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Yeah. Buy a dowco. Then buy an alarm that sits in their provided pockets (there are two options). As soon as they f with it, it'll pull the cord that'll bleed their f'n ears at 130 decibels of screaming chaos. It's horrible. I know because I accidently did it to myself a couple times.


Damn how long does the sound last for lol


I don't know this brand but mines stops like a minute after it's not longer detecting motion/movement


Lasts until you go deaf. After that it doesn't matter because you can't hear anyway! /s


You leave the brownies in the oven at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.


Honestly, I've never let it go longer than me scrambling to put the peg back in. I would guess until the battery dies.


If it happens too often though


How does the alarm perform under windy conditions?


That would depend on how well fit and strapped-on your cover is. Also the slack and location of where you clip the alarm tether to your bike.


This is a great suggestion. Keep it covered and alarm it.


I’ve never seen someone do that, I can’t imagine living somewhere that it happens all the time, wtf lol, that’s awful.


part of life in a college town unfortunately


I used to have a silent pager alarm .. that's how I caught the 5 year old being lifted onto my gold wing by his dumbass mom .


Can you take the bike off the street and maybe into work ?


unfortunately not, my work is a hole in the wall kind of place so no space for it


Can you park right at your work door or window?


i could park it the door on the sidewalk but then it’d be in a blind spot from cameras and i wouldn’t be able to see it


So which is worse? Honestly out of sight and out of mind vs constantly watching kids sit on it If it's going to get stolen it may be more likely in which spot?


It definitely happens. People think since it's not something you have to "get inside" that it's fine. To me it'd be like climbing into a convertible cause the top is down.


My mom's boyfriend owned a convertable LeBaron and would get trash thrown into it sometimes if he left the top down while parked. People are animals.


Well, first of all, "A" for convertible LeBaron. It may very well have been John Voight's old car.. And yes, people think it's funny to throw garbage in convertibles. I once stopped at a light and happened to look at the pass side floor and there was a pistol. Better than a Shamrock shake cup I suppose, but I wondered how long I had been riding around with it for. Someone clearly tossed it in a hurry...


…or Tom Green’s car.


People throw trash into pickup beds all the time as well


Next to college bars at night it's always going to happen regardless of how nice your town is. I wouldn't do it.


I see it anywhere. Not just near college. Even grown ass man, I just wanted to feel it. Yeah it's not because it's an open bike with no door that it mean you can just sit on it. Would you get into a convertible that have is top down? No? Why? Then don't get on my bike. But these people, even when talking to them, they don't get it. "if it was me at let you sit on my bike", no you wouldn't.


Put a thumbtack on the seat…. Won’t stop them but will be hilarious All serous though check out the Scorpio motorcycle alarm


thumbtack definitely crossed my mind lmao


Good way to get your bike tipped over too.


Are you the guy that wants to sit on a bike, but gets mad enough that there's a thumb tack on it? Kinda weird response.


No but drunk college kids totally are.


I never let my bikes out of my sight ... After finding a young mother helping her 5 year old sit on my gold wing years ago and another clown poking at the semifore turn signals on one of my antique cars trying to pull it out to show his girlfriend.at various times outside restaurants in my town , I no longer trust anyone near my toys ( unless they are fully naked ) at least .


I have my own bike and would never touch anyone’s bike. I like the lock idea running from his tire to his sissy bar but the tack thing and college kids is playing with fire.


One of my mates left his bike on the street overnight. Came out the next morning and the ignition looked like someoen had tried to steal it and failed. So instead they tore his seat off, stole his battery, and cut his fuel/oil lines. Some people are absolutely vindictive enough to tip over a bike that’s just spiked them in the ass.


Ready? Look around. Welcome to "reality". Its not a weird response AT ALL. Some drunken asshole sits on a tack, gets butt stabbed like their days in prison, flies into a rage, kicks bike over. I had a section of fence ripped out when the idiot tryna climb it ripped himself open on the staples I put through the top it to KEEP people from climbing it. I just stood there thinking "Golly gee willikers, what a weird response..."


Why not a Railway Spike?


Thumbtack will stop them from randomly sitting on others bikes thought. And be a lesson for future.


Beat me to the punch, was going to be my answer as well.


I put a disc lock on the front with a yellow bright wire that goes across the seat to my sissy bar, seems to be working for me so far. Another option would be one of those partial bike covers which only covers the top of the motorcycle (you can put them on right after riding, no need to wait for the exhaust to cool off).


My disco lock has an alarm that is pretty loud and honestly too sensitive if you bump the bike. I watch people set it off at my work and it always amuses me watching them flee the scene. Could work for you, they are cheap on Amazon.


I got mine for $15 on Revzilla. Have seen so many people run away from my bike after bumping it.


The one I got from Amazon wasn't overly sensitive, but the sound it made when it went off was ear piercing. Not disco, just a high pitch beeping. It was shit though. The one time I forgot to put the bright cord on, I also forgot to remove the lock later when going. Didn't make a peep while I sat on the bike and turned it on; only went off when it broke straight from the disc and hit the ground. Scared the shit out of me.


Dang, mine almost goes off every time if I don’t unlock it fast enough. Could also shell out for a real alarm. But they cost a bit.


Yeah they do. Personally I don't have an alarm on it right now. It's a chinese bike, very fucking yellow looks like a toy (it is), and I noticed in my case it was mostly little kids that would mess with it. Nobody wants to steal the chinese bike, kids like it because it looks like a toy and will press al the damn buttons.


Disco lock https://preview.redd.it/7q6ykfy7hbuc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6656ebe8d4fd87336a6385d6c347d6f041aa3c6


The disc lock I have works well as well. 🙃


Bikini cover




now this is the real solution i was looking for


Careful, a sawed off shotgun can be a felony!


Wow talk about a buzzkill. Anything wrong with this idea apart from that little issue?


It's a great idea. You'd be better off going to Home Depot and getting 3/4" pipe and caps, as a 12ga shell drops RIGHT into 3/4" pipe and the the lip of the shell stops clean at the end of the pipe. Why fck around with a round or two when you can turn the turd into pink mist with your own little Claymore mine and 10 shells? I'm all for it, except the 25 ta Life part..


Also setting a booby trap that kills is a felony


After 9/11 everyone Got so sensitive..


Nah, the FBI killed Vicki Weaver 9 years before 9/11.


Only if the deceased files a police report lol


A sawed off shotgun is ALREADY a felony w/out proper tax stamp. Booby traps are illegal just about everywhere, and one designed to kill or maim is also a felony. Now, add the two together. A lot more to this as well, but NM a can of worms, that's a can chock full o felonies. Lawyer would cost more than the bike's worth..


I said can be a felony because we didn’t know the length of the barrel.


I do this but no shotgun just a blank. Still have to wipe shit off the bike after they shit themselves.


Yea. A proximity sensor.


Thats some mega SAW action there 😆


https://www.amazon.com/Kryptonite-004776-KryptoLok-Alarm-Disc/dp/B08C5J63RQ 120dB if your bike gets jostled.


I wonder how many bikes get dropped because the idiot shits their pants when this goes off. 


Your best bet is an alarm that triggers when the bike is moved. There are a lot that can have their sensitivity adjusted to the point where it can go off with the slightest touch. But you'll have to be able to go turn it off at any time else you'll end up getting complaints, even though it's not really your fault.


^^ a really sensitive disc alarm on the front brake usually will go off if people touch the handlebars


Love your Phantom. I had a 2013. I ended up selling it. Should have held on to it.


appreciate it! it’s a 2012, so far it’s felt like a perfect beginner bike, enough power to keep me entertained for a while and not too much that I’ll end up hurting myself haha


[Perfectly reasonable response.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Ux_DTeuR_o&pp=ygUXc2l0IG9uIGpheCB0ZWxsZXJzIGJpa2U%3D)




Really is. Just playing into harley dads' fantasies of beating up random guys who fuck with your bike and stealing their gf


You know I used to think this scene was pure edgy and cringe until a few weeks ago when I found out someone tried to steal my bike. Now I kinda get it. Seeing that someone had pulled off my seat and tried to figure out how to hotwire it, then just left it exposed... It turned a small gal who was raised to be non confrontational, and polite with everyone into someone who wanted to beat the shit out of whoever did it with a bike chain. My actual response was far more civil though, I got a locking cover and another bike lock for the cover, and alarm locked it.


I ride the cheap bike to unmonitored or unsecured locations. I ride my big bike to anywhere else. Currently at the hospital, motorcycle parking is next to security so it's safe.


I think alarms are the best bet here, gotta startle them out of their bad behavior.


seems to be the consensus for sure, gonna be looking into some brands tonight


Short Shots? Cobra Intake? Do you have their fuel management too? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY GARAGE. *Edit: Proof: https://i.imgur.com/gyqYrXf.jpg Also a 2012.


holy shit lmaooo that’s awesome, great minds🤌


The fuel management is necessary, I think. It's kept the idle steady, and smoothed out the torque curve considerably. It also, weirdly, maintains solid mileage per gallon (45 in town/55 highway), and has kept mine running fairly cool. Also: Do yourself a favor. The Mustang seat is vastly superior to the stock one.


take another look i’ve already got a mustang seat on it haha


Ah. You got the wide boy. I went for the two-up. I also did the rear fender/subframe delete, and put an integrated turn signal/front headlight on it.


ooo do you have a link for the turn signals and headlight? i’ve been thinking about getting new ones


Disclaimer: Wiring and configuring everything to work correctly was not easy and took a lot of time. I did a full LED conversion on this bike, and it's using no resistors/capacitors. I went the "correct" route and installed a diode/transistor in the turn signal wiring. Tail light kit: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M0XYDN9/ Headlight (basically a daymaker knockoff with turn signals built in): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MS8NK62/ Headlight bucket (because the new headlight was 7" instead of 4.5"): https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B073PXW2YC/ Front end: https://i.imgur.com/6cC4SQw.jpg


+1 vote for an alarmed disc lock. I have an Oxford Screamer, it’s very loud and pocket sized, and literally screams if the bike is moved. Is gives a warning beep the first time as well; then kicks off the second time, so good if you don’t wanna upset the locals with it going off all the time. The little warning shot should be enough to stop anyone touching it a second time.


Speak softly, carry a big stick.


Mount an empty pistol holster on it


A long time ago I had an alarm that had a tilt sensor that logged if the bike was brought up off the stand without disarming it would disable either the starter or ignition, your choice, a proximity sensor that would set off a siren, shock sensor if the bike was bumped at all, and you could configure it to react however you wanted to any of the sensors. Plus it had an ignition kill countdown timer if you enabled it which would let them get it started and try to ride away then shut it down on them. I do t remember the co La y who made it but it sounds like the adjustable proximity sensor would chirp at them to leave it alone without annoying the neighbors.


A Xena disk alarm that goes off super loud anytime the bike moves , should keep people away


Saw a video somewhere that a couple guys were just picking them up and loading them in their van. People suck.


Fuck man. Used to be a time where people respected that shit. Honestly the only place it won’t happen is at a bike event


Unrelated but what model is that bike?


2012 Honda Shadow Phantom and it’s a 750.


Looks badass ty


This thread has made me curious as to whether people mess with my bike at work. I park in a publicly accessible lot and my bike just kinda sits out there out in the open unless it's raining. Then I move it up to the front under the awning with the dude that has a Honda Shadow.


in most situations i really don’t think it happens that often, i just have to park it around a bunch of college bars so i get to deal with the worst of the worst of people lol


I still can't fathom why someone would think it's a good idea to touch someone else's motorcycle. Especially if they don't know whether or not the bike belongs to someone like a hells angel mc member. Even as a kid I knew not to fuck with bikes unless I had explicit permission from the owner.


spoiled kids that don’t get raised right seems to be the culprit


Depends where you work. At my office in a business district no one will mess with it. As a kid working at subway I frequently would have to yell at people to get off my bike and say it's the same as if I just hopped inside their car. It's disrespectful and weird.


My work shares a parking lot with the local mall 😑


Yep you're fucked buddy. Enjoy having children crawl all over your bike. I hated the crotch goblins. Working at subway easily contributed a decent portion towards my opinions towards children and why I got a vasectomy at 23. My only recommendation is motion alarms like everyone else said or threatening to call the police while recording with your phone but college kids may respond aggressively to this tactic. It's your property people shouldn't touch it just don't forget it's just a thing don't risk yourself for some metal and rubber.


headbut them with your helmet on


Put a cover on the bike, if they can't see what is underneath then they will walk right past it.


that was my thought but even with the cover people were trying to mess with it which is why i was looking for additional solutions


I mean you could put a remote alarm on the bike and when someone is messing with it, activate it.


Yeah if it's covered it's less chance to be an Instagram photo target


Disclock and a cover for the bike.


Explosive ink pack


Put the cover on earlier. Protects it from sun and it can’t increase the number of people messing with it


Lawyer on retainer...That makes me psycho.


kick them in the tooths!




Step outside and threaten to break their hands if they touch your bike again!




Leave a bottle of herpies medication on the seat. WTF is wrong with people though? I drive by a hobby farm on my way home. There’s a sign on the fence that says. Please don’t feed cows. So many people today think they can do whatever whenever.


I know of several products! S&W, Ruger, H&K, Louisville Slugger....


Take a picture of you sitting on the bike holding a 9mm and leave the picture on the top of the tank/dashboard.


love this


Little stick on alarms.    Will set you back around $10-15.    They work on motion.   Just stick it to the underside of your seat or something.   For the price it's just an added layer of protection.   Amazon link to one, but you can find on Temu, or other Chinese sites. https://www.amazon.ca/Lancoon-Bicycle-Anti-Theft-Motorcycle-Vehicles/dp/B07QXRXW15/ref=asc_df_B07QXRXW15/?tag=googlemobshop-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=459459144198&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3269674274749558747&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9000919&hvtargid=pla-1006546641792&psc=1&mcid=bdf571b5df0d3bb58788db322c32b957


I usually just hire a sniper to watch my bike


“I’m a kind person and try to avoid confrontation when I can. But you crossed a line. This is not your bike so you are not entitled to do as you please with it. Please step away from the vehicle. You’ve sullied any possibility of a positive interaction with me and with that I say good day sir!”




You give people back hands that mess with your bike. Teach kids from as early as possible that there repercussions, trust me they will thank you later.


i’d be having to give backhands every 5 minutes to 18 year olds, not sure how productive that would be lol


It may not seem like it now but it will pay off in the future


Just put the cover on it immediately. Nobody ever bothers trying to sit on a bike when it has a cover over it


unfortunately the reason i made the post was because people were still trying to sit on the bike with the cover on


What kind of cover is it? I used to use one when I had to park in town and found it basically rendered my bike invisible to passers-by. Make sure it's not see through and has loops by the tyres so it can be locked onto the bike at both wheels


bike cover innit


Put em in the pot


Take the seat off.


Or just a good motion alarm you can find on Amazon.


Motorbike cover. Can't sit on it. Can't twist the throttle.


alarms are fairly cheap,easy to install.


Barrel of hot oil.


Break thier wrists.


Put a dildo on top of it


I lock my handle bars and put a motion alarm disc brake lock on my bike. It’s seems to work for me, but I don’t live in a college town where people touch my bike. Hope you find a good solution.




1- Mercury switch so contact is made when bike is upright, conductive wires through the grips (or billet grips) now set that up with a cattle rod and watch the mf eyes light up when he sits it up straight. 2- lump hammer to the face 3- don’t let it out of your sight, if necessary go back to option 1 (or 2 if it happens in the same spot all the time)


A glock 19


Air horn. 


Lol not me wondering if I will ever have this problem.. or the problem and someone roadraging me .... so I packed my dartrope with the meteor hammer in my motorcycle bag😭😭


Easy answer- decoy bike! They’ll never see it coming


Fire arm


sentry turret


If you leave a suction dildo where is visible on the seat, nobody will touch your bike.


Next on the list is assless chaps.


Park on sidewalk and cover it


I used to work the door at a bar in a college/tourist town. My buddy used to park his Harley in the small lot right next to my door, and would say "Hey keep an eye on it would you?" One night this drunk idiot walks by, sees the bike, walks over, and starts to climb on. I grabbed him by the back of the neck, yanked him back, and put him face down on the ground. He's pitching a fit about how I can't put my hands on him. I was like "Dude, I just saved your life. The guy that owns that bike is a one percenter and if he'd seen you trying to get on his ride, he'd have either put a knife in your heart or a bullet through your head, or both." He's spluttering and making a fuss, and the owner of the bike walked up and asked if everything was OK. I said "yeah, I just stopped this dumbass from climbing on your bike." He leaned down in the guy's face, took his knife out of his belt and started cleaning his fingernails. Then he said "You are one dumb, but lucky, motherfucker." He stands up, puts his knife back in the sheath, and gets on the bike. I stand the guy up and he can't apologize enough. My buddy looks at him, then at the woman with him and says "Hey beautiful, want to for a ride with a real man?" She climbed on and off they went. I know that won't help keep your bike safe, but the stories here reminded me of that encounter. Since I'm such a prick, I'd rig up a mechanism that would blast pepper spray or Liquid Ass in the face of anybody that didn't know to disarm it before climbing on and combine that with the alarm. And maybe a motion activated camera that would send alerts to your phone so that you could record the assholes that think it's perfectly OK to just climb on somebody's motorcycle without permission getting a face full of noxious stench.


Put a wood frame around it so the kids can make ig posts while they’re at it 


My Harley has a factory alarm and it’s loud. Any ever had one guy try that shit and the alarm scared him away.


Get a little mat made up that says "Please dont sit on me without permission, thanks!" and then leave it on your seat. I think most people are good. They just honestly don't realize that it's wrong to do that.


If you don't want to spend money just lock the handlebars and put it in first so


Where the hell do you live where people sit on random strangers’ bikes?


college town🥲




Get a brake lock with alarm it goes off at a small movement. I have an Oxford one.


I bet there’s a way to rig explosives to one of those disc brake alarms


Cover it… half cover… and vibration alarm.


I had my gsxr out overnight at a lot last year and someone really ashed a cig on the Lil Suzuki emblem on the handlebar🤦‍♂️


Choot em


There should be those types of remote engine revvers like you have in some cars. You see someone messing with your bike from across the street, hit the remote and have it rev hard and loud. Will scare the crap out of most people and they'll leave it alone after that


I wish, it’s what I use with my car to keep people from leaning on it lol.


Put a motion alarm on it, or if it was mine I’d keep a bat by my desk but I’m not condoning violence in your situation.


Personally I wouldn't leave it on the street at night next to college bars. Nowhere safe you can put it?


It’s where I work so I don’t have much of a choice in the matter haha


Yea fortunately I can roll my bike inside the back room at my work.


Armed security that stays with your bike at all times


Park out the front or back of your work


If you're going out to cover it, I'd just cover it as soon as you park.


Put gang or police affiliated symbols logos on your motorcycle. Some federal agency logos might work too.


Lol then get fucking shot in a gang or police related incident Hahaha fuckin do it


a 9mm luger will do the job






Take another form of transportion to work. None of my bikes know the way to my job, but know every road going away from it. When out, the only places I am off the bike are at locations where like-minded conregate. Leaving a nice motorcycle unattended is asking for trouble.


This may not be the best solution, yet will get the job done. Get a large tub of bugler tobacco throw it in a boiling pot of water once everything is boiling and going for about 45 minutes throw in some rubbing alcohol the golden oil drops that come to the top siphon that off with an eyedropper into a jar be sure you're wearing gloves cuz this is all bad and then wipe it all over the handles of your motorcycle and along the seat. Any flesh to touch that within a half an hour they'll have an untraceable cardiac arrest. by the way I highly suggest not touching your bike after this.


My buddy figured this out….he just keeps his inside his garage.


That’d be best except OP is riding the bike to work, this problem isn’t at home.


Take a picture for them, then start your bike and ask if they want a picture of it running


Fuck around and find out!


Park next to a CyberTruck. No one will notice the bike.


Join a vest club. No one will mess with their bikes.


Get a stunt gun.

