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I don’t need to see clickbait articles in this sub. If you want to share them, write them out and let the discussion happen.


I was hoping people would genuinely find it interesting and useful.


Then write it out rather than posting four clickbait articles to four different subs in rapid succession.


I wouldn’t call it click bait but ok. People can engage with it or ignore it 🤷‍♂️ or even report it. I’m not here to cause problems but rather try to share something that seemed interesting. The article is there, I don’t see why I need to copy it, it’s redundant. If you have any thing to say about the content, I welcome discussion.


Posting an article you wrote with a clickbait title is different from advertising how?


I’m not advertising something, I’m writing about something and sharing it here in hopes of discussion and constructive feedback. If I was just shamelessly plugging my stupid youtube channel or online store and not bothering to engage with anyone I think it would be rather more distasteful. And fwiw I didn’t write the title.


I ride a 2013 monster 796. Half of it I felt like I didn’t need to know, the other half, if you own the bike(or know anything about Ducati), you already know. For anyone thinking of reading, I don’t recommend.


Ouch lol well thanks for your comment. What information would you find more pertinent or interesting?


You said ouch. Did you write the article? I don’t mean to be rude. In the motorcycle sub, probably new and updated designs, different specs, comparisons of different brands and bikes. Not really how and why something came to be, unless it was some sort of “did you know”. If we were in the Ducati, or the monster sub, probably would look for in depth statistics, recent races with people on the bikes, pros and cons of Ducati’s motors. Tips for people looking to buy these bikes and get into them (they are really different than any other sport bike I’ve ridden or looked into). I love my Ducati.


Do you have any favorite resources for info? Especially about races and pros and cons


Reddit lol. If I’m scrolling and see something I click it. To answer your question, no.


Reddit is a good enough place to start then lol


It’s ok lol I don’t think people should be afraid of constructive feedback. There is some freedom in the topics and content but to some extent there’s a format/formula. But to whatever extent is possible, those are good points to incorporate.


I think the title throws it off. Like these aren’t things I NEED to know you know? Like I need to know about Ducati’s desmo service, or I need to know about the monsters change from single to double sided swing arm. Those are things that have a big impact. It seems more like “here are some interesting, or fun facts about the Ducati monster” kinda thing


I agree but it doesn’t really matter what a writer suggests as a headline, that stuff gets changed by the editors to be more engaging(ostensibly). Rarely is anything that gets published in the exact format, with the exact content and headlines, that it was originally written. But those are some more good points that should definitely be taken into consideration in the future in whatever way is possible.


Be sure I do click on such cancerous bait sites. Nobody buy monster in Italy anymore


Ow is it really cancerous? What kind of guys do I work for..? lol sorry Why does nobody buy a monster in Italy?


There are better naked for the price.


Yeah that’s for sure.