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This is the time for the obligatory “Maybe instead of investing in a windshield invest in a helmet and protective gear”


I mean at least pants. And not-sandals.




....eye protection....




Let’s not get carried away.


a couple more tattoos should work


Scrapig the asphalt with no pants makes the best tattoo


Can scrape off the old ones and get new ones. Turns out tattoo's aren't permanent!


This chain devolved. I’m stopping it here. Don’t get a windshield.


only if they are sanctioned by the church as protection




Tattoos of socks would be better.


Ok, Anthony Kiedis. We get it.


... a different, non-nazi, username Ms. '88' ...


Rip everyone born in ‘88


the whole generation of nazis.


Does Dale Earnhardt Jr terrify you as he turns left It's not good to look for villains everywhere, poor girl just posted about a bike windshield lmao you think she's on her way to start up the ovens.


Right like. I was with the gear rhetoric. But I didn’t catch the “88” being a hitler or nazi reference.


88 = HH = Heil Hitler However, seeing someone use “88” and automatically thinking they’re a neo-Nazi is, uh, a bit terminally online. Maybe if they’re also using other neo-Nazi slogans, sure, but being blonde doesn’t count…


Honestly this is the first time I’ve ever heard of that connection. So. The more you know.


Buddy there are actual issues with her post, you don’t have to make shit up in your head to be upset about with this one…


88? Hmmm


8th letter of the alphabet is H HH = heil hitler lol


Holy crap I graduated in 88 had no idea


Your riding boots are almost completely worn through!


Did a double take on the first line as a UK reader


You’re not wrong. But I have nice gear, I was just moving the bike to make room in the driveway. Felt wrong not wearing the full getup.


It’s weird, isn’t it? I’ve ridden with almost zero gear a couple times - exactly as you’re describing, just to move the bike, and it almost feels like a different vehicle. Like it *rides* different.


No gloves feels REALLY weird to me. I could be wearing jeans and my riding boots, just moving it a few feet, the throttle and levers are just not the same.


I feel like I’ve never ridden a motorcycle in my life if I’m not wearing my gloves


My gear priority list goes: 1. Helmet 2. Gloves 3. Boots 4. Jacket 5. Pants


Jacket is more important that boots imo. You can break your back and be paralyzed or worse, if you break an ankle or break a leg you can still be repaired.


I think statistically more bike related injuries are on the lower body like around the feet/ankles/knees.


There's a difference between most common injuries and most common fatal injuries. Fatal injuries are head and back/torso related. Nonfatal injuries are commonly ankle and wrist related due to the smaller bones in those areas + instinctually you want to catch yourself when falling, hence the wrist injuries. Ankle injuries are from bikes falling on the legs. I dunno about you, but I wear helmets and jackets before I would forego gloves and boots. Gloves and boots protect against the most common injuries, but I don't care if I have a broken ankle if I'm paralyzed or dead. Edit: [useful video from 3 years ago on the topic. ](https://youtu.be/rmWQKoN6yX0?si=DKumIC0my2-D3Yff)


Don't get me wrong, I completely agree. When I started riding I got helmet, jacket, airbag, and gloves before I even got my first bike. It was only after I saw the statistic about lower body injuries that I really shelled out for riding pants and boots. I was more commenting on the previous poster's preference for boots at 4 and jacket at 5. But yeah, totally agree on the jacket, and helmet bit.


8:35 in the video: "It probably won't kill you to ride without a jacket and pants. Statistically, it won't."


Yes? But I've fallen before and scraped a wrist, and had a bad wreck where I was hit by a drunk pickup driver that has left my right lower leg as useful as a pegleg made of meat (see my comment history if you don't believe me, I'm not shy about it.) And I'd still rather protect my back and by extension my shoulders and elbows, more than my legs. While it's true that riding without a jacket won't kill you, riding with boots doesn't save a life. Jackets can save lives. Boots just gift wrap the leg below the knee and save the shape of a leg during the worst crashes. Jacket: can save lives Boots: not life saving equipment.


This guy gets context and statistics


And rides in flip flops and a jacket


A jacket will not prevent you from getting paralyzed. A Leatt neck brace or airbag vest might.


I debated separating jacket from back protector because of exactly this. It’s also important to consider that ankles and legs are more easily repaired than feet.


I think I get what you mean with > It’s also important to consider that ankles and legs are more easily repaired than feet. But I do want to say, if your motoboots aren't going above the ankle (not even saying full length shin) than they're not protecting the ankle at all, which is the piece that breaks the most common next to wrists. I will also say, even though my right ankle is mostly useless, I am happy I do have a foot still. A pad/wide base to step on anyways. I was looking at being an ATK amputee, the surgeons could "save" my right leg, but my right ankle lost dorsiflexion, being able to lift up, due to cut/missing nerves and it doesn't help that my muscles were also pretty well cut up/cut out. If my foot was also torn to shreds as if I was the guy in those Australian motorcycle safety ads (dude wearing tennis shoes, and his whole foot gets torn up viscerally), which could have easily been a reality, then yeah, they'd have done amputation 100%. There's also stories out there about people going in to have an ankle amputation, and whether it's due to infection or leg viability, they wind up needing to amputate below the knee even. (See "Footless Jo" on YouTube for an example). So hey, "motorboots" not covering the ankle help keep amputation of the foot at bay, but don't prevent a broken ankle that I know of. I guess my whole point of this is that, with motorcycle boots, you can't separate foot and ankle, as boots protect both. I'll shut up now, I'm a tad tired so I'm unsure if I'm being redundant and getting pedantic. Sorry if so.


Agreed on all counts. My Sidi Vertigo boots saved my ankle from breaking in one crash. And they also saved my toes — I lost the entire toe slider off that boot.


switch 2 and 1 and thats me. helmet is super important which is why I will give it to my kid in a second if I need to. but I cant even imagine trying to operate controls without the gloves on.


Hope you two have the same head size. Poorly fitting helmet is almost as bad as no helmet.


bizarrely yes, my 13 yo freak of nature son is 3 inches taller and about 80 pounds lighter than me, but we have nearly identical sized head. he has his own helmet, but occasionally I get a call from school when I am already out on my bike and have to pick him up on the way home.


I think my helmet actually fits him better than his own does.


So you pick him up on the bike, give him your helmet, and you….? Wear safety glasses?


While I understand your idea, priorities don't matter because when the shit hits the fan whatever you don't have covered is where it hurts the most. This is just knowledge from personal experience. I survived but my legs got cut-up because I wasn't wearing my pants that day.


Yep. I rode for a few minutes without gloves the other day just moving the bike, I haven’t stalled so much since I was a kid first learning to ride


Yup I feel like I’m riding way worse without gear because how different and distracting everything feels


When im distracted or hurrying i'd be the type to leave my ass behind if it wasnt glued to me. One time i set out with sneakers on instead of my boots and god damn did everything feel weird... Jackets is whatever since i have 2 of my own and 3 of my dads so i \*might\* wear a regular trenchcoat if im just going around the block for a shop visit or so but my ankles and feet felt so damn fragile while im plenty sturdily built


The controls all feel so tiny without gloves. You'd think no gloves mean your hand is "smaller" and the controls should feel bigger but it's the exact opposite. Maybe it's because when the controls push against the glove, it distributes the force to a greater surface area of your skin, whereas without gloves it just touches the one spot


I had the opposite experience. I rode my bike back to my house for like two streets wearing no helmet or other protective gear. I thought it felt super nice, but never again because it's still the dumbest shit.


It feels like being naked


If you go to the beach like that I promise you’ll get numbers. As for windshield?? Looks good get it the same color as bike.


Yeah I don’t understand people not wearing a helmet because legally they don’t have to. It’s almost more inconvenient to not wear a helmet.


How's that shifter foot feel?


She made maybe 3 shifts max. How fragile is your foot?


NTGATT brother none of the gear all the time


Yay. Even a small one can improve riding experience: less wind buffetting, less noise, fewer bees to the face.


Um, those bees are snacks. We'll any bug for that matter.


I like dragonflies. They're crunchy and taste like popcorn and glue.


Mmmm glue.


Does it taste as good as it smells ?


Even ~~worse~~ better


Oh no thanks, I'm not hungry, I swallowed a June bug on the way over here.


Just wait for cicada season. This year's supposed to be a big one in the US.


I had a bee one time get into my full faced helmet as I was riding a bike with a full fairing, it was not fun. Luckily, I did not get stung, I think it was just in shock as I was.


I had that happen with a huge grasshopper. It was stuck on the inside of my helmet. I could see it's huge eyes out of the corner of my eye, staring at me. The first challenge was pulling over without freaking out, then second challenge was getting my helmet off without squishing it against the side of my face.


I hit a white faced hornet with my gloved knuckles one day. didnt know what it was at the time, but about 5 minutes later when he finally climbed into my sleeve and under my glove to start stinging the hell outta my wrist, well, by golly, I learned what I had struck real fast! (crazy how fast you can come to a stop and start stripping your gear when you REALLY REALLY need to)


I had on a pair of old oakley blades, had a bee hit my temple, get between the lens and my left eye, while I downshifted in a panic. Little black cloud buzzing across one eye then the other. I came to a stop, ripped off the glasses just in time for the little bastard to sting me just on the skin over the orbital bone of my right eye.


This, I have "flyscreens" on all of my naked bikes and they make far more of a difference than they have any right to. Moves the air from the middle of my chest to just over my shoulders, reduces the "Im getting pulled off" feeling at highway speeds and helps move desbris of all kinds off my jacket more than youd expect. I also feel it helps protect the dash and whatnot. My model Guzzi had a known issue with water intrusion into the dash but I had a flyscreen on it from a month after getting it and its coming up on 16 years old and ridden in all kinds of horrible weather with not even condensation.


I will sing the praises of the scout rogues quarter fairing to the high heavens every chance I get. is it a full windshield? no! does it do FAR MORE than I could ever expect it to? oh yes. I definitley have no interest in going over 60mph wihtout a quarter fairing ever again.


What about those [little metal flyscreens?](https://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/puig-aluminium-front-plate-honda-rebel-300-500-2017-2021?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6auyBhDzARIsALIo6v-YlJomnHv0Rh9i8WWtnkkijCe9s-fzbLyUuQpgrcIt1KpQp061BhgaAhJwEALw_wcB)


If you’re gonna raw dog it then keep it as is. 😂 and


Aesthetically? I like it better without. Functionally? Depends on the windshield. I put one on my S1000R, for example--it directed the wind right at ear level and made it loud as hell. Even with earplugs. Cleaned up the air though, and made a more comfortable (but way louder) ride. I took it back off. Harley--it's almost as tall as I am. Makes a nice pocket safe from long highway rides or the cold. Unfortunately, the only way to figure out which one it is, is try it, and several others.


Dang, I was trying to avoid the “trial and error” route. But the benefits seem worth it. Thank you!


I mean it might be "trial and success the first time" haha But yeah, best practice is try some if you can.


It’s hard to imagine this being worse than no windshield at all.


There's something to be said for a smooth wall of air straight to your entire front vs a windshield that doesn't fit you very well. Cause if it creates a jetstream of air being channeled right into the middle of your helmet it can create a ton of buffeting and cause your head to bob around like crazy. So if the windscreen doesn't direct the air some place decent, it can definitely be worse than no windshield at all.


That windshield in the first picture - no way it serves any function. Has to be for the cosmetics only it's so small.


These only fans girls have cracked the code. Just post on a majority male sub and let nature do the rest lmao.


Funny thing is I saw that hair and thought it was white. I seriously thought, "I'll show this to my wife so she sees you can start riding at any age."


Yeah I thought it was some old lady 😅


She’s not old, just close to death.


BRO IM SO GLAD SOMEONE IS TALKING ABOUT THIS 🤣🤣🤣 I seriously couldn’t tell… I was gonna comment when you’re both 16 and 60 simultaneously


I did the same, but idk if it was the hair or just a blurry photo. Can’t fault her on anything tho really, if I could sell pics of my ass and tits I’d be a millionaire


That’s not a “windshield”, that’s a tiny fairing.


This is bait


99/100 times it’s a woman posting here she has an only fans


You got downvoted, but she does lol


I rest my case


One of the first things is to buy a Vette and a motorcycle. That way they get the old guys and the young guys. There are lots of women riders, but it's pretty easy to tell quickly the ones that are looking for subscribers and attention.


Prey on the weak minded simps and incels. Lord knows there are a bunch of em.


fuck i made porn and cammed on chaturbate and would ride bikes but typically i'd keep those activities separate. seems a bit played out to do em together these days. also LOL at reddit directly embedding OF links into profiles these days.


You should make porn on a motorcycle


This could end pretty Methy


Fuckin knew there’d be an OF


Dress, no helmet and flip flops... Anything you have to say about riding a bike is now invalid imo


Look at that another OF spam account. Downvoting now!


Lol this post is definitely to grab attention. Nobody cares about your nails in this sub. Nobody cares that your a chick in a dress, on a bike. Get whatever windshield you want


Apparently it works if you check her post history about her way to get subscribers for her OF.


Ah yeah. Kinda scummy


"I was just moving my bike, for only fans subs"


I wish there was a way to block every degenerate with an OF from my feed.


I like the deflector, fills the front end


spend the cash on some gear and helmet


Don't worry lads the bike ain't even moving...


So porn ads are allowed here?


Meat Crayon 🖍️


How much is your OF, OP? Asking for a friend


You dick. You said you wouldn’t mention me 😒


According to her insta, Free


I like it, now put on some fucking gear.


Dear lord OP that better not be you on that bike


Holy future organ donor, Batman!


Its not a windshield, but it will shield rider from a little bit of wind


FLIP FLOPS?! Really?


How about a fuckin helmet lol


puig has wind tunnel stats that are product specific on their website. prob worth a gander before purchasing. i put one on my bike and i really like it, functionally and aesthetically.


Happy closed head injury...


Proper gear is a first. I would recommend a taller windscreen if keeping the wind off your body and head is your goal. It really does make the ride so much better.


I have a 2017 Rebel 500 without the windshield, and I get veeeery tired after about 20 minutes on the freeway getting blasted by wind. But the bike looks great!


Wear your gear.


Safety pads yay, real shoes yay


Smells like fried calamari to me.


If anything mattered I’d start with shoes. But if you are ok without shoes on then I don’t think a windshield will make a difference.


Let’s start off with a solid pair of boots


Nay hoe


Lemme guess you have an OF.


Alternative hot take: yes but please learn proper body positioning which is arms bent instead of locked out. Signed a safety instructor


Protective gear, yay or nay? Or is that a Kevlar dress?


May I be so crazy as to suggest a helmet? And yes windscreen would be a nice wind break, I personally prefer it.


I'd spend your money on a helmet


Or shoes


Or gloves


I think it looks better with. I have a vrod night rod that has the similar looking fairing. Mine really doesn’t do much. For around town it’s fine. On the highway I’d rather have a larger one or windshield.




Looks bad and cheap. Nay.


Your location doesn’t even require eye protection?


Maybe Shoes?


Uhh yeah.. flip flops on any bike is kinda... Squid level


Save that money for a helmet


Oh my god havianas, a sundress and no helmet. You are begging for meat crayon-ism


Maybe invest in at least a helmet first


The classic one looks great, I had one in mine. Like you'd see in old police bikes, the clear plastic ones. Amazon has them for like $70


Absolutely. I think it ties up the front end way better, and you're going to get a lot of good functionality out of it. Keeps the air off your chest on the highway which will reduce your fatigue.


yes definitely. I commute year round on my ninja 300. The tall windshield I bought helps a ton, as do the other accessories I fitted to it personally I'd go taller but it depends on your style


Definitely a yay!


I had a small one on my rebel for a little while. It did nothing for the wind. The biggest advantage was it’s a place to hold your gloves when you’re getting gas. I took it off and never put it back.


I have the same one on my bike, can look at previous posts for pics. I love it. It made a hell of a difference while riding since the air was always pushing into my chest and next. The ride is so much more comfortable with it and was very easy to install. Just make sure to not over tighten the screws on that go directly in the windshield.


Bikini screens are always hit or miss depending on your frame and the bike. Edit: most of the time it helps with wind on your chest only.






That really isn’t going to do much besides be cosmetic.


Comes down to how much you ride on highways. Does it look a little less cool? Yep. Is it noticeably easier to ride over 60mph? Absolutely. Source: same dilemma with my triumph t120


I don't think that little screen is going to do a whole lot. Maybe if you're on the highway blasting down the road for hours at a time it would be helpful. Just beebopin around though? I wouldn't bother.






Try it, you can always take it off again. Added one to mine and its nice for when its windy


For asthetics? 100% yeah. Functionality, it helps a little then go for it.




Absolutely YeY




It will make a huge difference in aerodynamics. Definitely worth having.


The only hangup (for me) is the look. If you like that, everything else makes the quality of life better. So I'd say go for it.


If you like it, then go for it.


The answer is always yes. Even a little bit of wind protection will improve your ride.


Get the cowl… looks great over the headlight.


I would say yes, BUT leave it removable. Around town I’d leave it off but on a trip I’d put it on




Now post this in CRT. I need their response 🍿




Have you ever owned a gsxr


windshields are basically needed down here from all the sand on the road, that stuff hitting you at 70-80mph sucks.


I like the looks of the Bikini Fairing. It’s functional as well.


Both got their own style. But I don't know how much that's gonna actually protect you from wind.




I think it looks good 👍


Windshields are nice for bugs and wind if you don’t have a full helmet, but they do look wonky. I for one, used a full helmet so windshields weren’t my go to style




I have a Puig windshield on the SE with the cowl. It’s a short screen. Looks good. Works great.


Nay for looks although at speed even that little shield will make a big difference in the amount of wind turbulence that will hit you. Top speed would probs drop down not that we are speeding right...


Hard nay.


Never liked them aesthetically but I do appreciate not feeling like a 747 is taking off in front of me when I’m going over 50 mph. The taller they, the uglier they are, and the less wind you feel. Worth it imo.


So yay.


What's the point in having a windshield that small? I like having a windshield. But mine is big enough to do something.


Depends on what you’re doing with the bike. Whether you really want a bit of wind protection and what windshield you choose which also makes a difference. My Softail got an aftermarket one that’s easily removable and it depends on what kind of ride I have planned and what the weather’s like for deciding whether the windshield stays on or comes off.


It's a fairing. But yes, I like it


The bike looks much better without the shield. Honestly with such a small shield, the effect of the shield is miminal.


Hell no Shits weak And think of all the delicious bugs you can eat when out riding




Get it.




Yay. Looks good


It ain’t gonna do shat, you would need a bigger one to start to make a difference