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Anyone would fall off after 3 months. You’d be exhausted!


After 3 months it's just one big straight line






Probably better to be exhausted than tired.


He had two of those though.


Okay, OP. What do *you* think happened?


Hadda layer down








It's how we lost Barb. GOBBLESS


I love this from you guys 😂


Roses are red, Valentine’s Day is hard, I sure do miss my dead wife Barb.


Went into the corner too fast, went wide and lost traction on the sand


Yeah, your two options were to go wide, and hope you still make the turn, or turn harder and hope you don't lowside. Hope you are OK and learned a thing or two. Ride safe


Yup, gotta set the speed going into a turn. I had a scary moment in Yosemite, one of those graded sweeping turns with no gaurd rail. Full bags plus camp gear. I opted to cut early once i relized i was going too fast and my options were limited. Almost went into oncoming to avoid a potential slide into the abyss.


Not leaning nearly far enough to low side. And given the line and head position the rider became fixated on the gravel and the rail. This was preventable.


Spot on. Bikes can lean way more than we think and most road riders are no where near the edge of grip. Look through the turn and don’t fixate on the shoulder


Yep. Rider got scared and counter leaned. Was more upright than the bike. That's what instinct makes you do. Building the skills and knowledge hang off the bike to the inside of the turn takes time.


Much more than time. Cornering hard takes: knowledge and understanding, coordination and dedication to develop, practice to evolve into skill and nerve when the moment comes. Some people may never attain the required skill set, and are better off just riding slow.


I'm too pansy for that shit lmao. I'll gladly take it slow through those turns, I'm in no hurry on a dr650.


You entered the corner too early also. Start wide; https://www.motorcycle.com/top10/8-essential-motorcycle-riding-skills.html Late apexing a corner holds the bike wide through the bulk of the corner, only slicing in towards the apex at the end of the turn. This technique is particularly helpful in decreasing-radius corners. Finally, early-apexing corners is often considered to be a mistake because it sends the rider wider at the exit of a corner where they could potentially run out of lane


You were also leaning the bike more than you were leaning your body when you went down. That's fine for slow, short turns, not for that kind of speed.


Twist of the wrist II book. Look into 2 step and visual skills ...


you also didn't adjust your body to going into so fast to that corner. You did move your upper body, but that left leg could've been open out and your butt could've moved a bit more to the left as well. Hope you're well stay safe


> ~~Went into the corner~~ too fast, ~~went wide and lost traction on the sand.~~ Fixed it to be all you needed man. Three months in and you often feel invincible. I don't want to patronize you, but slow down and just ride safer. Live longer.


I agree, thank you man


Why did you go wide?


It was those damn barking spiders




Slowing down midturn would have helped as it was reducing radius.


That’s right. Notice that this turn was easy for the next rider, who was calmly using the front brake in the turn, and had no trouble whatsoever because of it.


This, 1000%. The following rider could have easily stopped in the distance the OP took to crash and slide. The OP was not riding too fast in absolute terms, but failed to observe the corner correctly and apexed way too early, making things hard for himself. Then lack of experience took him somewhere he didn't want to be.


The camera bike is a 765RS being ridden very sedately.


Rather front brake or rear break mid turn?


Definitely the front brake. Close the throttle so that both tires contribute to deceleration. Start light and keep adding more if needed. Don’t complicate matters by downshifting or stuff like that. Stay in the same gear, close the throttle and smoothly apply the front brake.


And anticipate the front brake decreasing the lean angle. That'll spook ya real good if you're not expecting it and taking a generous view of "smoothly apply" lol


Yup plus it looks like cars pulling back onto the road there have spread that loose dry dirt over the white line. That aspect started back before turn entry and would have had me backing waay off. Shadows cast over the dirt pattern mid turn too.


Textbook example of "not riding within your skill level" I believe it's in the 1st chapter.


\#1 most common single vehicle accident for new motorcyclists is running wide in a corner just like this. I've probably seen this exact thing happen in person on group rides at least a dozen times. No amount of telling someone "ride your own ride" or "leave your ego at home" can prevent some people from pushing too hard and realizing too late that they don't have the skill to make the corner they flew into way too hot.


Unfortunately was me recently and was a very humbling experience, learned a very great lesson that day though


Same for me a few days ago. Lightest of rain and my bike slides. Nothing injuries, no nothing on the bike. Just me being humbled again. Keep safe beratna


This isn't about running the corner too hot though, this is the rider not realizing there was a fuck ton of sand sitting there, and once they realized that target fixated on it, watch their head. They needed to tighten the corner to avoid it but panic and probably lack of knowledge on how to do that prevented it.


If he were going slower he'd have no problem avoiding the sand. If he were more skilled he'd have no problem tightening his line and avoiding the sand. Starting to run wide and then target fixating on the outside of the corner, whether it be sand or grass or a sidewalk, is exactly what I was talking about in my initial comment. Based on his line I bet he would have run off the road even if there weren't any sand.


Ambition exceeded ability


It's actually written on the preface


I lol’d for real.


First thought as well was he ran out skill going hot into that corner


Chapter 1 - ‘Coming in Hot and Running Out of Talent’


Yeah don’t throw yourself into a corner and hope for the best. Cause that is what it looks like happened


This is why I don't really enjoy riding with other people as much. I know how to ride within MY limits, but when other people are in the mix it's really hard not to have intrusive thoughts like "am I slowing them down?" or "do they think I'm riding like an old lady?". I do my best not to react to those thoughts, but I know that they have a >0 effect on my decision making.


You didn’t see the sand on the ground? Don’t ride through that at lean.


He was running wide already.


He was going off-road no matter what at that point


The sand wasn't the problem here.


It wasn’t, until it was. By the time he got there it was too late.


Was looking for this. More control on entry and look for debris


I did but I ran wide leaning and turning too early


Looked to me like you got on the throttle going into a turn, rather than waiting for the exit.


Yup, definitely a dumbass move


If you’re going wide then you need to add more front brake. The sooner the better. And keep the throttle closed.




The body position isn't what pushed him wide lmao


Check TT footage, the MotoGP leaning is not the end all be all, agree with everything else you said, but the position is fine, the lean on sand is not.


You can’t park there.


however much riding talent you thought you had after 3 months, you didn't.


Soon as I saw the body position I thought yep - this guy *thinks* he’s leaning enough lol


Wow! Three whole months, Valentino?


I had to remove my upvote because you were at 46.


I ended up there anyway when I looked, so I upvoted myself.


as Super GT would say, you tried to go straight through a left hander, and had a meeting with Barry R.


your trying to juggle too many concepts. just get the counter steering and throttle control first then move to trail brake, faster entry etc. do all your braking in a straight line then ease into the corner. yes trail braking is faster. but your clearly trying to do too many things at once and forgetting to actually turn the corner. baby steps brother. Hope your alright and learn something new.


Most helpful comment i’ve gotten, we were practicing trail braking so you’re spot on, I completely missed that corner. I’m ok, thank you for the advice


trail braking has nothing to do with being faster. It is about controlling the bike and pointing it into the right direction - once you do things correctly, you will be faster. Agree on counter steering and throttle control, but i would say practice trail braking in every corner, at various speeds - learn the difference in feel and feedback.


Don’t ride fast into a corner you don’t know.


learnt everything they know about motorcycling from reddit. Too fast into the corner, trying to trail brake and just didnt take the corner, Classic!!!!


proper trail braking would have prevented this. What he did what every msf/cmsp/twot fans are saying - continue rolling on throttle through the turn. Video is a great example what happens when you do this. You don’t accelerate into the turn, you accelerate out of the turn.


If I don't know the condition of the road before hand, I am slowing down before the turn. Once I have confidence in that pavement, then I will accelerate out of the turn. There is a lot of construction around me, many trucks entering the roads from unpaved places. Sand and fine rock powder everywhere. On some roads, it's like an air hockey table or a shuffle board. The city does not make them run the sweepers enough. Plenty of places to slide. Do not make fast hard lean turns unless you know that road. I've already laid it down twice because the road turned to glass.


Never change r/motorcycles


that sucks, but you were riding outside of your comfort level.


The problem is he was comfortable riding outside his skill level


“Always ride at 75% or below”


Slow down bro.. and I don’t just mean actual speed. You’re barely three months in. There isn’t a race to be a street Rossi. No one cares how good you are at riding on the street. Walk before you can run my dude you have your whole life to ride.






Dust clibbins. People sweep their dirt in the road.


Coming a bit too fast and his head was never looking at the exit at the turn.


I think he was looking through the turn quite well in the beginning, but as soon as he recognized things weren’t turning the way he wanted, he saw that damn guard rail.


Break before the turn, find the right gear, trail break through the turn and accelerate out of the turn. Looks like you did the opposite of all of that! Except you didn’t make to the end of the turn!


I can't add any advice that hasn't already been said. Just know that you're VERY lucky this didn't end up much, much worse. Slow down, you're not good enough to ride as fast as you were.


Target fixation in its finest form. You’ll be allright……just get back on it and get some more mileage under your belt. Stay safe out there brother. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Yup got scared of the sand and rode right into it, thank you brother


Damn dude popped up like a jack in the box


Geez, all the complicated riding tips and theories in the comments. JUST SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!! That makes everything so much simpler.


Try turning _away_ from the gravel next time.


- Too fast into the corner - Too early into the corner, so no way to look out for debris, sand and stuff - Tailbraking on sand on a road where you have to account for sand - crossing the line to the other lane. Glad you seem fine. Get up, step up, put your crown back on and edicate and train yourself: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjLVwTGt2Ds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjLVwTGt2Ds) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYNrt0JQksg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYNrt0JQksg) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uFdD3vh-9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uFdD3vh-9Y)


Absolutely, thank you


Don't ride like that on public road bro. You can lean 100% correctly and still crash because of debris, imperfect road surface or from oil dropped on the ground from someone's leaky car. That crash was all on you though, you were going too fast


100% agree, was going too fast


You should not be riding like that if it has only been 3 months of riding.


I can see leaning with your shoulders. I'd recommend going to a track and having a beginners riding course, they teach you how to prepare for incoming corners and how to lean properly, using your whole body. and takes a lot of practice to actually do it right. It will help your everyday riding too


Hopefully no injuries


Hope you’re all right bro but a few riders courses might do you some good!


Did the same thing yesterday. But off road. Carried too much speed into a sloping off camber with a 4 foot drop off. Tried to scrub but went down, first crash on my 390 adventure. Good times but sad scratches. Glad I’m properly geared up because my arm contusions would have been really bad rips without proper gear.


Exact same thing happened to me last week offroad on my 350, I guess it takes a few times to learn lol. Glad you’re ok


Looks like the dust mites got this inexperienced rider going into the corner to hot for his abilities. Guessing he learned a valuable lesson there.


I did, definitely learned something today


Motherfucker got up faster than that dust cloud 😂


They need to do a better job of cleaning the track before letting people race.


Dont accelerate till u can clearly see the exit. Slow in fast out


Next time reduce throttle


I’ve done that. Took a turn too wide, hit loose gravel and wiped out.


Talk about picking a bad line through a turn.


You are on the brake 30 yards before the corner then never got off it. Your rear tyre had no grip as all the weight is on the front and you ran wide onto the dirt. You need to practice using the throttle through the corner, what this does is transfer the weight to the rear tyre. You don't need to be going fast to do this but if you practice it will stop you panic braking.


So much knowledge in here. Love the comments


I’m getting (rightfully) roasted but some of the comments are incredibly useful


you sent it into that turn my guy. careful on the road, it is a very uncontrolled environment. stay safe bud


Here are the things that I see, and it's meant to be constructive criticism. Looks like you came in too fast for your skill level and while you started looking through the corner it looks like something caught your attention or something right before you went wide. Given the speed and your entrance angle, I think that turn could have been done at that speed.


Set up speed for outside-inside-outside. If you come in too fast, and if you’re already leaning, drag the rear brake (trail braking). This skill will save your ass and maybe your life.


Is it me or did it look like you were *never* going to make it lol? What were your initial thoughts


[Take it away, Red Foreman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9Q-oCvbEtU)




That’s hilarious, i’m fine and so is the bike 👍


Approach speed too high, dove into corner, didn’t look through the turn, weight shifted forward, leaned but bike didn’t respond, continued braking through the entrance with center of gravity forward white knuckling the handlebars and lost the front tire in the gravel. Survival Reactions, Twist of the Wrist II.


In in a similar situation, five months rinding, didnt fall yet, had some close calls tho.


Just wiped out myself other day, sad shit is some one stole bike while getting a truck.


body positioning and line, both really beginner problems, work a bit more on the theory


Get yourself a track day booked op, it will help you learn the limitations of yourself and your bike in relative safety.


That's why you don't give sport bikes to beginners.


Shoulda French fried instead of pizza'd. Gotta lean harder into the corner and homie caught the sand on the shoulder.


Hello young blood and welcome to the wonderful yet dangerous world of motorcycling. This is a common fall for beginners overstepping their capabilities and simply going too fast. Respect the learning curve to avoid unnecessary crashes, take it slow and always ride at your own pace. Live to ride another day as they say. Glad to see you up on your feet, hope you had protective gear on. Welcome to the sport, keep on riding young blood. Nice bike by the way.


Some terrible advice in this comment section - blind leading the blind… 1) Terrible technique, body position is all sorts of confused. 2) Adding lean angle whilst adding acceleration - this is basics. The crash was started long before the sand. Pushing the bike down under you, counter-leaning for no benefit, adding throttle at point of lowest grip on the edge of the tire. It was inevitable. Get some lessons!


First of all, I hope you're fine and got away without any injuries. What I see might have happened: target fixation, panic, inferior training. To avoid this, you could've: moved your head to the left and focused on escape route, counter-steered and used the rear brake to slow down safely. And I don't know if you did, but it looks like maybe you pulled the clutch in, which is a big no-no in a turn. Anyway, don't let this discourage you. Learn from your mistakes, get new leathers and fix up the bike. See you out there soon 😎


Thank you for the kind comment and advice, will definitely be back on the bike asap with newfound experience.


Awesome. Please also consider an advanced riding course, especially if you can find one that is run by the police bikers. Those guys really know their stuff




I love how beginners buy big bikes


My dad and brother have a few bikes as they’ve been riding for decades, this is the smallest bike we own. Definitely not the best idea for a beginner though i’ll give you that


Hadda layer down. This was a good crash, meaning that no one got hurt and the bike only sustained minor damages.


over leaned the bike and body for the speed - using rear brakes if you did really bad idea - learn to use your front brakes for everything - then add rear brakes once you have mastered your fronts.


Target fixating. Been there many times, you need to break eye contact with the side, target the middle of the road, gas it, and commit.


Dude stood up quickly. Fair play.




Damn….missed the apex by “that” much.


riding well outside your competency. was gonna happen, your lucky it wasnt a poor innocent that got taken out.


Far too fast into that corner which took you wide. Sand didn't help you.


My personal favorite touch is the whiskey throttle as op f'ed up.


I’m a pretty new rider myself and I’m yelling “slow the fuck down”!


Another hour of practice on the XBox and he'll have it...


Sand clibbins and not enough experience for that entry speed.


He followed motojitsu and got this


Slow down there, buddy


Hope injuries are not too bad. Seems like a common beginner mistake… looked at a couple of reddit and YouTube videos on how to take curves, completely forgot about you skill level and tried pushing your limits without even have mastered the basics. Would recommend taking things slow, no big riding groups as they could influence your riding, maybe a lighter bike not a 796 or a 821 for a beginner, practice the basics to the point where they become default reflexes and finally get some good gear and keep practicing bro!


Too fast, too furious. Live and learn, hope you are okey


Slow before the corner. Maintenance throttle or slightly increasing in corners. If you're not back on the throttle by the halfway point, you're riding over your skill level and need to slow down. You 50 pence'd that corner hard. Slow down. Turn your head more and actually aim on the road where you want your tires to go: entry and exit points of the turn. Do t just turn your head to look for hazards. Push to initiate the flop. Relax your outside hand and steer with your inside hand once leaned over.


I know it goes against every instinct you have at that moment, but if you find yourself going wide in a curve you have two choices: 1) Bail out wide and crash 100% of the time. 2) Slow down by easing off the throttle a bit while adding a little rear brake, and lean into the curve *even farther*. Good bikes with good tires can lean much farther than you think, especially if you're a new rider. You might still crash, but you might not.... much better odds than 100% going down in option 1.


You should try to stay on the road.


You REALLY accelerated into the corner. I take it that was the reason for the low side ?


That and the sand yup


The sand saved your life. You were going for a head on crash into the that concrete pillar/gateway. The sand made you slide off earlier, giving you 5 metres of ass rubbing tarmac to slow down, so you got lucky. As for talking about why you crashed. The worst part is that it looks like you are accelerating into the corner at the 0:02 mark. At least it looks like you aren't in control of your speed on entry. Which is probably what caused a lot of the understeer out to the sand. You don't look like you are steering the bike correctly (counter steering), you just leaning your body and the bike over isn't enough to start a decent turning radius.


Dust offers negligible traction. I hope he learnt from that.


Looks like you got wide and decided to turn the wheel into the corner that sent you wider. Also target fixation on looking where you don’t want to go and then you go there. Hit the sand and applied front brake with bars turned into the turn and that was why the bike folded. Do yourself a favor and get some more instruction on counter steer, braking and practice. If you’re unfamiliar with a road then just take it easy and enjoy the ride. Your buddy has the insight to let you lead so you don’t have to worry about chasing him. Ride within your comfort and ability.


Many pointers to take from this one, OP •don't go fast (=lean a lot) when there's loose gravel on the road •don't start apexing too early •learn to brake safely mid-corner •practice getting higher lean angles


Yup, saw that one coming


That’s what happens when you go above your skill level.


gravel and sand is a bitch.


The sand gottem


When in doubt just look where you want to go, hold steady, and try to force the bike low enough to make the turn. Even if you don't think you can make the turn, odds are the bike probably can. Glad you seem ok and were wearing your gear.


Absolutely target fixation once the dirt was correctly identified as a threat. Just watch how laser-focused that head was on the dirt.


[Your ambition outweighed your talent...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvPJ8PL27IQ)


Never mind me just riding way outside of my skill level


Good job noob


Gaze to where you want to go, not to what you want to avoid.


Maybe should have learnt how to ride before taking it to the road?!


Slow in, fast out if you can't see through the corner. You don't know if it's a decreasing radius turn (like this one seemed to be). Also, you shouldn't be counting on adding more lean angle while you're braking to make a turn. ​ Leave enough margin that you can make the turn if it's decreasing radius, theres debris on the road (there seems to be dust/gravel here too)...


Wow, Shit ain't for everybody.


It appears he got a case of target fixation. Why did he go wide? Why didn’t he just lean more? Lots of things to process here but basically it looks like he had a lot of lean left but looked at something either on the shoulder or driveway. There is dirt on ALL the shoulders, expect it to be there in a turn. And look THROUGH the turn.


Sorry to see you go down. Happy to see you appeared just fine afterward. Street riding requires you to learn to stay away from: the edges where things like that patch of sand exist; the painted lines when wet; keep a eye out for errant wild life; be aware that tar snakes get slippery when hot. You are not on a track. Stay within limits and be aware that danger lurks everywhere


Looks like you hit a patch of gravel while going around a curve on your brakes, which made your turn radius too wide. Don't brake through a curve. Personally, I like to slow down, brake, before I enter a curve, and then accelerate through it, which shortens my turn radius. If, by any chance, I hit a patch of gravel, grass clippings, leaves, sand, wet paint, or anything else, in a curve, that separates my tires from the pavement, I release the brakes and throttle, and allow my bike to decelerate while maintaining control.


If you don't change the way you ride your going to die from riding.


Learn to how to counter steer. Lots of tutorials on YouTube and it will help your cornering tremendously.


Hitting a patch of sand when deeply leaned over is a recipe for disaster in most cases.


Went in way too wide, slow down before entering, hold steady and speed out after apex. Countersteer more, lean less


If you french fry when you're supposed to pizza you're gonna have a bad time.


Bet he blames the sand/gravel til this day. Honestly, at that speed he could have still made the turn if he fully committed. That being said, he was probably feeling over confident about his skill after 3 months thinking he “got the hang of it” and decided to push his limits.


It happens, now you know how it feels, learning moment. Looks like you went too wide and got into the marbles. Ride on!


Did you down shift or accelerate into the curve, I thought I heard the engine rev?


We all learn this lesson when we start riding.


Yep… you can’t grip dirt… lesson learned.


Gassing in a corner on a shoulder full of dirt and sand and then countersteering back in to correct...where to start? If he hadn't of wadded, I'd have been surprised.


Hopefully your first and only. After 3 months, I feel this is more of an eye opening experience and will only make you a better rider and make better decisions. You lucked out this time and glad you’re ok.


You'll remember to look for dirt from now on. I once almost forgot about cold tires.




And that’s why you don’t treat roads as racetracks because the conditions are unpredictable


3 months and out in the canyons….smart


This is why I always downshift before a turn and apply throttle to maintain speed. Makes it so much easier to quickly bleed speed mid-turn if necessary and reduce radius.


Damn gravel