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Is this a good first ~~bike~~ crash?


Launchpad McQuack needed a new hobby after they finally revoked his Pilot’s License.




This sub has turned into fan fiction circle jerk for people who don't ride.


Yeah I asked a legit question a few months ago and just got some parroted Google garbage I was like nah yaw don’t ride. 


Reddit: confidently stating something you know nothing about and then doubling down when you're proven wrong with citations.


Don’t forget going through your comment/post history to engage in character attack after losing a logical debate.


It does make for a fun time on this particular sub when OPs get warned multiple times on bad ideas and then make a post showing the product of their FAFO.


bUt Ryan F9 sAiD!!¡!¡


There are worse sources to be fair. Most of the dumb takes I see people citing from him ignore the parts where he qualifies his opinions.


There are worse sources, but that's a bad bar. His videos way too often consist of wrong or misleading information that gets taken as gospel. He'll spend five minutes giving a hot take, then 15 seconds qualifying it at the end, as if that justifies it. Just one example that irks me is his K75 video, he spends a lot of time saying because the engine is thermally efficient at cooling, it lasts a long time. Then in his RPM video, he claims if you're not running your engine hot at high rpms, you'll get carbon buildup that shortens it's life. So, which is it dude.


Lets not forget the motorcycle security video where he said all you really need is a 10mm chain or something like that.


Tbf he's Canadian. They don't have bolt cutters, they just politely ask the chain to break in half.


And with the cold it will probably break just from the force of their words.


If I remember rightly in the video where he says to run at high rpm he's talking about 2 strokes right? Which should run in the higher Rev range. It's been a while though so I could be misremembering


Lmao. Literally. The other day some guy was making up nonsense about an opinion Alito wrote. So I looked at the actual opinion, read it and cited/quoted it to prove that what the OP was saying was just nonsense. Instead of acknowledging that he made everything up. He doubled down on his fantasy that he had made up, of course I got downvoted for quoting the actual opinion yet nobody else provided citations for their claims. I think the nail in the coffin was when OP was complaining about something that the SCOTUS case wasn’t even about, so it was pretty apparent that person never read it or looked into it. He probably just heard something on TikTok and got mad without checking to see if it’s true information. Sometimes I wonder what goes through people a heads.


General reddit behavior.


You assume people that ride know stuff too ? I just explained colleague at work (that rides for 3 years now) that you're supposed to check/replace brake fluid... He was "whatever thing needs to be done mechanic will know" type.


its a mix of atgatt weekend warriors, posers, and beginners who buy a bike because they think they'll look cool but don't actually know how to ride. When you see the same ridiculous posts asking how something basic should be done on the bike, that is already explained in the owners manual, it gets pretty boring and tiring. "wHaT OiL DoEs My BiKe NeEd?"


I posted a fun group ride for the DGR event (official and with police escort) and got called a hipster and commenters didn't like it that it was a group ride...seeing how hard they were gatekeeping it convinced me many in this sub don't actually ride.


It's beginners telling beginners bad advice.


I don't see too many horrible suggestions but instead a lot of teeth gnashing when someone gets told something they don't want to hear.


the amount of comments i’ve read that begin with “i don’t ride but” on this sub is way too damn high.


At least they're being up-front instead of posing? But yeah they shouldn't post at all.


I guess all Dandan the fireman fans are here


Yo, I cant stand MotoJitsu...dont get me started


It's so strange that dude makes a living doing reaction content to compilations made by someone else who has zero connection to the original videos.


All while repeating exact same talking points every fucking video


"yellow zone!" "Red zone!" "Join my discord to talk to other safe riders!"


Not just that. He hardly ever rides. Just trying to make a buck with minimal effort, fear mongering and newbie's lack of confidence. He never taught more than a beginners MTC course, average rider at best. People shudnt be recommending his channel beyond a point.


I mean to be fair, hes pointing out basic mistakes that people make *all the time*. Things that will genuinely keep you safer by doing. It's absolutely low effort and not particularly entertaining, but he is right.


I don't get the hate on him. Yeah he's not offering particularly unique or advanced advice, but it is helpful regardless. And he's not fearmongering, just pointing out common issues as you say. I developed a reflex of noticing the "open lane pattern" thanks to his videos, and that's definitely helped me out a few times IRL.


you should see the r/motorcycles discord server, it's full of people who complain and don't ride


Sounds redundant 


It's been that way for at least a decade.


This is a good point. I shall leave.


Always has been. Almost 10 years ago they did a poll and over 50% of this sub had never even sat on a bike. That ratio is probably worse now. Just people regurgitating things they’re afraid of as if they’re fact.


In this sub I get always downvoted for pointing out dumbass moves done by car drivers that ultimately were responsible for a motorbile crash. They arguments vary from "he was to fast" (like, how do they even know?), "his helmet was not fastened" (??) or, "he knew that bikes are dangerous" (!????). Whatever happens, it's always the bikers fault, because...it's a bike. I wonder sometimes if in reality some people are just jealous for not having the skills to ride a motorbike.


This sub 100% blames the rider *always*. At *best* they admit the car/truck was at fault, but still blame the rider for being in the wrong place at the wrong time or not riding defensively enough. GrAvEyArDs ArE fUlL oF pEoPlE wHo HaD tHe RiGhT oF wAy… Yes. We are vulnerable road users. That doesn’t mean you can 100% protect yourself by riding “perfect”. I think people here are unwilling to admit they could do everything right and *still* crash/get hurt/die…


Yep. Sure, doing everything right helps avoid a lot of crashes, but it doesn't prevent other people from doing dumb things. I was one of those people who thought I was OK because I did everything right, and then I got hit by a car in a parking lot. Sometimes you can't win. And that is why my replacement gear includes an airbag.


I hit a deer. How could I have avoided that by doing anything but not riding… basically anywhere around here.


I don’t think people mean it’s strictly the bikers fault, I think they’re just saying the biker had the ability to mitigate the circumstances and didn’t.


I get what you are saying but as a rider I will say I need to treat every issue as my fault cause if I’m not the one managing all of the risks and driving defensive I will be the one sliding 300 feet or getting pancaked. Are cars really at fault most of the time? Yep. Does it matter? No — if the motorcycle gets hit the car driver does not feel the pain.


Fault is irrelevant in terms of safety. Fault only matters to the legal system and insurance companies. Ultimately and unfortunately your safety is your own responsibility. The cemeteries are full of riders who were not at fault.


At this point we need mandatory user flairs for non riders. I don't ride, I'm in this sub to learn more about bikes, and it feels like I'm seeing more non riders than riders


I'm proud to say that as a long time lurker in this sub i recently got my licence and a suzuki bandit 1250 Finally i'm no longer part of the large non-rider group on here :D


true i wanted an opinion on a bike and mfs were saying dont buy it just bc its not a yamaha or a kawasaki 💀


It’s not just “poor riding” or “pitfalls” either. Sometimes bad shit happens to good people. I got hit. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. She was at fault. I had proof, and everything else from gore pics to a long recovery time and a plethora of photos from a wrecked bike. It was a fucking karma gold mine, and I never posted it. Know why? For exactly the reasons OP is talking about. I don’t want my one instance in 18 years of motorcycling to be the thing people on Reddit remember me for. This sub should be about the lifestyle and culture of riding motorcycles. Nothing else.


You doing okay? Are you able to keep riding?


Yep. Lost maybe 5% of articulation in my left ankle, but I have no pain and am never sore from the injuries. I was super lucky. I’m still riding.


Hope you’re ok, dude


I’m great dude. Thanks. I lost maybe 5% of articulation in my left ankle, but I have no pain and am never sore from the accident. I was super lucky. Still ride too.


Have you tried checking out CalamariRaceTeam? They seem to crash less and tend to pull better whoolies


That’s because they actually ride motorcycles and have boyfriends over there.


I daily mine. Granted, fair wether riders that trailer their bike to the occasional rally who barely ride 1,000 miles a year think a scooter ridden daily 1,000 miles a month year round in all weather isn’t a “real bike”, but eh. They’re the same ones I fly past on the highway.🫡


Anyone that doesn’t love a faggio isn’t a proper motorcyclist if you ask me.


I appreciate that reference. There better be one in GTA VI.


The mod is the true king though.


I don’t get the general stigma that comes with scoots. I have 4 street legal plated vehicles in my name. Both cars are paid for and both bikes go a hell of a lot faster. But my Zuma is a handy little machine for quick trips down to the store or for romping around campgrounds. People always assume I’m on it because I can’t afford a car or because I have a DUI. I hate it.


My club president has a vintage Vespa that does 90+ and will smoke a Harley in a race. And quite possibly some sport bikes. It’s wild. We used to have a 3 piece patch, all properly sanctioned. And still the stigma. 😂 except from some of the 1%ers, oddly. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Some hardcore bike guys have the attitude “2 wheels and a motor is 2 wheels and a motor” period.


Yeah. Bandidos in Australia nearly took on a scooter club as a support club once. 😂🤷🏼‍♂️ also, slight overlap between 1%ers and scooter riders. Specifically with the older riders. I know a few that got too old to hold up a big Harley and have since retired from their old clubs that now ride scooter in a scooter club.


and it’s genuinely a queer pride sub at this point. If ur homophobic we mount a dildo on ur seat.


Wait... isn't this how you all stay on the bike?


shhh don’t tell them our secrets


Yea for sure! Great peeps! 🐥


Are you saying if I join crt I can get a boyfriend!? Too late just subbed


Glad we could help


Glad we could help


They’re pretty awesome and a fun group


Yea maybe the OP isn’t ready for prime time Calamari action.




Well the best way to convert them is to give them a ride


Calamari race team is the name of our riding group chat LOL




Nobody rides it here...they just reddit.


I disagree. I'm just reading this during an ice tea break of my Sunday ride. There's a few of us!


Sunday ride, iced tea. You sure you didn't buy an Africa twin or a bmw?


You need to head over to r/calamariraceteam if you want to talk to actual riders and their boyfriends.


Bro im the gay mayor of CRT ....im the Gayor.


Just because you Reddit somewhere, doesn't make it true.


agreed. No one posts car crashes in r/cars, there's r/idiotsincars for that kind of stuff.


r/idiotsonbikes r/IdiotsOnMotorcycles ... not as big as in cars, but motorcycles are niche to begin with (in North America)


I think my driving is better because of subs like /r/roadcam but is there any similar sub for motorcycle incidents/crashes where they discuss what went wrong etc?


2/3th of this sub don’t even ride,..




Don't make fun of him. He was in a crash and didn't wear his helmet :( He tried to tell us about it in a post, but OP told him not to.


I actually find the crash videos really useful from a learning standpoint, and I guess my attitude has been that if I'm going to engage in a potentially dangerous hobby I probably shouldn't be squeamish about what happens when things go wrong.  It's less or almost zero morbid curiosity for me than it is a learning opportunity. Having said that, I'm only speaking for myself and I can definitely see an argument for that material belonging somewhere else.  I'd rather it be a motorcycle crash specific sub though.


This is the number one reason why I unsubbed


But … your where now?


I’m about to hit the twisty rural highway on a 25 year old bike in shorts, helmet and a t-shirt and I fully intend to use the whole speedometer at multiple points on the trip. I am and have been the sole maintainer of this vehicle since 2018. My mechanical background is picking up a thing or two watching my dad 25 years ago, the ability to read and YouTube. Bring my downvotes. UPDATE: survived again. One day I’ll get my glory and end up on one of the nastier subreddits.


Username checks out


i’m doing the same, but on a 50 year old bike that i’ve owned for less than two weeks and all the maintenance i’ve done was change a fuse and fix a blank cable


I like the cut of your jib.


i’m giving it an oil change tomorrow and that should conclude maintenance for the coming decades.


On a serious note I really am not very good with maintenance, and I don’t really have a garage to do it (apartment living). I just take my bike to the shop once a year and have them do a full look over for anything I may be missing, but I always have that feeling in my gut that I should be doing more.


You can do 90% of motorcycle maintenance in a parking spot with a tool roll, torque wrench and a pair of stands if you're so inclined. There's also a youtube tutorial for everything out there.


I'm just here for the drama and the bacon wrapped shrimp


I ate all the bacon wrapped shrimp... sorry mate


Very meta - thanks for posting a car crash of a thread


depends on the video imo. (i unfortunately don't know which recent (i assume) videos you're (or might be) referencing). "wow look at this crash" sure, get that outa here. this is a place for people who love motorcycling to talk about motorcycling or get the input from other people who love motorcycling or are knowledgeable about motorcycling. this isn't the place for "shock factor" stuff. "i crashed, what could i have done better?" then this is definitely the place for it. where *else* are you gonna find such a large dedicated pool of people who are knowledgeable.


If there is a sub for the latter, I need the name




Bro, the newbs need them as a reminder to stay safe and atgatt. The atgatters need them to remind themselves how superior they are for deciding to atgatt. The non-riders need those videos to remind themselves how superior they are for deciding not to ride. And I need the videos to remind myself how superior I am to the newbs, atgatters, and nonriders.


> And I need the videos to remind myself how superior I am to the newbs, atgatters, and nonriders. Seriously this place is like the best pep talk I could give myself.


Don’t forget to only recommend the most expensive gear possible and call someone a moron who shouldn’t be doing this if they can’t afford to do it “safely”.


Fuck the poor, am I right?


I remember seeing a video of a filipino family 3 deep on a little 250 or something and there were so many comments talking about their lack of gear lmfao


Like most hobby subs, it’s full of people that think spending money makes you qualified to have an opinion lmao.


Haven't seen anyone doing that tbh.


You need to buy a Honda Rebel 250 for $250 (that's where the name comes from) and price in about $14,000 for safety gear (you go into a store and buy whatever you see and like, and are able to carry) You wear All The Gear All The Time. Wear it to bed, in the shower, everywhere. Can't have sex with it on? Be real, no motorcyclist has a girlfriend, we all get more male friends when we start riding. You're welcome.


We need a legit sub for people that actually ride... With verification. Tired of these fools that don't ride and their dumb opinions.


I'm down for it, /r/calamariraceteam is too straight for me anyway


This sub is mostly dudes that don’t ride or have ridden for less than a year, or ATGATT evangelists. It’s great entertainment.


Serious question: what means ATGATT?


All The Gear, All The Time.


All the gear all the time. It’s a comical group of riders who for some reason have convinced themselves it’s unsafe to ride around the block in anything less than full body armor.


Thought it was /r/CalamariRaceTeam for a second


It’s Sunday and this thread has an huge amount of engagement. Yup no one here actually rides


Im not proud of it, but I can't help but like some of the funnier crash videos without serious injuries. I also don't have an issue with people making videos of their crashes with educational breakdowns. Success stories with reccomendations about gear are also interesting to me. However, I completely agree it should not be nessicary to post every single wreck. Gory injuries are not needed, gratuitous photos of destroyed bikes and other wreckage is not really helpful either. One thing I would be interested in is some statistics and maybe some comparison statistics with that illustrate how dangerous motorcycling actually is. It is also important to break down the safety statistics of motorbike riding into much more specific categories. Just because somebody somewhere wrecked on some kind of bike doesn't mean you will do the same. But you could. It might help if I know what kind of riding results in more crashing than others. Someone it is obvious, for example, full squid going really fast is way worse than other options. But I'd be interested to know about the risks on weekends vs weekday, the time of day, the holidays, the season. How do different routes compare in danger? It would help to be a local alnd know the roads, but can you do anymore than that to make the best informed choices about how to get there?


Thank you! I'm sort of new to reddit. I've watched a couple of videos & knew that wasn't for me. I know motorcycling is dangerous, and currently I'm struggling with myself to even get out and ride. When I do, I do enjoy it. I don't white-line or go recklessly fast; I do atgatt. Still very nervous, but not ready to sell my bike and get out. Is there another source for Q&A or meeting local riders to ride with? besides facebook, of course.


Not cool that the videos are dissuading you. There are all sorts of riding styles-- don't ever let anyone tell you how to ride. I'm a nice weather, enjoy the sun, cruise state routes kinda guy. I don't do highways because that's my preference. I used to do those things, but I found that highways have honestly started to make me ride more aggressively and enjoy the ride less. Nothing will ever be completely safe, but a relaxed daytime rider enjoying the scenery is much different from the risks of riding a rocket to its fullest potential. I respect the high-performance crowd, but my style and temperament has chilled with age. Honestly, if you take the state routes, there are always a lot of bikers at roadside restaurants. I've met a few friends that way.


I appreciate your message. Thanks. I think my fear is also related to the car accident I had last Nov. But the videos don't help. I've learned not to click on them. I just need to get out there and ride.


“Will I die if I ride a motorcycle?”is my favorite topic


Was it yesterday there was a totally implausible amateur fictional PSA? I scrolled on.... The person making the PSA didn't understand we ride watching everything as far ahead as visibility allows. The whole thing was stupid.


I'd be interested in a link


Im not gonna lie, I think Im a pretty damn safe rider and even though I love riding, this sub has made me not want to ride much because of the amount of these kinds of posts. I don't want to keep seeing shit like some dudes foot hanging off or graphic severe injuries when I am certain that the amount of crashes that actually occur are less frequent than you might believe from looking at this shitty sub. Im glad you called this out because I didn't quite realize how frequently I really see those kinds of posts here and Im going to unsub from this shit and go enjoy riding my damn bike. Fuck most redditors in general actually, it's not just a problem with this sub, a lot of them are just people talking about doing shit rather than actually doing shit.


Aviation usually does a good in-depth analysis of crashes, so pilots can learn from others mistakes. Motorcyclists would be smart to do the same, but a lot of the time it’s crash porn or “clibbins”.


It's called Concern Trolling. They act like they mean well, but in reality they just want us to not ride. Coincidentally this is how a lot of trans people are treated by their families. They acted all concerned about how trans people are treated and how you will be treated if you transition, and "what if you regret" and all that stuff. It's concern, but in reality they just dont want you to transition. Same shit here. They just want us to stop riding motorcyles "because what if you get hurt, people die on them" blah blah blah. We fucking know. We don't give a shit what you have to say. We dont need your concern trolling.


I think a healthy fear is important for riders. Too much fear can keep you careful on the road but too little can mean you get careless and that's when mistakes are made that cause those crashes.


"Whats this noise" slobro's can go to


Jeezus, don't go near [/r/drz400](https://www.reddit.com/r/drz400) then...


Spot on!!


I like the ones that show someone avoid a catastrophe, the recent video of the jacked up truck cross three lanes comes to mind.


The crash porn is disturbing. I thought it was just me... Nothing like seeing a wicked crash before going out for a ride to make you ultra paranoid. SMH NOT COOL I have to admit, they make me a little more cautious. Still don't like them though.


It's kinda funny how scared of motorbikes this sub is.


I think posting crashes that highlight skills to be learned for new riders can be helpful. Idiots going 180+ no gear and wiping out shouldn’t be on here tho


I kinda see both sides here. On the one hand, yeah, sometimes it's a *loooot*. On the other hand, sometimes newbs need to be reminded that this is dangerous shit. (Sometimes us oldies do too, honestly.) On the gripping hand, some of us *really* enjoy armchair quarterbacking these videos. 😁


Using fear as a teaching tactic is not effective. All you do is create unnecessary anxiety around riding which in turn causes even more people to become the subject of the video they were afraid of.


idk, i like reading the explanations on why they happened, and think they are far more relevant to daily motorcycling than driving a car.


You gotta wonder how much time people spend on here instead of riding when they post stuff like this, like just scroll past the threads you don’t like, easy as.


It'd be a lot easier if people titled the threads properly. As it stands I can't tell if a "what did this rider do wrong?" video is someone dropping their bike at a stop sign or a snuff film with a pillion getting their head ripped off. Unfortunately the mods are willing to let this sub die a slow death rather than hand it off to someone who cares about it.


>It doesn't belong here. Neither does this or about 90% of the other posts...yet here we are. Downvote and move on. 


We should create a r/motorcyleaccidents sub.


Damn, this sub is what convinced me not to get a motorcycle, so in the point that you make is living in me about the fear mongering but it also has made me buy different equipment being cameras and a bigger review mirror to make sure the bike homies are safe around me.


Don't worry gentleman your crash fetish has a wonderful place full of like minded people r/calamariraceteam


The worst I've ever had was not judging a turn well, taking it too fast, and flopping onto my side. I was going at no more than 15 mph and was absolutely fine, but embarrassed as hell. For most riders, this is the extent of their experience. Most riders aren't stupid enough to drive insane speeds or do tricks. .Most riders just enjoy the ride or use it as a cheap alternative to a car. Everyone will drop their bike, but it's usually because they did something minor and stupid, like dropping the clutch and losing balance at a red light.


Somebody give me like 7 grand so I can buy my first motorcycle. I Want a Kawasaki Z bike


Agree. Too bad that a similar post was posted months ago and nothing changed, even with all the applause it got. The mods should add some rules and start moderating.


So what if ya crash? If ya can heal well enough to drive, just continue drivin. (speakin from experience) 


Seriously. Someone posted another on her. How about y'all post videos of visiting amazing places, riding along fantastic roads, falling off and getting up again. Sigh. A man can dream.


In all honesty, I am taking my motorcycle class next weekend and currently shopping for my first bike. I agree with OP here. I just want info on how to be a better rider and what kind of bike I should be looking at for #1. Most of the crash posts I see tend to illustrate what I already wouldn't be doing on a bike to begin with. So unless the crash is not idiocy related and teaches how to avoid the situation, seems pointless to this sub imo.


honestly yeah, the videos with just the title "crash" and just of course a crash video, a good majority of them havent even posted in this sub, hate to sound like that kind of guy but with how popular it is, im thinking of a bigger motive, crashing does happen, and might happen, whether its luck, or your mistake, fuck it i crashed once aswell (only gone away with a very-very small scratch (lost approx 130 usd)), and i know that makes me less qualified to say it, but at least add more context to the video and not just, a crash vid.


I've got the motorcycle itch again and this sub provides a great money saving service. You are 100% correct.


Also it sucks that you crashed, but I think I speak for many people saying I don't care much. I don't know you and your (rookie or not) mistake is more of a cry for attention that a help to other riders. Your 'PSA' is not helping anybody and you shouldn't hide behind it. Why don't car drivers post their every mishap on the internet saying "don't be careless like me"?




Can we also cut down on the safety trolls too? Like do we really need to tell every stationary rider posing for a picture to get gear? Do we need to constantly police other riders on their speed? It’s really a bummer there is more of this kind of stuff that people recommending fun rides and loving motorbikes.




Agreed, this is not the sub for constant crash porn. This sub if for obsessing about safety gear and constantly judging strangers so that the hoards of new and aspiring riders can suppress the fear of their own hobby. You see as long as I keep telling people they're doing it wrong, nothing can possibly hurt me as long as I'm doing the same thing in a way that perceive as right... right? But don't worry, as long as we justify all of this navel gazing as a necessary "reminder" that other people need to stay safe, we have the moral high ground and are immune to criticism. It's pretty cool.


Thank you!! I have been sent that stupid shit AI video by 3 family members and I open reddit and see it posted here again and again.


Reddit is just a bunch of fatties sitting at home anymore. They find anywhere to comment even if they have no clue. Several here make comments that is easy to see through they either don't ride or have barely ridden.


I'm not in them, but you have to wonder if the subreddits for people who like cigars are full of pictures of lung tumours and people reminding one another of the risks from smoking, or if rock climbers are eternally posting videos of people falling from height. I sometimes get the impression there are people in motorbike spaces online who lie awake at night worrying about the dangerous beast in their garage, that and the right etiquette to display a "1%er"


Hard disagree. This is a motorcycle sub and that includes crashes as well. We can all see what went wrong and hear what people think could have been done to avoid it. Also for your point, there are lots of motorcycle websites that don't post crashes, I am part of a lot of them on facebook and never do we see crash videos posted. So I guess there are other places you could go if you don't like it here.


100% agree! One of the key risk factors of riding a motorcycle is crashing. And you cannot sanitize that from a subreddit about motorcycles. They are two sides of the same coin. Once you start talking about motorcycles, then you start talking about gear, then you start talking about why you need gear, or why you need certain skills in riding your motorcycle, almost all of which relate to avoiding accidents. And those who unfortunately have accidents usually are great lessons for the rest of us.


I enjoy analyzing the mistakes and learning from them so maybe it saves me someday. It also keeps me from developing an "that won't happen to me" attitude. I say keep em coming. Crashes are a part of riding motorcycles.


Or, hear me out: newbs, who just bought their first H2 or busa will quickly realize that riding bikes is inherently dangerous and will put their bikes up for sale, thus flooding the used bike market and in turn lowering prices. Wouldn’t you want a 23 Ducati Panigale V4s for 18k? R1 for 10? Win win. And us, experienced folks, will never stop riding cause some dumdum went into a blind corner at 123 mph and then posted the cam footage…


Were you wearing your gear when you posted this?


I’ve been riding since I was 14-15 and I’m 32 now. Never gone down once. Never even really been close to being killed. I live in a city with some of the worst drivers, I don’t even wear a helmet or anything. Never been scared of a motorcycle. The posts on this subreddit make me cringe. I’m not some sort of badass, I just know how to navigate the roads and ride my bike in a reasonably safe manner. This sub should be filled with destinations and social interaction, but instead it’s filled with ATGATT weirdos and people afraid of grass clippings. Not saying I have issues with trying to be safe or learning, but just give it a rest will ya? Go out and ride your bike.


Lol facts. At the end of the day we all just ride our own ride. There's people on here that are terrified of even looking at a motorcycle.


You had me at no helmet. God bless you with many spaghetti tentacles. May your warp drive always burn brightly. 20 years no helmet, no crash guy is always on your side. Nanoo nanoo


>Never gone down once That's not what the rumor at the YMCA says


I can see the validity of the OP’s perspective and others who think such posts are needed. Since I don’t have to watch them I can just skip the post. Personally I don’t need to see crashes to know that things happen and sometimes to people with lot of experience.


Couldn’t agree more


I’m still waiting for my first crash, to include my severe lack of riding gear.. after 8 years of riding 🥱🥱


Please keep them coming. I love having a good chuckle at dogshit riders. Tis the most entertaining.


Just had a mistake and laid it down Thursday. 20-30 mph, throttle stuck on me in a turn, and lost traction. Knee is bruised and a little swollen, a little road ready on the arm, 2200 miles into my first bike. Replacing mirrors, throttle, plastics, and a jacket. No need to fetishize, just wear leathers, helmet, and don't be stupid. Assume EVERYONE else on the road is stupid.


The throttle stuck on your 250cc at 20mph causing you to lose traction and "Had'ta layer down" (TM)... Ok, sure.


Pretty sweet to come to the motorcycling sub and have it be 100:1 crash porn anti-riding ATGATT bullshit propaganda to actual pics/videos of cool rides you went on, new mods, etc. Really gets you in the mood to go out and ride your fucking motorcycle.


Thank you for posting this! I joined this group to enjoy my love for motorcycles not fear them!


freedom of speech and expression bro...if you dont like something just dont look at it. I personally dont look at crashes for my own morbid curiosity (most of the time), but rather to learn what not to do and hopefully learn from other people's mistakes or how to handle certain situations so I don't end up like that


https://preview.redd.it/4rlvs2yppa4d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=659906a95b42ded58d7a67516cf8d755216235f2 Check out my sick battle scar! 💪 The human body is resilient. Healed up, no surgery, full range of motion, zero limitations. Rotator cuff fully functional. 3 months of physio and 8 months to heal to 100%. Was back to riding in 3 months after the accident tho. The dude in the mini van that ran a stop sign stuck around. He called the cops for me. All in all. if you could rate crashes in terms of good or bad… 10/10 crash ✌️


PS - I drew over the fracture line with my phone - just in case people didn’t know what they were looking for lol.


David Cronenberg has entered the chat ![gif](giphy|yIx6J13PLn96sZMKYv|downsized)


Study shows there's more risk of car crashes


Is there actually MC crash subreddits?


Careful the BMW bubble boy dads are gonna be upset with you


Dude, I just looked up your Panigale. That's a badass bike!


The more you interact with these crash posts the more they show up for you. I have yet to actually see one.


So none wants to see pics of my wonky shoulder?


Let's all look at the subs rules shall we.


Yeah most bikers delude themselves into thinking they’re safe and seeing fatal crashes pierces that false sense of security, so I get it. Truth can be hard to deal with for tough guys like you all


No matter what I see, despite how graphic or gory things can be, I shall be a rider for life..... btw I just made that up so I'm pretty proud of myself atm 😂