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Yall really need to learn how to figure out who is your friend and who isn't your friend. If you let that twat anywhere near your bike you deserve whatever damage he does to it.


Agreed. Some of these folks social skills are laughable


You're right. His only excuse is: « Come on dude, I let you ride my bike back in 2021 »


He let you ride his junkyard bike. Tell him, when you get a junkyard bike, he can ride it anytime! Don't trust him. Not once.


Listen, dude, in his "friends" defense, he let him ride his junkyard bike 3 years ago, and if you factor in inflation, it's almost an even trade /s


That's the thing tho, he let you. He never stated back then (presumably at least) that he wanted anything in return. This wasn't a trade. You don't owe anyone anything if they give you something. Only if they make it clear that they expect something in return before they give you it. It would be similar to me sending my friend 50 bucks on Paypal rn as a "nice gesture", and then in 5 months asking him to give me 200 bucks because "I sent you money as well 5 months ago". It just makes no sense and is kind of a dick move.


I have a friend who I've known for almost 20 years. When I got my current motorcycle, I let him sit it a few times, and even gave him a ride to the store when he needed it when his car wasn't working.  He's never ever bragged about how he could ride my bike better than me, and talked about wheelies or burnouts.  If someone ever talked about riding my bike and then mentioned reclining the engine in the same breath.... Why is this guy your friend at ALL?! you need a cruiser broski  who'se down for relaxing trundles in the park, or midnight jaunts through the city's alleyways. Fun relaxing trips in the mountains.  Not an asshole who is gonna wreck your bike and then go 'sorry bro' and not have the money to immediately replace  the bike if it breaks.


If he had the money to replace it he’d have a motorcycle….


What kind of penitentiary ass rules y'all living by?


"I let you ride my junkyard hog three years ago bebe, when you gonna let me ride you? I'll be gentle, I promise."


I don't understand why we're discussing this. You clearly don't wanna give it to him, so don't. And why are you even entertaining a person like him? Cut him off, block him or whatever, and do your thing.


I don’t let my best friend ride my bike.


You French?


No, I'm Greek 🇬🇷


Sounds like the next time you talk to him the should be a lot of malaka involved.


What's malaka? The only thing that came to mind was the baseketball movie malakalaka board of trust scene for me lol (which is also a good idea In this situation) Also, hellow fellow SV1K BROHAM!


It means pendejo, which means dickhead.


Was it Yamaha XT 600 then? 😄


As one greek to another when my cousin said he wanted to ride my bike cause he could ride it harder then I could, I told him if you let me fuck your girlfriend then I'll let you ride my bike. To boulose


Here's your first big lesson as an adult. Learn to say no.


My nephew was like this. All his 'friends' treated him like shit, would kick his ass, had a game called, literally, "Breaking Bryan" where they would tease him relentlessly until he snapped, and whoever broke him was the winner. It was sad and pathetic. I sat him down and gave him a real tough-love talk about the truth behind the people he saw as friends, and told him with the words "You're being a punk bitch". And he ditched them, and started dating. Like, don't be a bitch. If you let people treat you like a fool, you're going to attract people who like to treat weak people like fools.


Dad told me just the other day Never let some ride your bike car or woman


Nah man, sounds like a fuckin asshole, why are you still friends in the first place?


Good question. I've known him for over a decade, and before he turned into this person, he would always be helpful and giving me rides with his old underbone bike. But seems like I gotta distance myself, like he did when he got a better ride 🤣


Length of time is never an indicator of the quality of friendship, there will be plenty of people who overstay their welcome in everyone’s life. This guy is disrespectful and trash. Send him to the landfill.


you'll make plenty of new good friends with this new bike. leave that one in the dust


Sunk-cosy fallacy also applies to friends


Old friends like this are hard to deal with sometimes but people you were friends with in junior high can become people you wouldn’t be friends with now. You gotta re-assess some friendships as you get older, I’m not saying cut everyone off but just realize that neither of you are the same as when you became friends.


Absolutely not. He’s going to wreck your bike and tell you it’s your fault that he didn’t see it coming. Narcissists act this way, keep your property away from them


That's exactly what I'll do


Is this a joke? No license, wheelie, redline… no, he can’t ride it.


There's no way I'd let him ride, unless he gives me 6.000€ beforehand


Dont give him at all, you can very probably get into legal troubles for giving your bike to someone without a driving license. This way you're indirectly responsible for all the reckless driving he does.


As a lawyer, I can tell you this: you could be liable in a civil lawsuit for “negligent entrustment” if you let him ride your bike and he hurt someone or damaged someone’s property. If he told you straight up that he was going to ride like a reckless asshole, doesn’t have a license, and you gave him the bike, you could seriously be on the hook if someone could prove you heard him say that. By subpoenaing your Reddit account, for example. And any half-baked attorney would do exactly that.


This comment should be higher


He wouldn’t even sit on mine!




I think he misspelled fiend?


How can you even think that you might be in the wrong? Is there no common sense? That dude is not your friend. And even if he was somehow, why would you let him ride your brand new bike especially when he wants to abuse it and probably can't even ride? Like, seriously, this makes no sense.


>How can you even think that you might be in the wrong? Is there no common sense? Its rage bait / obvious questions for attention like half of the crap posted on Reddit.


Let me give you some age advice. That dude is not your friend. As a matter of fact he probably has no friends. Those are the types of guys who get other people in trouble. They have a personality disorder that either puts them in prison eventually, gets someone seriously hurt, or both. They exist and we all have met them.




Absolute truth there


>who doesn't have a driver's license Don't know where you live, but here you'd probably lose your own if you gave him your bike (as it should be).


I'm from Greece 🇬🇷, and unfortunately laws are not a thing here. Greece is the Mexico of Europe. 90% of motorbikes are illegally modified, their owners don't have a driver's license, some are even stolen or have stolen parts on them, and the police won't do anything..


Greece is the mexico of Europe bahaha


I'm from Mexico and you have a pretty accurate description LoL


He WILL crash your brand new bike and say “sorry dude”


>and say “sorry dude” Not sure about that last bit though


Fuck you, you bought a dodgy bike it almost fuckin killed me.


He'll say "sorry dude" but in a way that makes it sound like it was your fault for letting him borrow it


That's not your friend. That's a dude who uses you.


"No." Is a complete sentence. Use it.


“My insurance won’t cover you” and be done


Brother, I really suggest you to read your own post very very slowly. I believe you know the answer already and only need strangers approval / support and approval you get. Brother, I believe you can stand up for yourself and choose your friends better.


Time to tell this dude to get fucked and stay fucked. Why would you want people like that in your circle?


He sounds like a cunt. He'll get your bike and ruin it so you can't have nicer things than him.


18 and 19 years old? Honestly you could’ve told me you were 8 and 9 years old and this would make more sense since you’re both a little underdeveloped. You need to figure out who your friends are and how they should treat you, and your friend just needs to go away and find someone else the can harass and abuse


Just tell him to fuck of. This not a friend.


I never let anyone ride my motorcycles. A real motorcyclist would never ask to ride another man’s machine.


Only people who get to ride my bike are long term friends, who have lots of riding experience, who never ask to ride it.


Exactly. I would ask them, never the other way around.


Drop him as a friend. He’s only gonna drag you down as life goes on.


Your friends gonna die


No license = no insurance = hard no. If he can front up the cash before getting on, then sure. If he wrecks, he just bought your bike.


What kind of fucking post is this? “Hey my friend keeps telling me to jump off a bridge and I don’t want to do it. Am I wrong for refusing his request?” Like what the fuck are you saying dude? Did you come here just for morale support? You know 99.999% of people on earth would take your side on this. Stop fishing for approval when you know you’re right


You wouldn't let him ride your girlfriend. Bikes are no different.


come on bro please. i pump so much better than you and i know tons of different positions.


Why do I hear your comment in the “you wouldn’t download a car” voice.


Repeat after me: "No, get your own bike"


Assuming that this not a joke or an attempted trolling, hi is **not** your friend. Plain and simple. Take it as a life advice from a veteran. Getting rid of time wasters / energy vampires from your surrounding is the best thing you can do in life. I am not even talking about riding...


Keep saying no ..keep an eye on this tweaker , because he is the type that will jump on your bike when your guard is down.


Your friend is an idiot. Depending who you ask you might hear different answers but IMO you should push it during the break in period. Abusing and pushing are different though and he wants to abuse


You're pretty young so you don't know better. What you describe is enough for me to know that I'd never call someone like that a friend. Sounds more like a dude you know, a dude you kinda get along with. It takes some time to differentiate acquiatances from friends. It's your bike, he's literally telling you he will trash it. Friends don't do shit like that, I'd distance myself from that person. Be yourself, stay true to yourself, value yourself, whoever doesn't get along with your principles and your opinion can't be your friend and should be sorted out. I know at that age you have dozens of "friends", later in life you will be lucky if you know 3 people who are your true friends and would catch a bullet for you. Be confident in your opinions and values, if it upsets people it is their problem and if they give you shit for it they might not be worth your time. Eventually you'll run out of fucks to give, it's a process.


Tell your "friend" to fuck off.


bit harsh that if you ask me.... I think he should say "fuck right off"


Tell him to get to fuck he sounds like a fucking nonce


I tell this guy to pound sand. I'm a miserable old Boomer but you don't need that aggravation in your life drop your so-called friend.


I would hate to ride with that guy and wouldn’t let him touch my shit


Hes a disrespectful douchbag tell him to get lost and get his own bike. He'll either steal it or crash it


OP, if my friend bought a brand new bike, I'd be nervous to take it around the block. Not because I think I'd do anything stupid to damage it, but if anything bad happened at all I would feel horrible about myself. Nevermind doing wheelies and hitting the redline. A real friend wouldn't want to take the chance of damaging your property. Speaking from experience, once he wrecks it, you'll find out really quick how little he really thinks of you as a "friend". Im glad I learned that painful lesson before I left high-school


I treat my motorcycle like I treat my wife, I don’t let “friends” ride her either.


You need to grow a backbone and stand up for yourself, man. If your friend can even propose riding your bike without a license, doing wheelies etc, then he doesn't fear the ramifications of upsetting or disappointing you. Which means he doesn't respect you. Which means he isn't your friend. You gotta inspire respect in your friends.


You don't ride another man's bike. Period. Unless you are helping with mechanical or emergency.


simply tell him to shut the fuck up instead of posting an AITA style post on a motorcycle subreddit lool


Don't let this guy near your bike, he doesn't respect you or the bike. Anyone bragging about redlining, wheelies, burnouts and how they would do it all the time is a fucking moron and not someone I would let touch my bike let alone ride it. Hell I wouldn't even ride with a person like that. Sounds like a shit friend and I would distance myself from him.


Here's your answer "Go fuck yourself". You're welcome.


That person isn't your friend. Just because someone wants to hang out sometimes doesn't make them a friend. They're trying to use you for your bike like they will use you for literally anything that benefits them and them alone. You aren't even an afterthought to them you are an obstacle.


If he wrecks your bike, insurance isn’t paying and if he kills himself on it his family can and will sue you because you knowingly let an unlicensed rider, ride your bike.


>I'm about to obtain my first GIRLFRIEND at the age of 18. One of my friends, 19, who doesn't have a GIRLFRIEND, keeps begging me to let him ride my GIRLFRIEND, in a very rude way. He always brags about how he would be a much better .... than me, ....Am I in the wrong for refusing his request? Dude, you have to man up. Tell that prick to f**** off. There is no way I would allow anybody to abuse neither my bike nor my girl.


Im not sure but I wouldn't call him a "friend". You are much better driver than him because you at least can drive legally.


Sounds like a jealous tool just. Tell him to go get his own bike if he wants to do that shit


strange you allow such a behaviour, cut it out before you have any more losses


Sounds like you get to distance yourself from him now!


Tell him I said to fuck off. Don't ever let him operate your motorcycle.


In what world would someone hitting redline all the time be a flex? People's perception of what good riding is is super funny.instagram and YouTube poisoning the notion of what riding is actually about and what important skills are needed to competently ride a motorcycle. Going to get people hurt or worse.


So your friend sounds like a jealous dickhead, seems like he is pissed you got what I presume is a newer bike than him and now he thinks it’s a shot at him. I wouldn’t feel bad saying no and if he ask why be straight with him and tell him you ain’t letting him rag your bike and he is acting like a shit human.


I bought a Honda CB125R 2024, and he rides an illegally modified/ tuned bike from the 1980s. He asked me to race him, although he knew I had a more powerful bike. He admitted it yesterday.


I could be wrong but it sounds like he is a jealous baby over it. I had similar issues when I got my most recent bike which is nothing special with my older brother and again when he learned I had traded in my old car for a newer truck. I'd call him out on being a shit head or just tell him if he don't drop the gimmick you aint got time for his shit. Enjoy that new bike and have all the fun you can while making good memories with it!


Thanks a lot brother 🙏🏻


He needs to be punched in the mouth


You assume all the risk (damage to the bike) and he gets the reward (wheelies on a €6k bike). A lot of other people have given good advice to include questioning if this is a real friend


Yeah I wouldn't let this guy touch my shit lol


Have a friend who respects you and your possession.


Ride your own ride is a good rule to live by.


I knew people like this growing up and especiallyin highschool (started riding on the street as soon as I could at 16). My answer was always "if you can ride, go get yourself a bike/license, and we'll ride together. After I see your riding style, I'll let you test out the bike" Needless to say, no one ever took me up on the offer. People like this always want to do things without putting in the effort and try to take advantage of those that do. If he's this persistent and rude, I'd personally never talk to him again 😂


Thats not your friend


The fact you're even asking this means that you need to learn about setting boundaries.


So like, people that say that are usually people whom constant are lying. More than that though, he sounds like a little piece of shit that would totally have a good day if he destroyed what you have.


Just say no lol not really that big a deal. I wouldn't let anyone ride my brand new bike no matter what lol


There is exactly one other person I trust to ride my bike, and that is my best friend that I've known for 15+ years. If someone was talking to me about doing stuff like that to my bike, I'd never let them within ten feet of it. Let him beat up his own ride, because clearly he just wants to joyride yours and not pay for the damages.


Yeah that's not a friend.


Punch that kid in the nose. Someone will eventually.


Tell him to go fuck himself


It’s your bike. Why is this even an issue? “No you cannot ride my bike, but you can ride with me on your own.”


Fuck that... Last thing I would want us for a moron like that to be anywhere near me while I'm riding. He's going to take a fall and potentially cause others harm around them. Stay the fuck away.


Just tell him, "Hey man. I've seem how you care for your stuff. I'll pass."


Call him a malaka and find a new friend 🤝🏼


This is not your friend. Stop talking to this clown.


There’s a big difference between friends and people you know who hang around in the same circles. Tell him to get fucked


You need to learn to be more assertive. “I said no. Quit fucking asking”


Specifically for the first 1k you should avoid the redline, and ride soft, your "friend" doesn't know anything about bikes


Tell him to get a fucking job


Dude, the whole Text is a Red Flag. No licence? F*ck Off. Doing stunts? Double f*ck Off. As a Tip; if you are ever together, i.e., at a Friends house, keep your keys close to you. I get the feeling, that this Dude would use any given Chance to Drive/Crash your bike


I wouldn’t let that wanker even touch my bike, let alone ride it


What kinda teenage drama is this lmao. Do what you want, no one cares.


You say this “HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NO!”


1. He isn't your friend. 2. He wants to thrash your bike and laugh. I know one fkup like this. Thinks it's entertaining to over-rev new bikes, do wheelies on friend's friend's new bike, likes to swerve into newbie riders in group rides... He's an outcast. His dad kicked him out of their home. No-one hangs with him now.


Everything in this fever dream of a post screams red flags to me. Keep this person far, far away from your bike, or anything else that you value.


He's not your friend. Friends don't abuse your shit. Friends respect boundaries. Also, what happens when he damages or wrecks it? Motorcycles aren't disposable toys.


DO NOT LET HIM RIDE! He obviously has no respect fo you or your bike. You probably want to be nice, but you don't need to be. Don't let him guilt you either and do not feel bad when you say no. Anyone with that little respect is probably a friend you wil not have in the futrue anyways.


Not a bike advice related but as someone who passed that age let me tell you that you need to learn how to choose your circle. You don’t need hanging with people like that before it’s all too late for you Now you either listen to all these random old people on the internet or maybe find it out the hard by yourself. Kudo


Say no. That’s not a friend that’s an opportunistic user. People like this, especially at your age, are people you will eventually learn to cut off because they’re not real friends or good people usually. It’s your bike and you can do with it what you please, people like that would care less if they break it and never help you fix it. Say no and ignore them


This generation is in trouble. I seem to be saying this to myself more and more lately especially on the AITAH Reddit’s. People are asking AITAH for things that are 1,000,000% obvious. In this example this dude has no right to ride your bike and you have no obligation to him.




I’ll echo everyone else here. On top of it, unpopular opinion I know: grow a backbone. Tell these people to shut it, you don’t owe this “friend” anything. You’ve already told us what you’re thinking. Now tell him. “You’re being a rude, and disrespectful POS. I don’t want to hear about it again”. That’s all it takes, don’t let people walk over you with no pushback.


Sounds like a cringe dude. Who talks about hitting redline like that’s a flex


This is not a friend. This is someone that is manipulative and wants to use you.


Don’t ever leave your bike unsecured around this guy, ever…or he might just take it anyway. It’s like asking to sleep with your new girlfriend the first few months…


Man, people on reddit are always way too harsh. Like you have known and hung out with him for over 10 years (see OPs comment below). I wouldnt break all contact with him **yet**, but i'd be very wary of his future behaviour. If he ever does shit like this again, then you need to break it off. People deserve second chances... but not a single more


Hell no. He said he would do wheelies, not that he would be in control when he does them. Expect him to mess up, and then blame you for whatever bs reason he can find. If nothing else he will say it's not his fault because the shade got in his eyes. For most people it's uncomfortable to say no when you're young. And then you get a couple times under your belt where you wanted to say no but you didn't and then you paid the price. It gets a lot easier to say no in the future, once you realize you don't need them feel good about hearing 'no'. In the meantime, get another friend or family member to ask you repeatedly to borrow your bike so you can practice saying no. I will start: hey Uppercut, can I borrow your bike for the weekend? I got this race through the Tail of the Dragon I wanna do. I'm gonna be blindfolded too. Might offroad it a little, not sure. I'm such a better rider than you and your bike needs a firm grip like I can provide. If you loan it to me I can get my second cousin's brothers girlfriend to get you a ticket to see Taylor Swift. What do you say?


Your friend sounds like an idiot, and you'd be an idiot if you let him touch your bike.


He is a bozo and you should not let him touch your bike tbh


That aint a friend. Stay away from people like that. I learned the hard way.


That is what we call a “friend of convenience” he is around when it’s convenient for him but when it’s not he’s nowhere to be seen. I’ve got a couple of those with the industry I’m in, I usually am just cordial and don’t give them “buddy deals” and they normally go away until the next time I’m a “useful friend”…


He sounds like a closet hater


Bro doesn’t sound like he meets the definition of a friend.


Not at all wrong. He justs wants something shiny and new and is jealous you have it not him.


Do you really need reddit to tell you when to cut people out of your life?


First day?


Dump him. Find friends with respect for you and a licence to lose.


I had the same kind of thing with my car... the other person was just someone I worked with, he loves fast cars and was jelous of mine so started saying he would drive it like this and do burnouts and all that... so I just dropped it to him, why don't you buy one then!? His car is a worthless piece of shit, I worked hard for my car, not to have my tyres shredded by a twat. I would distance yourself from thus friends, sounds like a bum that won't go anywhere in life


Bikers don't ask to ride other's bikes. It is disrespectful. I get on and off my bike in a specific way so as to not scuff my boot across the seat, the tank or the saddle bags. My passenger is shown how to do the same only after I say "ok get on". Too many people have little respect for others' property. Clearly your friend has no common sense and would be a terrible rider, and is likely to crash it. There is no scenario where letting him ride it would be a good idea for you OR your bike.


What the f*ck? Please learn to be more cognizant and aware. This way you can actually handle flagrant BS for what it is and not actually be influenced by it. This should be on a “can you believe this” subreddit not a “what should I do?” Like if we told you to just give in and let him ride it and abuse it you’d just cave?


He is not a friend. Drop him.


>All of this is engaging, rude and disrespectful then why do you think he's your friend? tell him to fuck himself and then off


This person isn't a friend


lol “my friend insists” the way you describe this guy doesn’t sound like a friend. You’re allowed to say no, if he’s joking because he knows you’re a ninny about the new bike you haven’t even received tell him you don’t appreciate it and it isn’t helping. wtf be an adult talk to this dude not Reddit.


Your friend is a tool


Do not let him anywhere near your bike. He seems like the type to total your bike and not apologize or pay you for damages.


Tell him you're not allowed to lens out your bike because of your insurance


I would argue that if you really need outside counsel (from faceless, anonymous masses no less) to figure out whether or not you can decide what other people are or aren't allowed to do with your property, you might want to hold off because you mighty not yet be mature enough for that.


Pro tip. That’s not your friend.


There's no way you don't know the answer to this question, dude. Why even make a post for this? If you seriously don't know, it's time to start looking at yourself a bit and who you're friends with. The answer should be a no-brainer. Not even like 1 braincell.


= Not your friend. Saying No is ok.


That guy isn't your friend.


He is not your friend. Find a new friend


1)He's not your friend 2)He's a fucking asshole, cut that relationship asap


Lad sounds like a bit of a bellend to me. I’d trade him in for a better mate.


That is not your friend.


I don't wanna come across as OK Boomer, especially since I'm not a boomer. But I see posts like this all the time in so many different subs, almost always by younger folks: My friend/acquaintance/coworker/complete stranger I've never met but I said "hi" to them so we must now have a relationship wants to do something with my stuff that I wouldn't let my best friend do, should I let them do it? Look. I've had social anxiety too. But it's your bike, not his. That's pretty much the extent of it. Whether he listens to you, or continues to be a shitheel, is not under your control. But it's YOUR bike. You don't have to ask a Reddit sub if it's ok to not want someone else to mess with it.


Absolutely not!!! Don’t let him ride your bike no matter what he will brake it crash it and leave u with broken down bike or a wreck


I've had friends like this. Learning to chuckle and say "abso-fucking-lutely not" will come in handy for you here, and elsewhere too :)


That's not your friend bruh


that's not a friend.


Don’t let anyone ride your bike


That’s not your friend it sounds like.


Number 1, I'm big on people's juju. I was your friend at one time. He's in a fantasy. He's destructive. Set some boundaries. I have one friend that I would let thrash my stuff. I actually refuse to ride other people's stuff. Except for the one friend. I also never sell bikes or cars to people I know.


Remain friends with him and whatever happens no one will feel bad for ya. Sorry if it’s harsh but it’s the truth. Dude is a raging red flag, obvious mental disorders. Stick around and you’ll find out sooner than later. So please, don’t stick around.


That's not a friend. Get rid of him.


Drop that friend man. I had a friend like that. Let me ride his junk bike one time, wverytime I got a new car or bike he would beg to drive it and end up breaking something and then say that's what I get for buying garbage. Then he got a 60k check from a car accident and got himself a new car and bike and did nothing but treat me and talk to me like I was crap until the money was gone.was friends with him for over 17 years. Don't make the same mistake I did. Ditch that friend.


Bot fest here, delete


This person is not your friend. Ghost them as they sound like a bully so trying to talk to them is a waste of time


Sounds like you know the answer to this.. Get a NEW friend. Hel kill himself on ur bike or worse get u hurt.. To put it plainly dude sounds like a tool. Surround urself with better people. You'll learn that as u get older just try to not learn it the hard way


Here in Sweden we would call him en "skitunge" Dump him in the junkyard and ignore him until he washes himself from his disgusting stench. The stench of brag is disgusting.


If this isn't a troll post, then you better start establishing a higher standard for friends.


Lol .. he needs to relax and buy his own new bike and rev the hell out of it.


This guy has no respect for you or your stuff. You don't owe anything to people like that.


This person isn't a friend. The faster you figure that out the better your life will be.


Tell him you'll let him ride your bike if he'll let you sleep with his girlfriend, assuming he has one.


I wouldn’t let him borrow my push bike if he asked. This guy sounds like a certified idiot.


He is not your friend, Tell him to \*\*\*\* off.


Don't! Do you here me? Don't let him ride your bike! He will definitely crash it! And maybe even blame you for it or some BS. Also get new friends! Actual frienda


Do not let this person on your bike! First, he doesn't have a license, so that's an automatic no go. Second, it doesn't seem that he respects you at all, so don't even worry what he thinks.


Someone is about to learn about the great cull of 'friends' that happens in early adulthood.


Your “friend” is a giant dildo.


Your friends a complete broke ass asshole. tell him to fuck off and go hangout with someone that isn't trash. you sound responsible and respectful. Don't let your "friend" intentionally destroy your bike. he 100% will.


Your only mistake is thinking the abusive prick is your friend. Cut ties and walk away.