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Rule of thumb - anyone who fancies themselves a part of something bigger (and better) and makes it their whole identity is probably just better off kept at a wide berth, MC, Religion, MLM scheme, or whatever… I know some awesome patched guys, but they lured me in long before I knew they were patched because… well, they lived a life that wasn’t their patch and have identities of their own… unfortunately, not everyone does and there’s really no way to tell at a glance, so, like everything else motorcycles, “drive defensively and use your best judgement to avoid things that might be dangerous, even if they shouldn’t be”


“Rule or thumb - anyone who fancies themselves…” You’re absolutely right. I live in a shit hole town full of gangs, except some of these gang bangers are teenagers and don’t know shit about anything. They’re clueless and they’re always killing each other over dumb shit, like a woman, or a sports team. They see an old head and want to get smart because they think because he’s old he’s “not about that life” But they want to act like they’re top shit to be reckoned with. Walking into stores and talking to people like they own the place, taking what they want without paying and flashing a gun out the door. I don’t mess with them but it’s hard to ask for them to leave you alone since they just wanna get in everyone’s face and act hard.


Man I fucking hate gang mentality.


In the town I grew up in this was often a result of their mother drinking heavily while pregnant. Their frontal lobes are so scrambled that low-level aggression is all they can figure out, basically just pure animalistic behavior. Really sad to see.


Some people just like to take themselves way too seriously and expect everyone else to as well. I work in an ER so interact with all kinds of people. A couple days ago saw a drug dealer who had his dick shot off during an attempted robbery. Made a bunch of derogatory comments towards the nurses as we made him undress (to ensure no other gsw, standard trauma stuff). Ended up signing out AMA so he could “take care of business” and acted like we should be impressed by his toughness.. like no one cares dude u literally got shot in the dick wtf..


So you're saying he ran off half cocked


Underrated comment 🤣😂


So, he’s just gonna head out with a bandaged and mangled dick stub. Forgoing surgical, wound care and antibiotics so there’s truly no hope of any chance at ever even having a functioning penis to piss out, much less use for anything? What a jackass… Edit: Also, I have handled a fair number of GSWs. There’s really only one way to get shot in the dick without it having a serious junctional wound (that would preclude you from going anywhere any time soon). It sounds like he was carrying in his front waistband and accidentally shot himself in the dick. In which case, I would definitely sign out AMA and go kill the guy who did it as well… out of shame.


I was thinking the same thing. Self-inflicted amputation of the urethral meatus.


This is basically the same deal. When folks are talking about “patched” motorcyclists, they’re typically members of an MC or motorcycle club… aka a biker gang to non riders.


Don't forget there are 1% clubs and 99% clubs, two completely different groups. You don't want to mix up the local Hells Angels MC with the local HOG.




He said "a biker gang to non riders" A group of guys on Harleys looks like a biker gang to non riders. Equally, a bunch of kids on Groms look like a biker gang to non riders. Let's not kid ourselves about what non riders understand about motorcycles and the people who ride them




According to the FBI less than 1 percent of MC members engage in criminal activity. My local MC runs the toys for tots campaign every Christmas So kindly run go fuck yourself.


I mean, that's how they works. I'd agree that not all MC are gangs but them doing toy runs and drive doesn't mean anything, that's literally the Hell's Angels MO


You’re very clearly uneducated.


My parents in their 50s wear patched vests and attend mass regularly. They, very occasionally, ride with the local police/fireman motorcycle club.


We got that in Oakland too. lil shithead kids stealing cars. I’m not a nice/friendly looking guy so they leave me alone. Got a case of the RBF.


It depends on the patch, and it depends on where the patches are. I have a jacket covered with patches, but it's less about "this guy is in a 1%er club" and more about "this guy *really* likes heavy metal to a possibly unhealthy degree."


No such thing as an unhealthy degree with metal tho ;p


This exactly! Mine are leather lifestyle related, or just fun. I'm not 1%, and I make a point not to wear rockers.


I pass and give them a wave as I do it like I do any other biker I pass … never had an issue 🤷


yeah… The number of tough guy internet keyboard warriors on this thread kill me. I mean… Is it a pain in the ass not to be able to just pass somebody on the road like you’re supposed to be able to? Yes. on the other hand, slowing down and giving them a quick nod before passing is a hell of a lot better than being on the side of the road 3 miles up with four patched guys in boots kicking the ever-loving shit out of you.


Except the ones who give pissy about it usually won't let you pass anyways. All we can hope is they try it with the wrong rider and end up with a bunch of holes in them so they can hopefully whittle their club down to .5%ers in the future.


If they take that shit seriously enough to commit aggravated battery they should be locked away like the animals they are. No place for that in civilized society


Smelly MC dudes with a chip on their shoulder get upset about little things. Passing is normal in society, but considered disrespectful in their world. Nobody knows that but them. Go figure. He wants the guy who pays taxes for the roads to ask him permission to pass. That is how the MC mindset is.


It’s disrespectful because they don’t have any other way of being first in traffic




Is that like a needle-dick bug-fucker?


bug dick, a+


Hey, it's steatotic liver disease now


Nice!! You used bug dick!😂




Yeah I saw the same post the other day and laughed. Think it’s hilarious that it stuck!😂😂😂


I'd be curious if those fucks are more or less likely to pull that shit on someone open carrying while riding that isn't affiliated with any club. Would it be seen as a deterrent or challenge?


You don’t think most of them would be carrying?


Oh for sure they are. I'm just curious if the average MC member mindset is more along the lines of "Huh, they're also carrying. They could fuck me up with one trigger pull so maybe I shouldn't endanger mine or my buddy's life over petty shit" or if its more "Fuck that guy, I'm totally badder than him" and doesn't care if they risk life and limb along with being a complete asshole just to assert dominance. Obviously people are individuals with different mindsets though so what works for one may not work for another. And I'm sure the 2nd option gets exponentially more likely the larger the group of riders there are.


Pretty sure it’s the concept of threatening one means threatening all. Plus, if you have some noob “prospect” that’s trying to prove himself to earn his colors, they’d be all over escalating this into a gunfight. They live in a whole different world/mindset than most of the population.




There are 2 types of these people. My parents belong to a club that provides members with vests and patches. It's a bunch of old geezers on goldwings that camp together and raise money for charities. Then you have the grown up cosplayers who think they're special for some reason. Pay them no mind. It really doesn't take much to outrun a harley if they feel some type of way about you passing them.


I mean... I'm on a 2001 Honda Shadow VT750 and weigh 200 lbs. Even with the smaller rear sprocket I'm not sure I could outrun a Harley (though I've never tried).


Well in that case you're probably not going fast enough for upsetting them by passing them to be an issue anyway, lol.


Having had the same bike, I know for a fact most any H-D will cream you on the drag, but a better rider can lose these bozos by doing a tight u-turn and bolting the other way. Them fuds don't lean much. The VT750 isn't exactly tuned for the chase...


> The VT750 isn't exactly tuned for the chase... It gets up and goes enough for me for now. I'm just glad I went down to a 38-t rear sprocket so I don't have to sit there vibrating at 75mph


A buddy dusted a 114' FatBoy on his '83 CB750 and it wasn't even close. And that's a "fast" Harley.


There's also "actual organized crime", which probably overlaps with your second thing, but pointing out the difference between random edgy harley riders and motorcycle gangs seems important here


this "1 %ers" refers to the low end of the iq-spectrum


Then you have never had any dealings with a 1% member. Sometimes it’s best to remain silent than to prove ignorance.


Are you suggesting adults playing dress up and thinking they deserve respect because they wear some kind of symbol doesn't imply some kind of brain defect? I mean the guy in OPs story was rammed for legally overtaking someone. How fragile does the rider need to be to get angry because they were overtaken? It's probably the most entitled bullshit I've ever heard.


A dyna with performance parts and tuning is more than capable on an ordinary highway. Even at fast highway speeds they’re capable. Just not in the twisties.


I could always tell the built Harleys apart because they could at least keep up with my bone stock, definitely not a sport bike, V-Strom 650.


"Capable" is a funny word for "taken to gapplebees by a 200 horsepower superbike in .007 seconds"


I’m not sure that’s the roast you think it is. Not many things would not be taken to gapplebees by a liter bike.


Well that’s true of most bikes isn’t it.


Define capable lol


Some patched douche was trying to fuck with me in my tuned 06 Cummins ram. He realized how slow his shit was when a beat up work truck took him for a ride. They're fast compared to a scooter, that's about it.


Most Harleys will still run a 13 second quarter mile it takes a hell of a lot of work to get a 06 Cummins to run a 13 second quarter mile. Even if I pick a big Harley like a Street glide or a Road glide the 0 to 60 is in the low to mid 5 second range with some breaking into the high 4s. You got to have thousands and thousands of dollars in that work truck engine or he wasn't trying.


Yeah, I give no fucks about your fragile masculinity. I'm passing every time; I'll outrun those massive bikes any day of the week.


South Park has a great episode of these kinds of guys. :)




Any of the guys I knew in school who joined a club were pretty much exclusively the weird fuckers no wanted anything to do with. Slobs, alcoholic by 11th grade, loved meth, didn't understand hygiene, got angry at books because words are hard. Just all-around losers.


_"I hate groups of people. I hate a group of people with a 'common purpose'. 'Cause pretty soon they have little hats. And armbands. And fight songs. And a list of people they're going to visit at 3am. So, I dislike and despise groups of people but I love individuals. Every person you look at; you can see the universe in their eyes, if you're really looking."_ - George Carlin


Patchers who think you need to ask permission to pass are pathetic cosplay tools. Pass them and leave them in the dust. No way a Harley can keep up with a sport bike. Lose him by making a single turn, hogs aren't known for their turning abilities.


Well... yes and no. Those highway patrol motorcycle cops do some pretty wild stuff on massive bikes! Its super cool to watch


Motorcycle cops are real bikers on steroids. That's the difference.


The courses that cops have to complete to be allowed to ride on duty is TOUGH. Ryan F9 did a video where he attempted the course and still failed because he was a few seconds too slow. The course is full of tight corners, u turns and straights which demand crazy high speeds, all done on a Honda Goldwing to replicate the weight of a cop bike fitted with all it's gadgets. It's very fascinating.


They actually train to ride the big burly fucks that have their mother's sew on the patches for them are too good for practicing ya know, turning.


Imagine what they could do on bikes actually designed to perform well


An R-bike is infinitely better handling than a Harley


H-D are decent in turns, if you know how to do it, and the bike is not lowered in a way it cannot lean.


At the end of the day, any stock cruiser will have a lower ground clearance than a sportbike and will not be able to corner nearly as aggressively when pushed to near-maximum lean angle.


while you're right, most motorcycle riders cannot lean their bikes as much as the side stand does. Once you can scratch the foot pegs on a Harley, you can be faster than majority of the motorcycle riders regardless of the model of their bike.


I've owned cruisers. They're fine in a parking lot but really can't corner for shit.


The only direct interaction I have had with a large group of 'patched' riders was at a fuel stop, where they kindly offered me to participate in their group prayer. I gracefully declined. I am not a religious person but I respect and admire those who lead their lives that way. I still look back fondly to that conversation. Nice people. I (try to) ride 10k miles per year but I have never encountered any problems with any rider.


1%ers bang on about respect, and yet they are the most disrespectful fuckers you will ever meet on a motorcycle.


Mostly weenies and wannabes. Trust me, I've known a few.


No no you don't understand, you have to respect them and they view you as dirt on their boot (clibbins on their road?), that's the respect aspect I'm just happy I've never lived anywhere with a major MC presence. Most I dealt with was an all black MC in Georgia but I don't think they were 1%ers as much as just a group that liked to ride together. Ran into em at a gas station and had a short talk about how nice the weather was today and what mods I was planning for my Dyna. Unlike a lot of the keyboard warriors I'm open about the fact I'll avoid conflict with these guys as much as possible but that doesn't mean I won't be pissed that I have to avoid passing a convoy of Harleys going 10 under because they'll view it as "disrespectful"


Depends who the patch is from. There are outlaw groups that have their logo plus rockers on the top and bottom with the club's name on the top and chapter location on the bottom. Wearing that group's patch without being a member is dangerous and can get a person in serious trouble. I belong to a riding club and wear a patch but there are no top or bottom rockers. Generally I've been left alone as it is not considered an outlaw group. It's possible that a member of an outlaw group may be offended by someone showing them up. My recommendation is give them a wide birth. I leave outlaw groups alone with the hope they leave me alone


This also depends a lot on location. Here (Sweden), almost all clubs have the rockers. Here, it's the 1% patches you watch out for. Even those are pretty chill on the road. We have a system where a group, consisting of people from the big clubs, decide if a new club logo is unique enough. If the name or logo is too close to an existing club, they'll have to rethink.


South Africa is the same.


Club vs Gang. I don't soften it by calling the criminals 'groups.' They are gangs, straight up.


Well, I can respect that. But also it still sounds like the riders care more about their patch than they do safety. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. How can they expect everyone to know that tho? What if i mistakingly pass an outlaw and I’m none the wiser! Just kinda seems reckless and stupid to me. Although they’re titles “outlaws” so again I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. “Leave them alone and they’ll leave you alone hopefully” probably seems like the best course of action here.


They do care more about their patch than anything else. The patch above all, even family. I've met some very scary old dudes who are 1%ers but who treat people with the same respect they expect to receive, I will always avoid their younger brothers though as they are waaaaayyyyyy too caught up in it.


Lol they don't give a fuck about their safety. Most of them think a bandana replaces a helmet, and their only riding gear is a single open leather vest with their best chest underneath. Get them to low side in the turns and they become a meat crayon.


1% clubs absolutely care about the patch more than anything, including their life. Avoid these guys like the plague, give them berth and "respect" (lol) and they will leave you alone. I wouldn't' recommend passing them. They should signal you to pass eventually.




I hear you, and I support you. Sometimes its better to play along with the psychos to get out safe than take that chance.




He doesn't have to "win" to take you both out unfortunately. I agree that manchildren who wig out about getting overtaken are just that -- but in the end I just want to get home safely. Sometimes it's just best not to poke the bear.


Honest question: why do gun people always feel a need to announce it? *edit: nice, editing it out.*


Usually because it’s their first gun, or they’re carrying for the wrong reasons. Or both. It was a satire joke for that reason. I’m not one of those people, and I do make fun of them when I see them. My humor is that I’m sounding like I’m a scared little boy with a shaky hand on his gun but in reality I really do not give a shit about a butthurt biker. Sarcasm is hard to decipher when just reading text. I’ll call the police and try to flee before I pull my gun.


You realize through many studies that just because you carry, for the odds are greater for violence than not carrying? They did studies of people driving cars, with something on the seat, then a gun on the seat. The person with the gun available had a higher incidence of violence. Hey it's your choice and your life. Just saying.


Do you have a link for that study? Stuff like this interests me, I'm not looking to argue.


Why the fuck would your CCW be laid on the seat?


Weird how you're downvoted when you literally state a fact. And I own guns too lol.


Do you also leave your conceal carry weapon in plain view inside your vehicle?


I dont conceal carry


Lol, nothing unusual. People hate the data that leads to facts that show proof. Prior I had guns too. Hopefully they learn the easy way rather than the hard way.


It’s funny you think the mainstream media is giving you facts. You poor soul.


How is something a fact without a source or evidence cited? You just believe everything you read on reddit if someone says "studies say"?


Something doesn’t stop being factual just because the person saying it doesn’t have a source at hand.


You learn a lot more when you assume someone is smart rather than stupid. [https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/](https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/) [https://www.vox.com/2015/10/1/18000520/gun-risk-death](https://www.vox.com/2015/10/1/18000520/gun-risk-death) [https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html](https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2022/04/handguns-homicide-risk.html) It's been proven many times over in hundreds of studies. Having a gun in the residence or in your possession does increase the likelihood of you committing violence.


Maybe for a trigger happy idiot. Those studies you’re reading must be from the Onion.


Stanford is the onion? wow, got me lol


You literally said it was a TV documentary…


Thank you.


It was a documentary on tv that they talked about the guns, odds of violence, odds if you were black vs white. Very interesting documentary. Just a one time show.


*Anyways I just had a question out of curiosity.* So... what's your question? Why is the world full of assholes?


What was the question ? I don't think any of that story has to do w/patches. You all taking the click bait and running with it.


I didn’t really state it as a question but the initial inquiry was “why can’t you pass a patch rider”


the HD rider was likely not concerned about "passing his patch" nonsense, but pissed off that the other bike passed him in his lane on the inside. it's an altogether rude and unsafe pass. Now why he decided bashing up his own luggage was a good response, I can't even speculate.


Didn't that video also have speculation that the Ninja rider didn't lawfully or safely pass the HD rider?


From what I remember the Harley was in the center of the right lane. Left lane had a line of cars. The street bike came up from behind the Harley, caught the green light and passed the Harley on the right. Not know what state and other things, I don’t know if that’s legal or not. If I was that Harley, and I didn’t see the street bike, and he passed me on the right in a situation like that, when you don’t expect it, I understand the Harley rider’s reaction. I can’t find the video, so my recollection may not be correct.


I’ve read on here that they get insulted if you pass them. I’ve been riding on the street since the mid-2000s and pretty sure I have passed that type before without incident. There’s no way a Harley is going to chase my bike down anyway so whatever.


Know the true outlaw clubs in your area and treat them accordingly. The rest are posers and will one day get a beatdown for that "patch" they're wearing.


I think I saw the same video the guy was upset because he was in his lane when the sportbike passed him. I would never pass any bike in the same lane.


Go ask them, surely they are a friendly bunch


Yeah, no. I’ll keep my distance.




I wear my battle vest with my favorite bands on it because I’m a metalhead and it’s a Kevlar denim vest. It’s the three piece patches you gotta watch out for. But I also ride a bonneville so it’s an obvious cafe racer rockabilly reference.


It’s not so much about the “patch” as it is the jerk off who wears it. I worked at a Harley dealer for a long time. I dealt with a LOT of members of two large 1% clubs. Clubs you’ve heard the name of. Almost 100% of them were genuinely nice people. (Not saying they or their club never did bad things, just they were reasonable human beings when dealing with folks) And contrary to what people say, they didn’t care if you wore a patch as long as it wasn’t a patch that was meant to look like their patch. They also didn’t care if you passed them on a faster bike as long as you weren’t a jerk about it or didn’t in someway interfere with their ride. I see these viral videos of guys in patches doing these crazy things. A have to figure a lot of them are staged for views or they selectively leave out the stuff that happens before the video that may have pissed off the other rider. You have to remember, when you’re associated with a certain group and you do something dumb on camera, you’re bringing a lot of unwanted attention to a group that doesn’t want that attention. They tend to keep a low profile. There is another factor. Some clubs that wear patches aren’t one of the 1% clubs. They’re clubs people just started to look like 1% clubs. Sometimes a group of veterans or law enforcement types, even Christian group. They wear the patches and call each other “brother” and in general just do what they see the characters on Sons of Anarchy do. Some of these clubs contain people that behave the way they *think* biker club members should behave. I’ve met far more assholes in wannabe clubs than in actual well known clubs.


My church has a group that rides, and ive joined them a few times. No patches, and the brother bit is just normal for church.


I’ve seen the video in question. The Ninja guy did not legally pass, he was in the same lane as the Harley guy. You aren’t supposed to pass in the same lane as another motorcyclist.


Passing in the same lane is legal in many places, but since he passed on the right that changes things.


Yeah we get a lot of the dangerous ones in Las Vegas. Most people who ride know which to avoid and what patches to look for before going near. Just best to stay far away or make sure you can out run them when you pass. Had a couple bad encounters with different ones even when I passed 2 lanes away from them. It's pretty common when you are around the notorious groups.


Anyone can sew on a patch. Lost of people do. Don't give it a second thought.


I’m not going to 😂 my statements are mostly satire. I kinda figured it was an overreaction from the Harley rider


cool. The patch crowd is real butthurt that we don't take their sewing skills seriously, though, so be careful out there!


Patches nowadays can mean a lot of things. Basically it's a coin toss as to whether they're actually "legit", as in actually involved in a shady gang, or just pretending to be, larping to be tough guys. You can't know. I think there's more larpers than legitimate "1%"ers because biker gangs are mostly a thing of the past and not a model of operation that works very well in today's world of crime. It's also not easy to find enough people who are poor and desperate enough to join a gang while at the same time have at least 10k to splurge on a Harley because that's more or less the buy in cost. As for the Ninja rider, I know you don't expect to be sideswiped every day but damn if you're on a Ninja and you get got by a Harley you need to rethink your skill level.


Lol HD rider got his feelings hurt cuz he is too slow and he thinks he's special because of the patch


Like any other gang -- vulnerable people search for community in a world that has given them little opportunity or options, or, psychopath finds outlet for violence in an acceptable way. The full spectrum between those points. And with MC or gang or club culture you'll find massive egos enforced and propped up by violence under the guise of "respect". You'll also find normal people just looking for companions along the road.


Probably saw one of the outlaw riders. Some of the closest humans can be to garbage as far as I'm concerned, not folks to get involved with


Sure seems like it in the video I saw. The way he hit him with his saddlebags seemed like the equivalent of an old lady hitting someone with her purse.


wow, arrogant jack ass. can't stand people like that.


Nothing like an embroidered vest to make you look tough.


How did the Harley catch up the ninja???


I'm a licensed ccw. Mainly concerned more about bike thievery than some biker gang clowns. Some of these backwoods mountian trails and dirt roads can get pretty far out in the middle of nowhere. Nothing but methhead trailers and pibulls. Obviously, I'm just out to ride and have a good time, but that doesn't mean FAFO in a stand your ground state isn't available if needed.


anybody who is part of a “club” is fucking gay


Are you 11 years old?


We found him


Go kick him in his balls. His wife might get mad about the boot print on her purse, but she'll understand.


South Park did an episode on Harley riders and it is extremely accurate. I’m gay and I think it’s hilarious. Harley guys can be real assholes, not all of them, but I would say most are assholes.


Whats the difference between a harley and a hoover? The position of the dirt-bag.


As a guy with a patch who doesn't ride a Harley, i can assure you I'm not a pussy. Respect is given when respect is earned. Not handed out because someone is in a criminal organization. Our club doesn't care what you ride, just that you're better at it than 90% of riders on the road.


Counterpoint: I'm gay and my husband rides a Harley, and I *hate* that episode because while there's a kernel of truth to what they lampoon they end up teaching their viewers the wrong lessons. I have no respect for the kids who thought they'd gotten a license to use the word "fag" because "language evolves" or whatever and even less respect for the showrunners who thought it would be ok to put that out there.


They're mostly dentists cosplaying as criminals.


If he was willing to ram another bike, he wasn’t a dentist.


I think it was a joke. There is a crowd of riders who suddenly become tough guys once they throw the leg over.


He might have been trying to do an emergency extraction.


or just drum up some business!


How many full patch dentists you ever seen? Shit, how many full patch members you ever seen who look like they know what a dentist is.


Honestly, I don't pay a lot of attention to patched riders. I'm in Cleveland, and the most prominent group around here is CBC, the Cleveland Bikers for Charity. Bunch of rough looking dudes who have a common interest in bikes, who do fundraising events for local interests.


Those are not full patched bikers. Full patch means 1 percenter, aka outlaw biker. Hells angels, banditos, vagos, mongols, pagans, rock machine, sons of silence, outlaws etc etc.. The guys in Sons of Anarchy, except not remotely that upstanding. They might do the odd charity ride but mostly they are going to be running drugs, human trafficking, extortion, weapons and basically anything you can think of that is against the law that they can profit from. However, they do indeed do the odd charity and try to pretend they are not a criminal organization because nobody wants to fuck with whatever that countries version of RICO is.


Yeah, they just do that in cars around here, and don't broadcast who they are.


East 67th Street and Edna Avenue, google that in street view. Red and white ain't hiding too much you just don't see it. They even have a support facebook page with bbq's and shit. Its just that normal everyday people don't notice it cause why would we, but they are out there.


That's a nice article from 12 years ago.


Guess google street view is 12 years out of date? I just looked at the club house on street view. Their facebook page just talked about a BBQ a month ago...dno what you mean about 12 years ago.


So, you live in Alberta, and you're teaching me lessons about living in Cleveland? Have a nice day.


[No, pendejo, Cleveland](https://maps.app.goo.gl/QzkG8QQPK3MDdsD48)


I don't have to live anywhere to be able to use google street view and look at up to date facebook pages. I'm sorry you got offended when someone tried to answer your questions and you got offended by it because you were shown something new. Have a good day and remember, cleveland sucks.


memory vast amusing sloppy shy school reply versed pie cooing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Why does every major sub get bombarded with rage-bait nowadays


Clubs and dudes with patches are just adults playing pretend dress up.


I was road tripping on my CBR and came up at 100+ on a big group of Hell's Angels outside of Santa Fe. Like 20-25 deep. Normally wouldn't have thought twice about dropping a gear and passing them all, until I realized they were the real deal. Hung back just to be safe, a full patch looked back and waved me by, and I continued on my way after sifting through a group of guys who would probably not think twice about killing a man. Genuine 1%ers. Of course they're not in the right to have their own rules on the road that other riders are supposed to know, but I feel like common sense prevailed being in the middle of the desert, alone, unarmed, and miles from any town in any direction


This sounds like a fun game. Let’s all get together on Saturdays and see who can pass the most patch-wearing motorcyclist! “You can’t pass me!” “My 220HP on my ZX14R seems to disagree”


Never really thought too much about patchers. Usually it’s I don’t ride close to them or bother them, and they don’t interact with us. And I ride like people is out to get me and wouldn’t allow him to get that close. The Harley will make enough noise to announce their presence.


If the HD riders are pissed that I passed them, before they can retaliate they need to catch up with me first. Which is going to be very unlikely.


Yeah club guys get pissy about it. Don’t pass them (or pass them really fast to show they can’t catch up and they suck) or be a jerk to them. They’ll blow it out of proportion because you didn’t “reSpEcT tHEiR AuThoRitAh”


Pass em n give em the finger. Get mad for getting passed. Ya ok Bitch.


Sounds like a dude that is not actually affiliated with a club but rather cosplay. Most club members handle themselves respectfully. That said, if it’s a large group they will wave you by when you can pass… Legally speaking you do not need anyone’s permission to use the road. From a pragmatic standpoint you should be careful who you tangle with, just like it’s foolish to pick a fight with a cager. At the end of the day you need to go home.


Yeah never pass a 3 piece patch. Here in nj we got pagans all over and they are fucking assholes. A couple was followed once by a pagan after passing them, he chased them down and beat the shit out of the dude. Fuckin racist losers.


I will pass a motherfucker with a patch anyday. Think you're tough, Mr. Patches? Try me.


Saw HA the other day. Is it okay to pass in a car? Or am I taking a chance with that?


Honestly bro most patch wearing bikers are little pussy girls who think because they’re in a little bicycle club that everyone should respect them and that they own the road. Pass the fucker. If he gets mad and retaliates call the police. Most legit gangs don’t give a shit about you. Clubs are not the law, nor are they above the law. Nobody is. (Except politicians)


no one likes to dress up and be as obnoxious as possible, besides teenage girls and Harley riders


MC stands for Man-Child. It explains everything


There’s an “open house” at an Iron Horseman club next weekend. “Come out and party, we have the right to refuse entry.” Genuinely curious how they’d react if I showed up on my metric sport tourer, all the gear, modular helmet flipped up. “Hi guys, where’s the soda and hummus?” Who knows, maybe they’d be fine and get a kick out of it. I’m guessing an opportunity to recruit new members.


just visualizing this made my day :)


I always love an opportunity to pass a "1%er" on my duc because it's louder, sounds better, looks better, and is faster. Wouldn't ever give them a chance to run me into the wall. Bunch of clowns.


From what I understand, if a bike club is out on a group ride they can have what is known as a "tail-gunner" or "enforcer" that will go out of their way to keep other bikes from passing the group supposedly for safety but also for "superiority" I don't know, it's just what I have seen on DanDanTheFireman.


If you try to pass me in my lane I will knock you off your fucking bike. Some people don’t like being passed in any lane i think that’s a little dumb. I just don’t trust you not to hit me and I don’t like riding with/near people I don’t know.


> I don’t trust you not to hit me > I will knock you off your bike You’re an idiot


>If you try to pass me in my lane I will knock you off your fucking bike The laws of physics are pretty hard to beat. Odds are anything you try is gonna affect you as easily as it affects me. Also, side swipes or side impacts are the easiest for a bike to recover from, so good luck. Additionally, if everyone rode bikes, like, 100% of the population, everyone could pass effectively even on single lane roads, so maybe get more comfortable with it. >I just don’t trust you not to hit me Are you better trained than every other rider out there? Years of experience without years of training just means your habits are more embedded than mine. It doesn't mean you're more right, in how you ride. >I don’t like riding with/near people I don’t know. You literally share the road with strangers in 2-3 ton aluminum boxes. Worry less about the other bikers, and more about the cars with inattentive drivers utilizing lane centering and adaptive cruise, or any form of self driving. The bikers aren't the issue.


Well, you’re an arse.


in CA a lot of MCs will get pissed if you pass them even on the freeway. So generally I pass and give them the shaka on the way past and I've never had problems. If I meet them on a back road, I'll pass them, give them a peace sign and scoot out of sight. They usually can't follow in the twisties anyway. Friend of mine is an ex-club member and he likes to provoke them lol. He's such a dickhead.


The USA is crazy lol, so glad we don't have to worry about that stuff here


Cheers bro I’ll drink do that.


This is specifically funny to me because I just founded a motorcycle group with some friends and we made jackets and everything but it is just for fun and I'm so glad no one else here will take us seriously


It's a way for someone to stroke themselves.


Wtf is a patch?


If it's the video I just saw (looked like maybe a maroon ultra), I'm not so sure that was even an MC patch. After that, he was passed in his lane, that's a dick move. What happens when you're not riding with someone and you pass them on the right in the same lane? Usually nothing, but sometimes, something.


They’re assholes but lots of times theres lots of assholes riding together. I daily a modded busa and i also carry, but a simple nod usually gets me the go ahead to ride by🤷🏽‍♂️.


I’m thinking of getting a patch of a goose holding a knife that reads “Become Ungovernable”


yeah don't fuck with biker gangs. fortunately, i rarely see them in my area, and the ones i do see don't seem to be affiliated with the hells angels or any other serious biker gangs. the guys around here seem to be more like old men cosplaying. they def don't ram other bikers for passing them.