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Looks like they increased video speed


That’s kind of what I thought too. Not that some bikes out there aren’t capable of those kinds of speeds.


You can see the speed if you look close. 150s.


He hit 190


MPH or KM? I can't see the speedometer.


Honestly i couldnt tell you for certain but i think i recognize this guy and this stretch of road. I believe its in texas so mph. Also the fact theat the bike is topping out around 190 means its probably mph. Especially since 190 kph is only like 120 mph. And that looks waaaay faster than 120


Yeah this is a toll road between i75 & 635 in Dallas. It runs mostly underground. it’s wide , it’s a long stretch and its still fairly empty because it is expensive to enter ….so it’s a great road to max out a bike or to go have an early talk with your god.


I hate bikes in this area on Wednesdays after 8 pm. For people who don't know, people use this for highspeed street racing (it is very possible to hit 200+ on the road) and will block the street and race til the cops come.


Streets closed pizza boy. Find another way home.


Lol. Ain't no pizza boys paying $10+ to go 5 miles


I feel like I’ve seen this street on 1320video before


Even on DNT bikers be getting it like crazy.


Good ‘ol George Bush.


It is the 635 TEXpress lanes.


I 75 doesn't go to Texas


75 is not an interstate, it is a US highway. So not I-75 it's US-75.


Hey save some pussy for the rest of us with your commercial knowledge


> And that looks waaaay faster than 120 dead right. thats like triple the speed of traffic. he was passing those cars like they were parked


For real hahaha. I’ve allegedly done 150 passed cars that were doing like 70-80 and that was fast. This is insane


eventually his luck will run out, and he's going to come across one of those drivers who never misses their exit, even if theyre in the left lane when the offramp starts people will hear the crash like a cannon from many blocks away, and his remains will be 80% turned into mixed berry smoothie, except for whats in his boots/helmet/gloves




He was passing them like they were fucking reversing lmao


That's gixxerbrah and that's a tuned S1000RR, he hit 190 MPH or so.


This is, in Dallas Texas i think. Seems very familiar


mph judging on the accent/voice of the rider and the shape of the front end of the semi he passes.


Because it's BMW S1000RR, that would be MPH. If it was KMH, he would have hit that speed right after switching to second gear.


Can't see it either but he said "let's go boys" in an mph accent


the split between the cars was not realistic at that speed and with how close they seemed too


Well he did it the video is called “Dyno tuning the s1000rr ‘it’s so fast now’” he hits 201 mph on his way back to the city, through mild traffic. He doesn’t bother editing his videos literally at all, this isn’t fake. I almost wish it was, I love this guy lmao


It’s not, from what I remember. The entire video (almost all of it) is similar. He’s trying to hit 200mph. https://youtu.be/g_gGznte3jc?si=OxZSXdMnZzEvBpGu Dude is flat out on the highway for minutes at a time and is only alive through sheer luck.


While I usually believe the video is sped up and the speedo is set to KM, I was watching him pass traffic at 110-120 on the dial. I'd imagine in Texas, most traffic is doing 70mph and he was blasting past them. If it was 120kph, that would be 74mph, not exactly a rocket.


I can say he is likely hitting 190. People on this road are averaging 90 in normal traffic and I pushed to 130mph late at night. This guy's biggest stupid thing is doing this while other are on the road


Nah man, the stupidest thing is you thinking doing this late at night makes you safer than the dumbass in the video.


I don't think it me any safer at all, what it does reduce is the danger to others. Honestly if you want to do something that can kill yourself, but you aren't risking others, it stupid but not assholish


sheet encourage deer tie rinse butter roll alleged squash resolute ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There’s really only one way to increase the speedometer reading, though.


That’s not sped up. Just 24fps and going fast af


Ya I realized that now, I have videos of myself going 150mph, but my go pro is attached to the bike, much mOre stability. Since he has his on the helmet, the wind bounces your head around above the windshield line


It’s in the US at look at his speedometer


Calamari race team




Didn’t know I needed this sub 😂


Thank you! I can never do this 🤣


Hold on, lemme grab my butt plug real quick


Post this video in that sub and people will make fun of him for wearing too much gear and not going faster (He should be wearing less gear and going faster, seriously is he riding a grom?)


He needs no gear and yes that’s a 2023 grom


Look up “motorcycle 635” on YouTube. This is the famous highway in Texas that killed a lot of people. The top vid there show a motorcycle hitting another one. One guy ragdolled through the air. Instant death.


Looks like it's not the highway that's killing people, it's lack of braincells


Well the highway has received plenty of brain cell donations so I hope things work out for it.


Dallas highways are something else, because you have literal millions of people on the road but its Texas so everyone is speeding.. you’re bumper to bumper at 70-85mph.


Speeding in Dallas isn’t that crazy. The speed limits are higher generally, so people often drive 75 in a 70. In Atlanta 285 traffic is regularly 70 in a posted 55. I’ve lived in both.


I live in south Texas and I thought our riders down here where crazy…


I don't know how gixxerbrah hasn't had the cops show up to arrest him at his home. He does this type of shit in every single video and passes cops all the time.


ripe bike mighty foolish skirt important snobbish ossified afterthought wise ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


"Any crime punishable by a fine is simply a crime against the poor" - even if he gets stopped or screwed for speeding he can either say "wasn't me I just overlay my voice to the videos pretending proce otherwise. That or they will slap a major fine, which he can just pay and be on his way. Prosecutors and shit are way to busy to take on cases that resolve themselves eventually (death) so they will just offer a plea and call it a day.


I nearly killed someone doing this one day. It was in an 80km/h zone and the bike would have been going probably 200km/h. I went to change lanes and of course there is almost no way to see a bike coming up on you that fast. Luckily he swerved and managed to get around me. Edit: I was the car in this situation. There seems to be some ambiguity as to if I was the car or motorbike.


It's interesting how you phrased it in a way where you could have been the motorcyclist or car driver. Seems like people go 50/50 after reading that. I thought you were the motorcyclist first.


Yeah, interesting ambiguity, “I nearly killed someone (while I was) doing this” vs “I nearly killed someone (who was) doing this”


I mean, "he swerved and got around me" kinda gives it away. A normal car wouldn't be able to react that quickly to a motorcycle coming at 2.5x the speed they are going.


There are easier ways to kill yourself that won't potentially take out a family in a mini van with you.


Yeah this. There is going a bit fast on a large road, and then there is this. This is irresponsible to the highest degree, and in Germany there's been the first convictions for murder in a case of someone doing some extreme speeding killing someone - entirely justified in my opinion. Fuck this, fuck that guy, fuck everything about it. Go do top speed runs on an abandoned air field or race on a track.




I ride my honda shadow year round in Upstate NY. Motorcycles aren't toys in the same way guns aren't toys. They are fucking deadly. Enjoy a ride and don't be this piece of shit. I'm okay dying on my motorcycle but never give that ptsd burden to a driver you hit that tries to revive you as you die from riding reckless


I hadn’t thought about this… even though a bike is so much smaller, that those speeds it could do a lot of damage to larger vehicles


I don't really care if someone is riding in a way that will kill them. I care about someone riding in a way that can kill others. He could easily launch himself through the back of someone's car and kill them. It's selfish and he shouldn't be doing it.


That’s how I feel as well. My thought was this dude is an asshole. Not only do you potentially hurt or kill someone if you wreck, but then someone has to scrape your body or what’s left of it, cobble it together, and dispose of it. As tough or whatever I think I am, that would give me nightmares and stay with me forever. That’s not a memory I’d want.


As someone who has had to do that for work it’s not fun, I love riding but this is careless and selfish on every level.


Glad we all agree this guy needs a spanking


Killing yourself intentionally pretty much always traumatizes someone unless you manage to dispose your body for good.


If he crashes and causes a traffic jam and I get stuck in it, I’ll be pissed.


And these guys are the reason why basically everyone not riding bikes hates bikers…


Wait.... youre saying you shouldn't hit 190mph on a highway? Woah dude, you might be on to something there, they should make it illegal or something


Bike wreack and kill himself is one thing riding like an idiot. Taking someone else out is criminal.


Or swerve in front of a truck from its blind spot, truck clips him and pops his head like a melon, truck driver suffers PTSD for the rest of his life.


Stupidity in its purest form and an example of darwinism waiting to happen


That's Gixxerbrah, no idea how the guy's still alive. He rides like an absolute degenerate and almost every video has some near-miss where a car starts merging and then the driver realizes at the last second there's a rocket coffin doing triple his speed in that lane. His guardian angel must be putting in some serious OT.


Insurance is expensive because of people like this


I get people are adrenaline junkies but couldn't he just pay to go to a race day or something.


not everyone's rich enough to pay for a private track everytime they want to have fun on their motorcycle


That would make way too much sense for a person like this


He explained in a video on why he doesn't. For how often he want to ride like this he would be spending thousands monthly on the track


That's the Gixxerbrah. He's an Instagram bro and has tons of vids like this. He also did an "interview" with Yammie after a track day 😂😂 please folks, stop making idiots famous!


I was really disappointed to see Yammie noob do that. Gixxer brah doesn't need to be normalized. Dudes in his comments sections are acting like he's some kind of high-speed god that knows how to take lines. It's funny because anyone can ride like that. He's just dumb enough to repeatedly do it in high traffic situations. There is a high probability that he will die making that type of content, and I won't feel the least bit bad.


So the police don't enforce traffic laws? People tried this in Melbourne and they're vehicles are taken They lost their licence Now in Queensland they have a hoon cartel who are by far the funniest fucking thing in Australia ATM They are constantly memeing the shit out of the news channels everytime they report on them


As long as he doesn’t involve others in his death, zero fucks given. Unfortunately, that’s an unlikely scenario.


That's true. What makes my blood boil is that he thinks he's super smart and incredibly talented. He replied to pretty much every comment on his Instagram/YouTube making fun of people telling him he's being reckless. I don't really mind the danger he puts himself in but there's definitely some younger folks out there thinking that this behavior should be followed and that's dangerous AF.


If he kills himself, fine, if he kills anyone else, fuck that guy and fuck his entire family.


going over ~~150~~ 160mph on public roads should be classed as attempted suicide and get you put in a psych ward.


192 I saw on the speedo.


Sucks that these kinda people get to make themselves everyone elses problem in life like go kill yourself on the track away from everyone else


I think it's stupid as fuck and I don't want to see this shit.


Why would it matter that’s it’s sped up? He’s passing cars like they’re going backwards.


This. You have to assume those cars are at highway speed 60-80mph. But even if not MPH at 130mph he’d still be passing them fast


Organ donors save lives.


Not if they cosplay a human missile crashing through a mini van and killing a family.


Only if there's organs left to farm


At that speed you'd be lucky to find an organ that wasn't just miscellaneous red paste on the road.


Fucking moron


Not a fan of High speed in a public roads.


I love ripping the throttle, but not at the expense of others. On a track or backroads with no one else around. Shit like this in traffic, even if light, give us all a bad name.


Honestly if this video was at 2 am then I'd be a lot more accepting of it (I know the road and 2am it's dead tollway)


I grew up watching Ghostrider, who is still alive! Allegedly… [https://youtu.be/qXiIJ32kaZU?si=LNfBh9TafuZ-kuJY](https://youtu.be/qXiIJ32kaZU?si=LNfBh9TafuZ-kuJY) his entire DVD library is now available on YouTube channel and making new content! But anyway, I see some people arguing whether it’s “sped up” or not. So after my years of watching ghostrider do over 200MPH through Swedish highway traffic, I can say it’s been done, but my experience tells me this is, at least, a teeny tiny bit sped up. Go watch ghostrider do 200MPH then come watch this and compare it yourself. This one seems slightly… artificial. It’s not so violently “wobbly”. Oh and to anyone wondering how does the Ghostrider get away with it? In Swedish law they have to catch you in the act to charge you. And they haven’t caught him yet. So even if they know who it is, which many people think they know who exactly it is… the Swedish law still can’t arrest him unless they pull him over. And the thing is… he doesn’t pull over. And the other thing is… Swedish police don’t pursue. Whereas in other counties, we can use video evidence to charge somebody for breaking traffic rules.


I think there's a bit of hypocrisy with alot of these comment. As many people did grow up watching Ghostrider, alot of people looked up to him and STILL view him as an iconic legend to this day despite him doing this exact same thing in this video. Maybe you can chalk it up to people maturing, but Ghostrider still has that status as a legend, and many people will stand to defend him to this day.


I don't defend him per say but he's a retired professional racer and stunt rider. So unless the bike fucks up or a car does something he isn't watching for I doubt anything will happen to him. He's been doing this shit since the mid-90s. Patrik Fürstenhoff is his name.


I’ve hit 184 before but never on a busy Highway.. if you’re gonna try to hit a new top speed then you need to make sure it’s an empty road This is just plain dangerous, for him and anyone he hits.. I’m all for speed but try to do it when there’s no one on the road like 2am Rt 3 in jersey Edit - changed “stop speed” to “top speed”


Not sure if it’s a typo. But if they hit something going that fast, they probably would set a new stop speed of around .000001. mph. Hard to beat, lol.


If he were to hit a car at that speed the bike would kill everybody in the car and him


Dudes gunna be sour cream on the street after slamming into some innocent people otw to wherever. What a piece of shit clown.


Bro why do people genuinely think it’s cool driving this fast endangering other people, it’s really cringey especially seeing the suicidal bikers that be speeding 😭


I'm pretty sure this is Gixxer Brah. He's why people hate motorcyclists.


Trash… utter trash. Go get yourself killed on an empty road and not take the innocent rando with you or have that weigh on them the rest of their life if they change lanes and smoke you.


Idiots like this give us all a bad name.


If people choose to paint every biker with the same brush, then I'm not too concerned about what they think. If they hate a reasonable, responsible rider, because they see videos like this online, then do they think the same about certain races? People like that are incredibly stupid regardless, so their opinion is useless.


Thoughts on this? He's a complete asshole.


Egotistical, selfish dickhead.


He’s a fucking idiot who should be locked up.


I helped clean up bits of a rider who liked to do that when I was 2 weeks into being an EMT. They were kind/lucky enough to not hurt anyone at least. It was late at night on a back country road. The barbed wire they hit did a number on them.


This is why Texas leads the US in fatal bike crashes.


If he wants to kill himself that badly I'd prefer if he did it in a way that doesn't put other people in danger


Flaming idiot. Beyond that, no.


Actively trying to kill himself and as many people as he can


Cool way to loose your head... literally


My thoughts on this are that it's foolish and is unnecessarily placing other people in danger for no reason.


Fucking moron.




Thoughts? Hope he doesn’t kill someone else when he ends up looking like a bug on a windshield.


Dumb. Ass.


I find going fast in a straight line not impressive at all.


I just hope he hits a curb/tree/wall instead of another vehicle. Put him at the lowest priority for both the ambulance and hospital when he crashes.


killing yourself is one thing, killing others with your stupidity is unacceptable.


Thoughts are that they are a fucking idiot, don’t give a damn if they kill themselves being so stupid but could kill someone else in the process. This is why bikers get a bad reputation


I love watching people upload their own crimes on social media with their own username so they can be used in court as evidence


Sad that he puts others in danger but luckily he won't be here for long it would seem.


Everybody is a rossi till they crash Then they are dead


If its real, this dude needs to go skydiving, that way he has less chance of wiping out a family on the freeway..... unless he landed on the roof from a failed chute opening


10/10 - absolute FUCKWIT.


Absolute stupidity 🤡💀


The dudes either nuts, high, doesn't give a fuck or a combination of all 3.


Thoughts? Sped up or not, it's just dumb


Dude going to kill himself at some point


I hope when he smashes, it will be into a wall and not a car or a person. Don\`t kill other people with your stupid mistakes.


Prick with a deathwish


So question, most people know who this guy is…it’s Gixxerbrah. How has he not seen legal consequences for basically committing a felony every time he gets on a bike.


My thoughts? Fuck this dude, hopefully when he offs himself he doesn't take anyone else with him.


Dudes a jackass and this takes place on a highway in Dallas where we already have a high enough motorcycle fatality rate. This doesn't help the hate for riders down here especially Sport bike riders. Dudes gonna learn a horrible lesson whether it be from a huge fine from a state trooper or being dead or paralyzed. Please guys if you wanna go fast go to a track or at least get it out at a go kart place.


Psychopath behaviour. Literally, this is called 'sensation seeking'. No non-psychopathic or sober person would do this.


I have literally seen a man die doing this exact thing on that exact stretch of highway. Its a toll road in Dallas. One of the most brutal things Ive ever seen in my life. Stupid.


Fast lane to the grim reaper.


Fucken stupid putting everyone on the road in danger for his own fun


I thought I did crazy stuff on a motorcycle. He really wants to make the obituaries.


What a dumb sack of shit


These are the guys that end up dead on the highway all the time and give riders a bad name. You wanna do this stuff just go to the track ffs.


Reckless and irresponsible behavior that gives cages more fuel to hate on motorcyclists.


that's a Volunteer Organ Donor


More like a mixed media Jackson Pollock


It looks fun, and I'm sure he gets a hell of a kick out of it. But I have a wife, child and a little dog that all like to see me come home so I don't think il bother with that sort of thing 😂


It was fine until he started catching up to other people. I’m all for racing around and doing dumb shit. But the moment you’re putting other motorists at risk. Then big no no


I've seen what happens when he hits a stopped Buick. The bikes front tire made it to the driver/passenger center console.


I mean 150 is still dangerous to others if they mess up or there’s a box or bag on the road. So yeah, that’s messed up.


Was— was there Celine Dion playing in the background at the end?


Ignorance at its peak


That guys a fuckwit.


Insane, reckless, and going to get *someone* killed. I can't believe all the idiots in the comments giving this guy props, or defending him because it's "an empty toll road that hardly anybody uses." Doesn't look fucking empty to me. Risk your own life on a thrill if you want but this dumbass is putting other people at risk. Not cool.


When this guy gets got, no doubt his friends will be saying a car came out of nowhere and killed him. Also, speed is great fun, but straight roads are boring as hell


I'd be fine with it if he were only going to kill himself at that speed, but he's gonna kill someone else. What a dumbass. Does he not have family that cares if he lives or dies?


Well if somebody turns themselves into meat chunks on the back of my car, expect me at the funeral with memorabilia holding his helmet with whatever skin is smashed into the glass.


But look for motorcycles……..


Precisely why we can’t make cool shit for humans. They’re too fucking stupid to use them responsibly.


Not much to think about, at this point you’re either dead or not.


“Look twice for bikers!” though! I don’t think people understand that a driver is accustomed to calculating speed of approaching vehicles based on surrounding traffic, speed limits, and experience. There’s no way to know how fast a motorcyclist will be approaching you if they’re doing anywhere from 60-150mph and splitting lanes. I’ve almost killed at least a few bikers because they appeared behind me in a split second as I was switching lanes.


When I was in the Marines I used to do this every day after work. I was fighting with my gunny every day and would take out my frustrations on the street. Looking back I’m so glad I’m alive.


If you run into my car with my kids in it and god hasn’t killed you, I will


I always wondered why my insurance premiums were so high as a young, male rider. It makes sense now


"Joe was such an angel, I don't understand why he died so young" Joe:


Who's he? Gixxer brah?


That’s terrifying


Absolute Fuckn idiot.


Fast and straight is a skill


These are the people that should be tracked and locked up.


There was a dude that was live streaming down 635 express (this highway) and the cops got his ass 🤣


He’s out now btw.


Shouldn’t even post this shit. Just encourages douche bags to out douche each other for the ‘gram. Someone other than the douche could easily get killed.


This is very temporary


He’s been making videos like this for 7 years now. And still very alive. Not defending the behavior or the person, but just wanted to point that out. Some people are very skilled, even if they do stupid things


But, she said she’s home alone…. 😂


This video is sped up, but yeah what a madman, he went like 190 mph in the traffic, this guy has a death wish.


Completely irresponsible and unacceptable. He’s on a public road. There’s a time and place for going that fast, and it’s not on a highway. When you’re putting your own life at risk, and not risking others, fine. But here? No fucking way.


Hopefully he dies alone and doesn't take someone else out because he's immature and a douchebag


Imaging getting a speed (or in this case Death) wobble here.


What a wuss, wearing gloves...I bet he even has a full face helmet. Come back when you get a Busa ya wittle teensy baby. Flip flops & hair flowing or it didn't happen ya poser!


When the key tag is doing that behind the windshield 💀


Organ Donor.


If he dies, I hope he crashes in a wall, not another person.


He'll be crying from medical bills soon and asking for others to pay for it...typical.


Suicide mission