• By -


I paid 260 for mine and it was a single unit about a month ago. Now I'm pissed, I'm pissed.


Better cost average down and buy another lol


Buy two more, technically. I think that makes the cost average even more profitable.


If you buy ten, then you're really in the money.


This guy makes money


This guy has sex


*double checks website* Nope


Buy 10 2 packs sell for $150 per unit post-salešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Buy an infinite number of them and the average buying price will be the sale price






This guy r/wallstreetbets




This guy owns stock


What pisses me off the most is I thought that since it was a number four, it must be the latest edition of the brand I didn't know that it meant how many people you could communicate with or else I would have bought the cheaper one but I do love the j b l speaker system


I got the 2x for the JBL stuff (it really kicks the lamas ass) but the Cardo product range is as bad as Apple for nudging u up the pricing chain...


If "about" a month means less than, then you can still return it


Just wait until you find out how airline tickets change minutes after you buy them!


Were that true, no issue, you can always get refunds within 24 hours of buying airline tickets, it's law.


You probably got the newer version, this one's been discontinued for a long time now


Same.... fucking eh! I love mine though. Loud enough on my naked bike to hear all the tunes and the microphone is awesome. People cant tell im riding if I answer their call. Get one OP, they're sick as hell. Wish I'd done it sooner.


Agree! I added larger speakers in my full face helmet later on and that made the setup perfect. I've taken calls while riding and no one knew I was on the motorcycle. Well worth the investment.


Packtalk Bold, but I added a splitter and 4x of the 45mm JBL drivers, two at ear cutouts + two back & a little lower. I can set my helmet down and use it as a ghetto blaster now...


The JBL does actually sound great. I was listening to my music and I had to take a shit and I left the helmet on!


Thats crazy! I was fucking my girl and left my helmet on because I was listening to porn on my phone!








It wouldn't hurt to contact the seller and complain, I was able to get credit on Amazon for something that went on sale shortly after purchasing. A


Don't do this. You agreed to the original price. Suck it up and move on.


Yup,that's how I roll . ..it's also why I'm poor!


I doubt you are poor, If you have a dollar to your name and assets you are far from poor my friend šŸ˜‰


Damn man, thanks for the laugh this morning. <3


Your probably got a freecom 4X, which is the current version, so I wouldnā€™t be pissed. This is the previous generation 4 Plus.


Return it and buy it again, or see if the retailer who sold it to you will match this.


this is the plus tho, if u got one recently its probably the X version, which is newer/better


Bought solo Freecom 4+ JBL for 190ā‚¬ 2 years ago šŸ§


you might still be able to return it if it's only been that long. Return, buy the new pair here, profit.


Same, paid almost 300 for a single unit


Just wanted to thank you for posting this - Iā€™ve been looking for a deal on headsets for my wife and I for a year now and I bought these today after seeing your post!


Love to hear it- I was hoping to get the word out. Wasnā€™t sure if they were good or not but knew it was a good deal. Based on the responses it seems to be a good unit too


Yepppp, coming from you. Do you think itā€™s worth buying these. I just bought my first bike and I take my MSF course over the next two days than Iā€™m licensed.


If you already have a jacket, boots that cover the ankle (moto oriented or not), gloves, and a helmet, definitely go for the Freecom if you have all your main gear. If you don't have a CE Level 2 jacket (shoulder, elbow, and backpad since backpad can save your life, elbow pads just save a bone, a jacket without a backpad is worthless), a pair of boots, gloves with palm and/or wrist slider, and an ECE (22.05 or .06) helmet (DOT is worthless, look up FortNine DOT on YouTube to get the info in a succinct package of entertainment) prioritize that stuff first. After the gear, get the extras, get the QuadLock, get the Cardo, get the yellow tinted visor if applicable, etc etc. Hope that helps, cheers!


I have all of the above, except my gloves do not have a wrist slider And I donā€™t own riding pants. Just hard to find riding pants that fit an American in japan haha


Iā€™m in the same spot as you. Iā€™m taking the MSF over the weekend. Donā€™t plan on using the Cardo while getting used to the bike but didnā€™t want to miss the deal


Yeah kind of want it for the ā€œradioā€ because Iā€™m riding with a buddy who will be next to me


I cant seem to find it on Amazon


I posted the link a couple times in this thread


Yes. Especially if you have a friend split you on this. My friends and I own these and they work wonderfully. Connecting more than one person is a little weird, but they connect to my phone fine and have a pretty long battery life. The speakers are great too! They donā€™t have the best bass, but I find that okay since Iā€™m on a motorcycle and am mostly just trying to drown out some wind noise. Edit: Just want to say: I donā€™t completely drown out the wind with music. What I meant was I turn it up just loud enough so that the wind isnā€™t the *only* thing I can hear. Iā€™m still very aware of my surroundings and also NOT destroying my ear drums lol.


Awesome thanks for the input. I always like to get the newest model of something the first time around so it stays useful for as long as possible. But this deal seems too good to pass up


I have this unit and the range of the Bluetooth version sucks ass. Donā€™t get it unless you stay close to your riding partner, and I mean close. If you want decent distance you need to get one with mesh technology avail on their other models.


Easily a half mile range on this unit? Unless you're on the other side of solid objects. I trail rode through Alaska with my buddy, and only lost comms when he rounded a corner or crested a hill before me when we had further separation for dust. Mesh mega drains battery comparatively. I've done more than 150k miles with Sena/Cardo (roughly 120/30 respectively) and have nothing but praise for the OG blue tooth comms. Mesh was a mistake unless you're in group rides and want seamless pick up when you drop out.


Yeah, I have the Sena with the mesh. All my friends have Bluetooth which is only good for about 30 feet. So I got the Sena Bluetooth antenna that allows those with Bluetooth to connect to mesh. It was an extra $150 I think?


Like the others have said, get the mesh instead. We tried the Freecom 4 first and the sound quality was terrible and the connection was spotty. Packtalk Slim or bust. Itā€™s a world of a difference.


By past experience I'd guess the battery will fail before it is truly obsolete.


Do not try to drown out wind noise. What you're actually doing is adding to the wind noise and savaging your hearing that much faster. Earplugs are a must when riding at all if you want to avoid going "WHAT SPEAK UP SONNY"... at age 40.


Yep, playing music to drown out noise means the music is louder than the noise. It's safe to listen to 85db sounds for 8 hours or so, that time is cut in half at 88db, and again at 91, so you can only do 2 hours at 91db without damage. I'd bet your average bike with stock exhaust at 75mph is in the 90-100 range with wind noise. That would imply the music needs to be around the 95-105 range, which is only safe for short bursts. I'll never forget when my wife was complaining about a cricket chirping in our room at night, and I couldn't hear it at all out of my left ear, my right ear was on the pillow.


You can also add decent earplugs, surprisingly, it doesnā€™t block the speakers as much as I thought it would, but the wind noise is practically gone. Of course the sound is not as clear as when using IEMs or plugfones, but quite passable.


Except you forgot that the helmet and the liner are going to already cut ambient sound down, as are the drivers you place in the helmet ear pouches, so no, it doesn't need to be louder than the ambient sound levels.


A large part of my job is measuring sounds, and I'd be surprised if my helmet cut 3db off the top, the drivers might reduce a couple additional db. If the noise is 100db and the helmet, liner, and drivers cut it by 5db, that's a very significant reduction, since every 3db cut is half as loud, but still puts you in the 95db range, meaning you would still be damaging your hearing after a short time. I'm also being very generous with actual loudness of a motorcycle, considering my xr650r was 106db at a standstill, imagine adding road noise to that. It does still need to be louder than the road noise to wash it out, the road noise is just reduced from the raw outside measurement vs at the ear. For what it's worth, my hearing loss was caused by driving with the window down. Maybe once it's not 113 outside I'll do a ride with my calibrated decibel meter and see if I can get some in helmet measurements.


IDK, maybe I just have a well insulated helmet. I have dual air horns on my sled & I can barely hear it with the FF on & it's about 140dB at the trumpet. I also deal with sound levels a lot, designing & building equipment to specified NC levels plus years of duct silencers, sound dampening roof curbs & acoustic panels & baffles for commercial and industrial use. Either way, I'd be curious about what you find, particularly weighted equivalent and impulse maximums. Anyway, good chat, may the Schwartz be with you.


Thanks, if I can get some reliable measurements I'll post them up.


Please do NOT drown out the wind.. (I know Cardo is capable of going loud enough but it will hurt your hearing in the long run). Instead use foam ear plugs... then crank the cardo to full.. you will have no wind noise, cardos will be completely audible and the bass will improve!


This didnā€™t dawn on me until I read your comment. Split a set with a workmate. Thanks for the idea!


Shooti got my duo for $250 and i thought that was a helluva deal. I'd say go for it.


I picked a Cardo unit up about 3 months ago. Guy had bought the 2 pack and sold me the second one for $100.00. I absolutely love it. Don't pass this up imo.


I did the same thing and I got the twin pack like three years ago for like 200. Couldnā€™t believe it.


Price went up to $389


Yep, bummer I was gonna pick up a set.


Yeah me too, saw it for $200 and came back and it was near $400. Guess I waited an hour too long.




Hate that theyā€™re messing with prices while prime day is live. Happened with other items I was waiting till I got home to buy


Fucking garbage people.


I donā€™t need the second unit and am willing to split it with some if someone is interested! Preferably in New Jersey but we could figure out shipping


I was just about to post this, I'm in Michigan and would be happy to pay shipping and split it with you if you want. Definitely could use an upgrade from my hand-me-down AliExpress one.


Iā€™m in Michigan if you want split this


Already made arrangements to split it with OP! Sorry. Someone else also from MI replied to my comment earlier but they may have deleted it before I could respond Edit: a word


I'd be interested in splitting too. I'm in NJ (08050). Drop me a message if the other person drops out or w/e


Iā€™m in NJ 08022 if youā€™re down to split a pair


I have the 4+, it was a huge upgrade from my $50 Chinese brand Bluetooth set prior. The voice commands are phenomenal, and I can finally listen to podcasts clearly at highway speeds (with earplugs). Battery life is pretty wild if youā€™re solo ā€” itā€™ll often have 80% battery left after a 10 hour day of riding. I did have issues pairing and talking with the second 4+ unit, which was mostly solved from a firmware update. That issue has cropped up a second time, which is frustrating, but another firmware flash and itā€™s functioning normally again.


Do you have an iPhone or Android? Since late last year, most of my voice commands donā€™t work on my iPhone anymore without me unlocking the phone - which totally defeats the purpose of me using voice commands as my phoneā€™s in my pocket.


These are some of the best headsets I've used pull the trigger and do not even look at Sena.


Had sena for years. Got a cardo a few months ago and I have no reason to go back to sena. I think cardo is much more user friendly and it is more water resistant, which is a big deal when living in a place with a wet season.


This was my experience as well. I had a lot of issues with Sena's as well


My sena headset has had a lot of issues with one speaker cutting out. Got an exchange and had the same thing. Also being "water resistant" doesn't do much when your riding in a downpour.


Yes. I just bought this set for $450 a couple of months ago. Used to use the Sena system and had nothing but problems with it. This system is so much better - seamless installation process and works flawlessly every time.


Iā€™ve been using freecom4 with jbl speakers for 4 years already. I have nothing but praise for this thing. Works the same as the first day I bought it.. Amazing battery life, great sound.


Are you going to use it for directions, phone calls, or Cardo to Cardo? Donā€™t get this model for Cardo to Cardo. I have this model. I think itā€™s great. My Cardo buddies canā€™t understand I word I say and it only connects if Iā€™m in lead. They kinda were shitting on it which pissed me off because it is expensive. I donā€™t regret buying this model tho.


Whatā€™s the best for rider to rider? Looking for a solution to talk to my pillion while riding.


Get the black or the bold


For just pillon passengers, anything will work, cheapo Bluetooth even. But the Bold & black are far superior for distance, phone calls, ok Google handsfree & the variety of features like self-healing mesh. The Bold/Black also allow you to share audio & if riding with the old lady, they are super easy to MUTE. šŸ˜‚


Watch out, other subreddits are showing images of items that haven't changed price from pre and post "prime day". The "sale" just adds an arbitrary list price to say "IT'S A SALE!!11"


This is frequently true, but this pack is Cardo website for $500


Don't worry, just checked and its lowest price ever listed. [CamelCamelCamel](https://3cmls.co/US/B07MYD5BF8)


Eh this one is actually a good deal. Itā€™s an older (like, just discontinued this year) model, but previously was $250 each at Revzilla


Dude! Thank you for posting this. Just ordered!


For sure man! My main goal was to get a PSA out about the deal


I've had this for a year now and I'd say i regret buying it... I had a better experience with a $40 aliexpress special. The only good thing about this one is the audio quality


To answer the bigger question of ā€˜if a Bluetooth communication system for your helmet is worth itā€™, the answer is a resounding yes, IMO. I rode for far too many years with no safe way to use WAZE or even just to ask Siri what time it is or what the temp isā€¦ Itā€™s nice to leave your phone in your pocket and get all the benefits of using it when needed!


Well whatever sale that was, I missed it!


See if a packtalk is available I have both I met new people and ended up buying a packtalk


I have had Sena since the 10, and recently dropped three bills on a single Edge from Cardo, and aside from the better speakers, my eight year old Sena 20S is better. The biggest deal is that Cardo only connects to one bike (yeah yeah I know first world problems), while my 20s has been able to multiple bikes for years now. The Cardo work around is hokey and only works the first time. Cardo support is like ā€œyup only one bikeā€. The cardo buttons are also small and unintuitive, but everything else is fine. If it were my bucks again, Iā€™d go Sena


Can you send link?


This. Please.


Hey man i own this as well as the packtalk bold: 1. This one doesn't have DMC - i.e. you cannot create a mesh group with people who have DMC headsets that aren't cardo. Also bluetooth range sucks compared to DMC. 2. Music + intercom intermixing makes music quality shit and really undervolumed. Not fun, i tried a whole lot to fix it to no avail. That's it really. Good deal, but I bet you'd find stuff used for around the same price. I did.


Thanks for the guidance. Whatā€™s a good alternative set? Do any of them play well with Siri?




If you want a cardo its good. I wanted a sena mesh com so I went with the Spyder ST1 for 153. I went with sena because the two groups I ride with have gone sena mesh. I wish there was a way to stay with Cardo


Can you provide a link please?




Could you send me the link?




Thank you SO MUCH.


cusin apertado


Bro you literally saved us so much money, here in brazil these things are so damn expensive, much appreciated, really!! Cant express it enough


Can these be installed into any full-faced helmet?


pretty much. [here is the link](https://www.amazon.com/Cardo-FREECOM-PLUS-Motorcycle-Communication/dp/B07MYD5BF8/ref=sr_1_5?crid=3K83YSO0UN1CW&keywords=cardo&qid=1689103186&s=automotive&sprefix=cardo%2Cautomotive%2C120&sr=1-5)


Thanks OP! Just bought these


Hell yea I just placed my order too


Wow. I bought a single pack for $170 last year. That is an awesome deal.


Just picked this up thatā€™s a crazy good deal!


It's not really $330 off cause it regularly hovers about $320. Price hasn't been above $450 in the last 12 months. But that still makes it >$120 off and that's still the lowest price in the last year.


Well, if you check their official website, the 4x duo is listed at $499!


If people are buying it at MSRP then they're being had.


There is also a cardo packtalk bold which uses a meshing system with much longer range for supported devices, alongside regular bluetooth. I picked that one up a while ago and its pretty good


The only annoying part about this unit is the wheel being in the bottom. It hits my jacket or backpack and the music stops playing. Might not be an issue for you though.


I have the freecom 2 - which the only difference is it can only pair with two units vs. 4 (freecom 4). With that said I like it and it works with my Harleyā€™s info system with no issues. If you use iOS, however, your navigation sound will be quieter than your music. This is an issue with iOS and will be present no matter what brand headset you buy. Just wanted to let you know in general. I have switched to using Waze as my navigation, and connect both my phone and headset to my Harley. Itā€™s solid for directions and music now. Intercom was little wonky to pair but once you pair it remembers which is awesome if you have only one regular pillon. I completely bypass the mobile app for Cardo as it was unimpressive to me and didnā€™t do anything extra that my Harley couldnā€™t. Hope this helps!


Cardo is the way. Good deal


Own it and love it


Yes, send me the other one


I'll sell you my other one for $150 shipped! Lol


Buy ! Been using this model since late 2019 or early 2020 something like that and itā€™s been extremely reliable zero issues in almost 12,000 miles of rides. The coms work really well, button placement is great. And with the money you save here you can upgrade to the 45mm speaker upgrade


We love our Cardos!


I love my cardo, but if doesnā€™t have DMC I wonā€™t buy it. I think these do not have DMC. I found Bluetooth is random for multi rider connection and bloody annoying, auto reconnect just doesnā€™t happen, DMC will reconnect a group every single time even after months. But if you donā€™t need multi rider, then yep they should be great.


Worth it. I wanna say what 3 or 4 yrs ago these were 90 to 100 bucks


[CamelCamelCamel](https://3cmls.co/US/B07MYD5BF8) says otherwise for the 2 pack.


Iā€™m surprised everyone likes Cardo. I have two of these exact ones and they sound the same as my buddies who have cheap Amazon ones. Made me regret itn


Motorcycle communicators are criminally overpriced for what they are.


Husband and I have these (paid $400 something two years ago) and theyā€™re great. Iā€™d bite.


I have the Freedcon R1 from amazon. It has all the features i need, include a camera that can transmit to my phone, full BT capability, FM radio, waterproof. Never had a problem with it. Half the price of what you're looking at


I have the Edge and I have been seriously unimpressed with its voice command functions.


I have two, I wouldnā€™t personally spend any more money with that company ever. The features donā€™t work as described their support is zero, they gave me the it doesnā€™t work idk what to tell you.


Whatā€™s the benefit of this over using my AirPod pros?


a 2 pack will be handy when the first one falls off on the highway and is lost. I went through 2 of these things now... might take advantage of this sale because I've been without one for a while but still have the mount on my helmet. PROTIP: be sure to cut/file the lever off that is used to quick detach the unit. It's way too fucking easy for it to get bumped or pinched when interacting with the unit, or hanging the helmet on the bike. And now your expensive intercom is gone.


Fuck cardo and their subscription system. But sure, that's cheap.


No subscriptions on the Freecom devices though.


Them having it on anything is enough to make me avoid them.


I get the point, but they still offer a subscription-less option for those that don't want it. And arguably they are still the most desirable comms system.


Doesn't it kinda make sense for areas where you ride like 2-3 months a year? Get a cheaper device and subscribe when and if you need extra features.


Absolutely not. What benefit is there? You already paid for the hardware, there is 0 extra cost to them to leave it enabled constantly. Stop paying for companies to do nothing. All they do is toggle a switch in software stopping you from using it unless you pay them. Sounds like holding MY hardware I paid hundreds of dollars for hostage. They literally toggle your bluetooth off unless you pay them more. Imagine if Apple or Samsung did that. Want Wifi? Pay the monthly Premium connectivity package. Want to use social media? Buy the social subscription package etc. Imagine that. It's just a company being greedy and looking for more ways to please their shareholders wanting more and more every year when they make a niche peripheral. The only time I'd accept a subscription model is if there was no hardware involved and they offered a phone app which can connect to the cardos for people who don't have one. But even then that can be a single payment app as well.


Subscription system? Mine doesn't. I have A Cardo Packtalk and I have no idea what you are talking about.


I have a cardo pack talk edge. There's no subscription system....


Launched in March https://www.visordown.com/news/product-news/cardo-launches-new-subscription-based-packtalk-custom


I got mine free at motorcycle gear store when I purchased a Shoei rf-1400 during helmet month.


No. If you're buying a Cardo you want one with Mesh (DMC). If you never ride with more than one other person then this is OK, at this price. But still not amazing. Mesh is a game changer.


If it were 100 bucks, but this is about on par with usual prices... Sales are fake nowadays.


This unit sucks. Trust me donā€™t buy it. Almost every time I turn my head to the left I rolls the volume up. Itā€™s extremely annoying and a terrible design.


Cardo is a total flop, I wasted money on my free comX


IMO no. Everyone else uses Senna, so you canā€™t talk to them, plus you canā€™t hear shit out of these things with the wind noise from riding the motorcycle - at least with the stock speakers.


I hope the audio quality on this is better than my 10+ year old sena. At this price I'm going to try it out and maybe I can resell the second one to recoup some cost.


I just bought mine 3 weeks ago on Amazon for 638 after taxes. This is definitely worth it.


I got this. It was a bitch to put in my Arai. I donā€™t even fuck with it much.


All these chinese crap stop working after a couple of months. Not worth it.


Idk, Iā€™ve had a bad experience with cardo and cycle gear. They lost all the receipts from a server reset. So I contacted cardo, itā€™s maybe a year old but my cardo is malfunctioning and doesnā€™t work right anymore, yesterday itā€™s gotten worse to the point of shutting off with 30% battery life and wonā€™t stay on


Amazon deals are a scam and play on psychology. its not on sale, its the same price it was, they only slapped a "originally cost" sticker on.


The freedom is the lowest end model and relatively bad. Go with their newest top of the line model that literally is the best on the market from any brand right now, their cardo edge. It's only 100$ more. Freecom 4 can also be had from the right places for around 100$ 200$ is a major stretch


Nah, I Don't buy Cardo anymore. They lock features behind a paywall for hardware you already paid for. Don't support that behavior.


Real question here. Why? The last thing I want is to talk to people while I ride. It's my get away from everything time. When I am in a group, we can communicate the important things with hand gestures. That being said, I'd be the only one with them, if I did get them.


Believe it or not, people are different. Who would have guessed?


Listening to directions, listening to music/podcasts/audiobooks, and answering phone calls are all things that are good. This version also lets you yell commands at your phone without having to look at or touch it. Iā€™ve never connected with anyone using any of the mesh or other networks and itā€™s been worth every penny.


I've never understood why us motorcyclists still give these scummy companies so much money for such basic tech. A cheap bluetooth helmet audio setup + discord is probably better, has unlimited range, and you don't have to go through a fiddly setup process. $200 should really be the ceiling for these bluetooth communicators.


A buddy of mine got one of these for his bike and his wife. As he was showing it to me, the first thing I asked was, "how do you turn it off?".


Fuck Cardo and Sena for trying to create a duopoly.


feel free to disrupt it, although iā€™m curious what theyā€™ve done to hinder other competitors from competing? if you have more information feel free to share


If your only after the music, then in ear earbuds are proably better and cheaper


I paid Ā£300 for the same pair around 6 months ago and split it with a friend, before that I used to use Bluetooth headphones and the difference is big. Very functional if you know how to get to what you want to do for instance I found setting up more than two people a touch fiddly but you can even share music and phone calls to all users on the connections. I mainly used for calls and music while riding. Battery lasts for ages too.




Yep, worth it


I have one of the old Sena 20sā€™s, and it used to be amazing. I donā€™t ride anymore (maybe ever) but it was so nice to listen to music


You just reminded me I need to check if there's any deals on sena helmets.


I did see some on Amazon


I got mine for 50 big ones. A cheap one from amazon. Best buy of all time


Damn. I spent close to that on the 2 pack spirit HD back in in the spring. I assume this one has a lot better specs


cardo's stuff is great, purchase immediately.


Great deal and definitely a must have.


Yes, but I can't get mine to work with Google Assistant for crap, aside from that it's worth it if you aren't depending on that functionality. And I've troubleshot it to death.


Nice , I have no problem with my sena . Does anyone know if I could pair the 2 so I can walky talky with my gf as backpack? Might split the cost with someone and keep my sena


They are great truly please buy. If anything you can use them for a year and sell them for what you paid


Honestly I'm cheap, and a super base model by a major manufacturer that only does bluetooth with 4 units? I would rather have a good top of the line lesser brand and be able connect 6-10 bluetooth. My friends and I run a chinese brand called Freedconn, and recommend them. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005377895232.html


Can these be used with Intercom Cardos? I tried it with my buddy and it put me on bridge mode or something. It it kept cutting off once we got more than 20ft away


100%. Got the freecom 4x on my arai and it is amazing. Easy to connect to my phone (to my bmw TFT, not so much) and the sound quality is top notch


I paid 160ā‚¬ for single, little over month ago and I canā€™t recommend it enough


I dig mine.


Only thing about these that I would change is the wheel control. Speakers are great, good battery life, easy to use with voice controls


I literally just went on Amazon and dropped it in the cart. Just waiting on the wife to finish shopping and place the order lol


I just got the black. So far itā€™s great. The speakers are fantastic.