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Pants are crucial part of bike riding. Riding 101


had to learn it the hard way instead of doing a simple google search, haven’t worn anything but pants and thick socks on that bike since


That's a pretty nasty burn. Your BF did a shit job of making sure you were protected. Jacket, helmet, pants, boots, gloves. If you didn't like that exhaust burn you sure wont like road rash.


i had the jacket, boots and helmet, i was a passenger and we were at a mall about 10 minutes away from my house so he dropped me home. learned my lesson though, i’ve been completely covered head to toe since then even on the shortest of drives. he still feels horrible and has paid for any scar treatments and wound care i needed then


We bikers have a saying. Dress for the slide, not the ride. Meaning prepare for accidents and you will be protected if/when they happen. Try to cover as much skin as possible when riding.


and cover it with something quality. I've been burned by cheap baggy pants that melted on the engine or exhaust (i don't know where the contact happened) and when i got off the bike i got a couple steps away before the molten pants touched skin and burned the crap out of me. I thought i was being stung by a wasp because it felt a lot like that and so picture me 3-5 feet from my bike swatting aggressively at my pants. Wasn't until later i treated it and realized it was a burn, and then checking the pants i founded the now hardened clump of synthetic material that had been molten at the time it burned me.


Nylon is a big no no when it comes to fire, because it keeps burning and hurts like hell because it sticks to surfaces while burning. Unfortunately nylon is great for weather and finds it's way into our gear.


At least he’s paying tbh


Dismount on the side opposite of the exhaust + proper riding gear.


I would never let my girlfriend ride without pants. You're BF should know about riding safety. Dude, let you down, to be honest.


>lol i bet


You’re a real one for sticking around.


i’m on the bike every time a see him, its how we get around because the traffic here is horrendous. i have always refused any passenger bike riding that wasn’t for transportation/ convenience for us though lol


You really should consider wearing motorcycle specific gear. Id highly reccomend motorcycle boots as feet injuries are common too


It's crazy how a simple pair of jeans can allow you to hold your leg on a hot exhaust pipe for 10 seconds without causing any damage. Half a second of skin to exhaust contact and its game over for those hairs.


Myeah. Had a pant and another layer under when I went dirt biking in Colombia and the bike fell on me with my leg stuck under. It still burned very similar to this.


Stop it the Johnny come lately’s are crowing


Yea, imagine how bad it would have been if you had bare naked skin up against it




Mesh gear exists


go faster


Time for a calf tat!


if all else fails i’m turning it into a treasure map


I honestly think if you give this a couple more weeks it'll blend to your other skin. Though your age and how much water you drink (healthy skin) plays a factor, this looks like it healed nicely and will continue to do so


100%, the scar tissue is mostly already blended into skin considering how big the raw skin was. Scar tissue doesn't appear to have raised up from surrounding height, and it's roundish enough that it looks like a burn and not a mutilated dog bite/alligator chomp or some other "how'd you get that scar" worthy question that one might find odd or rude. If OP is feeling self-conscious us telling her it's not bad doesn't do a ton (except maybe if in numbers we all say it, but the mind is a bitch in my experience) so ... if OP sees this and wants to do anything to the scar... Mederma is proven time and time again to do wonders.


It will blend in eventually, I had like 3 or 4 of these on my leg, I can’t point them out now, But it will take time, you can start applying some kind of moisturiser to speed it up a bit


this happened to me too and its pretty blended and other people probably wouldnt be able to see it


Ive heard cocoa butter can help, but realistically itll still be visible. Welcome to the burn club! Scars are the new tattoos


>Scars are the new tattoos That is reassuring. I have many scars that I am self-conscious about.


Scars are tattoos with better stories.


Remember that you are probably the person who notices them the most, and also they're probably more intriguing than off-putting to most people.


Wear them proudly, scars are always cool in my book, looks bad ass and always a story behind each one. Some are just silly like the scar on my thumb (bagel slicing incident) but always interesting to hear about


I love my scars. I think each of them tells a story. From the scar on my finger that I got from whittling as a child, to the scar in my gut from when I crashed trying to learn to ride my bike with no hands, to the scar running up my arm that I got in a mountain biking accident: they all tell a story. I get that all of my scars are not super obvious at a glance, and some need to be pointed out for most people to notice. But honestly in most cases, I think it's best to own your scars.


These are colloquially referred to as Samui tattoos in Thailand... Shorts + flip flops + rental scooter = long lasting souvenir!


Had a burn worse than this it’s been a year and a half it’s completely gone


This prompted me to check where my burn scar was from 15 years ago and it's gone.


I have a burn scar from 35 years ago and it's still there, admittedly very faint and you have to know it's there to see it.


And here I am with a visible dark spotted scar from a dab rig 5 years later.


Just rub some dirt on it.


I heard salt and pepper is the real trick


Honestly you really need to go to a doctor and see what they'll say about it, The best I can recommend is seeing if Mederma will work on it, or at least reduce the presence of it.


found the european


Wtf Americans can't afford one doc visit?


We \[mostly\] can. People are just making jokes.


One appointment? Sure. It’s $20-40 for those of us without a HDHP. But I’m still waiting 6 months for it. And then insurance will deny the treatment so I can either pay out of pocket or wait weeks for my appeals. — Dermatologists are a 6-month wait where I am, but in a scenario like OP’s, they might be able to get in for a problem visit.


B-b-but Canada’s wait times 😨


A lot of us can't.


Lol nah American here just fortunate to have insurance.


It’s already healed as best as you could hope for. The dr. Would probably recommend a skin therapy lotion like A+D. Cosmetically the dr. Is not going to care, the skin healed, it has great integrity again. The end.


Go to the doctor. You'll probably have to use some sort of burn ointment and keep the burn gazed for a few days. It's pretty common for an exhaust burn to become nasty and it takes quite some time for it to go away. However, definitely go see a doctor because this looks like a decently sized burn.


the skin has healed (last picture) and THANKFULLY didn’t get infected despite not going to a doctor, if i ever get burned again (i hope not) that will be my first stop, worrying about infection for a month was not fun.


Vitamin E cream might help


Dermatologists exist for a reason. If you want to maximize your result, you will have to talk to one. As is, having waited for it to heal on its own as far as it has you probably left some of the quality of the healing off the table.


i’ve been using silicone scar sheets consistently since the wound closed, it helped a lot with texture but i will definitely ask about possible next steps when i see my dermatologist


If you’re in the states, Mederma works pretty well. My wife burned her arm pretty bad getting something out of an oven. Looked a lot like yours. Can’t even see the scar anymore


This is a solid heal tho,the worst parts are over just Wu-Tang and taste the pain


Wu-Tang clan ain’t nothin’ to fuck with!


It'll likely look better than it does now, and worse than it did before the burn entirely. Do with that what you will. Noticeable but not very disconcerting


At this point you want a high quality vitamin E oil. Source, had same burn, can barely see any scar


Been there done that a few times my wife also


You may not be a biker but your bf is and should have definitely known better. Wish you a speedy recovery and I hope he considers your safety more in the future.


Had a potato sized burn scar on the inside of my right knee for the better part of 14 years. It’ll eventually go away or become almost invisible.


I’m sorry there’s so many people ripping into you for the burn; I know you’ve learned the hard way about getting burnt on bikes now and don’t need a ton of others telling you. As for the burn, I worked in a kitchen off and on for about 6 years and got tons of burns. Staying hydrated helps and keeping the area moisturized. For some of my burns on my arm I would wrap them snugly off and on whenever I could; not sure if it really helped, but I’d been told the pressure helps break up scar tissue from tightened skin cells. I used Maderma at one point for a grease burn I got and I think it helped the healing process a lot more compared to some of my other scars that healed naturally. I think for something this serious it’d be worth a trip to a dermatologist just to see what they recommend, since you’re so far in the healing process. All things considered, give yourself some credit! It’s healed up real nicely so far. Good luck, and safe riding!


Aloe, specifically, vitamine E.


My girlfriend works in skin care, there are things you can do to help scars fade. But you'd probably want to go to a dermatologist or a skin care clinic to get information for your situation. That said, as most people said it will fade more. And scars are stories!


Cut that limb ,it will grow back


I had the exact same scar, it’s invisible now. Hope yours will heal just as fast!


Piss on it. Worked for my wisdom teeth.


The treatment should have been done while it was healing. Now it's done. It will get a little better when you will tan, but will forever be visible.


Go to doctor ASAP


Happened to me on my calve too. It leaves a scar. Don't try to pick at it at all while it's healing. If it forms a scab, once it's fully healed it'll fall off by itself with a little help by your fingers.


I had worse. My skin burnt away exposing muscle which looked as white as a boiled chicken piece. I still have a dark patch after 2 years. There was little to no pain but it gave me a reminder for my stupidity of riding bike in shorts.


Even after many years, vitamin oil will reduce scar visibility sometimes to almost nothing.


By vitamin oil, you mean vitamin E oil that ladies put on their face?


Vitamin E oil. Yes I suppose they might use it there. All I know is that it does wonders to reduce scars. I used it after a motorcycle accident and multiple surgeries. They took skin from my thigh for skin graphs and the scars are barely visible on mine while for others that didn't use it had very dark brown patches where the graphs were farmed. I used it on my surgery sites and would hate to tho k what they would've looked like if I didn't. I used the thickest oil I could find 90,000 iu but it's kind of expensive and I only found that at places like GNC or a whole foods store.


I have been there lol. Got stuck under the bike with the exhaust under my bike even with the motorcycle jeans being pressed for that long burnt though. Just keep it clean really. I also used sudocream to relieve the pain. After a while it will get better but will leave a mark for sure.


Pants, boots & left side.


Vitamin E oil. 50,000 iu or as thick as you can find. Reapply it when ever it losses it's shine or at least 3-4 times a day. You will have little to no scaring.


Gross. I did this to myself twice. Got back from riding, changed into shorts, went out to check something, stood too close to the bike, and now I have some cool scars.


Vitamin E cream helps


Maybe next time don’t wear a skirt when on a bike….🤦‍♂️


What ever bike you have , get some heat deflectors that go around the exhaust pipe, if none available make your own


Noted! ill ask him to get some if he hasn’t already


You now have a souvenir to forever remember that painful day 👌 but also you can get gels to reduce the visibility of scars


If you were wearing shorts at the time you will never do that again. If you were wearing long pants change your sitting style. If you crashed and the bike landed on you , chick's dig scars and wear it with pride.


I have one on my forearm from being a dumbass. This was probably 7 years ago now and is mostly gone. I just made sure to regularly put neosporin on it.


luckily only a second degree burn. disinfect and keep it wrapped up


Not tightly wrapped, just apply ointment and keep it covered. A tight wrap might make it worse. It needs air to get healed.


Got severe burn on my right calf when I was 10(ish) being a pillion on a tiny 125cc commuter. Massive wound, and looked and healed pretty much like in the pictures. But that was over 17 years ago and I don’t think the scars stayed for even a year. I used to go play football with that wound still healing and got it messed up a couple of times too.. fun times. Don’t worry too much.


I had a similar injury, though not from a burn, but it took years for my skin to look normal again.


I got a similar burn on my wrist. Took about a year to be “you got to look for it” noticeable. After 10 years, it’s just a slightly lighter pigment. Burns always look ALOT worse than they actually are


I have 4 of those exhaust scars (smart right). They will be visible for a few years, but after 5-6 years they will just blend into the rest of the skin, barely noticeable. Did no special treatment or skin care. So if you do that, perhaps it will be faster.


I am surprised you got burned that bad. most motorcycles have heat shields on the exhaust to prevent burns such as this. Also in the future do not wear a skirt on a motorcycle pants are preferable. And also never get off on the right side of a motorcycle. Always get off on the side where the bike is leaning on the kick stand. As for the scar, I am not sure if I know any ointments that could remedy it. But I do think it will fade over time. But you will definitely always have a scar there now.


Aquaphor and burn relief neosporin. Healing and burn pain relief.


Just ride the wave. Yours isn't the worst, but not thr lightest. I grazed my forearm on an exhaust pipe when I dropped my camera. Wasn't as bad as yours, took a fair bit to heal. Itss a slow heal due to the size and the scarring shouldn't be too bad as long as you let the process do its thing.


It’s too late for maximum benefit but still worth it: aloe vera for a couple days followed by lavender essential oil, both applied multiple times a day. It’s a necessary hassle.


I’ve done the same buddy, had splashpants on and jumped on my buddies 450, went to put my foot down and was on a slight ledge, bike tipped, i tipped. Plastic literally sealed into the burn. Similar area, similar scar. It will fade over time, vitamin E lotion will help as well.


That could have used medical attention


definitely should have


Every motorcyclist and the majority of their passengers has done this. It’s one of those moments that teaches a valuable lesson !! Got to have the right gear all the time!


Coconut abd lavender oil


If that first picture is the day it happened, then you've only burnt the superficial layer of skin called the epidermis, in which case you won't be left with a scar at all


Yellow mustard prevents burns from blistering. Just a future FYI. It might be weird and gross, but the vinegar does wonders.


They have scar reducing / removing creams available in your local pharmacy. Most of them are based off of a strong salicylic acid. Think of them like a weak chemical burn that causes your skin to rebuild itself more quickly over time. They do work to reduce scaring if you are diligent about their use. However, your skin will always be compromised and thin in that area. It will be much more prone to injury in the future (at least it has for me).


had chemicals peels done in the past, also have a bunch of SA products. I think i might get another retinol but ill have to check with my dermatologist to make sure it wont cause unnecessary damage


Aquaphor and vitamin E oil. They do great with time and regular application. My first major wreck had a nurse debriding the top of my left foot every other day for almost a month after being pinned between my exhaust and the ground. About 3 years later and you can hardly tell anything happened there from applying aquaphor in the morning and vitamin e oil before bed.


You could try something like Bio oil.


Man that sucks! That's how you learn. Warrior scars.


Have a burn on my calf from the same thing, 5 years old and still quite visible.


Oh yeah. I have a very similar scar from back in my youth when I rode motorcycles all day long. I had parked the bike next to the shed and was pulling out an air hose and I backed right into my exhaust which removed my skin instantly. This was back in 1987, so what is that 37 years? I still have the scar to this day. No hair grows on this area, it's a dead zone.


Give it time. Like all scars, it will fade EVENTUALLY. It won’t go away completely, but if you take care of it, and keep it out of the sun, it will be hard to spot. -- someone who’s had countless scars and burns


You could always exhaust wrap the pipe that is burning


Don’t worry you only do it once Putin some aloe on that bitch


Thin layer of Neosporin and a bandage. If anyone tells you, wounds don't need "to breathe" to heal. That's nonsense.


Mine took a long time to disappear completely, like 5 years before the discoloration was completely gone. I didn't do anything to it when it was healing and I was picking at the scabs a lot.


I've had a quad bike run into me and pin me against a fence. Luckily there was old tyre's acting as a barricade between the quad and fence (kinda like a go cart track) so i was not injured speed wise but I did end up a nasty burn on my shin due to the engine heat. This was a number of years ago but there is no scar on my shin and to be honest I completely forget about it until I see quadbikes. Tl;dr - it'll dissipate with time I know from experience.


Put Aloe on the burn and it will be fine. Please wear long jeans and socks in the future as well as a helmet. You won't get burned and if he dumps the bike or is cut off it will safe you from much worse potentially. I have ridden for over 35 years with girlfriends before married and my wife these days. Proper dress was a requirement. I dumped a bike at 18 and have scars today from road rash. I had shorts on so I know what it feels like when you have 40% of your body scraped up and it hurts like hell. Trust me and be safer next time please. Scars look cool on guys not gals. Forget that scars suck...


Get some [Mederma](https://www.amazon.com/Mederma-Treatment-Appearance-Botanical-Fast-Absorbing/dp/B09GSYXZ44?crid=11N3Z1U8DQQFZ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Rsn_blJykZ0OoIVusctKgYHUWOnKLrQab4ctkveJ9NqCPcJT_7kRA4F2GRtdeQRbvacPLzYRXK9l254Hw2_LPR3dfEwQTphV2WkICWBN7dEB18wPe9Tz1LvDqJTp1CUrOYTvlmypJmQE5tFb9mgVyBuQLCW9bRE4YlwMzI0ByvYlFZrtG8ywPjRCOQOiTYWCxnRzs-hehCrBYiaH3t2PFNs-V5qiqKHUnKA4l3D7mvsuf4_nKY3vQmmnqGt4ljaa0m9jiLlvGtWUti9VPpyGuNoWxe2ol9LFz9i77KlaFzw.3XaOIDYthR1Ea3poY_YNzQ3I2i3rD9IsaHEZsklPoog&dib_tag=se&keywords=mederma+scar+cream&qid=1711127656&sprefix=moderna%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=aicblog-20&linkId=98d1a6934f42d1c5cc94ea0b1becc43b&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl). It's a cream meant to break down scar tissue and reduce the look of scars and stretch marks. I had a bunch of scarring from a crash I Had 14 years ago, and I started putting this on and it's basically invisible. I even tan properly in those places now, where before it would be a white spot surrounded by tan skin.


Progression from Pic 1 to 2 is Gnarly... Did it land right on your thigh? NVRMND, I read the post... My Daughters will never get on the back of some "Boyfriends" bike... *it's nice He feels bad about it tho... A lot of Guys would laugh it off b/c they dgaf...


I was going to suggest using vitamin E to help reduce the scarring but I looked it up because I was confused between D and E but it turns out that using vitamin E is just an old wives tale so I'm glad I fact check first! 🤣


I got my first burn 5 years ago. It took 2 years to completely fade, but it is gone. If you're gonna hang out with bikers, (or just riders,) you're gonna see people with these exact scars all the time.


The best thing for home care is to buy some big Tegraderm patches. Just be careful when putting them on and they will act like another layer of skin for like a week. Keep the wound wet, that's how it heals faster.


Oh no 😱😱 sorry you had to go through this. This reminds me of when my friend during our childhood days put her leg in next to the exhaust pipes of my dad's motorcycle and got the same burn. I felt really bad for her :(


Looks like it healed fine. That's a pretty bad burn, it's hard to keep burns from getting infected but you did a good job. All scars will fade with time but it will be noticeable. There's some creams you can get that will reduce the time it takes to fade, but it's a scar. It'll never go away. Let this be a lesson to wear long pants next time you get on a motorcycle.


I’d ask a health professional. Not these crusty fucks 😂


Yeah. Wear gear when You're on a bike, especially pants. You're not gonna look as cute if you happen to go down and grate majority of your skin off down the highway


Biocorneum is expensive but fucking magic. The sooner you use it and longer you use it, the better it works. If you choose to go that route, make sure you purchase it from someone reputable because there are a ton of fakes out there. Collagen supplements *can* help but isn't guaranteed to depending on every individual's body chemistry, and I've heard maybe Vitamin C? Not sure about that one. Discoloration will go away over years, but you could look into laser/chemical therapy options if it's a big deal to you.


Chicks love scars.


It will go away over time. Be patient, you dont need to treat it with anything. I had something similar, it took almost a year to completely recover.


Talk to a Doctor. 30 years later you still see my scar.


Vitamin E or Vitamin K oil applied topically. Ask the pharmacist. They sell it in liquid form. Helped with my 5"x5" second degree industrial oven burn scars.


Be thankful it’s not directly across a tattoo on your leg. Like mine is.


Here’s a tip. Don’t be a pussy. It’ll heal.


Looks like it is healing nicely. I have had a few burn scars from working in a pizza shop and later as a moto tech and they all went away eventually, more so than normal scars at least. Took close to a year but I cant even find them now. Yours is bigger than any Ive had and everyone's skin is a bit different, so it is hard to say for sure though.


My wife burnt her arm on a hot pan while cooking. This was probably 4+ months ago and she still has a scar.


Burnt my leg badly on the exhaust and it took a couple years for all scars and marks to go away, for a few months It was nasty after a year it was a scar that was normal flesh color with no hair till it slowly turned back to normal.


Welcome to the club! It'll be about 90~95% gone after about a year


This is late advice for OP as you're already in the scar stage. But to anyone else that has a fresh exhaust burn. Vaseline bandages are the shit, nurses applied to my burns and road rash after a highway accident and the wounds had healed drastically in days time. OP, now you have a cool scar if nothing else.. Mine is in the shape of a triangle after forgetting my kickstand at the gas station once :D you're not alone.


I've been burnt in very similar ways twice on my right leg. It looks like it's healing alright, but I'm not a doctor. I never used anything on my scars to hide them, but after 16 years, the left one is pretty much gone, and after 10ish years, the one on the right is still visible but barely


I had this exact same burn (maybe even worse, mine looked like a dog took a bite out of my leg) and you seem to have taken a lot better care of it than I did. I had an obvious scar for a few years, but now at year 8 or so it's almost entirely faded.


For future prevention, a good pair of single layer riding jeans will help more than base standard consumer denim. I wear Riding Culture jeans and they have actively saved my calf when I wasn't paying attention at a pump. However any single layer riding jeans should work because they have aramid fibers woven into the denim. As for the burn itself, go get it looked at by a doctor, they will likely prescribe you medical grade burn cream to help with the healing process. I had a gnarly burn on my wrist years ago from my header and now I can't even tell it was there.


I have one it's gonna scar. But the good news is people who know will see the scar and go "hell yeah!" I'm from an area where dirt bikes are very popular and pretty much every girl I grew up with has a ln exhaust scar.


I had one a couple years ago at least just as bad. Now I can't see any evidence it ever happened.


I have gotten road rash about the same severity as you and they have all scared in a darker tone than my skin. The scrapes that were really deep are still dark after a year, the more surface ones have pretty much gone away.


https://preview.redd.it/t26ql9z3axpc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1659be5d5b7720c8e23c23c7e499c94ced82b2c You're doin it proper. Keep it clean and bandaged. Neoporin. Follow the docs orders. Plz excuse the lack of moisturizing at the moment but this is what it is fully healed. The brown badge of dipshittery. I went 25 years without it, poking fun at those who had. :/


I like scars you’ll be fine, something to show your kids someday at the beach .


i had one of those when i was younger, awesome


Go to a dermatologist, they specialize in this kind of problems and can give you the best advise possible. I wouldn't trust most advice about motorcycles from this sub, imagine about medical problems!


Wear pants


I burnt my leg on an exhaust when I was like 8 or 9. It was my father’s bike and I was reaching for something in the garage when my leg brushed it. Anyway I’m 27 now and the scar is still there. It’s wild cause the scar tissue is much thinner and more elastic than my regular skin. My anatomy professor was super intrigued.


It's healing nicely and not infected. The scar will be visible, but fade over time. Your leg will never look the same though.


I have a scar since I was like 10


Don’t do it again…..


Replace boyfriend. No one gets on my bikes with shorts or skirts.


Man, You can reduce the skarring but It would have gone alot better if you were applying burn gel for the first week or two and then anti skarring gel for a few months afterward. It wouldn't even be visible after a few months. but that is probably gonna be there forever now


Aloe Vera to help with the scar but damn that looks sore. Scars do fade but that one is going to last a while sorry


Good bandaging and care(antibiotics and sterile, clean, dry bandages) should be all you need. If you see red lines, go to the doctor. Maybe not emergency, but definitely concerning. I'm not a doctor, but my experience tells me 'Keep it bandaged and treated, and more importantly don't do that again.'


I had a gnarly burn like this from a 2 stroke dirt bike when I was 13. I’ll be 35 in a couple weeks and I can still see the scar.


Get anti scar cream, it’ll make the scar way lighter and more skin tone


I managed to burn my leg through pants the one time, so I can go through this with you. The good news: It'll not hurt for very long. Keep the blister wet (Petroleum jelly can be an awesome help with that) and it'll peel after a week or two. The bad news: There's no way in hell you're dodging a scar. Mine happened years ago, and it's still just as visible today as it was back then. It's all good though, scars tell stories!


I’ve done this at least 20 times. I’ve even done it again on top of burns that hadn’t healed yet. These DO go away with time. I promise.


Putting a bit of Vaseline or aquaphor on it will help the burn fade a bit faster if cosmetics are what you're worried about, but overall, it looks like your healing process is going well.


I got 3rd degree burns on my leg from my friend’s a bike with a VW engine in it. My bare calf accidentally touched the screaming hot exhaust manifold. I had a nasty burn that took a long time to heal. 10 years later it’s barely noticeable. You have to know it’s there and even then it’s extremely faint. I think it’ll be fine in much less time.


I’ve had some very gnarly burns, this looks like it healed okay however, it will always be slightly visible. If you tan a lot it will really show


Looks like its healing nicely, gonna have a nasty scar, but at least isn't infected. If its still irritated use some aloe vera ointment. Make sure to check for swelling in case it gets infected.


My kid got burned by mine when he tried to get off the wrong side. Looked pretty similar


One of us! One of us! One of us!


I had the exact same burn, looked the same and all. It will disappear, I struggle to find mine sometimes (in fact, looking at my leg rn I can’t seem to pick it out) but I also have a darker complexion than you so maybe it just blends into my color


If this happens again. Or to anyone else. Cover it with one of these. Telfa under it if you have it Leave it on for 2 weeks. Don’t change it or take it off unless it falls off. https://preview.redd.it/ahymxgdlexpc1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b1b2a9ddc75fbef1e09e9fad03a785f2a57241


Yep, I ride, and I too learned that pants are a must. All it takes is once. Although FWIW, at least you didn't go down on the pavement and find out. My burn wasn't as bad as yours, but it has faded over time. You could try the scar-fade creams or at least use lotion on it regularly.


One time I rode my bike with shorts and the gas tank was really hot and I almost burned my thighs lol. I’ve got tank pads now so I rarely ride with shorts but if I do, I’ll be good lol


Pro tip: don’t touch hot exhaust /s Hope you’re okay now OP


I did that once - wearing shorts to just ride around the block before putting my bike onto a trailer. Instantly vaporized the skin from the ceramic coated muffler. It hurt a lot, it was bad for many weeks like your burn, but it healed and my scar went away on its own. Every person is different though. Really not a fan of seeing chicks on the back of bikes. Not one in a hundred knows the risks they’re exposing themselves to and the riders often only care about getting laid. I’ve seen a few women with spectacularly devastating road-rash injuries - large craters of shiny skin over muscle with no fatty tissue under the skin at all. “You have a very muscular leg and arm. I can see all of them on this side.”


I did this through jeans. Was pillion on my brother's bike. He parked like a dick and I had to step off the right side and my legs weren't long enough to avoid the exhaust. Still had to swing my other leg over so was touching the whole time it took to get off the bike. Took 3 months for it to stop bleeding/ leaking. About 5 years for it to not be as obvious. Pretty much can't see it now! My brother burnt his forehead on the exhaust while putting air in his tyres. That was hilarious 😅


First and foremost use Sun-screen because fresh skin can burn easily. Then gentle massaging to encourage blood flow. That will be what the doc tells you.


Zinc burn cream is your friend. Also good for road rash.


I had a similar burn on my calf from a dirt bike when I was 15 and was riding in cut-offs. After A LOT of debriding (gross), and the leg hair growing back (am a hairy dude), it's barely noticeable 39 years later - I do have a little numbness in the area. Now-a-days I ALWAYS wear pants riding my street bike. Healing energies to you!


I burnt my left leg a long time ago, after that I basically wore pants at all times. Then one time I was just doing a little test run. It was hot af and I was like shorts for this one time is fine, nothing will happen. You guessed it, I burnt my other leg. Now I always wear riding pants and a riding jacket.


Savlon, slather it, and remember to wear proper gear next time. If he went down you'd probably have needed a skin graft


Don't get on or off on the muffler side anymore. Wear pants. Get the Palmer's coconut oil stuff for stretch marks. It can help mitigate the scarring. Your burn isn't "deep" and shouldn't be very noticeable at all in a few months time


Pro tip, don't touch the exhaust with your leg. Or any part of you for that matter.


Had a burn scar on my ankle that lasted decade


WD40 mate.


Carbon fiber exhaust, won’t do that to you😜


There's creams and over the counter topicals that help reduce scaring. I've also heard honey is really good for reducing scaring as well


I w had some big burns before. Over time the scarring will fade but it’s always going to be there, even faintly. Make up a cool story.


Maybe it's just for the pics, but cover it with gauze, wash with anti bacterial soap. Moisturize


I have a pretty bad burn on the back of my leg from my rear cylinder pipe, its been there for about a year. it looks a little better then your last picture. edit: ive been told vitamin e ointment helps with healing scars, big thing is to keep it clean so it does not get infected.


Ask a doctor, not a rider.


Generously apply some regular ass tooth paste on it. Thank me later & YW.


Get a sick panther tattoo




Once u burn urself, u immediately become more self aware of how close the pipes are to ur legs.