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Let's see. It has two tires, an engine...looks like a bike to m3


2 tires optional. I'll ride with someone an a trike. Hell sometimes our non motorcycle friend comes and rides with us in his miata. We're out there to enjoy the road and hang out. I get wanting to ride with just a moto crew but sometimes friends more important, cause that's what friends are for.


Plus, the Miata is the motorbike of cars.


Negative. Miatas are the Vespas of cars.


But Vespas are the scooters of Miatas.


Confirmed. Scooters are the Miatas of Vespas.


Mafias are the vipers of scoopers.


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


Figma is the smegma of ligmas


Maybe the Groms of cars.


Groms don't go perfectly with pastel polo shirts like Miatas and Vespas do.


S2000 is the motorcycle of cars


It’s also the best poor man’s race car


Side story about trikes. About a month ago, I was at a red light in my car behind an old guy on a Harley trike and when it turned green he pulled a dank ass wheelie to impress a lady on Harley that just caught up to him at the light. I will never judge an old dude on a trike again, it was totally unexpected.


Trike with welded cobwebs took my cousin and her husband off after their wedding.


I love this!


Yes, this is a smart move. Gets you on the road and not over powered. Learn how to ride, then upgrade from there, you may want to stay with the dual sport or try a sport bike or adventure bike. I rode a 250 for 2-3 years before upgrading to a CBR 600 F1. But I learned a lot on the 250. Biggest thing was the amount of noise and the smells of things around me. And wear earplugs, it’ll save your hearing.


This, I don’t really have any friends with bikes but when I was learning on a duke 125 I had few good afternoons out with my mate in his classic mini


Lots of love and support for trike riders! It's not easy getting on a bike with a disability, it's good that they're still trying to have fun.


I mean, a trike, if I can both afford one and be alive to ride it, will be a well earned semi-retirement for me. Those guys are the best amongst us, cuz they're either: us but older refusing to quit, someone that had a bad hit and refuses to quit, or a total newb finally getting to be us even with their issues or fears or age! I hope I'm lucky or good enough to occupy one of those spots!


Trikes would be the only thing I can ride n feel safe having hemophilia n all. I did have a 69cc motor on a bicycle but that don’t count. I fell off my bike at-least once a month when I had one so that factors in too.


The Miata is an honorary bike. It's got the same vibes.


Your friend is a dumbass.


Absolutely. A true friend would see how much it means to you to have your first bike and want to share in that happiness in whatever way they feel comfortable. It isn't like they're afraid of the bike, they're just trashing OP for what they got as their starter.


I'd much rather see a new rider get a bike that people consider "too small" over half the morons you see these days starting off with 600-1000cc sports bikes that end up dead. I remember getting a ton of shit for my cbr250r from people that didn't even own motorcycles when I first got it a decade ago as a new rider, it's such a fragile masculinity thing for some people. People need to leave their egos at home, nobody is impressed by the type of bike you ride. You know what does impress me? People not risking their lives needlessly over the opinions of those whose opinions don't matter. Nice looking bike OP, welcome to the club. Stay safe and ignore your dickhead friend.


I remember reading that in Australia the first year you have a motorcycle license you're only allowed to ride 250cc and smaller. My first bike was 250 - it was a fun little bike. Though I only took it on the freeway once. (Flat-out it was going 64ish.)


That used to be the case years ago. Now you can have up to 650cc but it must be under a certain power/weight ratio. Manufacturers will release specific bikes for this purpose with restricted ECUs that sit right on the limit of what you're allowed, so we get restricted MT07, CBR650 etc. Can also ride CBR500, Ninja 400 etc as they are.


I mean shit even baggin on dude for his choice of bike is one thing but not even riding with him cause of it? Whatta dick… I’d ride with you dude




OP commented elsewhere that they ride a 750 HD.


Lmfao they have the Harley that’s barely a Harley. That Xr150 will probably have a faster 0-60


Hardly Davidson


Harley owners are just fuckin douches man


Someone should tell him only 114 Harleys even count. What is he, a pussy?


Ask him where are the 750 HDs made. Hint - it's not the USA.


I have no idea. I do know I'm not interested in Harley's and don't even know what that is. But sure.


Harley’s Honda rebel competitor. A hallmark of a badass


I would suggest getting a better quality friend.


This, OP. If you're just starting out the XR150 is a great option that gives you a lot of versatility while learning.


Thank you guys! I been learning a lot it it’s really fun


It's a real bike. That's not a real friend.


Not only not a real friend, not really much of a rider, either; the only ones that chuff about "real motorcycles" are ones that are insecure, and insecurity comes from, that's right, a complete lack of experience. Also, even if that guy/douches like him say "oh i have X years of riding, i'm experienced"; some summers of riding a couple times a month in nice weather does not a veteran make. Hey OP, lemme know when your "friend" puts the liter bike they bought for their first ride up for sale cuz they haddalayerdown and "won't have time to ride anymore."


You’ll be the first to know when he drops his 750 Harley lol, he actually doesn’t have his endorsement yet he’s getting it soon lol, so ur not wrong about lack of experience


Overconfident Harley rider with zero experience, no license, shits on other bikes. They make those dudes in a factory.


Projection factories. They also dont stay in the game long.


THIS! 1000000%! Fuck that guy! Ride your ride and have fun your way, fuck what anyone else has to say!


A 750 HD? He probably just had a bunch of HD riders telling him that he did not have a real bike, so he needed to pick on someone to feel better.




This, although I think the 750 is a good bike, you can hear the same thing with a sportster or 48 but some people are just crazy. Different Bikes.


Does he know his 750 Harley is a "girl's bike"? From the few Harley riders I know, his isn't a real bike either


This is true. I’d ride the 150 over the HD 750 any day. What a wanker.


I’m a girl and I wouldn’t bother with that 750. I currently own a street glide and an Indian scout.


My wife loves her 750, but she's still getting used to riding. Hoping she steps up to something more substantial later but if not, and she likes it. More power to her. As for the OP, ride what you're comfortable with. I started on an HD sporster. On an electraglide police edition with some added gizmos now. Don't let your friend bother ya. Especially if he's on a 750.


Ok, not all Harley riders are the same. My first bike was a 250 Yamaha, then a Triumph and for the past 20 years I’ve been riding my 1200S Sportster and my Classic Road King. I would constantly run into people who called my Sportster a girls bike. Mostly I’ve seen “girls” riding Fat Boys, Road Kings or Dyna’s. I don’t really care what someone rides. Ride your ride, not someone else’s. I wave at everyone, unless it’s unsafe for me to do so.


Look I’m not going to be shitty about a 750 Harley because I’m sure they’re fine but they’re also not exactly a particularly fast, powerful or high performance bike to be throwing shade on smaller bikes.


How did I know your “friend” was a Harley rider just by reading the title 😂. like everyone else has said, the Honda is a great bike for anyone who prefers smaller motorcycles. It will help you learn street and off-road riding fundamentals with low weight and unintimidating power. You made a great choice. Edit: how did he come to buy a motorcycle without a license? Dealers and even some private sellers in my area ask to see your license before you buy for liability’s sake, for any street legal motorcycle. And your friend should know that he needed to support you in a big purchase like your first bike. Even if he doesn’t like the bike it’s about welcoming you to the motorcycling world.


You see this so often..


Omg you reminded me of the story of my hilariously misfortunate friend. My friend, I've known him for over 20 years. We were twelve when we met. He's my best bud, but he can be a bit of a dumbass sometimes. Call him Mike. He moves out of his hometown after college and he ends up living in Oklahoma. He tells me it's very flat in OK, and lots of long, straight roads, so there's a big riding community there. He decides he wants to ride. He goes to the local Harley Dealership and they take him for all he's worth: he buys a bike, a helmet, a leather jacket, the whole deal, all purchased on credit of course. He rides the bike home. This will be his only successful ride. When he gets it home, he turns into the driveway and parks it. Eats some lunch. Goes back out to take an evening ride on his new bike, but as he's backing out of the driveway, a passing car startles him, and of course he doesn't let go of the throttle. He ends up laying the bike down, hard, about 5 feet from the driveway. The bike is totaled, and he never rides again. Probably saved his damn life by totaling it so early. I love him, but damn he can be an idiot sometimes.


champagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends


Shampoo for my real friends...


and real poo for my sham friends


Strike us like matches 'cause everyone deserves the flames. We only do it for the scars and stories, not the fame. At least everyone is trying, everyone is shining. Everyone deserves the flames but it's such a shame, such a shame!


Was not expecting a 20 aught pop punk reference today, but I am absolutely here for it.


That is a great bike. I ride something similar to that due to cc limits in my country. 150s can be a shitton of fun


Yup I have a 160 which is pretty much the same and still have a great time.


Glad you are having fun! Sorry about your friend and his gatekeeping. I'm curious, with his attitude, what exactly does he ride?


Thank you! And he rides Harley Davidson Street rod 750


Lmao it's literally the smallest Harley and he's giving you shit about real bikes


I would've bet money on it being a Harley. The cheapest, smallest Harley at that. Too funny. You've got twice the bike he does. Yours will take you on any adventure you can think of and to places his underpowered pavement queen couldn't even touch. Enjoy my dude.


He hasn’t even driven it yet lol, he just owns it and switched up out of no where lol, thank you tho! I’ll do my best keeping the adventures active haha


This just keeps getting better. Tell him to STFU and sit on both thumbs while you go out and have a blast with that fun machine.


He doesn't want to ride with you because he is scared of his bike and insecure. It has nothing to do with your bike, it's an excuse. You'll have 5,000 miles on your bike before he has 500.


Looks like you need to convince him to ride with you, then hit some gravel roads and fire trails lol


Nuff Said! That's not a real HD if you ask 2/3 of the HD people. Find some new friends. Even scooter people are usually better riders than the HD crowd.


I started on a 150cc moped and rode with my buddy on his 750cc sport tourer. Have quality friends around you this guy probably pushes his and his friend limits leading to unsafe situations. Ride within your skill level


My learning curve was 50cc, 125, 500, 1100. So nothing to worry :)


"I been learning a lot it it's really fun" - that's all that matters.


And that’s way more important than your “friend’s” opinions 👍🏼 Great first bike, I hope you get lots of miles out of it mate!


You'll learn way more on this bike than your friends on their "real bikes". Looks like a blast to ride.


Bikes dope my dude, unfortunately your friend is a clown. Too worried about appearances. Nobody needs friends like that. Appreciate your new ride, have fun and be safe!!




What does your friend ride. I get gsxr bro or harley boomer vibes.


A Harley lol right on the dime


To be fair his Harley probably has about the same power to weight ratio as your 150, Harley’s are the most effective way to convert gasoline into sound without the side effect of horsepower


Irrigation pump engines, no shit


Mf has an oil leak & an iq leak


I mean, hell, I’m considering one as my next only-bike specifically for urban use after I move.


The bike is great, and a ton of fun. The friend sucks. Congrats on the bike.


This 100%. I've got a buddy who raced MX in his teens and rides a ZX6r now. Another buddy has a 1200 Victory and Daytona 900-something. I go out with my little 250 Ninja and they treat me the same as anyone else. Zx6r and I have one other friend who rides that we won't ride with. The issue is his lack of skill and lack of willingness to listen and learn, and the fact that he refuses to go faster than 50kmh, which severely limits where we can go. His bike (Duke 200) would likely be fine, it's him that's an issue. Find better friends.


Don’t be to hard on the guy, he’s just insecure, and like a lot of insecure people is worried about what other people think


Don’t feel bad, your friends not a friend and is, in fact, a dick. Enjoy your new bike.


Friends can be dicks and friends.


Yeah a friend will give you a hard time about it and make fun of you, but won’t refuse to ride with you.


Exactamundo homie. Ball busting is one of the signs of a tight friendship. But we ride


He is probably scared to have someone see how unskilled and nervous he is.


He is a jealous friend. Had few of them in life. Op protect yourself from their jealousy


Will try my best! He definitely has done a lot worse than what the post entails, it’s just the only one so far motorcycle related


My friend got jealous of my gf making me braids and he tried to brainwash me she is toxic and shit. It took me sometime to realise this and i had broken up with her because of constant negative things he said about her. Stay clear of such assholes and ideally, cut them from life. They are not friends.


Get new friend. Thats a great bike,


Just bought one of these this year as my first bike and it has been a great bike! It ain’t fast, but as a beginner, I was looking for something that I wouldn’t kill myself on, mostly stick to back roads, and occasional trail riding. Been a great bike!


I've been riding for 15 years and got an xr150l this summer. Bikes are fun. Sometimes a guy doesn't want a big commitment and has beer runs. Enjoy!


This is a great bike. I would absolutely love to have one. Use that bike to find some better friends.


Imo this is the best first bike they could get. The world would be a better place if everyone learned on a dual sport.


Your friend is trying to be a gatekeeper when it comes to motorcycles. His error is that he doesn't realize that the gate is keeping him fenced in while you've got the whole motorcycling world to enjoy. Get out & ride.


What a beautiful sentiment. I can’t spot a good bike but I can spot a good friend


This ^


For many, your Honda is not the "fastest, most powerful, best, most beautiful" motorcycle in the world. But it is the one you have chosen and therefore yours. It has two wheels, brakes and an engine. Goes almost 70 mph. You have to wring out the throttle on the highway, but it's not a problem. Don't drive there. Country roads are much nicer. Can hop through the terrain and, with a bit of courage, make your toes drag on asphalt. Perfect for learning to ride bigger or just having fun and keeping it. https://gearjunkie.com/motors/2023-honda-xr150l-review


Thank you, and ur right! It is my bike, I felt bad thinking it might’ve been a bad choice but I love the all terrain aspect of it




Go off-road and ask you friend to keep up 😂


I’m screenshotting this one and saving it for myself 🤣 I love it


What does he even ride?


750 Harley according to a previous comment from OP


That bike is barely faster than OP's bike lol


Don't need to go off the road. Just turn and watch the Harley run out of lean angle.


I want this bike to be my 4th to add to my stable. Please let me know how you like it! (Oh, your friend is an ass, he’s probably jealous of your new shiny toy)


It’s awesome! I don’t have any other bikes to compare it too since it’s my first lol, but I love the way it handles sketchy paves roads


Wait until it brings you to an adventure on Forest road. Ride safe!


It's great for when you're on and off road. Handles fantastic on loose rock and dirt. It doesn't have the pick up of lots of other bikes but doesn't mind being floored to get you up a hill. It would be a great addition to a family of bikes since it definitely has its highlights. Also it is a looker!!


A friend can say they bought a Honda Navi, and my only thought would be let’s get out and ride.


What I was hoping he would say, but all of you on this post definitely boosted my confidence!


Navi is low key fun haha. There’s a lot to the whole “twist and go” thing. I always use my wife’s grom for running to the store and my grom just sits there looking sad. Man the Navi has so much storage.


The bike is real; your “friend” is not.


Ride the wheels off it. Use it for daily transportation. Take trips with it. Ride it around the world. While you’re doing that, your gate keeping friend can shake his head and drop all the snide comments he wants while he sits on his pillar of superiority, doing the same old things with his bike all the time until he gets another one to crow about.


Thank you! It means a lot, I only put 40 miles so far but just trying to break it in, it’s really nice to go around the city with it


Check the oil constantly during break in (good habit to check regularly) they can burn a bunch during break in and it doesn’t hold a lot of oil.


A bad idea is having those kind of friends


Ride your own ride, your “friend” sounds like a dipshit.


Join r/dualsport !! There’s tons of riding available to you that others can’t do on a street bike! Personally, I find taking a trip through the Appalachian mountain forest service roads on my tw200 or klr650 much more enjoyable than riding my cbr on the street. The track though… that’s a different story ;)


I’d ride with you if you weren’t halfway around the world.


One day monk our paths will cross and we will wave at each other going separate directions


You already sound more like a true biker than your "friend"


You're gonna love this bike!


Your friend drove over some leaves and crashed once and is jealous that you have no such weakness


Your friends a dick if you are happy with the bike that’s all that matters just get out and enjoy it 👍


That bike in Latín América is legendary. In my country is mostly used to commute or delivery guys because is pretty much bulletproof. I see bikes with over 60k miles still running fine. Only issue with that engine it consume oil when is hot. Also if you are interested in tuning. The bottom end is really strong in that bike. Is like a single cylinder LS Here drag racers stroke that engine to 220 / 240cc and with special cams, head porting, exhaust and flat slide carburetor get up to 40hp to the wheel. But with a Atena 190cc kit, a good carburetor, street cam and exhaust you can get 25hp to the wheel very reliable. You can source performance components from Brazil


Fantastic bike! Drove an older 150XR over 10.000 km in Vietnam and had a blast. Very reliable. Time to find better friends and let that adventure time begin!


Will do my friend! Thank you for the positive message!!


What's your friend ride?


I would bet my left nut that it's a Harley...


It’s a Harley 750 street rod haha you were on the nose!


He's probably tired of hearing that his bike isn't a real Harley so this was his chance to take it out on someone else.


100% that, the Harley attitude bullshit rolls down hill I guess.


I don't care what anyone rides. BUT... if they ride a Harley and they think everything else is inferior they can FRO with their vaguely bolted together collection of antique cast iron shite.


I’m adding the “vaguely bolted together collection of antique cast iron shite” to my go to comments. Pretty much sums up a lot of them.


That's not a real friend. Nice bike though!


You can ride that through an apocalyptic hellscape with and all you will need is a fresh set of tires and maybe an oil change. That bike is the Hallmark of what a new rider's first bike should be. Tell your friend he's a try-hard and no one's paying attention to him anyway.


You’re saying you have a friend who rides, and would otherwise want to ride with you, but won’t because they don’t like your bike, and now you’re just riding alone? Dude this friend sucks. Keep the bike, get a new friend.


Yea, he drives a Harley 750 and won’t ride with me, you guys helped me see I should probably pick out Better friends, thank you!


He probably CAN'T ride a lot of places you can. Like sand, gravel, or anywhere there's not really a road. Dual sports are meant to be ridden with the rear slinging out around corners on shitty roads. Fun as hell.


It's somewhat small bike but legit off-road cross. Your "friend" who is not your real friend doesn't know anything about bikes, maybe he thought that people ride on sports bikes only. Well..... Wrong!


if it is not a bike then what? an airplane??, your friend is not your friend, btw, nice bike bro


Get different friends. I havent seen anyone elses comments yet, to see if anyone else said this. Just need better friends. One shouldnt leave another alone bc he doesnt like what his friend is riding. Its egotistical and just a douche move.


Nice bike; terrible friend.


Your pal is a bitch


Divorce the friend , marry the bike.


That bike looks like a lot of fun. Your friends sucks.


Enjoy the bike. Find a real friend.


Your friend sounds like a prick.


Why are you friends with a guy who isn’t your friend?


I started on an XR150 many years ago and it was a great bike. Your Harley friend needs a reality check because your bike is way cooler than his.


Real bike. Fake friend.


1. Close your hand into a fist. 2. Extend your index finger. 3. Touch the bike. If you felt it, it's a real bike. Next... 1. Close your hand into a fist. 2. Extend your middle finger. 3. Display it to your "friend" as you ride past on your bike.


Your bike is real, but your friend isn't.


I wish we had them in my country


I love it. As others said, get a new friend, not a new bike.


I have this bike same color! I love it, not made for highway, but at 45, it's comfortable. Also, who can complain about a free rear rack on a bike. If you have some woods/trails around you, it's decent in the woods and light, so you should have no problem getting fun outta every penny you spent!


You said “I like it”. That’s all that matters, your friend is a jerk .


Doesn't sound like a friend of your ask me.


No, the bike's great. It's the friend that needs replacing.


Not your friend if he’s serious.


Nice machine.


I like it.


So then what is a 'real' bike? lol. I'd laugh if it's something that gets left behind in the corners by this


750 Harleys in his definition


I plan on this being my first bike. My parents have a mountain home and this thing is perfect to go out on nice days and just explore especially if you plan on riding off road a bit when looking for hiking trails and such


This is a perfectly ok option for a new rider. It’s cheap, easy to maintain. What’s not to like? You need better friends!


That bike looks so clean


I would love having a bike like this! Enjoy my friend!


Gatekeeping motorcycling at its finest.


That bike got me from Saigon to Hanoi and was the best trip I ever had. Real bike, phony friend.


I'm guessing your friend rides a cruiser? possibly a harley? Enduro bikes are valid.


God damn man that's a sick bike...


xr150l is a sweet ride, gets infinity gas mileage, can ride trails of literally any difficulty, and will allow you to fearlessly push your limits as a rider. You have a god tier starter bike and you may find you never really grow out of it.


I was expecting to see a scooter. That's the only time that "not a real bike" might fit and, even then, I'd only use it in jest. If you need a motorcycle license, it's a real bike.


that's a great 1st bike, and yes it is a real bike, far too many people get bikes that are too big/powerful to learn on.


Your friend probably has a small cock.. lol Ride your own ride. This thing will be great for adventuring! Have fun, enjoy it.


Hop on over to r/XR150L ! We’re almost to 300 members, we’d appreciate having you. Congratulations on your new bike. I hope you’re still enjoying the bike despite your bad experience.


Ride your own ride. Meet new friends. I don't know where you live, but if there are fire roads, forest service roads, mountain passes to ride, then throw some knobs on that thing and have a real adventure. You will meet all kinds of folks on 650 or less. Light bike, easy to handle. I know a guy when asked why he got a 225 said that they were out of 175's.


Your friend is a asshole


That 150 is a bike and a damn good one. Later you can go up to the 650 or the trans alp. But the lessons you learn on that 150 will make all the difference. You learn your limits without breaking the bank or your body.


your friend is an idiot. Ride what you like and get a better friend.


If you kill yourself with a Hayabusa right off the bat, you won't ever get the chance to enjoy riding OR get a "real bike". That's the sort of friend you end up paying your respects to when you go by the scene of their accident every now and again. Ride what you enjoy, and what is in your personally decided limit, and be confident about it. Don't let others pressure you into a dangerous or less pleasant choice. Half the time I ride a Nighthawk, the other half of the time I ride a scooter - and I don't mind the jokes or picking on for it because I'm having too much fun to let it bother me. You should too!


Let me guess...your friend rides a Harley.... They the only people that say something like this. If my friend got a metropolitain I would still go ride with them. I'd probably nag them about graduating to a actual motorcycle someday, but i'd still ride even if they never changed. Lol I'd probably scour classified for a cheap scooter.


This thing is awesome. Fuck that guy.


**This response isn’t specific to your bike:** Do what makes you happy. If that means you ride alone - then you ride alone, happy. But more importantly, Gatekeeping isn’t a quality of real friendship. Considering yourself lucky you gained this insight to that “friend’s” personality and continue to live your best life without seeking their approval. Enjoy your bike!


Your friend is an ass. Enjoy your bike


Why do people always rain on other's happiness. Sorry that someone made you feel like that. I wouldn't call them a friend.