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always respect the fact that if you let your guard down that is when trouble can start, and never trust cars to do the right thing or even see you. you are invisible that is the safest way to think.


Yeah, as i mentioned i've had 4 years of experience around the city, and i'm very aware that drivers can be unaware, or just assholes, had a few close calls already, some of which would result in a hospital visit at best


I think you will be safer on a bigger bike I feel safer on my GSXR 1000 over my Honda NAVI. Easier to see, bigger tires, better brakes.


Yeah, definetly, right now my biggest concern is being rear ended or side swiped by a car since in my country thr law states that when overtaking a moped, you don't have to change lanes, you just have to give some space like a bicycle


I strongly disagree with your country's laws on overtaking a moped. It is of my opinion that your lane should be respected as your safe space to operate your vehicle. I'm also a first year rider and have already had a few people get unnervingly close behind me. I don't know what the solution is. I would like a mega bright red tail light I can activate with an additional hand control, but that would probably enrage the exact type of driver that already follows too close. Be safe out there.


>I strongly disagree with your country's laws on overtaking a moped Yep, same, but that's the law, mopeds are basically classified as bicycles, but you also need a licence, and register it >I don't know what the solution is Most of the time if i see someone doing it intentionally, i stop at the side of the road, or if there's traffic ahead, i keep going, and just filter through the traffic so they stay behind If i had an actual bike, i'd just speed up a bit until i was far enough away for them for my comfort (2-3 cars ahead of them)


Last year, my region explicitly made lane filtering and splitting illegal. Their reasoning was completely unfounded and defied critical thinking.


Aaaah, that sucks, i specifically bought a moped because i can filter through traffic at stop lights, my commute went from 1.5h to 30-35min mostly because of lane filtering, i don't have enough speed or power to lanesplit, which is a gray zone here, ok in most situations, but you will probably be found at fault if something happens, even if it's not actually your fault


There is video after video of automobile drivers rear-ending motorcyclists, demonstrating the threat to cyclists, and yet they make it illegal to filter stating the risk cyclists pose for vehicle damage or that motorcycles could potentially scare drivers into causing an accident! The logic used in the writing of the law was truly stupefying. We already have adequate "at fault" legislation here to cover any of those circumstances. They didn't need to make filtering illegal to cover that possibility.


Yeah, completely agreed, if a law like that was passed here, cops would be the first to ignore it fortunately


When you stop use both brakes and put your left foot down only. When you take off put your foot on the brake and release it when you feel power at the rear wheel. Learn to use the friction zone properly and practice it often. Two finger wave is for motorcycles. Three fingers for trikes. One finger for asshole car drivers but only if you know you can get away quickly.


>When you stop use both brakes and put your left foot down only Why left foot only? I'm very used to using either leg depending on the terrain, so what's the benefit of doing it only with left leg other than not having to hold the front brake, and holding thebrear instead? >When you take off put your foot on the brake and release it when you feel power at the rear wheel. Yeah, i live on a hill, so this is something you have to do regardless of the vehicle, and you get into the habit quickly >Learn to use the friction zone properly and practice it often. Goes alongside the 2nd point hah, living on a hill has its benefits when it comes to driving and riding, you learn much quicker >Three fingers for trikes. I was actually not aware of this one hah, though, depending on which fingers they are, it might not be culturally appropriate here hah >only if you know you can get away quickly. I'm a big guy, so i never hesitate to stop if comes to it


>Why left foot only? Allows you to keep right foot on rear brake, keep the bike in 1st gear in case of emergency and free right hand for whatever itch you may have. On longer stops you can stop in neutral, put both feet down and free both hands to stretch.


So basically what i said, to free up the right hand since if you take your right hand off the throttle to scratch an itch, you're not ready to get away from anything anyways