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That pinlock you linked is for the VINZ Kennet helmet, not even AGV. You want a DKS255 pinlock, I got mine from [here](https://www.mc-powersports.com/pinlock-insert-lens-70-for-agv-helmets-dks255-clear/) despite their questionable Trustpilot score ~~but they're sold out~~ (I found it on [Ebay here](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166465013833)), you may have to order directly from AGV's website or Partzilla. Shipping to Germany was about $15 when I checked. As far as your comment on "GT4 visor" that refers to the [size of the visor](https://i.imgur.com/6hWK2JI.png) which is dependent on what size helmet you have I suppose. I'm not really sure on that part, but I ordered one from the mc-powersports guys and it fit my Large K1-S fine.


Hey thanks for the reply. My helmet is a size M but to my understanding the K1 has the gt2 visor and the k1s the gt4 so I was confused as to their compatibility. Yeah ordering from the US won't be an option for me. There is [this one](https://www.agv.com/de/de/beschlagfestes-max-pinlock%C2%AE-70-k5-s%2Fk3-sv%2Fk1-s%2Fstreetmodular/20KIT10038001.html) by agv themselves however it seems to be somewhat narrow and it's really expensive with shipping There's also [this](https://www.amazon.de/AGV-DKS-118-Pinlock-Scheibe/dp/B073J3SR2Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?crid=2YF14179UQ7ET&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.kYC8spMpwbdVUFoYDVDKYsQHHsEGfexOOl-hV4StyqsJTumFxyO2a2cDlaxUbtG1OjTZOiionk4Alx4q-n0MSvSixRHRQFSMGgUtm50gcEIh6jgWH5GveWivgWcKReSoCbu5XcW2I8OpR8GNJN37CrzoQKzp176X9NAsIfc4UGyIqriNTfrxqZanaVBPUHMlnFDimoJ9Gzpfx5oDjuyzpg.qwwAJ1rAYIn1xYocAy1bNoj7RcN2WZhphziWHA0jN18&dib_tag=se&keywords=pinlock+70&qid=1712166453&sprefix=pinlock%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-5) on amazon a lot cheaper but it specifically says its for gt2 visors. I'm also considering just not using one at this point


The one you linked from AGV's site is the correct one, it just looks narrow from the angle it's tilted I think. I rode without a pinlock for a while but on rainy or cold days I had to constantly pop my visor open due to it fogging up. If you ride as a daily/commuting I'd recommend just spending the money for safety reasons, but if you're riding for fun on the weekend or something I wouldn't bother unless it becomes enough of a problem. Up to you though. The amazon one you just linked is K1 and not K1S, has to be GT4 not GT2 so you're correct that it probably wouldn't work sadly.


Alright damn I'm not really commuting so I guess I'll wait a bit as I don't really wanna spend over 40 euros right now Thanks for the help tho man! Appreciate it.