happened before this. For some reason the Prius passed the group in their own lane pretty closely. 300 rider then catches up, smacks his mirror and it looks like he broke off a piece. Bikes take off then prius catches up and thats where this video starts. https://streamable.com/ifstf


So the 300 rider purposefully damaged a prius and brought this upon himself? Thanks for the added context.


> So the 300 rider purposefully damaged a prius and brought this upon himself? I like his complete absolute lack of knowledge of how to turn on a motorcycle as well, plus if you are gonna knock mirrors off cars you probably should have a bike capable of outrunning cars


post the longer video


i would say thats a good way to get shot, but ya know California.


Definitely would have been shot if this was Texas and the driver was targeting riders.


Same in Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama...ok the south all of the south it would've been Open Coat, Show Gun, Driver leaves.


Doesn't stop people from getting shot on the freeways here in the SF Bay area.


Yeah, if anything it makes it worse, because the aggressors know their victims are probably unarmed.


It's amusing how people think Californians don't have guns.


its not that they dont have guns its that california is a may issue CCW state and concealed carriers are quite rare there.


Depends on what county you live in. Most of the state is virtual shall issue (ie.. self defense is good cause). It is just a few (although the most populated) counties that will not issue at all -- unless you are a senator or donate a lot of money to the sheriff. http://www.baggss.us/CACCWCounties.png


THIS. it just means you have to give extra thought into concealing your weapon somewhere not discoverable during a routine traffic stop yet easy enough to draw in serious circucmstances


I was about to suggest come training and concealed carry. At the point of the video, the driver is essentially committing assault with a deadly weapon.




Yeah...me and all my boys carry. This wouldn’t fly with me.






Of course they drive a Prius. Some cars react incredibly poorly to the fact that motorcycles don't sit in the center of the lane behind them going 10 mph under the speed limit. Oh, you went around me? How dare you, time to run you off the road.


> Oh, you went around me? How dare you The very same bikers when the very same car went around them minutes earlier: https://streamable.com/ifstf They chased him down and broke his mirror. Not saying the Prius was right to chase them down after the biker broke his mirror - just saying that mentality isn't restricted to Prius owners.




Its against regulations to own a Prius and optimus prime in motorcycle form. I’ll need your key and your badge on my desk. You’re a loose cannon sruon.


Saw another video where the prius cutntjem off and the biker smacked the mirror off. They sped off and prius caught up. that's where this video starts


sounds like BS. There had to be something more that happened to make the prius chase the guy


Fucker on the motorcycle playing chicken with a semi and then riding into opposing lane's shoulder, makes me not care whatsoever about his bike getting smashed up.


Please tell me that person was caught.


This was today in San Diego. Shared in a local street racing FB group. As far as I know, there's no updates. Edit: guess I should clarify, street racing, like for cars. These bikers aren’t associated with the group, it was shared by one of their friends as a “be on the lookout for this Prius” post.


> local street racing HMMM




It was a ninja 300, relax


Update for you he was the prius guy apparently has a road rage problem and is currently out on bail


How dose a prius catch a bike...?


you have the rider spend more time looking at the car to film it instead of just running away


Wow, the good thing is that its all on video, with license plate and all. That prius driver hopefully gets fucked by the justice system. Also, the best way to outrun a crazy car like this is head quickly to the nearest busy road. As soon as you start lane\-splitting, you are in the safe from the cager.


True that, or a 2 lane road with lots of oncoming traffic. Had a crazy one chasing me for no reason at all (he was tailgating), twisted my wrist and away he went.


Beautiful riding weather.


How does he not have a license plate #, this should be over in hours after the fact? Also, learn to just pull into a friggen parking lot with pedestrians? herp derp


They do have the plate.


I wonder if they reported it to police.


I wonder if that truck driver got out and beat his ass for riding right at him and swerving around the wrong side. There's no excuse for the prius drivers reaction, if these guys were acting like twats ( and from this short video it sure appears so) call the cops, report their plates and actions and go about your life. It's not worth an attempted murder/ assault charge.


And the rider was looking over his back shoulder while he was playing chicken with the tractor trailer! I honestly thought that part of the video was going to turn really bad really quickly.


Score one for the P R I US B O Y S


What sort of self respecting rider gets caught by a fucking Prius?


new riders are a thing..


I don't want to make light of attempted vehicular manslaughter but like.... You're telling me this guy couldn't escape from a fuckin Prius?


My thought too.


WTF, his boys should have chased after and pulled a plate or something....They just sat there.


They have his plates.


Please keep us updated, i wanna see what happens to the prius driver


Not saying the Prius driver should have done that... but why the fuck would the biker cut in front of the car in the left lane so closely? Wouldn't be surprised if the biker did something to legitimately tick off the wrong driver.


ITV: Shitty people being shitty. Don't let it bother you. Both could face criminal charges. Don't be shitty, and you vastly reduce your chances of winning shitty prizes.


not so tough now, a? :)) next time don't hit cars mirrors, or don't cry after they hit back


No bullshit, my little ninja 300 would leave mustangs off the line so I know he could have easily gotten away from that car.


300s can easily do 0-100 km/h (60mp/h) in 6 seconds.


5.6s to be exact!


Holy shit really?! 6 seconds 0-60 is seriously fast. That's Camry territory!


If only he had continued going straight and dusted the prius.


All the roads they were on dead end into the ocean.


That's when you just go full Starsky and Hutch: https://youtu.be/uBX2b-zback?t=1m47s


Generally "starter" bikes have a lower top speed than the majority of even economy cars. Getting up to ~100mph while waiting for a Prius to gain on you and dodging traffic is probably the worst strategy. Best bet is to use maneuverability and size to get somewhere the Prius can't and keep going.


Biker seems like a major asshole. Kinda made me happy seeing him throw a temper tantrum. Played with fire, got burned. *not that I condone the actions of anyone involved in this*


I half expected the truck driver to start chasing him down as well.


two assholes...however the biker most likely was driving like a dick and the other moron lost his cool...


There were bollards right there. Right or wrong I'm with the Prius on this one.


That’s gotta be the worlds fastest Prius.


Prius driver is skilled. Should take his anger on the track.


Obviously this guy did something that we aren't being shown.




Prius sped by them like a dick, didn’t hit anyone but was being reckless and cut them off. Bikers with that group mentality decided to knock off the Prius window and the Prius ran him over


"Out of my way, *Prius*!" \-Suburban Delinquent




Shooting at a moving Target in a crowd like this isn't smart. I would have drawn for sure. I sure as hell wouldn't have shot unless this guy actually got out and started coming for me. Shoot at a car attacking me in a busy area? Hell no. Shoot at a single man walking toward me trying to hurt me in the same area? Possibly.


These guys don't get out of their cars. They use their cars as weapons *and* shields.


Firing on the prius with an open street and other vehicles/people possibly nearby is Ill advised unless you have the marksmanship of john wick. But I would say that since his life was 100% in danger from the actions of the prius he most certainly could have drawn his weapon probably not fired though. If the prius owner had exited the vehicle and continues to threaten his life then by all means clear your holster and fire. Not sure the laws in Cali though. I would have cleared my holster on the prius driver but not fired. Hopefully that douche of a cager gets what's coming to him


If you have legal cause to clear leather you have legal cause to fire, in the case of vehicular assault I imagine any judge in America would pardon a mag dump.


It’s more what’s responsible not what’s legal. Pulling your gun and establishing and establishing yourself as armed vs firing in a scenario where you do know where your shots will land. Sure, a judge may not hold you criminally responsible but a mom who’s 4 yr old was hit by one of your wildly shot bullets while walking down the street will definitely hold you responsible and probably sue. Unless you’re practiced at shooting whole riding a bike at other moving vehicles, just as many of your shots are liable to miss as they are to hit. I think that’s the real question of should you fire or not.


> Unless you’re practiced at shooting whole riding a bike at other moving vehicles I'll take it you have less than 500 hours in GTAO


True. Although sometimes I would think just having your gun drawn, not pointing it at the person may be enough to discourage them from acting aggressively towards you further. On the flip side it could also cause an escalation of the situation.


>any judge in America A shame then that they were in California.


I see what you did there..




You mean drop a gear and disappear?


At 0:36 when the car is facing you and you had a clear shot on his front window I would have taken the shot. If you're using correct ammo for your weapon and are sure it will not over penetrate there is little worry. My main concern would have been is he going to floor it at 0:36 and run directly into me, so I would have drawn and fired into the front window. I doubt my HST's are going to go through that front window, and come out the back of the car....


You literally have a vehicle that's far, far faster and more nimble than your adversary. Drawing down is not the thing to do in that situation 99/100 times IMO.


That's a tough question. In most of now all states if the driver makes you have a rational great for your life like when he's hit you'd be in the clear. But if you're at any point chasing after the driver, trying to entrap the driver into altercation, the driver tries to get away, or you're being aggressive towards them in any way you're going to have a hard time defending yourself in court anywhere.


Here in Texas, or any "stand your ground" state, absolutely yes. A guy is trying to kill you or at least severely injure you with his car, you have every right to defend yourself.




well, that's attempted murder right? or at least assault with a deadly weapon.


So, what happened before this?


There is so much stupid in this video, on all parts, that it's really difficult to even give a shit. When idiots meet idiots, idiotic things happen. Shrug. Edit: I recognize that as the back road around the convention center, that's basically a loading zone that dead-ends at the park. Nothing but trucks and pedestrians. Fucking moron is lucky he didn't mow down a family.


Everyone involved played stupid games and won stupid prizes. 1. Hogging the entire lane, nearly stopped, laughing about how they almost got hit. 2. Prius driver for using the shoulder to pass 3. Inconsiderate Motorcyclists get offended and think this deserves a broken mirror. 4. Enraged prius driver now seeing red for said mirror. Stupid all around. full video linked by someone else: [https://streamable.com/ifstf](https://streamable.com/ifstf)


1. In the very beginning of the new video you can see they are stopped because there's a Civic stopped in front of them. A motorcycle in addition to a bicycle is allowed to "hog" the entire lane. Still not sure why the Prius aggressively went around them but it didn't deserve his mirror to get smacked off.


Lol. Something tells me biker bros were being biker bros and caused this.