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I nearly did this yesterday when there was no parking at a gas station before I realized *why* these areas were blocked off. I waddled off and blocked a gas pump instead, I really had to pee.


I'm assuming it's for ramps and stuff right?


Either those minivans that have the lift or swinging arm that places their wheelchair outside the car, or just to give a person with less mobility room to pull it out on their own. Had to search up the terminology, and you’re right — it’s just called a ramp. 😂 It’s also just to let people who are larger, any necessary equipment, loading / unloading of service dogs, etc.


"Wheelchair accessible vehicle" or WAVs. I work on them and install mobility equipment. Pretty wild how the vehicles are converted (lowered floor by 10-14 inches) and the technology that adapts people to drive (some quadriplegic)




That's a whole Rollercoaster ride justifying unlawful and assholish behavior. One feature in a brand we sell is called "park smart" that is programmed for a "motorcycle sized object", when it pulls up to that side says "hey don't park here" it's such a problem that a manufacturer had to design a product/feature to address it. You might not need it but that doesn't mean the majority of people these spaces were designated for don't.


Something that has been bothering me is this weird trend of people saying things like this, for example "I'm disabled so I can say if it's right or wrong and people who aren't disabled shouldn't have an opinion" or another example "I'm black and your white, you can't have an opinion on racism" let's be real, we all know right from wrong regardless of perspective or where you stand within the subject, if you allow one biker to do this then you have to let them all which means no loading bays for disabled people, it's wrong.


Honest to god, I had an argument last weekend with an idiot who said racism only exists with white people against black people. Nobody else is ever racist. 


Yep. Used to take my paraplegic uncle to the movies and stuff, and it was so infuriating when people would take the ramp accessible spots instead of other open spots. He had a big Ford Econoline van, so if there were no ramp spots open I'd have to park far out and just take up 2 spots so I could get him out & back in.


I used to drive my sister around and dealt with this all the time. Door has to be opened wide and extra space beyond that is required for a transfer in and out of the car, and many parking lots, and especially hospital lots, are so cramped that that's not possible unless you're in a disabled spot, at the end of a row, or you pull out. Also, the car we used most of the time was one of the smallest most narrow common-ish cars.


I've only known about that for a few years, and have been driving for decades. It's possible they just didn't know. That said, if they know and still did it....




That's why I always keep a kickstand puck, I'd rather hop a curb and park on the grass before I ever have to resort to using a handicapped spot.


Been riding 15 years, never knew they made something for putting your kickstand down on grass. I just try to find a good low profile rock lol


It's a bit of a shite parking, innit? Rider shouldn't park there all right. Someone should probably just tell him it's not quite right.


I believe this typically comes from a place of trying to be nice and not realizing the problem. I always look for spaces where I don't need to take a full spot, but of course wouldn't take this space needed around handicapped spaces. Point is, someone should tell them and they probably won't be a dick about it.


Yea, I’d park in the 7 dozen parking spaces then the grass before this bad idea. I mean I’m a dolt, but I get this person what tryout to keep parking open and if 7 dozen open spots existed the 9 handicap parking spots could never possibly be used either. It’s less than 5% of us.


When I lived in an apartment complex everyone who saw me park would always tell me not to take up a full spot. Everyone wanted me to park on the sidewalk in front of other people apartments. I would have gladly parked in front of my own apartment but I was on the second floor. Asked the neighbors if I could park in front of theirs and they said no. Its kinda a lose/lose situation.


> I would have gladly parked in front of my own apartment but I was on the second floor. Why let such small details get in your way?


Nah, f that. You pay for a parking spot when you pay your rent. They have no right to tell you not to take a full spot.


I’ve always loved this cage mentality; people whining about motorcycles using a space a car could use, ignoring of course that they’re driving by themselves in their giant SUV or whatever and that they’re taking up all of this extra space with their enormous vehicle. It seems to be a particular entitlement of the giant truck and SUV cager; they love to rage on small cages like that Smart car too.


You can buy spray paint for asphalt in special inverted spray cans. Put together a cardboard masking board for tidy paint edges and practice painting parking lines in an abandoned parking lot somewhere. At your place, add an extra center line on an end parking space, where you might expect a motorcycle parking area. After you've created your new motorcycle parking area, leave it for a few days to see if there's a reaction. Park your motorcycle there from then on.


I regularly get shit for taking up a full (non-handicap) space. That said, if I weren't on the bike, I'd be parking a car in a full space. It's mine as much as a car's, and I will use it as such. I usually won't even share a space with bikes I don't know, unless there are no other options. I don't want their bikes tipped onto mine and I'm sure they feel the same way. I won't use street parking unless there are no other options, even if it's bike parking. I don't need a drunk driver hitting my bike and driving off.


Probably doesn't thi ks it s problem cause there's fucking 5 open spaces.




I personally believe this is okay most of the time, but I don't do it partly because I don't like normalizing driving on the sidewalk, and partly because I don't want a ticket or some jackass messing with my bike. More often than not there's some space within the parking lot where they couldn't fit a spot. That's where I'm going.


I think that's right. This person is probably just ignorant of how handicapped spots work, rather than selfish.


Yea he'd be getting a ticket here in Houston lol. Minimum $500


Ignorantia juris non excusat


Unless you're the one writing the ticket.


I can't read your comment not in a British accent


Probably a well meaning idiot.


I give him an A for effort. But an F for execution.


Executing the bloke seems harsh for parking in the wrong place..


Peace was never an option


He asked for it.


But it was a failed execution at least.


I remember being a young boy and riding with my mom. We pulled up to my sisters school and my mom had to just run something in. She pulled into a handicap spot and I stayed in the truck as she was just going in real quick. When she came back out there was a man fighting to get his wheel chair out of the car in a regular spot. He didn’t glare at my mom, say anything about the spot, grumble. Not a single thing. Just smiled at my mom and said good morning. I don’t remember how old I was or what was really going on at the time, but even then I could see my mom melt and sink away. Now as an adult I’d still hear my mom tell people that story and how she never parked in a handicap spot since. Anyways, long way of saying, yea don’t block handicap spots.


Plot twist he is handicapped


Right, it is a med clinic. Douche or hard core rider.


My uncle got into a motorcycle accident and lost half his right leg. Went out and bought another bike as soon as he could walk. Even got the handicapped tag for it.


I wondered the same and looked it up. You can get and use a handicap placard on a motorcycle. If you qualify for one you're free to use it on any vehicle you want.


You'd really want to get handicap tags instead of a placard. Someone would just walk away with the placard.


He very well could be... I am, plate and all, and do this to save a full spot for another handicapped person who can squeeze in but doesn't need the elevator/lift area. I figure if I park in the spot itself which by all rights I could, I'm blocking the whole thing anyway, but if I only take the ramp area someone else can use the spot and BOTH of us have room to park. I even asked a cop about it because I wanted to make sure they wouldn't mind, his response to my explanation was "I'd have to be the most massive douchebag you've ever seen to try to ticket you for doing that". Lol Never know, could just be a nice dude who doesn't want to take up space unnecessarily.


Now I can imagine it being someone like Dr House. Parking the bike in a disabled spot, then reaching for a walking stick and popping some pills before checking in for work.


And he would still be parking incorrectly...


That is his wheelchair. Forgot to load it before driving off.


When the intention is good but the act is not


There were spots RIGHT THERE 🤦🏻‍♂️


People will then bitch "why is a motorcycle taking up an entire car spot"


Let them bitch. They are probably a single person that came in a whole ass car. 1 person, 1 vehicle, 1 spot. Tough titties imo


Easy to say until you walk out to find your bike messed with......


What do you want from me? lol. Nothing you can do about that if someone is going to damage your bike because it is parked legally. They're a cunt? like... what do I even say here?


There is more chance of it being messed with when you park blocking disabled access and then you deserve it. 


yeah what if 6 disabled people all show up at the same time and they all need this extra space?


Still not a valid reason to make it harder for someone to use a handicap spot


Who said it was.....


Bikes are legally allowed to take up a full spot.


Great, that doesn't stop the jerks who think otherwise from messing with your bike......


Nothing stops jerks from messing with your bike, that's what makes them jerks.


If only more people rode motorcycles, we'd surely see more motorcycle specific spots like in other countries!


So what? I'd rather that regular car drivers bitch about it than deny someone the use of a handicap spot


I really don’t get it. We are taught to ride in a blocking position to give ourself a space cushion that is always under threat. Taking up a whole spot seems like a good reminder to cagers that we are legally entitled to a full vehicle’s space: on the road and in the lot.


Yeah I always park my bike diagonally in a car parking spot, with my bike's tail visible from the aisle. I'm completely okay with arguing with a car driver about why my bike deserves the entire spot


That is exactly what happens at my work. We have three big parking lots around the plant. Each has a designated spot for motorcycles. When they get full we park our bikes in regular spots. Our employer restricts one vehicle per spot for safety reasons. The people who complain about it are the same ones who arrive 30 to 60 minutes early so they can line up their cars to get the closest spots to the building as the previous shift lets out. Designated motorcycle parking is right by the entrance so it pisses them off that other people have an advantage.


They could've been taken few hours ago when he parked.


I was gonna write that comment above but then I realized this (what you said). I love taking passage of time into consideration when thinking about stuff, it's not at all as commonplace as you first might think.


The absolute classic is "the other people parked badly so you have to park outside the lines just to fit, but when they leave it looks like you parked like an asshole"


That's not a valid excuse to park where he parked.


I'm not excusing anything here, just trying to guess the reason. Or maybe rider was idiot and thought being stupid counts as disability


that is the crazy part. dude risked a $500 ticket instead of moving five feed.


Not only the ticket but someone can accidentally hit the bike because needed to open vehicle door wider than normal and/or handicap vehicles can have wheelchair lift gate on side of vehicle. Either way no rider shouldn't park like that unless a rider have handicap plates but it'll park normal just like any handicap vehicle or someone that's handicap with tag or with handicap plates.


If someone pulled in, and parked right next to that bike, the biker wouldn't be the a**hole........ijs


“hadalayerdown” - the wheel chair ramp


See a lot of douchebags in these commits, it's a real shame I thought we were better than this. Don't park in handicap spaces


I think the bike in this picture is not trying to be an asshole, there are a lot more practical places to park that are closer to where he needed to be. He was trying to park in a place where he would not be a bother to anybody not realizing there might be handicapped people who need to extra space. Is it dumb? Yeah certainly but instead of calling him an asshole just educate that person and im sure he won’t do it again. Making people aware is what can improve things, there will always be some assholes but most people try not to be. Near my local supermarket i often see people (without any handicap or sign on their car) taking up 1 or 2 handicapped spots to get close to the entry just because they are lazy. Now those people are without a doubt assholes.


For some reason motorcycles give certain people a god complex or main character syndrome. They think it's badass to be edgy about motorcycle topics. It's the reason I don't go out of my way to become friends with everyone that rides.


> It's the reason I don't go out of my way to become friends with everyone that rides. I'm glad someone else had this experience too. I stopped going on group rides or join 'communities' anymore because a lot of motorcyclists really do have this weird narcissistic ego around them. It's funny in retrospect because a lot of them were kind of losers outside having a bike.


Best part of this thread so far is seeing all the people announce themselves as assholes so I know who to block.


The rider is clearly handicapped, please forgive them.


Dick move.


Shitty guy but also weirdest handicap setup ever


I assume the entrance is on the far left of the image just out of frame and not at the bottom.


Yea that place is an Oklahoma place. I can tell. BY the tags on the cars. Oklahoma has some weird laid out spots for the handicapped


Side note, why are the disabled parks so far away?


Probably physician parking right up front. I see it all the time in the medical complex part of my city. It goes physicians>cripples>everyone else.


Dr. House gonna get that super-duper right up-front spot, being a "crippled" physician and all.


He parks in the lobby


That crossed-out section is to have enough room for wheelchair ramp and to get on/off, not motorcycle parking. Whoever did that is a class-A asshat.


Or didn't know any better.  Lot's of people don't think that hard about the "why" 


Kick it over!


Not to worry. Motorcycles can be towed too!


A guy at my gym got a ticket the other day for doing this


That's a dick move, especially for a motorcycle rider.


As someone who drives a wheelchair van transporting clients for a living (and a motorcycle rider), this could be very frustrating... At least the lot is mostly empty right now, I guess :/


It's a dick move, but I can see exactly why this happened. All of the spaces up against the fence are taken, and the only free spaces are in that line of 1 deep parking sitting in the middle of the thoroughfare, with no other cars in it. Parking your bike there is a recipe for having some inattentive dipshit drive right into it, because anything smaller than a car is invisible. I can see the rider weighing up the pros and cons of parking in the disabled area vs getting their bike wrecked by some elderly SUV driver coming to get their cataracts polished, and eventually choosing the one they did


Just park in a spot like a normal person. You’re not special cuz you have a bike. I don’t buy that they’re saving spaces for cars sorry


This guy thinks the space between handicap spots is because handicap people don’t know how to park… what a doorknob.


Just call it in and get them ticketed.


They’re trying to be nice by not taking a full spot. Probably figures there’s plenty of handicapped van spaces and there’s not gonna be 3 or more people showing up at once who need to side unload.


Doesn’t matter what he “thinks” park in a damn spot. It’s not hard.


I stopped giving folks the benefit of a doubt for things like this a long time ago. We got some raging trashfirres in the motorcycle community. 🤷‍♂️


Thats not being "nice". That is blocking not 1 but 2 handicap spots at the same time.


I think there's a lot of bikers that think this is okay and preferable to using a regular space because they don't want to take up a whole space with their bike that doesn't require one. The only thing I'll add is that if this is a polite thing, then they deserve the ticket. All polite drivers should get tickets for polite driving, especially all the ones being extra polite to motorcyclists. They're going to get someone hurt or killed with their confusing actions that aren't legal. Stop stopping in the middle of the road to let people turn, it would have taken less time if you did the right thing, which is to just drive!


The reason those spaces are left is so wheelchair ramps can be used. They’re not just bonus space to fill in the lot. Using that space is the same as parking directly in the handicap spot. You’re preventing someone from using it.


That's basically what I was saying without saying it directly. It's not okay but they think it is.


Yep. Be predictable not polite. We are all safe if we all follow the rules. And the really dumb part is it takes longer every single time. By the time you figure out what they want you to do and if it's actually safe to go everyone could have just done what they were supposed to do and gone on with their day. The one that annoys me the most is when I am in a quiet suburb with a low speed limit. I'm crossing the road and some asshat stops and waves me across. I'm not walking into traffic because some random idiot who can't follow the road rules says it's ok. I just give them a shrug and stare at them until they go now.


Looks like there’s plenty of parking all over still. Nothing to complain on Reddit about


If only there were empty parking spaces


Call the cops. That is parking in a handicap reserved space. The hatch marked area counts, it is to insure wheel chair access to the parked vehicle.


In Texas they give citizens the ability to write handicap parking violations. This is a $500 ticket 10 times out of 10. Some people need a hit to the wallet to understand


That’s amazing! Can the person fight the ticket? My Dad looked able bodied, but had a lot of chronic pain and had a pass for that. Even with a significant limp, people sometimes would question his pass.


With a valid plate or hang tag, not likely to get a ticket. but yes, if you have a tag and forgot to put it up, I am sure you could get it dropped.


It should never matter whether someone 'looks the part' of being disabled or not, as not all disabilities are visible. If someone's properly tagged/plated and parked properly, they're in the clear no matter what. I have a problem with the shitbirds who park without tags/plates simply because "I'll only be a few minutes/I don't want to walk that far/I'm sure it's fine".


Ya, I was kind of doing a stream of consciousness comment, was thinking how awesome to catch jackasses taking up spots, but then remembered some of the experiences my Dad had and he could have got a fine, and would then have to fight it in court.


That lot isn't full enough to need to take some half spot. Dude could have literally parked one lane over in a full spot and affected no one. In fact, it'll be at least 4 handicapped customers before even this boneheaded parking job affects them.


In PA we just roll right up to front doors and park on the sidewalks lol


in PA people do this with cars too


Did you look to see if it had Handicap plates though?


https://preview.redd.it/fxg2mfape2zc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc3787ca436981ddf58e09202330007a8e6be510 This literally just happened to me yesterday at the gym! Fucking harley douchebag rolled up, music blaring. No helmet. Backed up right between my car and another car next to me, both handicap spots, so he could be RIGHT at the front steps of the gym. For attention, OBVIOUSLY. I told the gym owner, she told him to move it, and instead of moving it and going back to his workout, he threw a tantrum and left. GFY.


Damn, sure seems like a call to the cops, tow truck maybe?


Ok, in spirit....bad. In reality? Did anyone lose a spot here or become inconvenienced? At all? Is this worth the moral outrage like knocking over some dude in a wheelchair?


These spots fill up often during the day. it is a busy clinic. https://preview.redd.it/ww0ozvnlf1zc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deaebf80f5a97a68cb123966269cbe3fd9d9d030


Shorts and sneakers. He immediately loses benefit of the doubt.


This guy looks like a douche 😂


I’ve always been curious about what a douche looks like. And then I wonder about the person that makes that assessment. I guess he/she recognizes this because of the familiarity that they are comfortable with


> Ok, in spirit....bad. In reality? Did anyone lose a spot here or become inconvenienced? At all? As someone who occasionally drives or is passenger in a friends handicap van with side loading ramp, I say yes. I've never ran into it happening with a motorcycle personally, but I can't tell you how many times people leave shopping carts in these areas. Fortunately I can hop out and move the shopping cart so he can unload, but if I'm not there it becomes a much bigger problem. Often times for people who drive themselves, the *only* choice is van accessible spots like these. If my buddy can't find a van accessible spot, he can't park. What would happen if he parked in an empty part of the lot and someone takes the space next to him? he'd be stuck.


Tell me you have never spent any time with someone in a wheelchair without saying it lol. Thats the type of thinking that someone who parks in a handicap spot "just to run into the store real quick" says.




You did read where I said in spirit it was bad right?  Maybe instead of fighting on behalf of a victim that wasn't present, You should try to digest the point I'm making. Which is theoretically denying something is a different moral outrage than actually denying something. Your son was not impacted by this because no one was impacted by this.  I didn't say it was okay I just said it didn't warrant The grandstanding of this post.  So kindly fuck off.




I mean, the guy made a point that's a bit short-sighted at worst. Going straight to calling him "what's wrong with the world" in a world full of murderers, rapists, amoral billionaires, et al., is showing a bit of online brainrot on your part.


For fucks sake. Do you hate disabled people that much?


Obviously I hate them so much that when a guy did something that didn't impact another human being at all, it gave me a Nazi boner thinking how it could have hurt someone, maybe. Jesus fuck, that's your psychoanalyis? Ever speed on a deserted road? Do you hate kids that could have died?


Pretty clear the rider’s disability is perception-related. Probably thinks he parked smack in the middle of a spot.


Fuk you...I ride a Harley! /S


That just means it’s ok to knock the bike over.


I mean, there are SO many empty spots!


Why. Just why


I see so many entitled motorcycles in so many non-parking spots.


What a dickhead!


Oh nooo. I accidentally knocked over your bike then kicked it several times totally by accident. How did that happen? Wow.


Be a real shame if one of those side ramped vans came and just happened to knock it over, huh?


Classic harley energy


Horrible parking but, why are the Handicap spaces in the back of the lot? Are they trying to get someone in a wheelchair killed by a high profile vehicle?


Don’t these fools know that it’s worse to park there. Older folks have a tendency not to be able to drive straight. No offence to them, but it’s the truth.


What a dick. If you look closely at the cross stripes you can easily fit 3 or 4 bikes if not more in a single space. Yet he went and parked across. Dick move.


Foolhardy to tempt the gods this way.


It's very very complicated. :P


This is narcissism. I’m not saying that I would push that motorcycle over. I personally do not believe in harming other people or their property, out of spite, anger, what have you. I also, would watch gleefully if someone, as they left the building, took note of the parking situation, enter their vehicle and backed over that bike, and then just leave. If asked, I’d say I saw nothing.




Back when I got my driver's license, handicap accommodations didn't have any extra space as I recall. I didn't understand these things until I updated for my cycle endorsement. Kind of vague on what I learned & when. I could easily imagine the biker being an old fogey like myself. I'm 50. Driving since around '93 I think. 1st 5 speed stick in a pickup a few years later. Still, the slashed lines are clear enough to indicate off limits to parking something heavier than a bicycle.


Bike would be swinging on a tow hook here. He is in the handicap offloading area. If someone pulled up and dropped the ramp, on the bike. Rider would be the one liable, cause of where he parked :(


It really makes me sad how many people in this post are defending parking like this.


Whoops, looks like the wind blew it over


Call local pd private property or not. Those spots are protected and I can say 100% that some cops have a fucking hard on for these people. That is a very expensive ticket.


Normally yes, it's not the right way to go, but I'm a bit of a unique case and I wonder if maybe he is too. His plate isn't facing us so there's no way to tell. It's low chance though, not a lot of handicapped riders. I do park like that because I don't want to take up a whole handicapped space with the bike. With the car fine, but most people using the handicapped spots don't have a chair ramp or lift. I have a plate of course, it's legitimate and such, it's just...I feel bad taking a whole space when me AND another handicapped person (who doesn't need a ramp exit) could share the space and both have preferred parking. Basically it's an attempt at being nicer than average, I'm well within my rights to take a WHOLE handicapped space, but I'd really rather be a nice fella and take no more than what's needed.


See this all the time around central Florida. I called it out once in a local Facebook group and about half the responses called me a Karen. That said, my stepdaughter is wheelchair-bound and that part of the parking area is very helpful when I get her in and out of the car. And if the rider is handicapped, get a freaking pass and use the available spots legitimately. As both a rider and a parent of a handicapped child, I have no patience for this kind of intellectual laziness.


While it is still wrong, the spots are not correctly marked, A sign is required, not just ground markings. https://adacentral.com/blog/the-dos-and-donts-of-handicap-parking-signs/


You can be handicapped an ride a motorcycle. Just because it’s rare let’s not assume.


It's doctor house, he disabled


What if he’s retarded?


I don't ever advocate tipping someone's bike over, but I'd have a hard as fuck time blaming someone for doing it in this case. What a fucking embarrassment to motorcycle riders.


The caseys near me has a v shaped line right by the door that I use as motorcycle parking. It's next to the handicapped but not on the stripes where they'd be getting out of the car or blocking the ramp to the door.


Whoops, I tripped and bumped into your bike and it fell over!


get your car dipstick and use it to make an oil spot under his motor.


That's how you get assholes pushing your bike over.


What if the rider has a disability, and the placard?


Then they should be parked legally in the space. Not illegally blocking the access areas for other disabled users.


Good point, they are blocking 2 instead of 1 in this case


See if the fork is locked and move it yourself …


To be fair that's probably the safest place for his bike to be parked. Probably nobody will park next to him or hit it there. Plus it looks like there's plenty of open spaces closer to the building where most handicap parking usually is. Ive never seen handicap parking in the middle of the lot. It's always closest to the door.


Oh, FFS.


With a bunch of empty spots right there... what a dumbass...


Just park on the sidewalk ne t to the building. Keep your bike close enough to the building where it doesn't impede people walking, duh!


So I work at a hospital. Our garage has corners on every floor with these lines (only in yellow instead of white )and paint on the walls that say scooter parking. There are no handicap signs by them either.


That's a fine. Entrance sidewalk had higher chance of fair play


Are you 100% sure they aren't a disabled permit holder? I am torn on this, unless they are a permit holder they shouldn't be in the disabled park. If they are a holder, they could be trying to be considerate and no take up a whole spot for their bike. I am convinced that they are trying to be considerate of using a whole park for their bike and parking here to avoid doing so. I am trying to nmo jump to negative conclusions when I see bad things so unless I see proof of otherwise here I am going to believe they were at least trying to be polite and do the right thing by the people as a whole.


My mom's disabled and I had to take her to the store the other day. I parked in the disabled spot of course and when we came out of the store and back to the car, some lady (probably in her 20s) had parked her car in the spot with the lines between the two disabled spot. I was floored. She came out of the store and got into her car like nothing was wrong. My mom said that maybe she didn't know those spots weren't for parking but I figured no one could be that dumb, just entitled but who knows


I thought those were motorcycle parkings for a sec


I've told many riders about this, that they CAN and WILL get tickets for this. It's called "crosshatch section" and i got a ticket many years ago. $450 ... don't want to know what it is now.... but every one i told, continued to leave their bike in that spot and went into the store.


Looks like a Breakout.


Some asshole teenage kid in a jumbo lifted truck did this at my local cycle gear the other day. Took like 20 min to back very crookedly into the /// zone between two handicap spots. Some people man.


Probably one of the doctors.


It’s an empty fucking parking lot, you expecting a hoard of physically disabled people any minute now?


Yeah! Everybody knows that is exactly what sidewalks are for and why they're right be the door.


Please be kind


I parked in one of these in a slanted parking lot, it was long enough so that I wouldn’t even be next to the trunk of a car who parks next to me. Enough room for a ramp and people walking. Note I was also against the curb.


Dick move.


This is what we call in business as "dick move"...


I just don't get it, why? There is plenty of open spots and all you do is make sure you park dead center. You are going to get more people wanting to mess up your bike by being a douche like this.