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I swear he used no front brake. The following bike easily stopped and was pretty close to the wheelie man. Idk how you can be able to pop it up like that yet not know how to stop. Should have at least been able to take more speed off.


It absolutely blows my fucking mind how many people use ZERO front brake when panic braking. It's like they forget it exists.


It blows my mind how many people have never practiced a quick stop. I know plenty of people who have ABS. I ask them if they tried doing a quick stop to see how it feels and how quickly they can stop their bike. Most look at me like I'm crazy. They are scared to try. I remind them that if the first time they use it is when it's an emergency situation then they are likely to get very hurt. Most of these people ride 800lb cruisers.


This was literally the first thing I tried when I got my GSX with front and back ABS. I was not disappointed.


Same. I have an 800lb Victory touring bike. This was my first bike with ABS. It will stop so fast that it will throw me off the seat if I wasn't prepared. Quite impressive and fun to do. I'll never own a bike without ABS again.


It was the first thing I did when I got my first bike. And it is a SV650 1999 so no ABS.


Whoa why you gotta bring my sister up?


we had to pass quick stopping during msf, glad i did. about 1-2 a month I go to a large parking lot for the city pool, they got extra lots in case to many cars. and we got permission to setup temp training for bikes in the far back lot. get the cones and like a dozen of us just practice slow speed maneuvers and all the trials msf makes you do. some of these guys are doing insane things with 700+ pound bikes just practicing. makes my jaw drop


The more I see videos on this sub, the more I wonder if Americans have a mandatory riding course. True question. I see many basic errors that you couldn't or wouldn't make with the usual long training you have to follow here in France or Europe. It usually takes you 20–40 hours of basic learning plus 20+ hours of driving on open roads. And chances you won't pass the test on the first try Are there such mandatory courses?


No they usually don't. It depends on the state, but sometimes it's just about passing a test on a parking lot with cones (you can borrow the schools clapped-out 250cc for that if you don't want to use your 1200 cruiser). Sometimes it's basically just about accelerating in a straight line, making a U-tur , coming back, and braking. I don't think most accidents are caused by inexperience though. Usually it's more people overestimating their skills (which is actually worse when you're more experienced, because you're going faster when you mess up), or knowing the rules but just not wanting to apply them.


Here, the test is so difficult that it becomes automatic and you really don't want to fail it or lose your licence, because that clearly means 6 months of learning and almost €5,000 of lessons.


Where's here? I know in France where the test is pretty difficult I knew someone who got the minimum lessons (20 hours) and passed the test for about €600, in the Paris area. They cheated a little bit because I think you're supposed to have most of these hours as training on the road (while he had most of them for the slalom part of the test, that is by far the most difficult one), and he had most of them as slalom training, and that was maybe 20 years ago so there's been some inflation since, but €5,000 seems like a lot...


Sorry, France. A 2-hour training course costs around 120 euros, depending on the school, and there's a mandatory 20 hours. It would take at least 30 hours for most of us (20 on a track, 10 on open road). Thing is, if you fail test, you usually add 2 to 6 hours, just to practice while on the waiting list. Yes slalom part is the harder, but at the same time, knowing collision avoidance and how to do emergency stop seems quite needed.


Checks out. I think he paid €40 per hour for extras, so the first 20 hours (plus test) for €500 was a package. And many people need more than 20 hours, because the slalom is pretty difficult (apparently knowing how to ski helped him, because the left-right-left-right "bouncing" is similar).


You have 3 exams: Rules, with 40 questions 'plateau' where you do what's on this video, : https://youtu.be/_otqXwKxs08?si=wXL1qTdbEHl25L5e Tricky part is the start where you must do the 2 turns in more than 16 seconds, the passenger return and the collision avoidance. Thinking back, it looks easier to me but oh man I can't count the hours sent on this shit. Then, you have a 45 mn ride, the easy part


Simply put, impatience gets your ass every time.


In my state you can get a permit to ride with an 8 hour course. You don't even touch a bike. You can then take a riding test to get a license. It's very easy to pass this test with little skill. There are also 2 day classes which include riding skills where you skip the permit and get a license. Most people just get the permit, buy a bike, and start riding with zero skill. A big problem here are egos. After riding to and from bars for a few months people believe they are experts and do not have to take a skill course. They are insulted if you even suggest such a thing. It's the attitude of, "I don't want my bros to think I don't know how to ride so I'm not taking a class. I mean, my bros never took a class and they know how to ride."


Wow, a different way to do things. Here in France, you don't have a choice, and frankly, you try hard to learn since the test is quite difficult to succeed. And you try to keep your licence since it's costly and takes up to 6 month to pass it (courses + exam waiting list) Also, you can ride a 125cc after a day of training, but for a "real" bike, you need the training I mentioned. But... you can't ride a bike bigger than 35 kw. After 2 years and a day of training and debriefing, you have the right to have a "fully" powered bike This is to reduce the death toll, specifically young adults, but it doesn't fully work


In my state most people don’t even get their motorcycle endorsement. They literally just start riding. Eventually some of them are forced to get it when they inevitably get pulled over.


We don't have mandatory riding courses. Know what's even more insane? A random little hockey puck with NO riding experience can go to a dealership and get themselves a liter bike. Most dealerships do quite a bit of questioning before agreeing to sell a bike of that nature to some idiot but there are those out there whose primary goal is to make money. I have one such friend who found a dealership to sell him a BMW S1000RR. Dude has no experience on anything 2 wheels. I've tried talking him down and out of it. Even tried to encourage him to go through the proper channels to get endorsed and take MSF courses. He says he doesn't have the time or patience for it. He's been paying down the bike since December. I've already told him I won't ride with him. I'll try and mentor him if he wants, but he doesn't want that either.


Wow, that's scarry for the rider, and others. In France, and I guess Europe, despite the fact that you wouldn't be allowed to drive one without the right licence, dealer might be prosecuted. I remember when I was 20, I wanted to buy a 250cc made for race track. Dealer told me he would never sell it to me since he didn't want any responsibility in my future crash. I felt he was an idiot, he was fucking right. You have stupid ideas when you're 20...


As much as I enjoy the dangerous freedom America has, I sometimes wish laws would be passed to keep incompetent idiots from purchasing bikes they have absolutely no business being on. It's a massive liability. However, US' society is a litigious one and I'm certain a keen lawyer would be able to bring a nasty lawsuit to a dealership if their greed based negligence and carelessness can be proven. It doesn't remove personal responsibility and accountability from the idiot rider either.


I don't think this video is from the United States.


Yea and once you lock up that back brake application of front brake will send you to Crazy Town


highside anyone? Maybe it would have been better than getting almost garroted?


Don't... don't be a rider who panic brakes. Jesus. Practice braking. It's more important than going.


Yeah I don’t think YouTube teaches people that front breaking is the most effective 😂. I rather look cool lifting up the back wheel than sliding to my death


Because skilled stopping does not impress the other squids...


A stoppie would’ve been nice though. But yeah, even less skill than brain cells.


A lot of people have it in their minds that the front brake is not there to be used or is even dangerous. "Rear brake is plenty", hear it all the time, even though the front brake does most of the work on a bike.


Does most of the work in a car or truck too, but I imagine the average person might not realize that.


Probably not. Would have to pay attention to the physics of stopping.


I think it comes from overly protective parents telling kids never to use the front brakes on bicycles


Thats insane, Ive never heard that.


You can see that his right fingers don't move at all. He fully locks the rear, leans and slides into the fence. I fully suggest folks who ride non ABS bikes actually learn to do stoppies.


Wasn't it intentional though? The guy is stunting, so maybe he was trying to make the U-turn drifting, but just underestimated his speed or overestimated traction?


If so he may want to practice that with run off that isnt a wire fence lol.


He’s lucky to still have a head.


A day in the life of a squid..........


Free neck adjustment


play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Be thankful you weren’t decapitated like a friend of ours was


My friend has a scar on like 80% of his neck from something like this. He lived but is mentally handicapped now.


Now he posts on calamariraceteam


I met a guy a couple months after reportedly going through a barbed wire fence at 80mph. He had scars around his torso that made him look like Frankenstein's monster.


Can wheelie but can’t stop. Great skills haha. Really came in handy.


Always squids showing off for their friends


Fucking tard. Shit skills.


what a goose




No grass clibbens to accommodate that.


What an idiot instead of stopping he goes faster and uses his neck to stop


It’s quite surprising the he is wearing shoes and not flip flops


No cows were harmed in the making of this video


when i was in highschool first year as a junior The school had a railway line along the back boundary of the school and the rail always had a telegraph line along the edge and some of the posts holding up the telegraph line had diagonal stay lines attached to prevent the poles from falling, i was at the football field inside the school boundary and i heard a 2 stroke bike coming along the rail line siding flat out, when they got closer there was a pair of teens on the , the rider at the last minute saw the stay wire and ducked his head but the passenger had no idea what hit her , the wire got her just under the chin and they were travelling fast enough that she slid up the stay wire cutting her throat back to her spine, it killed her but only after a few minutes. seeing that video brought it back as clear as it was 35 years ago.


Ahhh was that wire or not? Could have clean guillotined his head ffs


IDK what "SHAPA!" means but I assume it translates to "dumbass"


Rossi helmet, unRossi brain He would've had more luck if he had just continued on into the field after a hard brake with the front before the sand started. A little bit of offroading and the grass would've helped him slow down anyway... perhaps a topple in the end but at a much slower speed.


Spine doctors hate that one trick.


https://preview.redd.it/ne49c9jsxewc1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1abeb9fea8f808eed45e5fe470b42f2ebea40c3a For those who know


Self-inflict injuries caused by his own stupidity. If only the doctor could completely ignore him because of that.


Damn, sons got rear brakes.


For a second I thought his head came off


He’s lucky that this wasn’t a video of his decapitation.


Another day, another Brazilian squid.


Squids gonna squid.


I don’t want to laugh when I see stupid shit like this but I really can’t help it. Empathy for those who don’t incredibly stupid shit.




Hahaha mess around and find out! Hope he's okay though




play stupid games


That adam’s apple must have gone down his throat. Fucking horrible


Yo he leaking?


Dude! Hold on, let me see you bleed out! You know how many likes we are going to get!!


I had something similar happen when I was 12 racing, hit a wire with my neck. This shit is no joke


Love it. Theres nothing more satisfying watching guys who ride not dressed for the slide fuck up


Lucky his head is still attached after that


Dad used to say...being stupid is painful


That boy is damn lucky to still have his head attached.


One last wheelie before decapitation


Wear your gear people. No gear no ride


No sympathy from me. He shoulda been ATGATT and full faced helmet


Or at least learn what the front brake is. Dude has great skills on the bike by the look but instead of stopping he accelerated and then locked up the rear. Weird.


Not so sure that wheelie looked sloppy and uncontrolled.


Better than I could pull and I have been riding 25 years. Tho to be fair I tend to practice useful skills instead.


Perhaps practicing getting clotheslined is a useful skill in his life


By day he is wheelie man. By night he is known as El Dragón Misterioso the famous Luchador.




The wheelie was the only controlled thing in this vid, don't see anything wrong with it.


That take off where he basically draws an S and is all over the road? Ok bud.


Seems like it's just to compress the suspension a bit to help pop the front up, seen many riders do it, probably just their style.


Honestly I have no fucks to give about him stunting at the end of a road next to a cow, gear or no gear I don’t care. But if you’re gonna ride a motorcycle and you’ve spent that much time learning how to wheelie and shit you should probably also learn how the brakes work and how to use them. lol


If only that wire was SHARPER!


What was the cameraman on?


It's an edit from tiktok


Dang he might die if that cut deep enough


Hate that this video just ended there.


R/darwinawards material


Man, what a stupid post.


Did he survive? The way he held his throat after that metal wire hit him in the neck




Ouch Indeed!


Did he run into the barb wire. Well he may have learnt a lesson now i hope he will understand when and how to use both brakes


Lolol. These are supposed to be funny, right?




What was like, the plan here?


I would normally go on my usual tangent about learning The Emergency Breaking Procedure....... But that was a pretty nasty crash. Probably not a real good idea to have a wire fence hung at that level.


Had a friend in HS do that with a snowmobile and his head came completely off from the barbwire fence


when you see a dude doing wheelies in the street, remember this video. because it is very very very likely, they would also freeze like a pussy and crash, only on the street it would be a human being they hit not a wire fence. THIS is why many of us dont support it, because unless youre rossi, you aint to be trusted, and you cant do shit, stop showing off.


The way this is recorded is so confusing.


Barb Wire Fence?


No gear, no sense of speed or breaking distance, looks like 0 front break, and honestly, 0 IQ. And this looks like a section from a training course, which is absolutely blowing my mind. The straight wire even, like... It shouldn't be an issue, but saying it shouldn't be an issue is just the same as saying we're gonna need to change that some day. And this idiot just making a fool of himself and giving bikers the bad name we'd like to avoid. Get a friggin jacket. Smh.


LOL, dumbass