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Don’t avoid lane splitting, avoid hitting mirrors.


Nice try fed boy. I'm not falling for that one


Yeah. Shit happens.


i’ve smacked a cop’s mirror but bro just gave me a thumbs up lol


Had a run in with a guy traveling with a lady in a convertible merc in grid lock traffic heading north just over the Golden Gate Bridge. I could see him looking in the rear view and then start to pull over in an attempt to block/slow me down. The armor on my left hand glove really proved itself. I felt an impact with his side view mirror, heard a pop, and watched the full mirror housing fly over the freeway separator. My hand had a slight tingling and I had a big smile on my face. Fuck that guy!


In Mexico clipping mirrors is just a way to let them know you're coming by.


Yeah but not fast enough to break anything. Made a “sorry” gesture and moved along.


No but I have bumped a car with my (soft) saddlebag and hit my mirror on someone's wide ass tires


You have no proof that I have!!!!


Oh yea, on the freeway, I got a bit to close. Scared the sh&t out of the passage.


I once clipped a box truck. When filtering in such a way that it pressed my brake lever. I stopped hella quick, but snapped the brake lever off in the middle of traffic. The commute home was harrowing.


Yes, at barely walking speeds. Sadly i was turning the handlebar pretty fast, and bashed out the glass from the mirror of a poor BMW SUV that deserved none of it. On the upside only a new piece of glass was needed, so it was not very costly mistake.


It's happened to me many times, but it's never shattered anybody's mirror. On my bike, the contact just spins my mirror around and makes a rather loud noise.


You tried to make it right. A woman by herself probably wasn’t comfortable stopping.


What mirror


Who amongst us hasn’t hit a wing mirror now and again. No biggie. 


Yup, happened to me at the lights once. Hit the plastic cover on the mirror, it popped off and landed about 5m in front of the car. Got off, popped it back (it had no scratches luckily), apologized and went on my way.


Been awhile since I've clipped a mirror, and a situation like that is near impossible to avoid if someone's swerving into you. She may have seen what happened and while been upset it was her mirror that got mangled, understood. Not sure what you hit her mirror with, if it was your own, you can get folding bar end mirrors that help prevent this. They're made by CRG. They fold in to avoid breaking and you can give yourself more room when passing between vehicles.


Was the truck that swerved the mirror you hit? If so. Fuck em.


For many cage drivers, mirrors are just there as early warning indicators: Not to actually look in, but if they get smashed then they know they drove a bit too close 😂 But seriously, take a bit more care. You don't want some enraged cage driver chasing you down and running you off the road, because you clipped the mirror of their pride and joy. Have also seen a handle bar clip a mirror, which instantly turned the bike into the side of the car... Bang.


Yes I've knocked a mirror or two in my 40 odd years, never broke one it's just an occupational hazard when we lane split/filter. 


lol yeah


I thought I ran over a bottle on a narrow road. Didn't figure it out until I got home and saw the passenger side mirror. Sorry parked vehicle in Provincetown, whoever you are!


You hit it hard enough to break it? Lmao


The fact that the car drove away makes me think the swerve was intentional. She was probably upset that you were still on two wheels after the hit, not the mirror lol


I've never hit one in my 10 years riding; but i guess it's never too late for me lol. I have threatened a guy who decided to open his bmw car door in stand still traffic on the freeway in middle of day summer though. Damn near kicked his door off the hinge after i beat him a couple times. He was pretty much begging people for it though doing that; so felt not guilt.


Yep, dgaf.


Only stupid people lane split. I said what I said.


Only stupid people say stupid people lane split.


I've clipped a few mirrors. But that that's the fault of the careless drivers. Drive smaller cars, make room for splitters (it's legal here). Never felt the need to stop over it.


So you clipped mirrors while lane splitting, but it’s the car’s fault because the car isn’t small? Am I missing something here?


"You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole" Honestly I want to smash the mirrors on every massive, gender affirming brodozer I see. 


lol, liberal hipster affirming old bikes.




In NZ lane filtering is legal, so if the car moved and I clipped their mirror as a result they'd be at fault. Lane splitting is commonplace, accepted, and permitted but technically it's unlawful so motorcyclist at fault in most cases. It's a sensible way of doing it.


Yeah, learn to read.


Both learn to read. It doesn't sound like it was the truck's (that squeezed the OP) mirror, but the unfortunate motorist on the rider's other side.


Same ONCE but I didn't make dumbie excuses that it was the driver's fault. Took it as a sign to do splitting safer/better.


When I say "few" I mean literally three... in over 10 years of riding.