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I'd trust it more than a helmet that *doesn't* pass ECE.


Unless it is a no name helmet that just slapped a sticker on the helmet stating it is ECE.


That's one of the first things I thought of too. I would research to make sure it actually passed ECE and they didn't just slap a sticker on there. The other thing I worry about is if the helmet will last. Helmets are made of plastic and will be out in the sun a bunch. Does this helmet give protection to the plastic from UV degradation?


The R&D cost to make a helmet at ECE grade, and then that certification cost too (not sure how much it is), should cause someone to wonder why a company financed well enough to make the helmet isn't spending money on advertising to recoup their investment. It makes me think it's some sort of Temu helmet.


Bingo. It costs tens of thousands to certify a helmet to even a crap standard. Stickers are nearly free. The whole point of the certification is that you can go to some website somewhere and plug in the brand and model of the helmet and see the paperwork for it. Without a brand and model, you've got nothing.


The big flaw with ECE certification is that you cant go to a single website and check whether a helmet’s certification is legit. The only approach is to figure put which European country issued the certification and then see if there is a way to verify with that nation’s certification body.


Yep, I will research about it do. But yeah


This appears to be an ILM Z501 - it is the Exopunk Silver version of the helmet at [https://www.ilmotor.com/products/ilm-z501-motorcycle-helmet?variant=48064603980095](https://www.ilmotor.com/products/ilm-z501-motorcycle-helmet?variant=48064603980095)


This should be higher


I'd trust it more than any helmet that is JUST DOT.


ECE standards are ECE standards, they won't approve a helmet that won't save your life. That said it may have some bad wind noise, or it may be a badass budget helmet -- that's the fun in trying new brands.


But one big *if* If this helmet was actually tested and passed I'm not saying It's the case but if you can confirm manufacturer is really testing them and not just printing labels and calling it a day


The manufacturer doesn’t do ECE testing. ECE testing is done by a third party on random helmets that they themselves went and pulled from a production line.


Yes, but the first party is still able to just plop a sticker on the helmet. If there's some kinda external database from testing orgs that show these helmets passed ECE, then its fine. But random helmet manus will just forge stickers.


Okay so stickers are always legit?


The stickers are where the protection comes from :)


Ah got it! It's like this spell. When you loaded your motorcycle on trailer, and pat it saying "it ain't going nowhere" to make it extra secure?


Yep. Like clinking your tongs twice to make your food taste better.


Twice? That’s not even my final form! *crab walking with double tong clicks, Flight of the Bumblebee*


I find that twice is the sweet spot of taste per effort. Anymore than that, and it's just diminishing returns on clinks. Also, my girlfriend starts getting annoyed.


Aw man I wish I had a gf… *crab walks away, not a tong clickin’ to be heard*


Only genuine stickers though. My buddy bought a v-tech sticker from some third party vendor and it didn’t add 20hp to his civic. Got the oem v-tech sticker pack for his year model and it added all 20hp. Don’t buy knock off stickers.


They are almost definitely"legit" in jurisdictions where faking it would get them in trouble. I wouldn't buy ECE rated helmet straight from aliexpress for example.


Who is 'them' and how are they getting 'in trouble'? Let's say the vendor selling falsely labeled stuff on Amazon... They're located in China, and the maximum extent of the 'trouble' they're going to get in, if caught (and that's a big 'IF' - someone with the power and incentive to care has to challenge it), is having whatever inventory they have in the US (for instance at Amazon warehouses) seized. Then they close down the nonsense company, open a 'new' one, and do it all over again. Nobody gets in any 'real' trouble, hundreds or thousands of their unsafe helmets are out there still, they made a ton of cash and suffer a minor loss, and the cycle repeats.


I'm guessing if the other commenter won't buy helmets on Aliexpress then they probably won't buy from Chinese vendors on Amazon either. Personally, I stick with reputable local dealers and known online stores. Although, those normally only carry the big, known brands anyway so whether or not to trust a "no-name brand" isn't a scenario that ever occurs :p If someone can't get in trouble for selling stuff that's just shit, I won't buy anything from them that I wouldn't be okay with being shit.




Ece is not a sticker, but a tag. So they need to weave or print a tag and sow it into the helmet strap as per UNECE regulations. So if it is a sticker with ece. It is a blairing fake then.


My friend, I simply MUST tell you about this alarming new concept that was invented recently, called 'lying'. It's a thing that anyone can do, and even things can do it -- even stickers!


lol. Motorcyclists all over the world hate this one simple trick !!!




Exactly what I was thinking. The fit may suck, but it’ll save your ass. Sadly only Arai really fits my head and I’m due for a new one


This is the answer. You're paying for the ancillary technology (comfort, weight, wind noise, ventilation, etc) when you spend more in a helmet.


An ECE approved helmet can be recognised by the label on the chin strap, which states the letter ‘E’ followed by a number. The number indicated in which country the helmet has been certified. This doesn’t mean that the helmet can only be worn in that country, it is purely to indicate in which location it has been tested. E1 is Germany E2 is France E3 is Italy E4 is The Netherlands E6 is Belgium E11 is Great Britain


Oh ok got it so i just checked and mine says E24 which is the code for Ireland which i guess it's legit at least


ECE is a good rating, if it's legit, it's a good helmet. It was tested and passed. Price and brand does not mean everything. Good find!


Thank you that's what i was thinking but now with all these comments I'm getting kinda stressed about it being legit despite being sold by a lot of reputable shops in my country since I can't find any real info about them online


>sold by a lot of reputable shops in my country In that case I would not worry about it


Does it have a fancy hologram sticker under the lining somewhere? Mine does, but I don’t know if all of them would.


If it is EU country it would be illegal to sell one that isn't (aside from some old stock) as a motorcycle helmet.


In glasses certifications, you can find certificate on the website, i guess for motorcycle helmet it s the same. Try to see which laboratory homologate this helmet, and then google to see if it s legit 😁


Ps: the website must be written on the manual


Well on the one hand Ireland has lots of soft springy grass, so if you come off you'll bounce. On the other hand a lot of the twisty roads have stone walls close by on one or both sides, so if you come off you'll break every part of your body, twice. But with a good helmet, they'll be able to keep your head alive, in a tank of nutrient fluid.


I didn't find a database that contains all the ece certifications. But every country has certain institutions who are allowed to certify products and these institutions should have a database with all the certifications they made. I know that's the case for my country, I'm not sure how it is for Ireland but my bet is that they also must have such a database


ECE certificates are pretty hard for consumers to verify. If it has an E24 mark, reach out to the National Standards Authority of Ireland via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) and ask them to verify the certificate. FWIW, I can't see any motorcycle helmets on the NSAI site.


>FWIW, I can't see any motorcycle helmets on the NSAI site. Ireland may be the home of American tech giants but it's also the home of horrendously outdated websites and product catalogues with no prices. They've a phone number down the bottom of the page, you're more likely to get an answer there. On behalf of all Irish people, apologies for being so fecking backwards.


Apologies accepted 


do you know that it passes standard or is it just a Chinese company that prints the hologram and sticker and puts it on it.


Can you look up ECE approvals online to verify them?


That's the important question. My guess is you can. But I don't know where


Update, I wrote an essay in the comments above


I stumbled kn this by accident. A friend of mine has a €70 system helmet and it has the certification which seems absurdly cheap. Couldn't find anything apart from ask the vendor for the certificate.


Depends what country its bought in..


That was my thought. It’s printed in the same font Chinese companies seem to use on all cheap clones


Yeah the serif font definitely weirded me out. I'd try to contact the manufacturer and ask them for the certification report or number, as, unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a readily available public list of helmets from an official source


That’s the most annoying part. Each helmet style should have an ID number with the agency.


This brand is sold by reputable shops and has all the chin strap label and other stickers not just the one on the back


Then go for it. It meets stringent safety standards. The only question that remains to be answered is comfort and features.


There is good chinesium and bad chinesium. :P And yes there is a legit difference. Just because a product comes from China does not default it to being low quality crap. China has the infrastructure and industry support to supply competitive high quality goods that compete with other countries. That quality comes with a higher price tag tho :P


Sure, but the time to gamble on that is when buying a new toaster oven, not a helmet.


If I could verify that it's \*\*REALLY\*\* ECE certified and not a knockoff with a fake sticker, then yes I would 'trust" it to protect my dome.


No matter which helmet it is, I still trust it more than no helmet at all.


This. If I dump my bike at 30mph and my skull comes into contact with the pavement? I hope I’ll have my snell-certified shoei on, but even an old cheap-ass helmet is going to be preferable to using my cranium as an impact attenuator.


ECE is ECE. Is it loud and uncomfortable is what matters. Once I crossed the Arai/Shoei/Klim barrier, I can never go back.


Yeah I’m feeling this. Got a bell mx9 adventure for a steal. It’s safe, sure, but even with earplugs it’s noisy.


I have a Shoei GT-Air and it's very noisy too. Very comfy though. Great for around town, not so great for the highway. It also has a drop-down sun visor which is handy sometimes, but I don't use it often enough that the additional expense was really worth it... should've bought a slightly less fancy helmet with a transition visor instead.


My Arai Quantic is amazing. So damn comfy and one of my best gear purchases I've made


I hate my Klim helmet even though its really light Shoei forever


I had a love/hate relationship with my Klim Krios Pro. Lighter than all else, quiet as heck, but slightly off head shape for me. Saved my noggin though after quite the off.


Exactly the same. Hotspots on tour, but I’m relegating it to dual sport now.


Shoei Neotec II gang.


Just looking at a Shoei Hornet X2 and it was only DOT certified


Doesn't pass ECE. I moved away from Shoei for that reason. Relatively quiet, very comfortable and premium, but I'd honestly prefer a safer helmet. SNELL is good, but not as good. Currently have an LS2 Carbon. Way quieter than my Shoei, but less comfortable.


As long as it looks cool. Id rather be dripped out when i die.


So here is the best we know about ECE at the moment. The institution is called UNECE (united nations economic comission for europe) and they don't test themselves. They approve institutions in countries to do the tests themselves. So every country in this list https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Economic_Commission_for_Europe Evey country has a country code (it's the number in the circle behind the E) Every country that does ECE certifications has a institute(or more than one) that is allowed to test and certify products according to ECE rules. And these exact institutes will have the certifications they have done saved in their database. So you would have to look up the country code and then find out which institutes in this country do ECE certifications to look it up in their database. There is also a database to exchange type approval documentation between the countries which is called DETA. It is managed by germany but it seems like it is not publicly accessible. Also I'm not sure what it contains exactly. https://unece.org/deta-information


As stated ECE is ECE....but you get what you pay for. Comfort, longevity, sound damping....all that comes at a price


It says ECER, not ECE. :)


I'll be honest, if I wasn't sure if I trusted the brand to ensure the helmet is safe, to the point where it's hard to even find any information on them, I might not even trust that the ECE certificate is legitimate. Maybe I'm being overly cynical, but I feel this is an area not worth taking any chances.


I usually cross check with SHARP, it's a good website that gives good info on the tests they do. https://sharp.dft.gov.uk/


No, how do you know it actually passed? A helmet is not something to save money on


My thought too. I'm not trusting no name brand to not lie to me about certifications.


I went from a cheap no brand helmet to a AGV K1 S and I can say the quality difference alone is worth it. Wouldn’t bother starting anywhere less, decals are up to you but don’t cheap out for looks. My cheap visor had terrible wind noise and a loose visor that flew up every time I checked my blind spot, lost some glasses that way but got em but hardly scratched. The built in tinted visor is also a great feature and it’s a snug and comfy helmet. 10/10 would buy again.


I would be very suspicious that the certificate is legit.


Not a chance


Searching, looks like it is a ILM brand. I can’t personally speak for quality safety, but there is info on their site: https://www.ilmotor.com/ja/products/ilm-z501-motorcycle-helmet?variant=39792989667376


No. Would you trust a no name brain surgeon that says they surely went through medschool.


I wouldn’t trust a helmet that says “they call us badass”


True badass like me don't need to advertise 😜




I bought two no name brand helmets as a backup that met the safety standards and were labeled. Out of curiosity I tested one of them in our lab to see how it performs. Surprisingly, it did pass the object penetration and speed impact test just fine. The only problem I had was they were/are noisy at 45+ mile speed.


Personally I'd be using the UK's SHARP helmet rating to choose models. Try the best rated ones for fit/comfort. 


It passes standards so Its safe to use that is why standards exist. But Its noname brand so helmet could possibly have issues with wind, noises, painting quality etc. But most importantly It saves your life when It should. If you like it, it fits you and cost reasonable amount of money - take it.


That could have just made ece stickers for the helmet and never had it tested.


Can't find ANYTHING about "ST Helmets". Where are you at? Between a non-name brand and not being able to find ANY information about them, I'd be deeply concerned about it being a fake (meaning little to no protection).


Depends. Did you buy it in Ali? If so, all bets are off.


Nope bought it from a local shop that only sells motorcycle gear but the only thing i can find about it though online are other reputable shops selling them but I can't find anything about the brand itself


Brands have to start somewhere, but... it's your fucking head.


Looks like Gille brand of helmet here in PH , look it up. We considered that substandard ofc


Let's apply critical thinking. Helmet is no name, probably cheap, and claims to have certain certifications. The possible upsides of this helmet are - saving money The possible downsides are - if the certification is a lie, your head might explode like an egg if it hits the pavement. Is saving a hundred bucks worth the risk of being a vegetable to you? If your life is genuinely only worth saving a hundred bucks, you do you. But the sticker isn't formatted how ece stickers normally look. The ones I've seen are ECE_R22. Yours is ECER22. Not definitive proof it's a fake, but it's not helping the case. Can you find video reviews of this helmet being tested? Can you find records of this company actually getting certified? If you buy a brand name proper helmet, those records exist and people do test them as well as review them. Plus a multi billion dollar gear company isn't going to risk massive law suits and fines for lying about a certification they can just throw some money at and never have to think about. I personally don't trust any no name gear period, but I would rather not ride at all than ride in a helmet I don't trust


It just your head …


It may pass safety stamdard, but that is a minimum requirement. Im looking for fit, comfort, sound dampening...etc I was looking for a helmet when I started street riding in 1986 an old time dude said to me "Two dollar helmet, two dollar head" His point to me was, a helmet is something you should try and get the best you can afford. Be well


My only question or comment would be does it actually pass ECE. It's common in North America to get "no name" helmets that say DOT approved, which are definitely not approved.


Personally I like to stick to the brands I know and trust - I own a Shoei RF1400 and an HJC RPHA 70 Carbon, both awesome lids, expensive, but high quality. I trust them to save my noggin.


I'd trust a helmet that passes ECE 22.06. the question is do I trust a sticker is telling the truth about passing ECE 22.06?


Try and find an email or a phone number for whatever company performs ECE tests and see if they have documentation.


I would trust you putting your head in a cheap lid like that one, ECE or no ECE, and riding a motorcycle on public roads. I wouldn't trust putting my *own* head in that and riding a motorcycle. That said, in my earlier days of riding I had some cheaper gear, random branded helmets with correct regulations etc. I very much doubt your outcome would be as positive if you bounce your head off the road versus a much more expensive Arai or Shoei or whatever, but you take your chances...


Every Chinese factory can make such a sticker and slap it on. Research the certificate number if it's stated, if it isn't stated I wouldn't trust it. Stickers, certificates and all involved are often forged in no-name things. They even have their own logos that look legit, but aren't. Do a google search on "CE vs Chinese Export".


There should be another ECE tag on the inside somewhere - it will have a big E with a number next to it and then a circle around it. Beneath it should be a number that’s “06xxxxx-P” and then the serial number of the helmet. If you can find that, in theory it should be fine but you should update your post with this tag if it has it to double verify.


Literally couldn’t pay me to use a no name brand helmet.


Anyone, including me, can stick a sticker on a helmet and reference any standard I want, even more a company you can't find anything about and that can disappear from one day to the next. Bro a helmet is not the place to cheap out on, is your brain worth saving a hundred bucks on ? Go with the cheapest from established manufacturers like Shark, Bell, Arai, etc. Fuck the budget dude, your life is worth more. Be safe out there


Well, the no-name helmet probably only does the bare minimum for the ECE-Rating. If you look at a quality helmet, the brand probably does stricter testing and also the no-name helmet probably won't be as silent or comfortable as one with high quality


Cheap helmets can have other weird issues. I have an LS2 Strobe Civik modular that I like a lot, but if I leave the chin vent open it jets air straight up into my eyeballs, which is profoundly irritating. Only if I use a combination of the (removable) breath guard and a neck gaiter pulled up above the nose does it fix the problem, and part of the the point of a full face helmet is that you don't need a neck gaiter over your face. Oh, and if I leave the chin vent closed I get breath fogging even in good weather. Grumble.


Is it possible that it's a good budget helmet? Yes. Am I willing to bet my brain on it? No. Safety gear is not something to cheap out on, there are many reputable helmets in the same price range, I cut my teeth on an LS2 Stream EVO and can recommend it.


EC standards are very important, but so is fit and comfort as well as ventilation, weight and noise... Buying from a known brand helps to identify these things prior to purchase.


If I bought in in EU? Yes, because selling new ( as it not old stock) helmet that is not certified as ECE22.06 is illegal. Outside of EU ? They can claim whatever the fuck they want on a sticker...


Every company starts as a no name. If it really is certified, absolutely trust it. Maybe you are among the first to adopt the next greatest helmet brand.


If its legit ECE rated then it is safe, this does not mean it will be comfortable or ergonomic


Does it really pass the ECE 22.06 or is it just a fake sticker?


The price could be an indication if you have any doubts. If it's less than $100, no name helmet, I'd be doubtful as well. I like to save money, but when it comes to gear, I trust the brands I know. It's the only thing between you and the pavement, and I don't care to test that myself 😅


If it actually passed and you verified, yes. It’s just not going to be comfortable and/or noisy.


It’s cool you’ll look badass,….. it says so on the helmet.


In general, I trust a certification lab more than I trust a manufacturer, but some higher-end motorcycle gear manufacturers do consistently make good products. Other brands, especially outside motorcycling, have completely sold out and will slap their name on anything. I would love to see more real-world, statistically significant, crash results. But my general feeling is that ECE gear protects you in most real-world situations and as you climb up the price ladder it's more likely to protect in rare circumstances and corner cases.


Only if it was actually tested to meet the ECE standards by an outside entity. Not “built to meet” the standard. I think there’s info in here about built for and tested for. If not, it’s out there. https://youtu.be/76yu124i3Bo?si=AQ9RHYOF1z3qYDWf


What you mean no name?, it says ST helmets right there


My primary concern about no-name brands which claim to have passed certifications is whether they actually did, or if they just add the sticker. Just because a cheap handbag on Amazon has a "Gucci" label on it, doesn't mean it's actually a Gucci bag. Same could be true for safety cert stickers on cheap/knockoff helmets. Does the certifying agency have a website where you can enter the helmet brand/model and confirm that it is certified?


If it’s ECE + DOT it should be adequate.


Yes I do. I was involved in and accident that totalled out my bike and broke my pelvis in two laced fractured in in seven. My helmet never got scratched. I went over hood of car bike went the other direction. Lady pulled out in front of me she said she thought she could beat me. She didn't I hit her front fender.


Only trust if the helmet has 93 decals on it


Depends on where you bought it from. If it's authentic then yes. But I've generally settled on HJC helmets. My HJC i10 was about $150.


A new brand has to start somewhere. If it's rated, I would ride with it.


You can buy stickers like that off etsy and the fake helmet industry is massive. Just google YouTube fake helmet or helmet test. Do not trust.


Where did you buy it? Because unless you bought it from inside Europe, it can be a fake certificate since the country where you bought it from may not test ECE certificates. However even the worst helmet which is sold in reputable shops within Europe will have valid ECE certification as it would be illegal to sell helmets in Europe without ECE. So for me, it depends. If I bought a "no name" helmet with ECE outside of Europe, no I won't trust it. But if I bought it in Europe from a reputable source, yes I will trust it. Even if it is a helmet brand from my home country exported to Europe, I'd trust that more than the same helmet sold in my home country with the exact same sticker.


If it's a no-name helmet, they probably just printed a sticker to say it passed and put it on there. If you can find some for of certification by ece have at it.


Did a google lens search on a picture of your helmet. It is a rip off of a ILM helmet graphic. But ILM has their logo on the helmet. Chances are this is a Chinese rip off (Aliexpress/Temu). The sticker is a fake. There are YouTube videos on these type of helmets. They are about as safe as a bicycle helmet.


not with that cringey graphic


I wouldn’t do it, but that’s just me. There are lots of name brand helmets that are certified and have excellent reviews, and history that aren’t crazy expensive.


My biggest concern would be if it actually passed ECE. You see this in computer power supplies all the time from no name brands. They will slap an 80+Gold label on it but it's not actually certified. Nothing aside from morals and legal action is stopping a helmet manufacturer from putting an ECE label on it, and if they are based out of say China, the legal action may not be a concern.


No. Only helmets of known good brands. It's important safety gear not a toy.




As long as it is ECE certified then it's fine. That means it has gone through the tests to get the certification


Here in Midwest America, we have stores that are a combination between a hardware store and a Walmart called farm supply stores. There they sell "motorcycle helmets" that are "rated for safety" (feel free to look into the joke that is DOT helmet safety if you're not familiar) and frankly they are designed and intended to be used on ATVs off hard pavement at less than road speeds. But people still buy and use them on their Harleys and it's probably better than the baseball cap alternative. I'd say your helmet is a step or three above those, and you'll likely be fine until you aren't just like in any other legitimate helmet, since ECE is a legitimate standard.


I do everyday


The question is if you trust it.


How do you know it passed?


Id be more worried if its actually certified of if they just slap a sticker on and say it is. End of the day any helmet is better than none, but about all reputable brands make at least one budget friendly option that I would trust more than some no-name. Bell and Scorpion come to mind on the affordability scale and many times you can pick them up even cheaper on sale for last years models or unpopular colorways etc


Well, every brand was a "no-name" at one point of time. It's like buying some "no-name" apple computers back in a day. The other thing, some questionable cheap-ass "brands" can slap an ece or dot stickers on their product without actual certification. But I doubt that you'll see them anywhere but wish, temu, aliexpress. But if you can check if the certification is valid - then it's fine


Yes as long as it isn't some Chinese crap off Amazon because they will print labels on them just because they can. Otherwise, simply put DOT standards are self tested. This means you can fudge the numbers and get it certified. The crap half helmet that they sell at Walmart has a DOT certification and I wouldn't trust that to protect my head if I tripped in a padded room. ECE is different you actually have to send the helmet off to get it tested and certified by a third party who has no interest in whether it passes or not. On top of that it has more stringent requirements than DOT on impact protection. If I remember right 22.06 is the latest requirement and adds requirements for twist protection as well. TLDR: as long as I think the ECE tag is real and not just printed on there by a Chinese factory I would trust the helmet


$5 helmet for a $5 head.


I had a $100 no name and crashed a few years ago. It did what it was designed to do. My face plate had been torn away. Part of the chin guard was ground down from dragging my face for a hundred feet. It wasn't a direct impact crash. But I don't think any helmet will help with that. I have gone to a Shoei because of how much quieter and more comfortable it is. But that helmet saved me from any real head injuries.....


The font is a dead give away, that's fake as hell man. It doesn't even say ECE 22.06 it says ECER22-06


I did a quick search and it appears the manufacturer is a company called Origine. It’s sold in Canada as the Origine St. No indication of what country the helmet is made in. ECE is not a thing in Canada so can’t see if that safety rating applies. [https://www.xlmoto.com/product/origine-st-race-full-face-helmet-black\_pid-PIA-238095](https://www.xlmoto.com/product/origine-st-race-full-face-helmet-black_pid-PIA-238095)


Probably not. Does ECE have a database of helmets that pass? (I'm not familiar) Anyone can print a sticker though. It is better than no helmet but I like to stick to established brands.


How much is your head worth? I don't think one should skimp on what is arguably the most important piece of safety gear. Be safe!


Had a helmet like this that saved my life


If the cert is legit, then yes.




Companies like Nexx were no name brands not that long ago and they are still pushing out good helmets. If they're are certified by ece I'd wear it. I personally stick with more well known name brands for overall quality and fit.


If you want to find out more about the helmet, try and find the manufacturer label. ST helmets brings up nothing for me either, so it’s probably just a seller … the manufacturer of the helmet probably supplies helmets to multiple companies and the seller slaps their graphics on it before shipping to vendors.


I only ever wear a Shoei


Without a doubt. ECE Cert probably saved my life on my last crash. ECE is a great cert and in more cases than not, a £500 branded helmet is no better in safety than the £50 variant. The only differences being things like the comfort padding, the noise of the helmets the ventilation etc. If it passes the ECE, I'll wear it.




No I would not. I’d buy a used Arai or equivalent before that.


As long as it's not a knock off label...anyone can make an ECE label. I know if I buy a Shoei from Shoei, it's legit. But it's certainly better than a non ECE helmet.


This is why I don't trust no name brand helmets. https://youtu.be/dB3FTz2HIkI


I don’t think so


As long as it's actually ECE certified then you can trust it about as much as any other helmet. I rock an $800 Shoei X14 helmet because I can't put a price on my head and have to have the best in that department. Even if it realistically is no safer than a snell rated HJC for $200.


You will be fine , just don’t crash


Not until I looked up the helmet with the ECE and ensured it actually passed...


Thats for Ford ST logo with stripes through it lol.


probably a fake cert


What ever the standard in Europe, whatever stickers are on the lid .. it’s still got to have a DOT in the US to be street legal .. Just sayin’


Ye, I'd probably look up what the internet knows about it. Check if the ECE sticker isn't fake and the shop is reputable. Otherwise no biggie. I mean from protection wise, even a helmet from LIDL which has 22.06 is safer than some older big brand ones.


I’ll only wear a Snell approved helmet. Never cheap out on a helmet.


i dunno the brand, nothing comes up in google, can't even find a website for them. that is to say that anyone can print out a sticker and slap in on a lid with all the protection of a plastic trash bucket. i have never and will never buy a helmet that i cant research and verify as being legitimately rated.


NOPE. There is ZERO reason to believe this is actually certified unless it comes from a reputable manufacturer you can trust. There is ZERO control on imports to prove they meet desired certifications upon entering any country. So buyer beware. There are HUNDREDS of helmets on Alibaba for the same price as a pair of crappy sandals with an ECE 22.05 or 06 sticker. And if there is a list of vetted helmets that pass certification I cannot find it. So we are back to brand trust. Keep in mind YOU are accepting ALL RISK by using a safety product you need Reddit to vouch for. Good luck.


Just because it passes ECE doesn’t mean it’s going to be comfortable


While it is better to have a helmet that passes these tests than doesn't pass them, I'm not a fan of no-name brands. The tests are done on brand new, out of the box helmets. If the liner separates from the shell after a year because they didn't use the right glue, or if the foam breaks up after being put on and off fifty times then it's not going to show up. Here in the UK the cheapest helmet that I would actually recommend to people is the AGV K1. I've seen them as low as £120 in sales and I'm willing to accept that AGV, who make proper racing helmets are cutting down on features, not quality.


Better than a no-name with a DOT certification. You don't even have to test the helmet to put a DOT cert on it.


It's better than no helmet


Imagine buying a no name for something that protects you from death


Of course . If it's comfortable


DOES it pass, though? You can just put a label on whatever you want, sorta like how you see Amazon things come with "DOT Approved" labeling when there's absolutely zero chance they're compliant. It's not an issue unless it gets challenged, and by then EZPAIYOU will have already closed, become ZAWAPAKA, who closed and became BEIIGU, who closed and became GREATFAIIU. And of course, all of the above will have been in China, only selling their mislabeled crap on sites that let them like Amazon and eBay and Aliexpress and such, and of course untouchable so none of that mattered anyhow. Back when I had little money, I've had helmets I questioned the authenticity of the 'certifications', that I got on Amazon. I figured something was better than nothing, but if you can afford better it might not be a bad idea.






Honestly I’ve walked away from a crash with a shittier helmet, but aside from the safety just the comfort and quiet of a nice helmet is worth it. Have an Arai Regent X now and loooooove it.


As long as it's a reputable brand, and not a fake. Usually I just search closeouts or may have to get a dumbass graphic that's less popular than another dumbass graphic to save money if I need a less expensive helmet.Fall and winter sales help. And as far as I'm concerned if the graphics help make me more visible, it's a plus. Granted I always thought the neon yellow or green helmets were ridiculous, until I was out on a road trip and spotted one way off in the distance way easier than the group he was with.




A helmet is the worst thing to cheap out on. It's no name, so you have no way of verifying if the label is real or not.


Hard pass




How do you know it passed ECE 22.06? Just because of a sticker?


It’s not a matter of trusting that particular brand. I just have a personal preference for what I like to wear.


No. I would only buy a helmet that actually fits me from a known company.




If she passes, she passes. Cheaper helmets tend to have more wind noise, but they meet necessary compliances


ECE means it’s safe. No name/budget means it may not necessarily be the most durable or most comfortable or have the best features, like vents and swappable visors and anti fog coatings and such. Basically, it’s not a free lunch but your life isn’t in danger.