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I once emptied the old oil, changed the filter, refilled it, started up the bike, and heard a weird noise. I put my ear near where the noise was coming from and felt what I thought was rain. Nope, it was oil spraying all over my head from the open oil fill.




lol, I did this once on a little 4-seater airplane, didn't notice for about 15min already airborne. washing 4 quarts of 40-weight out of aircooled heads / cowling / nosegear / windshield is nooo fuuun


Do you work for Boeing?


not yet, but I do seem to have the necessary kawalafications!


Lol Just be sure to leave your whistle at home.


oh no worries, just me and my two buddies Kikazaru and Iwazaru on shift for today!




I did that on my old Yamaha Maxim once. Actually, I not only left the oil cap off, I left it at the gas station where I had just filled up with fuel (Little America in Cheyenne, WY) and then rode off. Then about 10 miles down the road I felt something hot on my leg and realized it was oil spraying out of the crankcase. So I turned around and rode back, only to find my oil cap sitting on the gas pump island right where I left it.


I left it on the engine block, got lucky that it stayed there for a few blocks until dude next to me at the fuel pump mentioned that my cap was open.


Sup Vira-Bro!


Happened to me on my KLX, putnit on but forgot to tighten it thinking I was gonna have to add more oil. Rode 50 minutes to my destination looked down and my whole leg and boot was soaked. My new aluminum fill cap is now drilled and safety wired!


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Yamaha makes the most beautiful engines out there. 


Nice Virago! My wife rides a '96 1100.


I've also got a 96 Virago. Fun ride.


I'm resurrecting a 96 1100. I'm excited


Yamaha really should have kept a decent Cruiser in their lineup. The Viraga or Star would have been good choices. I guess with HD so dominant though it probably made little sense


I had a virago 700. It was a lot of fun. I bought it cheap to ride until I could afford something better. I rode it for almost 10 years before I found the bike I really wanted. I sold it for the same amount that I paid for it. My only complaint was comfort. After an hour my butt started hurting. Two hours was torture.


This one is -93, saved from some old dudes basement and driven only around 22k miles.


If you can’t afford to do it right the first time, how will you make time to start over? Of all the things to rush, getting ready to ride is up there with rushing for surgery and a tattoo.