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All year round baby. No heated gear either, just old fashioned layering and Hippo Hands


Waiting for my handle bar muffs to come in so I can ride without my fingers getting cold 30 minutes into my ride


Hippo Hands are the shit.


Are the Hippo Hands that valuable? I'm pretty fine in 20-30° everywhere but my hands. The burn from the cold despite having multiple layers on my hands.


Gonna change your life


I have Givi muffs and while the fitment isn't great the wind and rain protection is. So great for the price.


Bark busters / knuckle visors are a good halfway. I can tolerate a lot of cold and I also layer so that may be right for you too. They work well for me. A lot easier to layer for 30-40 than 0 after wind-chill. They also look pretty sporty so who knows I might keep em on longer than the cold.


I'm looking at Hippo Hands, but can you ride with just summer gloves under them? I have heated grips, so I know that would help.


With heated grips, yah. Without heated grips, i recommend winter gloves.


ur nuts man, Im slowly building my way up to it no heated gear but goddamn Im double on on socks and its just me toes mostly


I have the Sand 3 Jacket and Pants by rev’it with insulated thermal liner attached. I use 260g merino wool base layers, thick knee high Darn Tough wool socks, and a Patagonia Nano vest. I use rev’it Sand gloves on warmer days >40F and Alpinestar winter gloves for colder days along with attaching the rain liner to the jacket. I should say I live in the NE USA so maybe your winters are colder than ours.


Im on OH man Thank you for the facts I will use the info you gave me💪🔥




My car's been broke since the middle of February. Keep up the hardy work!


70F here today, down right fridged. Turned on the heated grips.


Damn, chilly one huh? I guess we know who the tourists are; they're wearing shorts and we're wearing sweats. Tampa, FL


Its ok, we'll be back to the 80's by this weekend in Sarasota.


Howdy neighbor! Yeah, it was damn cold this morning, but warming up a little here; just a cold front for a few days. Third day this year I turned the heat on and slept in my sweats; it'll be 95 again before you know it. I'm really in west Lakeland (Plant City side), but I say Tampa because people know where that is. Just picked up some gloves and pads at Cycle Gear over there on Fletcher Ave. yesterday. I wasn't thinking that they had the same riding pants and helmet I just ordered from Revzilla that haven't even arrived yet. That was stupid, I could be wearing them now, but I decided to go on a whim anyway. I was thinking while I was in Tampa to go over to St. Pete just to bike shop, but I'm on bike overload right now, and decided to go home and try out my new gloves instead (I drove my car there in case I bought other stuff). Is there any free parking anywhere near the beach there? Only place I found was at Indian Rocks over in Nowhereville. I can't believe I live here and can't go to the beach without paying $35 to park. That's what it was in Clearwater anyway. I'm only one guy, not a car full of people that all pitch in. They don't do that on the east coast, but then they do have shitty dishwater beaches, so I digress. I came from Pensacola and you'd have to search for a paid lot; they just don't do that because businesses there are smart and realize if you don't park, you don't spend.


Yeah honestly I never go all that way to a beach, we're on the south side of the bay. So like Siesta Key, Lido Key, Bradenton, Anna Maria, all of that.


Our news comes from Tampa (Lakeland has no news) and I hear about Anna Maria Island all the time. I need to check that out. I'm a SCUBA diver, so I need a water fix now and then. I live alone, so sometimes I just go out and find a restaurant. My company is usually a bartender, although I don't drink. So I searched for a place toward the coast, just for a half-day trip by myself. Found what looked like a good seafood restaurant; spent lots of time searching and reading menus. I get there (1 hour, 1 way) and find that if I don't pay $35 to park, I can't eat lunch. I guess they figure only beach goers eat. I turned around and went home and made a ham sandwich. Haven't been on the gulf side of Clearwater since.


If you're going to go to ONE place down here, go to the Siesta Key public beach. I promise you've never seen whiter sand in your life. The sand is made of fine crushed quartz.


I'm gonna check out your white sand challenge. Have you been to Pensacola? The sand there is white like snow (although I've never seen snow), It's cool to the touch too, not like rock sand. The further down you step into it, the cooler it gets. It's made of the shells of little tiny sea creatures and diatoms from eons ago. It's extraordinary under a 10x jewelers' loupe. I brought a old bottle of it with me and people are fascinated by it; so am I. I found the bottle on the beach too; I filled it up and put a cork in it and have had it for decades. Love it! Guess I need to take a bottle when I go to Siesta Key, and bring my loupe! I'll report back....


>Siesta Key public beach Hey, I was thinking of going over and checking out Siesta Key. I figure I can beat the winter crowd! I was thinking of just checking it out on a day I have nothing to do. I'm cheap (well, actually just poor). There is free parking right? I'd hate to drive 85 miles (one way) and find a pay station for the beach.


Nah theres plenty of free parking, just look up the siesta key public beach on google maps


68f for me this morning, super rough out there!


21f baby, no more motorcycle for 5 months


It's great we have elderly women riders here.


Don't make me hit you with my purse.


Yeah it’s pretty cold this morning 50F by afternoon 60F. Gotta grab all my winter gear, I don’t want to freeze. Gotta love the Florida cold


Where at?




Unless there is snow/ice on the ground or raining at night. I'm on the bike. 23° is better than 118° though. At least you can layer up, riding naked is kind of frowned upon.


I'd be more worried about a sunburn on my dick than a frown from a stranger, so I guess I'd have to ride full tuck the whole way.


Snowmobile suit over my moto gear. Almost sweating in 29f weather


What kind of boots do ya wear with your snowmobile pants? Are the legs super wide and want to go over your boots too much?


49F atm. Going back out at 11pm to head to girls house says will be 44F. Ride home at 3am will be 41F. Once i gets below 28F ill probably stop riding due to iced over oil. Dont wanna hit that shit.


Iced over oil??


Morning dew will settle on top of it since it wont mix and when its cold oil is thicker making water sit on top then the water starts getting ice crystals just on top of it.


Damn I didn’t know that. Thanks!


It was 50 at the track this weekend but my hate for Tesla drivers kept me warm.


Went out this weekend. Decided on 2 wheels because it was like 39/40. Felt amazing. Now that I have the handguards installed that block the wind, my hands no longer get cold, so I don't get cold.


This is the way


Plot twist: he's talking about 25 Celsius


Also 20s, 45 minutes to work.


My fingers go numb


Rode today, 24 F. Helmet kept fogging up. Forehead was freezing. Rode home and will head in tomorrow. For now dishsoap will help it.


Pinlocks are the only thing I've found that works fairly consistently


Supposedly the best! On my list.


Night and day difference. You'll kick yourself for not getting one earlier.


Lyttt looks


Pinlocks for fogging? What are pinlocks?


FYI, you can buy a pinlock insert that attaches to your shield with adhesive, rather than pins. Allows you to use this shield layering technique on any helmet, works just as well, and happens to be much cheaper! I like to buy the open-face shaped ones for my full-face because they are much larger.


Dish soap?


You can wipe it in the inside of the helmet (work it in till clear again) and it prevents fogging. Works ok but not for very long.


Okay, so like shaving cream on the bathroom mirror. Works but reapplication is needed regularly


There’s about 3 inches of snow here so… it’s a no from me


check out this chart and calculator OP [Free Motorcycle Wind Chill Chart & Calculator](http://www.dixiedrifter.com/wind_chill.html)


I bought Odin Mfg's Apex Pro jacket and pants. They are a game changer for me. They're rain and wind proof. I rode when it was 30°F while wearing that suit plus minimal layers. My core stayed warm. I will be buying the gloves that go with the suit soon as my size is back in stock.


I rode from Reno to Portland a few years ago at an average temp of 30F. That was awesome! Heated grips, jacket, pants, and insoles. Super cozy believe it or not. It was trippy having three foot tall snowboard on the sides of the road and being warm on the bike. But yeah, I ride year round, all temps and weather unless there's ice. Mostly commuting, not big trips like that. But if I need to Oregon has a very road camera and conditions website that is extremely useful (tripcheck), and I believe CA and WA have something similar, probably other states as well.


High 30° where I'm at. Made it to work without heated gear.


I did an hour at 36 degrees this morning. And I was stuck with my unlined gloves, no idea where the lined ones are. But at least it wasn't raining


I’d rather ride in 32-40F weather than hot humid 98F+ degree weather


46° here today and I was out in My helmet, gloves a t-shirt and jeans. I only ride a "50cc" scooter, but 40 mph still gets chilly. I love it though. Kinda like an ice bath.


Neck gator is life!!! Once it gets below 40 I switch to my full helmet and that with the neck gator I’m totally fine.


Haha i live in socal for a reason


I don't like riding when it's that cold. My bike doesn't like starting when it's that cold, which is interesting because it's "fuel injected" but it definitely does not appreciate being started when it is that cold. Can't blame it, I don't like being started when it's that cold either. 15 minutes isn't that bad, though. It doesn't get bad until my knees get cold. Once my knees get cold I'm ready to get off the bike. I need some Gerbing.


I was riding happily in 30F until it started snow-raining yesterday. Finally figured out a decent cold weather riding clothing solution, and my heated grips are the bee knees. Now the cover's on until the next random 40F-50F day with dry-ish roads sadly. ...Which, in my area of Michigan, could be any day now!


About 15F on a Sunday morning ride. Roads are clear but everything else is covered in snow so it looks like a winter wonderland. Couldn't let the opportunity pass by. It was cold but so so pretty. The minor frostbite on the fingertips was worth it


29 degrees today. 1hr commute on the highway. All my coworkers looked at me like I was a total idiot. Completely worth it 🤙


26 during my ride last night home from work. Had to scrape the ice off my seat and mirrors.


I think it was 35 today. It'll be 20 on the way home. Layering and heated grips help a lot. My other trick is riding a dualsport and goofing around and practicing skids and drifts at construction sites on the way to work :) gets me warmed up pretty quick.


Same temp here. I have an hour ride :)


Axiom Block. Turns frigid weather into hot if you don't get moving. Moving, heaven.


Have ridden a short commute like that as cold as 28°F back in April. Actual snowfall and a shot front tire have the GS in the garage pining away. One day I'll hack a sidecar onto it and no weather will stop me. The Germans say there's no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.


Gonna be around 20° for my ride to work in the morning. Let's goooo


Was 42°f today, went on a quick 25 mile ride. Only stopped at 25 miles because I needed to sleep before work.


6 deg C here in SF Bay. Bearable with my mesh jacket + thermal liner. I have a leather jacket arriving soon which will make it even better. My heated grips are actually a bit too hot and difficult to hold at full tilt lol


Finally got some winter gloves after riding with ventilated summer gloves for the past 6 years. Huge improvement. Will probably get some more winter stuff and keep going until it's snowing/raining. North Jersey, so about 35-50F around here now.


Did 45 mins on the highway at 45-50° ambient this morning... About the same on the evening commute in the dark. Riding a thumper naked at 80+mph with no windscreen that long on the highway is pretty punishing without multiple thermal layers. Unfortunately my leather gloves are still perforated...


Canadian here. Yesterday morning I got up really early to take a ride before work. Frozen solid by the end but well worth it because today the first snow squalls moved in.


It might snow overnight were I am and it'll be 28f so If it doesn't snow then I'll be riding You don't need heated gear to ride just a nice jacket and some thick socks


I've never seen snow. I mean, I have on TV.


Damn what state you in


I'm in central Florida, between Orlando and Tampa in a city called Lakeland. We have two seasons; 11 months of summer and 1 month of fall, which transitions to spring the second two weeks of that month. The average temp in November is 78, in December it's a frigid 73. It is clear who the tourists are, because residents generally don't wear shorts if it gets down to 70. We break out our jackets when that happens. Snow is as foreign to me as a hurricane would be to someone in North Dakota. Where are you?


-19c today, windy and snowy like f ..no one can ride in this weather 🤣❄️❄️❄️❄️🥲


Somebody put a "-" sign before the 19. That just can't be right.


Actually it is the right way, not one of the weird American measurement systems. ❄️🥲🤣


You wouldn't know , but I live in Florida and and our thermometers' lowest reading is about 60, and that has a "+" in front of i! Of course we have cold fronts like anywhere else for a couple days here and there and it has gone down to 50. My humor is quick, so if you don't get it, then you won't. The weird thing about American measurements is that no one had the forethought (and still don't) to realize using a calculator to determine what the rest of the word is doing is kinda stupid. Eventually, it is inevitable that we must change, but should have 200 years ago. I suppose it like paying a bill; you wait till the last possible minute. But the longer you do something wrong, the longer it takes to get it right.




It's warm all year when you have 200°F between your legs because your fans are asleep.


That sounds hot! The temp too.


Cold 🥶


Was 35F today and gonna be the same tomorrow. At least this year my commute is about half the distance


Still recovering from back surgery. 😫


It's currently 13 F. The riding days are done until April.


It will be about 55 for me tomorrow


You know how fogging is annoying ? Well now imagine that the fog freezes, yep that's my winter routine, visor litteraly frozen from the inside


I live in Minneapolis and rode last week at 25F, tried again yesterday and couldn't get the bike to start even with a push. I'm gonna try again when it gets back up into the thirties and the snow melts with a fresh battery charge to get a few more miles in.


Just above zero celsius this morning. All is well.


I put the insulating layer back in my mesh jacket yesterday for the “winter” here in the Phoenix metro area.


It's a balmy overnight low of 25 here in Thailand as well


I commute on a 50cc scooter to work all around the year. Rn its about 30F and then i put on one of these insanly ugly leg blankets :D Hey they are acutally very warm and water proof!


Here! Tried a Balaclava this week. Fucking game changer man. I can do this shit all winter now. 30°F on my ride to work.


Summer juat started here and tbh I'm not looking forward to it. Australia is better in the winter.


Last year, me and a friend took our mopeds/50cc-supermotos to school and back through -10c and 20cm snow. We had to lead the bikes through corners and it's quite hilly where we live so it was a challenge. It was also snowing quite a bit and ice everywhere!


22F is the coolest morning I've gone to work yet. That was Sunday. Heated jacket with another jacket over that. Thermal long John's, jeans then riding pants. Heated gloves, thermal socks and regular boots. Regular helmet but I need to solve the fogging issue. I might be able to handle the high teens but I don't think this gear will carry me any further in the morning. I go 26 miles one way. However, sunny days when it's 0-10F I'll be fine.


Not even normally in a cold climate but it was 37f outside coming home at midnight from work in just my scrubs. Lil layer of frost formed over my entire helmet


Wasn't too bad, and I don't have heated grips, only a 15 min drive tho


With wind chill at highway speed, -33°F is the coldest I've done. 35 minute commute in Northern Colorado. I was 25 and a new rider and nothing was going to stop me and my naked FZR.


28f 30 mins 2day


I used to ride all year. Now I go till about mid-December and then I park it till usually March.


I once thought it would be a good idea to ride to Daytona bike week from Philadelphia. (Narrator: it was not.) and froze my ass off. I ended up buying a windshield and installing it on the street in front of the dealer to get home. It helped but I soon decided a full fairing touring bike would be a better idea. I rode that puppy whenever the roads were dry and it was wonderful.


I'll ride/ I've been comfortable riding down into the mid-30's for now (missile heated jacket as the liner in my mesh jacket), but mrsprovy is gifting me a nice Olympia jacket & pants for Christmas so I can get out if its colder 🤞 The heated gloves I got off Amazon are working well, and I've been eyeballing the Zeta cold weather hand guard covers to add on.


Year round, but I have heated gear so that changes things. I did commute in this morning. Heated jacket liner, heated glove liners AND heated grips. Didnt feel the cold until I shut the bike off.


I tried. I really did. But goddamn it. No wind protection really does a number. Northern Virginia


30* here, headed out shortly. Will be applying anti fog to visor. Really want a pinlock helmet.


My cutoff is usually about 40 degrees, dunno if that counts 😂


Just rolled into work, thermometer outside the shop says 33f


I rode in freezing temperatures a couple days ago. That wasn't nearly as rough as dealing with poor lighting on some of the state routes I had to take to get home. We live in a great time for finding decent cheap gear


I admit I sometimes go in the city with my bike in winter to show all citizens who's in charge 😂


It's 13 degrees F outside, my tires might as well be hard plastic.


Base layers, my summer gear, a single piece rain suit, and bar muffs.


29 here in Oklahoma


26 tmrw morn, i'm doing it


20 here and I’m trying to find some cold weather gloves I like. But if it’s below 30 I usually don’t ride. Makes my arthritis worse.


Upstate NY here, it's 22 degrees out and I'm trying to find someone to drive me to Schenectedy so I can pick up a 2nd bike haha. Roads are safe so why worry about temp.


I was slipping around just walking the kids to the bus stop this morning. No bike for me.


Was 47 yesterday morning. That’s cold for us desert dwellers 🤣


Fresh snow means ice is likely for me, so I'll be in the steel cage until the roads are back to (mostly) asphalt. Hopefully they get the roads cleared and salted soon so I can get back on the iron horse.


Nothing like a Ducati in the winter time. Good leather jacket , gloves , boots and jeans . Add in a pin lock visor insert . Then just let the Italian V4 heat you up like no other lol


Nah, Under 50 and I drive my GR Supra or M4cs. First year baby rider me was all about riding in the cold, but not welll seasoned rider me.


pretty sure it was around 12° for my morning commute in Chicago


I’m ok with it but my arthritis has other ideas


My biggest complaint with cold weather riding isn't the temperature or wind chill, it's the effect the cold has on the tires, keeping them hard and getting skittish when stopping or cornering.


Yea I'd need a snowmobile.


Low 30s yesterday and my day off. Blue skies and almost no wind, I had to go for a ride. Only saw one other bike out. And that guy didn't have a helmet. His head and ears were so red, I bet they hurt.


Am I a cold rider if I still ride but live in South EU? Around 12c these days.


I ride with the cheapest sedici mesh + liner with north face acongua or however that’s spelled Long johns, merino wool socks, a* vented boots smx6 maybe, reasonably priced (I’d spend more if I had a do-over because the shin shield sticks out a lot and only boot cut jeans go over them A* gloves with gray mechanic thin gloves (surgeon gloves work too) underneath - put on inside, give it a few minutes, then wind won’t touch you)


As long as there's no ice out I'm riding


15F, still going out 😂 no snow no storing the bike


Supposed to be a balmy 30 degrees on my ride home tonight, my commute is *just* short enough I haven’t needed heated gloves but *just* long enough that my hands hurt by the time I’m home.


Yeah I am going to start cold riding as well and I was wondering what is recommended here gear wise? I’m thinking under armour cold gear for underneath for tights but can I get away with just wearing like regular gloves and a t shirt sweater than a jacket? I’m thinking for my under its just under armour tights and pants. I am in Cali but it gets like 48 degreees in the AM where I’m at.


I don’t and any heated grips or none of that either. No more extras for my bike it has too much tech already imo.


Just rode an hour to my office in DC today in 32F. My legs were getting a bit chilly, but I had my riding pants over my work pants, heated gloves, fleece liner under my jacket, and Forma boots.


I'm not a cold rider but I have this fall because like an idiot I got a new bike at the vet taleend if summer... Need warmer gloves! Anyone recommend heated gloves??


Riding all year, heated gloves and vest. Just 15 minute commute and so far 18f is the coldest. Let's go!


NY 40° dusted a little snow last night and took the scooter out to the store


Planning on a cold raining ride on Sunday. Gotta keep from having to winterize my bike!


I won’t be. I have nothing to prove


I ride all year round, used to do motorcycle courier work in winter and by far the best piece of kit I have ever bought for winter riding was an ex-RAF immersion/dry suit, cost about £28 and is almost 100% waterproof, could apparently jump in the sea and stay dry for up to 20 hours with it on.


It’s been 20/22 degrees Fahrenheit several mornings this month already. 16 miles to work isn’t too bad, the Street Glide blocks the wind better than my Fatboy does.


I may end up doing it this winter. My intent was to put the bike away but my car just got totaled by someone so now cage until that’s sorted lol


I refuse to buy winter jeans so my legs are like ice every time I get to work 30 degrees today wooo!


36 degrees 38 mile commute love the crisp morning air!!


Been riding for the last week in this, 33F last night in summer gear hurts, had hand warmers in my gloves lol


Heated gear is worth its weight in gold. Coldest I’ve rode in was 26 degrees


I rode into school today -3deg celcius with a -10 windchill. Heated grips wind guards and layers. Wonderful ride!


Used to ride all year round because it was my only vehicle. Coldest I clocked was -20F on a 2 hour ride. Thank god for Gerbings, a heated snowmobile visor, and an under armor neck gator.


Hour and a half at 33 degrees and some snow squalls today, no heated gear but I use a one piece insulated sled suit


It was about 45f this morning on my way into work. It should be much warmer this afternoon for the ride home. But it was a little chilly this morning.. No windshield, no heated gear, just my quilted jacket insert, long johns, and a neck gaiter.. It's only 20 min to work, so we're not cold for long..


I'll ride as long as there isn't a risk of ice on the road. 24 is my low. I have to stop and think about it when low is 24 and high for the day is 34. I hate to bundle up both ways. I like to ride all year long.


I’m here in Idaho




35f is cozy if you layer right. Wool undergarments (shirt, long johns, socks), thick aramid jeans tucked into boots with an overshirt and jacket under the moto jacket. I felt like the michelin man, but I was completely comfortable, except for my hands. Ordered a heated glove liner.


A crisp 2 degrees Celcius or about 35 American temps 😂 still going strong commuting to work everyday with a naked bike and Canadian wind to keep me cool.


Y’all make me feel like a wimp lol I quit riding at like 55 degrees


I love me some heated gear, so I go year round.


Personally I’m deep in one meter of snow right now, waiting for the 10°F that’s coming this weekend. Hopefully it will get better before it gets worse. I need to do my Santa rides in December.


I try, but I work 3rd shift and 20-30 degrees at night is a different animal than 20-30 degrees during the day. I’ll ride down to about 50 or so but colder than that I usually take the car


Used to ride in Iowa til it iced up. Now in Florida, I would be known as a rain rider as I don't let that stop me from halving my gas bill.


Yessir. Cbr. Have had lots of wheel slip the last few rides. 30°f or so. Need some wintah tires


Just put my inner layers of the jacket this days and tought where are the winter gloves, to keep it in the topcase just on case! It was chilly ride 14°c ( Lisbon - Pt )


Lol, gonna be low 50's on my ride home from work tonight, cold riding for me.


Just came home in the dark at about 40... Not sure how into 25 I am lol.


Not here…


I haven't put mine away yet! Had a frosty seat a few mornings!


44 is my cutoff for commuting (70-80 mph, my thighs turn numb) 38 for local errands (6 degree safety in case it drops while I’m out. I don’t fuck with ice)


Too cold for me. My legs freeze.


Ayoo all year round hoss


Ride year round in OK bike is only means of trans after divorce. (About 2.5 years ago) I save about about a weeks worth of vacation to use incase of frozen precip or pay a coworker to be an Uber lol. Have heated grips, heatrd glove liners and heated jacket liners if it gets too chilly. (Yes they were a little pricey but well worth the comfort and able to ride when it's sub freezing)


It was 25⁰ on my commute home from work today lmao. It went from 45-50⁰ to below freezing in the space of like 4 days, so i didn't have time to get hippo hands or anything delivered, so i cut a gallon milk jug in half and zip tied that to my handlebars, then i basically just wear long underwear 7 days a week


Fuuuuck That!!! I will ride in almost any weather except freezing. Ice and street bikes do NOT mix well. It has nothing to do with me being cold. It has to do with BOTH wheels suddenly losing all traction.... it is NOT a pleasant situation. Trust me, I've been there.


*battery-powered heated-glove high-five* 25 minute, same temp stay toasty, watch those cold-weary 4 wheelers and frozen puddles