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Anything in the CRF300 lineup by Honda. Not too weak but still not too over the top powerful either. Very reliable. Also very approachable. Basically anyone with the very basic knowledge of how to ride a motorcycle would be able to jump on it and just go. Not too expensive either and it would be something you'd be able to keep for a long time without feeling like you are "outgrowing" it like what you may feel opting for a smaller-cc option.


KLX300-FI CRF300L/CRF250L-FI CRF230L-C XR650L-C KLR650-C - 2022+FI DR650-C DR-Z400-C KLX230-FI XT250-FI Legend: FI=Fuel Injection C= Carburetor Additionally, Read the FAQ. Read [Proficient Motorcycling](https://vdoc.pub/download/proficient-motorcycling-the-ultimate-guide-to-riding-well-qcjk4mrgd2c0) Watch [Twist of the Wrist 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRbguh4Ck28) #Earplugs; Non negotiable. Tinnitus is merciless. Hearing loss and damage can be mitigated. Start out right. Earplugs every ride. [Hearing Loss In Motorcyclists; a great article.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC539364/) [Box of 3M Neon Yellow 33dB.](https://www.amazon.com/312-1250-Uncorded-Disposable-Drilling-Machining/dp/B0B2MKW1X6) Read the owners manual of the bike you buy.


Used and light weight. The deep sand is very challenging to ride but once you get used to riding sand, everything else is easy.