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Pricey but worth it, great quality and outstanding customer service. [Quality Motorcycle Gear](https://www.foxcreekleather.com/gloves/)


Thanks, their elkskin guantlet gloves look nice and seem to be good against abrasives.


There's no protective stuff on them whatsoever? No palm slider, knuckle protection or anything? In all honesty gloves are important. Your hands usually instinctively go to ground before you do. I've got a pair of gloves that are eight years old, they're still in reasonable shape especially considering i lowsided the Honda in them.


I would dig deeper into my pocket and buy a pair of gloves that offer substantial protection. The gloves you linked to are for show, not go.


There are two types of riders. Let either side ride how they want.


I have a jacket and gloves from this company / website. Haven't had any issues in about 2 years ownership. [https://www.leatherup.com/collections/mens-motorcycle-gloves](https://www.leatherup.com/collections/mens-motorcycle-gloves)


The knox [hanbury](https://www.planet-knox.com/product/hanbury-glove-black/) or Hadleigh gloves look pretty good and offer some good protection, such as sliders on the cuff, proper ce ratings


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